2022-04-03 22:48:12 +08:00
import bpy, mathutils
2023-01-30 11:12:15 +08:00
from . import UTILS_constants, UTILS_functions, UTILS_icons_manager
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2023-01-30 22:49:49 +08:00
# =============== Common Class ================
class common_add_component_props(bpy.types.Operator):
attentionElements = ("PC_TwoFlames", "PR_Resetpoint")
uniqueElements = ("PS_FourFlames", "PE_Balloon")
2022-04-03 22:48:12 +08:00
2023-01-30 22:49:49 +08:00
elements_sector: bpy.props.IntProperty(
description="Define which sector the object will be grouped in",
min=1, max=8,
def get_component_name(self, raw_comp_name):
if raw_comp_name in self.uniqueElements:
return raw_comp_name + "_01"
elif raw_comp_name in self.attentionElements:
return raw_comp_name + "_0" + str(self.elements_sector)
return raw_comp_name + "_0" + str(self.elements_sector) + "_"
def parent_draw(self, parent_layout, raw_comp_name):
if raw_comp_name not in self.uniqueElements:
parent_layout.prop(self, 'elements_sector')
class BALLANCE_OT_add_components(common_add_component_props):
"""Add Elements"""
2022-04-03 22:48:12 +08:00
bl_idname = "ballance.add_components"
2023-01-30 22:49:49 +08:00
bl_label = "Add Elements"
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bl_options = {'UNDO'}
elements_type: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
description="This element type",
2023-01-30 11:12:15 +08:00
#items=tuple(map(lambda x: (x, x, ""), UTILS_constants.bmfile_componentList)),
# token, display name, descriptions, icon, index
(blk, blk, "", UTILS_icons_manager.get_element_icon(blk), idx)
for idx, blk in enumerate(UTILS_constants.bmfile_componentList)
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def execute(self, context):
# get name
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finalObjectName = self.get_component_name(self.elements_type)
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# create object
loadedMesh = UTILS_functions.load_component(
2023-01-30 22:49:49 +08:00
2022-04-03 22:48:12 +08:00
obj = bpy.data.objects.new(finalObjectName, loadedMesh)
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
wm = context.window_manager
return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
2023-01-09 11:10:13 +08:00
# attension notice
if self.elements_type in self.attentionElements:
2023-01-30 22:49:49 +08:00
layout.label(text="NOTE: Check Sector ID carefully.")
if self.elements_type in self.uniqueElements:
layout.label(text="NOTE: This element have unique name.")
2023-01-09 11:10:13 +08:00
# cfg
2022-04-03 22:48:12 +08:00
layout.prop(self, "elements_type")
2023-01-30 22:49:49 +08:00
self.parent_draw(layout, self.elements_type)
class BALLANCE_OT_add_components_dup(common_add_component_props):
"""Add Duplicated Elements"""
bl_idname = "ballance.add_components_dup"
bl_label = "Add Duplicated Elements"
bl_options = {'UNDO'}
elements_type: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
description="This element type",
#items=tuple(map(lambda x: (x, x, ""), UTILS_constants.bmfile_componentList)),
# token, display name, descriptions, icon, index
(blk, blk, "", UTILS_icons_manager.get_element_icon(blk), idx)
for idx, blk in enumerate(
('P_Extra_Point', 'P_Modul_18', 'P_Modul_26')
elements_dup_times: bpy.props.IntProperty(
name="Duplication Count",
description="How many this element should be duplicated.",
min=2, max=64,
soft_min=2, soft_max=32,
2023-01-09 11:10:13 +08:00
2023-01-30 22:49:49 +08:00
def execute(self, context):
# get name
finalObjectName = self.get_component_name(self.elements_type)
# load mesh
loadedMesh = UTILS_functions.load_component(
# create object
for i in range(self.elements_dup_times):
obj = bpy.data.objects.new(finalObjectName, loadedMesh)
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
wm = context.window_manager
return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.prop(self, "elements_type")
self.parent_draw(layout, self.elements_type)
layout.prop(self, "elements_dup_times")
class BALLANCE_OT_add_components_series(common_add_component_props):
"""Add Elements with a Series."""
bl_idname = "ballance.add_components_series"
bl_label = "Add Series Elements"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
supported_series = {
# format: key: (description: str, real_component: str, unit_transition: mathutils.Vector, default_span: float)
# key will become enum property's identifier
"MODUL_41": ('Tilting Block Series', 'P_Modul_41', mathutils.Vector((1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 6.0022),
"MODUL_18_V": ('Fan Vertical Series', 'P_Modul_18', mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), 15),
"MODUL_18_H": ('Fan Horizonal Series', 'P_Modul_18', mathutils.Vector((1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 30),
# the updator for default span
def element_type_updated(self, context):
# set span
self.elements_span = BALLANCE_OT_add_components_series.supported_series[self.elements_type][3]
# blender required
return None
elements_type: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
description="This element type",
#items=tuple(map(lambda x: (x, x, ""), UTILS_constants.bmfile_componentList)),
# token, display name, descriptions, icon, index
(skey, sitem[0], "", UTILS_icons_manager.get_element_icon(sitem[1]), idx)
for (idx, (skey, sitem)) in enumerate(supported_series.items())
elements_dup_times: bpy.props.IntProperty(
name="Duplication Count",
description="How many this element should be duplicated.",
min=2, max=64,
soft_min=2, soft_max=32,
elements_span: bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name="Elements Span",
description="The span between each elements.",
def invoke(self, context, event):
# force trigger span update once to treat span normally
return self.execute(context)
def execute(self, context):
# get unit span and real element name for loading mesh and creating name
(_, real_element_name, unit_span, _) = self.supported_series[self.elements_type]
# get name
finalObjectName = self.get_component_name(real_element_name)
# load mesh
loadedMesh = UTILS_functions.load_component(
# create object
for i in range(self.elements_dup_times):
obj = bpy.data.objects.new(finalObjectName, loadedMesh)
obj.matrix_world.translation += unit_span * (self.elements_span * i)
return {'FINISHED'}
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.prop(self, "elements_type")
self.parent_draw(layout, self.elements_type)
layout.prop(self, "elements_dup_times")
layout.prop(self, "elements_span")