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import bpy
import typing , enum
from . import UTIL_functions , UTIL_virtools_types
# Annotation
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g_Annotation_VXMESH_LITMODE : dict [ int , UTIL_virtools_types . EnumAnnotation ] = {
UTIL_virtools_types . VXMESH_LITMODE . VX_PRELITMESH . value : UTIL_virtools_types . EnumAnnotation ( " Prelit " , " Lighting use color information store with vertices " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXMESH_LITMODE . VX_LITMESH . value : UTIL_virtools_types . EnumAnnotation ( " Lit " , " Lighting is done by renderer using normals and face material information. " ) ,
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# Raw Data
class RawVirtoolsMesh ( ) :
# Instance Member Declarations
mLitMode : UTIL_virtools_types . VXMESH_LITMODE
# Default Value Declarations
cDefaultLitMode : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_virtools_types . VXMESH_LITMODE ] = UTIL_virtools_types . VXMESH_LITMODE . VX_LITMESH
def __init__ ( self , * * kwargs ) :
# assign default value for each component
self . mLitMode = kwargs . get ( ' mLitMode ' , RawVirtoolsMesh . cDefaultLitMode )
# Blender Property Group
class BBP_PG_virtools_mesh ( bpy . types . PropertyGroup ) :
lit_mode : bpy . props . EnumProperty (
name = " Lit Mode " ,
description = " Lighting mode of the mesh. " ,
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items = UTIL_virtools_types . EnumPropHelper . generate_items (
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UTIL_virtools_types . VXMESH_LITMODE ,
) ,
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default = UTIL_virtools_types . EnumPropHelper . to_selection ( RawVirtoolsMesh . cDefaultLitMode )
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# Getter Setter
def get_virtools_mesh ( mesh : bpy . types . Mesh ) - > BBP_PG_virtools_mesh :
return mesh . virtools_mesh
def get_raw_virtools_mesh ( mesh : bpy . types . Mesh ) - > RawVirtoolsMesh :
props : BBP_PG_virtools_mesh = get_virtools_mesh ( mesh )
rawdata : RawVirtoolsMesh = RawVirtoolsMesh ( )
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rawdata . mLitMode = UTIL_virtools_types . EnumPropHelper . get_selection ( UTIL_virtools_types . VXMESH_LITMODE , props . lit_mode )
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return rawdata
def set_raw_virtools_mesh ( mesh : bpy . types . Mesh , rawdata : RawVirtoolsMesh ) - > None :
props : BBP_PG_virtools_mesh = get_virtools_mesh ( mesh )
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props . lit_mode = UTIL_virtools_types . EnumPropHelper . to_selection ( rawdata . mLitMode )
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# Display Panel
class BBP_PT_virtools_mesh ( bpy . types . Panel ) :
""" Show Virtools Mesh Properties. """
bl_label = " Virtools Mesh "
bl_idname = " BBP_PT_virtools_mesh "
bl_space_type = ' PROPERTIES '
bl_region_type = ' WINDOW '
bl_context = " data " # idk why blender use `data` as the mesh tab.
def poll ( cls , context ) :
return context . mesh is not None
def draw ( self , context ) :
# get layout and target
layout = self . layout
props : BBP_PG_virtools_mesh = get_virtools_mesh ( context . mesh )
# draw data
layout . prop ( props , ' lit_mode ' )
# Register
def register ( ) :
bpy . utils . register_class ( BBP_PG_virtools_mesh )
bpy . utils . register_class ( BBP_PT_virtools_mesh )
# add into mesh metadata
bpy . types . Mesh . virtools_mesh = bpy . props . PointerProperty ( type = BBP_PG_virtools_mesh )
def unregister ( ) :
# remove from metadata
del bpy . types . Mesh . virtools_mesh
bpy . utils . unregister_class ( BBP_PT_virtools_mesh )
bpy . utils . unregister_class ( BBP_PG_virtools_mesh )