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import bpy
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import os , typing
from . import UTIL_naming_convension
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class RawPreferences ( ) :
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cBallanceTextureFolder : typing . ClassVar [ str ] = " "
cNoComponentCollection : typing . ClassVar [ str ] = " "
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cDefaultNamingConvention : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_naming_convension . NamingConvention ] = UTIL_naming_convension . _EnumPropHelper . get_default_naming_identifier ( )
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mBallanceTextureFolder : str
mNoComponentCollection : str
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mDefaultNamingConvention : UTIL_naming_convension . NamingConvention
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def __init__ ( self , * * kwargs ) :
self . mBallanceTextureFolder = kwargs . get ( " mBallanceTextureFolder " , " " )
self . mNoComponentCollection = kwargs . get ( " mNoComponentCollection " , " " )
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self . mDefaultNamingConvention = kwargs . get ( ' mDefaultNamingConvention ' , UTIL_naming_convension . _EnumPropHelper . get_default_naming_identifier ( ) )
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def has_valid_blc_tex_folder ( self ) - > bool :
return os . path . isdir ( self . mBallanceTextureFolder )
class BBPPreferences ( bpy . types . AddonPreferences ) :
bl_idname = __package__
ballance_texture_folder : bpy . props . StringProperty (
name = " Ballance Texture Folder " ,
description = " The path to folder which will be used by this plugin to get external Ballance texture. " ,
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subtype = ' DIR_PATH ' ,
default = RawPreferences . cBallanceTextureFolder ,
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no_component_collection : bpy . props . StringProperty (
name = " No Component Collection " ,
description = " (Import) The object which stored in this collectiion will not be saved as component. (Export) All forced no component objects will be stored in this collection " ,
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default = RawPreferences . cNoComponentCollection ,
default_naming_convention : bpy . props . EnumProperty (
name = " Default Naming Convention " ,
description = " The default naming convention when creating objects, import and export BM files. " ,
items = UTIL_naming_convension . _EnumPropHelper . generate_items ( ) ,
default = UTIL_naming_convension . _EnumPropHelper . to_selection ( RawPreferences . cDefaultNamingConvention ) ,
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def draw ( self , context ) :
layout = self . layout
row = layout . row ( )
col = row . column ( )
col . label ( text = " Ballance Texture Folder " )
col . prop ( self , " ballance_texture_folder " , text = " " )
col . label ( text = " No Component Collection " )
col . prop ( self , " no_component_collection " , text = " " )
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col . label ( text = " Default Naming Convention " )
col . prop ( self , " default_naming_convention " , text = " " )
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def get_preferences ( ) - > BBPPreferences :
return bpy . context . preferences . addons [ __package__ ] . preferences
def get_raw_preferences ( ) - > RawPreferences :
pref : BBPPreferences = get_preferences ( )
rawdata : RawPreferences = RawPreferences ( )
rawdata . mBallanceTextureFolder = pref . ballance_texture_folder
rawdata . mNoComponentCollection = pref . no_component_collection
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rawdata . mDefaultNamingConvention = UTIL_naming_convension . _EnumPropHelper . get_selection ( pref . default_naming_convention )
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return rawdata
def register ( ) - > None :
bpy . utils . register_class ( BBPPreferences )
def unregister ( ) - > None :
bpy . utils . unregister_class ( BBPPreferences )