feat: add virtools light features.

- add virtools light feature for blender light type and add all essential operators, functions and structs.
- remove PyBMap from repository. order builder fetch it on their own.
- update gitignore.
This commit is contained in:
yyc12345 2024-12-31 14:40:41 +08:00
parent 729e12ed7b
commit 2f08455518
12 changed files with 348 additions and 1991 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
# disable distribution build folder ## ===== Personal =====
# Disable distribution build folder
redist/ redist/

bbp_ng/.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
# My Ban ## ===== Personal =====
PyBMap/*.dll # Do not include PyBMap in this repository.
PyBMap/*.so # Order build fetch it manually.
PyBMap/*.dylib PyBMap/
# Disable generated icons and jsons but keep the directory hierarchy.
icons/* icons/*
!icons/.gitkeep !icons/.gitkeep
jsons/* jsons/*
!jsons/.gitkeep !jsons/.gitkeep
## ===== Python =====
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files # Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
__pycache__/ __pycache__/
*.py[cod] *.py[cod]

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@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
import bpy, mathutils
from bpy.types import Context
import typing, math
from . import UTIL_functions, UTIL_virtools_types
# Raw Data
class RawVirtoolsLight():
# Class member
mType: UTIL_virtools_types.VXLIGHT_TYPE
mColor: UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor
mConstantAttenuation: float
mLinearAttenuation: float
mQuadraticAttenuation: float
mRange: float
mHotSpot: float
mFalloff: float
mFalloffShape: float
# Class member default value
cDefaultType: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VXLIGHT_TYPE] = UTIL_virtools_types.VXLIGHT_TYPE.VX_LIGHTPOINT
cDefaultColor: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor] = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
cDefaultConstantAttenuation: typing.ClassVar[float] = 1.0
cDefaultLinearAttenuation: typing.ClassVar[float] = 0.0
cDefaultQuadraticAttenuation: typing.ClassVar[float] = 0.0
cDefaultRange: typing.ClassVar[float] = 100.0
cDefaultHotSpot: typing.ClassVar[float] = math.radians(40)
cDefaultFalloff: typing.ClassVar[float] = math.radians(45)
cDefaultFalloffShape: typing.ClassVar[float] = 1.0
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# assign default value for each component
self.mType = kwargs.get('mType', RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultType)
self.mColor = kwargs.get('mColor', RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultColor).clone()
self.mConstantAttenuation = kwargs.get('mConstantAttenuation', RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultConstantAttenuation)
self.mLinearAttenuation = kwargs.get('mLinearAttenuation', RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultLinearAttenuation)
self.mQuadraticAttenuation = kwargs.get('mQuadraticAttenuation', RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultQuadraticAttenuation)
self.mRange = kwargs.get('mRange', RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultRange)
self.mHotSpot = kwargs.get('mHotSpot', RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultHotSpot)
self.mFalloff = kwargs.get('mFalloff', RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultFalloff)
self.mFalloffShape = kwargs.get('mFalloffShape', RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultFalloffShape)
def regulate(self) -> None:
# regulate color and reset its alpha value
self.mColor.a = 1.0
# regulate range
self.mRange = UTIL_functions.clamp_float(self.mRange, 0.0, 200.0)
# regulate attenuation
self.mConstantAttenuation = UTIL_functions.clamp_float(self.mConstantAttenuation, 0.0, 10.0)
self.mLinearAttenuation = UTIL_functions.clamp_float(self.mLinearAttenuation, 0.0, 10.0)
self.mQuadraticAttenuation = UTIL_functions.clamp_float(self.mQuadraticAttenuation, 0.0, 10.0)
# regulate spot cone
self.mHotSpot = UTIL_functions.clamp_float(self.mHotSpot, 0.0, math.radians(180))
self.mFalloff = UTIL_functions.clamp_float(self.mFalloff, 0.0, math.radians(180))
self.mFalloffShape = UTIL_functions.clamp_float(self.mFalloffShape, 0.0, 10.0)
# regulate spot cone size order
if self.mFalloff < self.mHotSpot:
self.mFalloff = self.mHotSpot
# Blender Property Group
_g_Helper_VXLIGHT_TYPE: UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper = UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper(UTIL_virtools_types.VXLIGHT_TYPE)
class BBP_PG_virtools_light(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
light_type: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name = "Type",
description = "The type of this light",
items = _g_Helper_VXLIGHT_TYPE.generate_items(),
default = _g_Helper_VXLIGHT_TYPE.to_selection(RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultType)
) # type: ignore
light_color: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(
name = "Color",
description = "Defines the red, green and blue components of the light.",
subtype = 'COLOR',
min = 0.0,
max = 1.0,
size = 3,
default = RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultColor.to_const_rgb()
) # type: ignore
constant_attenuation: bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = "Constant Attenuation",
description = "Defines the constant attenuation factor.",
min = 0.0,
max = 10.0,
step = 10,
default = RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultConstantAttenuation
) # type: ignore
linear_attenuation: bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = "Linear Attenuation",
description = "Defines the linear attenuation factor.",
min = 0.0,
max = 10.0,
step = 10,
default = RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultLinearAttenuation
) # type: ignore
quadratic_attenuation: bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = "Quadratic Attenuation",
description = "Defines the quadratic attenuation factor.",
min = 0.0,
max = 10.0,
step = 10,
default = RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultQuadraticAttenuation
) # type: ignore
light_range: bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = "Range",
description = "Defines the radius of the lighting area.",
min = 0.0,
max = 200.0,
step = 100,
default = RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultRange
) # type: ignore
hot_spot: bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = "Hot Spot",
description = "Sets the value of the hot spot of the light.",
min = 0.0,
max = math.radians(180),
subtype = 'ANGLE',
default = RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultHotSpot
) # type: ignore
falloff: bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = "Fall Off",
description = "Sets the light fall off rate.",
min = 0.0,
max = math.radians(180),
subtype = 'ANGLE',
default = RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultFalloff
) # type: ignore
falloff_shape: bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = "Fall Off Shape",
description = "Sets the value of the light fall off shape.",
min = 0.0,
max = 10.0,
step = 10,
default = RawVirtoolsLight.cDefaultFalloffShape
) # type: ignore
# Getter Setter and Applyer
def get_virtools_light(lit: bpy.types.Light) -> BBP_PG_virtools_light:
return lit.virtools_light
def get_raw_virtools_light(lit: bpy.types.Light) -> RawVirtoolsLight:
props: BBP_PG_virtools_light = get_virtools_light(lit)
rawdata: RawVirtoolsLight = RawVirtoolsLight()
rawdata.mType = _g_Helper_VXLIGHT_TYPE.get_selection(props.light_type)
rawdata.mConstantAttenuation = props.constant_attenuation
rawdata.mLinearAttenuation = props.linear_attenuation
rawdata.mQuadraticAttenuation = props.quadratic_attenuation
rawdata.mRange = props.light_range
rawdata.mHotSpot = props.hot_spot
rawdata.mFalloff = props.falloff
rawdata.mFalloffShape = props.falloff_shape
return rawdata
def set_raw_virtools_light(lit: bpy.types.Light, rawdata: RawVirtoolsLight) -> None:
props: BBP_PG_virtools_light = get_virtools_light(lit)
props.light_type = _g_Helper_VXLIGHT_TYPE.to_selection(rawdata.mType)
props.light_color = rawdata.mColor.to_const_rgb()
props.constant_attenuation = rawdata.mConstantAttenuation
props.linear_attenuation = rawdata.mLinearAttenuation
props.quadratic_attenuation = rawdata.mQuadraticAttenuation
props.light_range = rawdata.mRange
props.hot_spot = rawdata.mHotSpot
props.falloff = rawdata.mFalloff
props.falloff_shape = rawdata.mFalloffShape
def apply_to_blender_light(lit: bpy.types.Light) -> None:
# get raw data first
rawdata: RawVirtoolsLight = get_raw_virtools_light(lit)
# set light type and color
lit.type = 'POINT'
lit.type = 'SPOT'
lit.type = 'SUN'
lit.color = rawdata.mColor.to_const_rgb()
# After set light type, we must re-fetch light object,
# because it seems that the object hold by this variable
# is not the object after light type changes.
# If I do not do this, function will throw exception
# like `'PointLight' object has no attribute 'spot_size'`.
lit = bpy.data.lights[lit.name]
point_lit: bpy.types.PointLight = typing.cast(bpy.types.PointLight, lit)
point_lit.shadow_soft_size = rawdata.mRange
spot_lit: bpy.types.SpotLight = typing.cast(bpy.types.SpotLight, lit)
spot_lit.shadow_soft_size = rawdata.mRange
spot_lit.spot_size = rawdata.mFalloff
if rawdata.mFalloff == 0: spot_lit.spot_blend = 0.0
else: spot_lit.spot_blend = 1.0 - rawdata.mHotSpot / rawdata.mFalloff
# Operators
class BBP_OT_apply_virtools_light(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Apply Virtools Light to Blender Light."""
bl_idname = "bbp.apply_virtools_light"
bl_label = "Apply to Blender Light"
bl_options = {'UNDO'}
def poll(cls, context):
return context.light is not None
def execute(self, context):
lit: bpy.types.Light = context.light
return {'FINISHED'}
# Display Panel
class BBP_PT_virtools_light(bpy.types.Panel):
"""Show Virtools Light Properties"""
bl_label = "Virtools Light"
bl_idname = "BBP_PT_virtools_light"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "data" # idk why blender use `data` as the light tab same as mesh.
def poll(cls, context):
return context.light is not None
def draw(self, context):
# get layout and target
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
lit: bpy.types.Light = context.light
props: BBP_PG_virtools_light = get_virtools_light(lit)
rawdata: RawVirtoolsLight = get_raw_virtools_light(lit)
# draw operator
layout.operator(BBP_OT_apply_virtools_light.bl_idname, text = 'Apply', icon = 'NODETREE')
# draw data
layout.label(text = 'Basics')
# all lights has type and color property
sublayout = layout.row()
sublayout.use_property_split = False
sublayout.prop(props, 'light_type', expand = True)
layout.prop(props, 'light_color')
# all light has range property exception directional light
if rawdata.mType != UTIL_virtools_types.VXLIGHT_TYPE.VX_LIGHTDIREC:
layout.prop(props, 'light_range')
# all light has attenuation exception directional light
if rawdata.mType != UTIL_virtools_types.VXLIGHT_TYPE.VX_LIGHTDIREC:
layout.label(text = 'Attenuation')
layout.prop(props, 'constant_attenuation', text = 'Constant')
layout.prop(props, 'linear_attenuation', text = 'Linear')
layout.prop(props, 'quadratic_attenuation', text = 'Quadratic')
# only spot light has spot cone properties.
if rawdata.mType == UTIL_virtools_types.VXLIGHT_TYPE.VX_LIGHTSPOT:
layout.label(text = 'Spot Cone')
layout.prop(props, 'hot_spot')
layout.prop(props, 'falloff')
layout.prop(props, 'falloff_shape')
# Register
def register() -> None:
# add into light metadata
bpy.types.Light.virtools_light = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type = BBP_PG_virtools_light)
def unregister() -> None:
# remove from metadata
del bpy.types.Light.virtools_light

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class RawVirtoolsMaterial():
self.mTextureBorderColor = kwargs.get('mTextureBorderColor', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultTextureBorderColor).clone() self.mTextureBorderColor = kwargs.get('mTextureBorderColor', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultTextureBorderColor).clone()
self.mAlphaRef = kwargs.get('mAlphaRef', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultAlphaRef) self.mAlphaRef = kwargs.get('mAlphaRef', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultAlphaRef)
def regulate(self): def regulate(self) -> None:
# regulate colors # regulate colors
self.mDiffuse.regulate() self.mDiffuse.regulate()
self.mAmbient.regulate() self.mAmbient.regulate()
@ -1017,7 +1017,9 @@ class BBP_PT_virtools_material(bpy.types.Panel):
def draw(self, context): def draw(self, context):
# get layout and target # get layout and target
layout = self.layout layout = self.layout
props: BBP_PG_virtools_material = get_virtools_material(context.material) mtl: bpy.types.Material = context.material
props: BBP_PG_virtools_material = get_virtools_material(mtl)
rawdata: RawVirtoolsMaterial = get_raw_virtools_material(mtl)
# draw operator # draw operator
row = layout.row() row = layout.row()
@ -1046,7 +1048,7 @@ class BBP_PT_virtools_material(bpy.types.Panel):
sublay.prop(props, 'texture', emboss = True) sublay.prop(props, 'texture', emboss = True)
sublay.operator(BBP_OT_direct_set_virtools_texture.bl_idname, text = '', icon = 'FILEBROWSER') sublay.operator(BBP_OT_direct_set_virtools_texture.bl_idname, text = '', icon = 'FILEBROWSER')
# texture detail # texture detail
if props.texture is not None: if rawdata.mTexture is not None:
# have texture, show texture settings and enclosed by a border. # have texture, show texture settings and enclosed by a border.
boxlayout = layout.box() boxlayout = layout.box()
boxlayout.label(text="Virtools Texture Settings") boxlayout.label(text="Virtools Texture Settings")
@ -1057,27 +1059,27 @@ class BBP_PT_virtools_material(bpy.types.Panel):
layout.prop(props, 'texture_mag_mode') layout.prop(props, 'texture_mag_mode')
layout.prop(props, 'texture_address_mode') layout.prop(props, 'texture_address_mode')
layout.prop(props, 'enable_perspective_correction') layout.prop(props, 'enable_perspective_correction')
if (int(props.texture_address_mode) == UTIL_virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE.VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSBORDER.value): if rawdata.mTextureAddressMode == UTIL_virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE.VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSBORDER:
layout.prop(props, 'texture_border_color') layout.prop(props, 'texture_border_color')
layout.separator() layout.separator()
layout.label(text="Alpha Test Parameters") layout.label(text="Alpha Test Parameters")
layout.prop(props, 'enable_alpha_test') layout.prop(props, 'enable_alpha_test')
if props.enable_alpha_test: if rawdata.mEnableAlphaTest:
layout.prop(props, 'alpha_func') layout.prop(props, 'alpha_func')
layout.prop(props, 'alpha_ref') layout.prop(props, 'alpha_ref')
layout.separator() layout.separator()
layout.label(text="Alpha Blend Parameters") layout.label(text="Alpha Blend Parameters")
layout.prop(props, 'enable_alpha_blend') layout.prop(props, 'enable_alpha_blend')
if props.enable_alpha_blend: if rawdata.mEnableAlphaBlend:
layout.prop(props, 'source_blend') layout.prop(props, 'source_blend')
layout.prop(props, 'dest_blend') layout.prop(props, 'dest_blend')
layout.separator() layout.separator()
layout.label(text="Z Write Parameters") layout.label(text="Z Write Parameters")
layout.prop(props, 'enable_z_write') layout.prop(props, 'enable_z_write')
if props.enable_z_write: if rawdata.mEnableZWrite:
layout.prop(props, 'z_func') layout.prop(props, 'z_func')
def register() -> None: def register() -> None:

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# PyBMap Binding
Please note that this folder is a part of [libcmo21](https://github.com/yyc12345/libcmo21). And all Python scripts is copied from source project. If any issues raised in this sub module, please correct it in parent project and this project will sync to parent project's work.

View File

@ -1,789 +0,0 @@
import ctypes, os, sys, typing
#region Type Defines
class BMapException(Exception):
The exception thrown by BMap bindings.
bm_CKSTRING = ctypes.c_char_p
bm_CKDWORD = ctypes.c_uint32
bm_CKDWORD_pp = ctypes.POINTER(bm_CKDWORD_p)
bm_CKWORD = ctypes.c_uint16
bm_CKWORD_p = ctypes.POINTER(bm_CKWORD)
bm_CKWORD_pp = ctypes.POINTER(bm_CKWORD_p)
bm_CKID = ctypes.c_uint32
bm_CKID_p = ctypes.POINTER(bm_CKID)
bm_CKID_pp = ctypes.POINTER(bm_CKID_p)
bm_CKFLOAT = ctypes.c_float
bm_CKINT = ctypes.c_int32
bm_CKBYTE = ctypes.c_uint8
bm_CKBYTE_p = ctypes.POINTER(bm_CKBYTE)
bm_enum = bm_CKDWORD
bm_enum_p = ctypes.POINTER(bm_enum)
bm_bool = ctypes.c_bool
bm_bool_p = ctypes.POINTER(bm_bool)
bm_void_p = ctypes.c_void_p
bm_void_pp = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)
bm_callback = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, bm_CKSTRING)
class bm_VxVector2(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
('x', bm_CKFLOAT),
('y', bm_CKFLOAT),
bm_VxVector2_p = ctypes.POINTER(bm_VxVector2)
bm_VxVector2_pp = ctypes.POINTER(bm_VxVector2_p)
class bm_VxVector3(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
('x', bm_CKFLOAT),
('y', bm_CKFLOAT),
('z', bm_CKFLOAT),
bm_VxVector3_p = ctypes.POINTER(bm_VxVector3)
bm_VxVector3_pp = ctypes.POINTER(bm_VxVector3_p)
class bm_VxColor(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
('r', bm_CKFLOAT),
('g', bm_CKFLOAT),
('b', bm_CKFLOAT),
('a', bm_CKFLOAT),
bm_VxColor_p = ctypes.POINTER(bm_VxColor)
class bm_VxMatrix(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = list(
(f'i{idx}', bm_CKFLOAT) for idx in range(16)
bm_VxMatrix_p = ctypes.POINTER(bm_VxMatrix)
#region BMap Loader
_g_BMapLibName: str
if sys.platform.startswith('win32') or sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'):
_g_BMapLibName = "BMap.dll"
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'):
_g_BMapLibName = "BMap.so"
elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
_g_BMapLibName = "BMap.dylib"
_g_BMapLibName = "BMap.bin"
_g_BMapLibPath: str = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), _g_BMapLibName)
_g_BMapModule: ctypes.CDLL | None = None
_g_BMapModule = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(_g_BMapLibPath)
print(f'Fail to load native BMap dynamic library file "{_g_BMapLibPath}".')
_g_BMapModule = None
def is_bmap_available() -> bool:
return _g_BMapModule is not None
def _bmap_error_check(result: bool, func, args):
if not result:
raise BMapException("BMap operation failed.")
return result
def _create_bmap_func(fct_name: str, fct_params: list[typing.Any]) -> typing.Callable[..., bm_bool]:
if _g_BMapModule is None: return None
cache: typing.Callable[..., bm_bool] = getattr(_g_BMapModule, fct_name)
cache.argtypes = fct_params
cache.restype = bm_bool
cache.errcheck = _bmap_error_check
return cache
#region Function Defines
## BMInit
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMInit = _create_bmap_func('BMInit', [])
## BMDispose
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMDispose = _create_bmap_func('BMDispose', [])
## BMFile_Load
# @param file_name[in] Type: LibCmo::CKSTRING.
# @param temp_folder[in] Type: LibCmo::CKSTRING.
# @param texture_folder[in] Type: LibCmo::CKSTRING.
# @param raw_callback[in] Type: BMap::NakedOutputCallback.
# @param encoding_count[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @param encodings[in] Type: LibCmo::CKSTRING*.
# @param out_file[out] Type: BMap::BMFile*. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_Load = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_Load', [bm_CKSTRING, bm_CKSTRING, bm_CKSTRING, bm_callback, bm_CKDWORD, bm_CKSTRING_p, bm_void_pp])
## BMFile_Create
# @param temp_folder[in] Type: LibCmo::CKSTRING.
# @param texture_folder[in] Type: LibCmo::CKSTRING.
# @param raw_callback[in] Type: BMap::NakedOutputCallback.
# @param encoding_count[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @param encodings[in] Type: LibCmo::CKSTRING*.
# @param out_file[out] Type: BMap::BMFile*. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_Create = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_Create', [bm_CKSTRING, bm_CKSTRING, bm_callback, bm_CKDWORD, bm_CKSTRING_p, bm_void_pp])
## BMFile_Save
# @param map_file[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*.
# @param file_name[in] Type: LibCmo::CKSTRING.
# @param texture_save_opt[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_TEXTURE_SAVEOPTIONS.
# @param use_compress[in] Type: bool.
# @param compreess_level[in] Type: LibCmo::CKINT.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_Save = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_Save', [bm_void_p, bm_CKSTRING, bm_enum, bm_bool, bm_CKINT])
## BMFile_Free
# @param map_file[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_Free = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_Free', [bm_void_p])
## BMFile_GetGroupCount
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param out_count[out] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_GetGroupCount = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_GetGroupCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD_p])
## BMFile_GetGroup
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param idx[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @param out_id[out] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_GetGroup = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_GetGroup', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD, bm_CKID_p])
## BMFile_CreateGroup
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param out_id[out] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_CreateGroup = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_CreateGroup', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID_p])
## BMFile_Get3dObjectCount
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param out_count[out] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_Get3dObjectCount = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_Get3dObjectCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD_p])
## BMFile_Get3dObject
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param idx[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @param out_id[out] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_Get3dObject = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_Get3dObject', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD, bm_CKID_p])
## BMFile_Create3dObject
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param out_id[out] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_Create3dObject = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_Create3dObject', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID_p])
## BMFile_GetMeshCount
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param out_count[out] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_GetMeshCount = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_GetMeshCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD_p])
## BMFile_GetMesh
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param idx[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @param out_id[out] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_GetMesh = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_GetMesh', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD, bm_CKID_p])
## BMFile_CreateMesh
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param out_id[out] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_CreateMesh = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_CreateMesh', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID_p])
## BMFile_GetMaterialCount
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param out_count[out] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_GetMaterialCount = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_GetMaterialCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD_p])
## BMFile_GetMaterial
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param idx[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @param out_id[out] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_GetMaterial = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_GetMaterial', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD, bm_CKID_p])
## BMFile_CreateMaterial
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param out_id[out] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_CreateMaterial = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_CreateMaterial', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID_p])
## BMFile_GetTextureCount
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param out_count[out] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_GetTextureCount = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_GetTextureCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD_p])
## BMFile_GetTexture
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param idx[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @param out_id[out] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_GetTexture = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_GetTexture', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD, bm_CKID_p])
## BMFile_CreateTexture
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param out_id[out] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMFile_CreateTexture = _create_bmap_func('BMFile_CreateTexture', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID_p])
## BMMeshTrans_New
# @param out_trans[out] Type: BMap::BMMeshTransition*. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMeshTrans_New = _create_bmap_func('BMMeshTrans_New', [bm_void_pp])
## BMMeshTrans_Delete
# @param trans[in] Type: BMap::BMMeshTransition*.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMeshTrans_Delete = _create_bmap_func('BMMeshTrans_Delete', [bm_void_p])
## BMMeshTrans_PrepareVertexCount
# @param trans[in] Type: BMap::BMMeshTransition*. The pointer to corresponding BMMeshTransition.
# @param count[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMeshTrans_PrepareVertexCount = _create_bmap_func('BMMeshTrans_PrepareVertexCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD])
## BMMeshTrans_PrepareVertex
# @param trans[in] Type: BMap::BMMeshTransition*. The pointer to corresponding BMMeshTransition.
# @param out_mem[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VxVector3*. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMeshTrans_PrepareVertex = _create_bmap_func('BMMeshTrans_PrepareVertex', [bm_void_p, bm_VxVector3_pp])
## BMMeshTrans_PrepareNormalCount
# @param trans[in] Type: BMap::BMMeshTransition*. The pointer to corresponding BMMeshTransition.
# @param count[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMeshTrans_PrepareNormalCount = _create_bmap_func('BMMeshTrans_PrepareNormalCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD])
## BMMeshTrans_PrepareNormal
# @param trans[in] Type: BMap::BMMeshTransition*. The pointer to corresponding BMMeshTransition.
# @param out_mem[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VxVector3*. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMeshTrans_PrepareNormal = _create_bmap_func('BMMeshTrans_PrepareNormal', [bm_void_p, bm_VxVector3_pp])
## BMMeshTrans_PrepareUVCount
# @param trans[in] Type: BMap::BMMeshTransition*. The pointer to corresponding BMMeshTransition.
# @param count[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMeshTrans_PrepareUVCount = _create_bmap_func('BMMeshTrans_PrepareUVCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD])
## BMMeshTrans_PrepareUV
# @param trans[in] Type: BMap::BMMeshTransition*. The pointer to corresponding BMMeshTransition.
# @param out_mem[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VxVector2*. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMeshTrans_PrepareUV = _create_bmap_func('BMMeshTrans_PrepareUV', [bm_void_p, bm_VxVector2_pp])
## BMMeshTrans_PrepareMtlSlotCount
# @param trans[in] Type: BMap::BMMeshTransition*. The pointer to corresponding BMMeshTransition.
# @param count[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMeshTrans_PrepareMtlSlotCount = _create_bmap_func('BMMeshTrans_PrepareMtlSlotCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD])
## BMMeshTrans_PrepareMtlSlot
# @param trans[in] Type: BMap::BMMeshTransition*. The pointer to corresponding BMMeshTransition.
# @param out_mem[out] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID*. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMeshTrans_PrepareMtlSlot = _create_bmap_func('BMMeshTrans_PrepareMtlSlot', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID_pp])
## BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceCount
# @param trans[in] Type: BMap::BMMeshTransition*. The pointer to corresponding BMMeshTransition.
# @param count[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceCount = _create_bmap_func('BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD])
## BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceVertexIndices
# @param trans[in] Type: BMap::BMMeshTransition*. The pointer to corresponding BMMeshTransition.
# @param out_mem[out] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD*. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceVertexIndices = _create_bmap_func('BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceVertexIndices', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD_pp])
## BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceNormalIndices
# @param trans[in] Type: BMap::BMMeshTransition*. The pointer to corresponding BMMeshTransition.
# @param out_mem[out] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD*. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceNormalIndices = _create_bmap_func('BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceNormalIndices', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD_pp])
## BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceUVIndices
# @param trans[in] Type: BMap::BMMeshTransition*. The pointer to corresponding BMMeshTransition.
# @param out_mem[out] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD*. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceUVIndices = _create_bmap_func('BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceUVIndices', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD_pp])
## BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceMtlSlot
# @param trans[in] Type: BMap::BMMeshTransition*. The pointer to corresponding BMMeshTransition.
# @param out_mem[out] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD*. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceMtlSlot = _create_bmap_func('BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceMtlSlot', [bm_void_p, bm_CKDWORD_pp])
## BMMeshTrans_Parse
# @param trans[in] Type: BMap::BMMeshTransition*. The pointer to corresponding BMMeshTransition.
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMeshTrans_Parse = _create_bmap_func('BMMeshTrans_Parse', [bm_void_p, bm_void_p, bm_CKID])
## BMObject_GetName
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_name[out] Type: LibCmo::CKSTRING. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMObject_GetName = _create_bmap_func('BMObject_GetName', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKSTRING_p])
## BMObject_SetName
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param name[in] Type: LibCmo::CKSTRING.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMObject_SetName = _create_bmap_func('BMObject_SetName', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKSTRING])
## BMGroup_AddObject
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param memberid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMGroup_AddObject = _create_bmap_func('BMGroup_AddObject', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKID])
## BMGroup_GetObjectCount
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_count[out] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMGroup_GetObjectCount = _create_bmap_func('BMGroup_GetObjectCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKDWORD_p])
## BMGroup_GetObject
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param pos[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @param out_objid[out] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMGroup_GetObject = _create_bmap_func('BMGroup_GetObject', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKDWORD, bm_CKID_p])
## BMTexture_GetFileName
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_filename[out] Type: LibCmo::CKSTRING. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMTexture_GetFileName = _create_bmap_func('BMTexture_GetFileName', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKSTRING_p])
## BMTexture_LoadImage
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param filename[in] Type: LibCmo::CKSTRING.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMTexture_LoadImage = _create_bmap_func('BMTexture_LoadImage', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKSTRING])
## BMTexture_SaveImage
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param filename[in] Type: LibCmo::CKSTRING.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMTexture_SaveImage = _create_bmap_func('BMTexture_SaveImage', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKSTRING])
## BMTexture_GetSaveOptions
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_saveopt[out] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_TEXTURE_SAVEOPTIONS. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMTexture_GetSaveOptions = _create_bmap_func('BMTexture_GetSaveOptions', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum_p])
## BMTexture_SetSaveOptions
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param saveopt[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_TEXTURE_SAVEOPTIONS.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMTexture_SetSaveOptions = _create_bmap_func('BMTexture_SetSaveOptions', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum])
## BMTexture_GetVideoFormat
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_vfmt[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VX_PIXELFORMAT. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMTexture_GetVideoFormat = _create_bmap_func('BMTexture_GetVideoFormat', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum_p])
## BMTexture_SetVideoFormat
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param vfmt[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VX_PIXELFORMAT.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMTexture_SetVideoFormat = _create_bmap_func('BMTexture_SetVideoFormat', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum])
## BMMaterial_GetDiffuse
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VxColor. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetDiffuse = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetDiffuse', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_VxColor_p])
## BMMaterial_SetDiffuse
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param col[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VxColor.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetDiffuse = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetDiffuse', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_VxColor])
## BMMaterial_GetAmbient
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VxColor. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetAmbient = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetAmbient', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_VxColor_p])
## BMMaterial_SetAmbient
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param col[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VxColor.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetAmbient = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetAmbient', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_VxColor])
## BMMaterial_GetSpecular
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VxColor. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetSpecular = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetSpecular', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_VxColor_p])
## BMMaterial_SetSpecular
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param col[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VxColor.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetSpecular = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetSpecular', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_VxColor])
## BMMaterial_GetEmissive
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VxColor. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetEmissive = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetEmissive', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_VxColor_p])
## BMMaterial_SetEmissive
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param col[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VxColor.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetEmissive = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetEmissive', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_VxColor])
## BMMaterial_GetSpecularPower
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::CKFLOAT. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetSpecularPower = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetSpecularPower', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKFLOAT_p])
## BMMaterial_SetSpecularPower
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param val[in] Type: LibCmo::CKFLOAT.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetSpecularPower = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetSpecularPower', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKFLOAT])
## BMMaterial_GetTexture
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_texid[out] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetTexture = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetTexture', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKID_p])
## BMMaterial_SetTexture
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param texid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetTexture = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetTexture', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKID])
## BMMaterial_GetTextureBorderColor
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetTextureBorderColor = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetTextureBorderColor', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKDWORD_p])
## BMMaterial_SetTextureBorderColor
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param val[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetTextureBorderColor = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetTextureBorderColor', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKDWORD])
## BMMaterial_GetTextureBlendMode
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetTextureBlendMode = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetTextureBlendMode', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum_p])
## BMMaterial_SetTextureBlendMode
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param val[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetTextureBlendMode = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetTextureBlendMode', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum])
## BMMaterial_GetTextureMinMode
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetTextureMinMode = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetTextureMinMode', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum_p])
## BMMaterial_SetTextureMinMode
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param val[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetTextureMinMode = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetTextureMinMode', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum])
## BMMaterial_GetTextureMagMode
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetTextureMagMode = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetTextureMagMode', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum_p])
## BMMaterial_SetTextureMagMode
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param val[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetTextureMagMode = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetTextureMagMode', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum])
## BMMaterial_GetTextureAddressMode
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetTextureAddressMode = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetTextureAddressMode', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum_p])
## BMMaterial_SetTextureAddressMode
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param val[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetTextureAddressMode = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetTextureAddressMode', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum])
## BMMaterial_GetSourceBlend
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXBLEND_MODE. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetSourceBlend = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetSourceBlend', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum_p])
## BMMaterial_SetSourceBlend
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param val[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXBLEND_MODE.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetSourceBlend = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetSourceBlend', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum])
## BMMaterial_GetDestBlend
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXBLEND_MODE. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetDestBlend = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetDestBlend', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum_p])
## BMMaterial_SetDestBlend
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param val[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXBLEND_MODE.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetDestBlend = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetDestBlend', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum])
## BMMaterial_GetFillMode
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXFILL_MODE. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetFillMode = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetFillMode', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum_p])
## BMMaterial_SetFillMode
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param val[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXFILL_MODE.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetFillMode = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetFillMode', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum])
## BMMaterial_GetShadeMode
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXSHADE_MODE. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetShadeMode = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetShadeMode', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum_p])
## BMMaterial_SetShadeMode
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param val[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXSHADE_MODE.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetShadeMode = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetShadeMode', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum])
## BMMaterial_GetAlphaTestEnabled
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: bool. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetAlphaTestEnabled = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetAlphaTestEnabled', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_bool_p])
## BMMaterial_SetAlphaTestEnabled
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param enabled[in] Type: bool.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetAlphaTestEnabled = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetAlphaTestEnabled', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_bool])
## BMMaterial_GetAlphaBlendEnabled
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: bool. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetAlphaBlendEnabled = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetAlphaBlendEnabled', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_bool_p])
## BMMaterial_SetAlphaBlendEnabled
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param enabled[in] Type: bool.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetAlphaBlendEnabled = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetAlphaBlendEnabled', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_bool])
## BMMaterial_GetPerspectiveCorrectionEnabled
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: bool. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetPerspectiveCorrectionEnabled = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetPerspectiveCorrectionEnabled', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_bool_p])
## BMMaterial_SetPerspectiveCorrectionEnabled
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param enabled[in] Type: bool.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetPerspectiveCorrectionEnabled = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetPerspectiveCorrectionEnabled', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_bool])
## BMMaterial_GetZWriteEnabled
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: bool. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetZWriteEnabled = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetZWriteEnabled', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_bool_p])
## BMMaterial_SetZWriteEnabled
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param enabled[in] Type: bool.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetZWriteEnabled = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetZWriteEnabled', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_bool])
## BMMaterial_GetTwoSidedEnabled
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: bool. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetTwoSidedEnabled = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetTwoSidedEnabled', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_bool_p])
## BMMaterial_SetTwoSidedEnabled
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param enabled[in] Type: bool.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetTwoSidedEnabled = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetTwoSidedEnabled', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_bool])
## BMMaterial_GetAlphaRef
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::CKBYTE. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetAlphaRef = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetAlphaRef', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKBYTE_p])
## BMMaterial_SetAlphaRef
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param val[in] Type: LibCmo::CKBYTE.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetAlphaRef = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetAlphaRef', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKBYTE])
## BMMaterial_GetAlphaFunc
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXCMPFUNC. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetAlphaFunc = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetAlphaFunc', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum_p])
## BMMaterial_SetAlphaFunc
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param val[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXCMPFUNC.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetAlphaFunc = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetAlphaFunc', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum])
## BMMaterial_GetZFunc
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_val[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXCMPFUNC. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_GetZFunc = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_GetZFunc', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum_p])
## BMMaterial_SetZFunc
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param val[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXCMPFUNC.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMaterial_SetZFunc = _create_bmap_func('BMMaterial_SetZFunc', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum])
## BMMesh_GetLitMode
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_mode[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXMESH_LITMODE. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMesh_GetLitMode = _create_bmap_func('BMMesh_GetLitMode', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum_p])
## BMMesh_SetLitMode
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param mode[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VXMESH_LITMODE.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMesh_SetLitMode = _create_bmap_func('BMMesh_SetLitMode', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_enum])
## BMMesh_GetVertexCount
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_count[out] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMesh_GetVertexCount = _create_bmap_func('BMMesh_GetVertexCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKDWORD_p])
## BMMesh_SetVertexCount
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param count[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMesh_SetVertexCount = _create_bmap_func('BMMesh_SetVertexCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKDWORD])
## BMMesh_GetVertexPositions
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_mem[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VxVector3*. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMesh_GetVertexPositions = _create_bmap_func('BMMesh_GetVertexPositions', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_VxVector3_pp])
## BMMesh_GetVertexNormals
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_mem[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VxVector3*. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMesh_GetVertexNormals = _create_bmap_func('BMMesh_GetVertexNormals', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_VxVector3_pp])
## BMMesh_GetVertexUVs
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_mem[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VxVector2*. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMesh_GetVertexUVs = _create_bmap_func('BMMesh_GetVertexUVs', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_VxVector2_pp])
## BMMesh_GetFaceCount
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_count[out] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMesh_GetFaceCount = _create_bmap_func('BMMesh_GetFaceCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKDWORD_p])
## BMMesh_SetFaceCount
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param count[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMesh_SetFaceCount = _create_bmap_func('BMMesh_SetFaceCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKDWORD])
## BMMesh_GetFaceIndices
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_mem[out] Type: LibCmo::CKWORD*. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMesh_GetFaceIndices = _create_bmap_func('BMMesh_GetFaceIndices', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKWORD_pp])
## BMMesh_GetFaceMaterialSlotIndexs
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_mem[out] Type: LibCmo::CKWORD*. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMesh_GetFaceMaterialSlotIndexs = _create_bmap_func('BMMesh_GetFaceMaterialSlotIndexs', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKWORD_pp])
## BMMesh_GetMaterialSlotCount
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_count[out] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMesh_GetMaterialSlotCount = _create_bmap_func('BMMesh_GetMaterialSlotCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKDWORD_p])
## BMMesh_SetMaterialSlotCount
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param count[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMesh_SetMaterialSlotCount = _create_bmap_func('BMMesh_SetMaterialSlotCount', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKDWORD])
## BMMesh_GetMaterialSlot
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param index[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @param out_mtlid[out] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMesh_GetMaterialSlot = _create_bmap_func('BMMesh_GetMaterialSlot', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKDWORD, bm_CKID_p])
## BMMesh_SetMaterialSlot
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param index[in] Type: LibCmo::CKDWORD.
# @param mtlid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BMMesh_SetMaterialSlot = _create_bmap_func('BMMesh_SetMaterialSlot', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKDWORD, bm_CKID])
## BM3dObject_GetWorldMatrix
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_mat[out] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VxMatrix. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BM3dObject_GetWorldMatrix = _create_bmap_func('BM3dObject_GetWorldMatrix', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_VxMatrix_p])
## BM3dObject_SetWorldMatrix
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param mat[in] Type: LibCmo::VxMath::VxMatrix.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BM3dObject_SetWorldMatrix = _create_bmap_func('BM3dObject_SetWorldMatrix', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_VxMatrix])
## BM3dObject_GetCurrentMesh
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_meshid[out] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BM3dObject_GetCurrentMesh = _create_bmap_func('BM3dObject_GetCurrentMesh', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKID_p])
## BM3dObject_SetCurrentMesh
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param meshid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BM3dObject_SetCurrentMesh = _create_bmap_func('BM3dObject_SetCurrentMesh', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_CKID])
## BM3dObject_GetVisibility
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param out_isVisible[out] Type: bool. Use ctypes.byref(data) pass it.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BM3dObject_GetVisibility = _create_bmap_func('BM3dObject_GetVisibility', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_bool_p])
## BM3dObject_SetVisibility
# @param bmfile[in] Type: BMap::BMFile*. The pointer to corresponding BMFile.
# @param objid[in] Type: LibCmo::CK2::CK_ID. The CKID of object you accessing.
# @param is_visible[in] Type: bool.
# @return True if no error, otherwise False.
BM3dObject_SetVisibility = _create_bmap_func('BM3dObject_SetVisibility', [bm_void_p, bm_CKID, bm_bool])

View File

@ -1,865 +0,0 @@
import ctypes, typing, atexit
from . import bmap, virtools_types
#region Basic Class & Constant Defines
g_InvalidPtr: bmap.bm_void_p = bmap.bm_void_p(0)
g_InvalidCKID: int = 0
g_BMapEncoding: str = "utf-8"
def _python_callback(strl: bytes):
The Python type callback for BMFile.
Simply add a prefix when output.
Need a convertion before passing to BMFile.
# the passing value is bytes, not bmap.bm_CKSTRING.
# i think Python do a auto convertion here.
if strl is not None:
print(f'[PyBMap] {strl.decode(g_BMapEncoding)}')
_g_RawCallback: bmap.bm_callback = bmap.bm_callback(_python_callback)
class _AbstractPointer():
__mRawPointer: int
def __init__(self, raw_pointer: bmap.bm_void_p):
def _is_valid(self) -> bool:
return self.__mRawPointer != 0
def _get_pointer(self) -> bmap.bm_void_p:
return bmap.bm_void_p(self.__mRawPointer)
def _set_pointer(self, raw_pointer: bmap.bm_void_p):
if raw_pointer.value is None:
self.__mRawPointer = 0
self.__mRawPointer = raw_pointer.value
def __eq__(self, obj: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(obj, self.__class__):
return obj.__mRawPointer == self.__mRawPointer
return False
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(self.__mRawPointer)
class _AbstractCKObject(_AbstractPointer):
__mCKID: int
def __init__(self, raw_pointer: bmap.bm_void_p, ckid: bmap.bm_CKID):
_AbstractPointer.__init__(self, raw_pointer)
self.__mCKID = ckid.value
def _is_valid(self) -> bool:
return _AbstractPointer._is_valid(self) and self.__mCKID != 0
def _get_ckid(self) -> bmap.bm_CKID:
return bmap.bm_CKID(self.__mCKID)
def __eq__(self, obj: object) -> bool:
if not _AbstractPointer.__eq__(self, obj): return False
if isinstance(obj, self.__class__):
return obj.__mCKID == self.__mCKID
return False
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash((_AbstractPointer.__hash__(self), self.__mCKID))
#region Help Function & Type Define
TCKObj = typing.TypeVar('TCKObj', bound = _AbstractCKObject)
def _vxvector3_assigner(pvector: bmap.bm_VxVector3_p, count: int, itor: typing.Iterator[virtools_types.VxVector3]) -> None:
pfloat: bmap.bm_CKFLOAT_p = ctypes.cast(pvector, bmap.bm_CKFLOAT_p)
idx: int = 0
for _ in range(count):
uservector: virtools_types.VxVector3 = next(itor)
pfloat[idx] = uservector.x
pfloat[idx + 1] = uservector.y
pfloat[idx + 2] = uservector.z
idx += 3
def _vxvector3_iterator(pvector: bmap.bm_VxVector3_p, count: int) -> typing.Iterator[virtools_types.VxVector3]:
ret: virtools_types.VxVector3 = virtools_types.VxVector3()
pfloat: bmap.bm_CKFLOAT_p = ctypes.cast(pvector, bmap.bm_CKFLOAT_p)
idx: int = 0
for _ in range(count):
ret.x = pfloat[idx]
ret.y = pfloat[idx + 1]
ret.z = pfloat[idx + 2]
idx += 3
yield ret
def _vxvector2_assigner(pvector: bmap.bm_VxVector2_p, count: int, itor: typing.Iterator[virtools_types.VxVector2]) -> None:
pfloat: bmap.bm_CKFLOAT_p = ctypes.cast(pvector, bmap.bm_CKFLOAT_p)
idx: int = 0
for _ in range(count):
uservector: virtools_types.VxVector2 = next(itor)
pfloat[idx] = uservector.x
pfloat[idx + 1] = uservector.y
idx += 2
def _vxvector2_iterator(pvector: bmap.bm_VxVector2_p, count: int) -> typing.Iterator[virtools_types.VxVector2]:
ret: virtools_types.VxVector2 = virtools_types.VxVector2()
pfloat: bmap.bm_CKFLOAT_p = ctypes.cast(pvector, bmap.bm_CKFLOAT_p)
idx: int = 0
for _ in range(count):
ret.x = pfloat[idx]
ret.y = pfloat[idx + 1]
idx += 2
yield ret
# bmap.bm_CKWORD_p | bmap.bm_CKDWORD_p is just a type hint
# wo do not need distinguish them in code.
# because the type of pindices is decided by runtime.
def _ckfaceindices_assigner(pindices: bmap.bm_CKWORD_p | bmap.bm_CKDWORD_p, count: int, itor: typing.Iterator[virtools_types.CKFaceIndices]) -> None:
idx: int = 0
for _ in range(count):
userindices: virtools_types.CKFaceIndices = next(itor)
pindices[idx] = userindices.i1
pindices[idx + 1] = userindices.i2
pindices[idx + 2] = userindices.i3
idx += 3
def _ckfaceindices_iterator(pindices: bmap.bm_CKWORD_p | bmap.bm_CKDWORD_p, count: int) -> typing.Iterator[virtools_types.CKFaceIndices]:
ret: virtools_types.CKFaceIndices = virtools_types.CKFaceIndices()
idx: int = 0
for _ in range(count):
ret.i1 = pindices[idx]
ret.i2 = pindices[idx + 1]
ret.i3 = pindices[idx + 2]
idx += 3
yield ret
#region Valid Check, Init and Dispose
def is_bmap_available() -> bool:
return bmap.is_bmap_available()
# init module self and register exit function
if is_bmap_available():
def _auto_exit():
#region Real Type Defines
BMFileReader, BMFileWriter, and BMMeshTrans can be create by given constructor.
But they must be destroyed by calling dispose(). Otherwise it may cause memory leak.
You also can use python `with` statement to achieve this automatically.
BMObject, BMTexture, BMMaterial, BMMesh, and BM3dObject should NOT be constructed from given constructor.
They must be obtained from BMFileReader, BMFileWriter, and BMMeshTrans.
Thus BMObject, BMTexture, BMMaterial, BMMesh, and BM3dObject also do not need to free
because these resources are sotred in BMFileReader, BMFileWriter, and BMMeshTrans.
We just provide them as a visitor.
class BMObject(_AbstractCKObject):
def get_name(self) -> str | None:
name: bmap.bm_CKSTRING = bmap.bm_CKSTRING()
bmap.BMObject_GetName(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(name))
if name.value is None:
return None
return name.value.decode(g_BMapEncoding)
def set_name(self, name_: str | None) -> None:
name: bmap.bm_CKSTRING
if name_ is None:
name = bmap.bm_CKSTRING(0)
name = bmap.bm_CKSTRING(name_.encode(g_BMapEncoding))
bmap.BMObject_SetName(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), name)
class BMTexture(BMObject):
def get_file_name(self) -> str | None:
filename: bmap.bm_CKSTRING = bmap.bm_CKSTRING()
bmap.BMTexture_GetFileName(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(filename))
if filename.value is None:
return None
return filename.value.decode(g_BMapEncoding)
def load_image(self, filepath: str) -> None:
filename: bmap.bm_CKSTRING = bmap.bm_CKSTRING(filepath.encode(g_BMapEncoding))
bmap.BMTexture_LoadImage(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), filename)
def save_image(self, filepath: str) -> None:
filename: bmap.bm_CKSTRING = bmap.bm_CKSTRING(filepath.encode(g_BMapEncoding))
bmap.BMTexture_SaveImage(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), filename)
def get_save_options(self) -> virtools_types.CK_TEXTURE_SAVEOPTIONS:
opt: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum()
bmap.BMTexture_GetSaveOptions(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(opt))
return virtools_types.CK_TEXTURE_SAVEOPTIONS(opt.value)
def set_save_options(self, opt_: virtools_types.CK_TEXTURE_SAVEOPTIONS) -> None:
opt: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum(opt_.value)
bmap.BMTexture_SetSaveOptions(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), opt)
def get_video_format(self) -> virtools_types.VX_PIXELFORMAT:
fmt: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum()
bmap.BMTexture_GetVideoFormat(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(fmt))
return virtools_types.VX_PIXELFORMAT(fmt.value)
def set_video_format(self, fmt_: virtools_types.VX_PIXELFORMAT) -> None:
fmt: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum(fmt_.value)
bmap.BMTexture_SetVideoFormat(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), fmt)
class BMMaterial(BMObject):
def _set_vxcolor(self,
setter_: typing.Callable[[bmap.bm_void_p, bmap.bm_CKID, bmap.bm_VxColor], bool],
col_: virtools_types.VxColor) -> None:
# set to raw color
col: bmap.bm_VxColor = bmap.bm_VxColor()
col.r = col_.r
col.g = col_.g
col.b = col_.b
col.a = col_.a
# assign
setter_(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), col)
def _get_vxcolor(self,
getter_: typing.Callable[[bmap.bm_void_p, bmap.bm_CKID, bmap.bm_VxColor_p], bool]) -> virtools_types.VxColor:
# get raw color
col: bmap.bm_VxColor = bmap.bm_VxColor()
getter_(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(col))
# get from raw color
ret: virtools_types.VxColor = virtools_types.VxColor()
ret.r = col.r
ret.g = col.g
ret.b = col.b
ret.a = col.a
return ret
def get_diffuse(self) -> virtools_types.VxColor:
return self._get_vxcolor(bmap.BMMaterial_GetDiffuse)
def set_diffuse(self, col: virtools_types.VxColor) -> None:
self._set_vxcolor(bmap.BMMaterial_SetDiffuse, col)
def get_ambient(self) -> virtools_types.VxColor:
return self._get_vxcolor(bmap.BMMaterial_GetAmbient)
def set_ambient(self, col: virtools_types.VxColor) -> None:
self._set_vxcolor(bmap.BMMaterial_SetAmbient, col)
def get_specular(self) -> virtools_types.VxColor:
return self._get_vxcolor(bmap.BMMaterial_GetSpecular)
def set_specular(self, col: virtools_types.VxColor) -> None:
self._set_vxcolor(bmap.BMMaterial_SetSpecular, col)
def get_emissive(self) -> virtools_types.VxColor:
return self._get_vxcolor(bmap.BMMaterial_GetEmissive)
def set_emissive(self, col: virtools_types.VxColor) -> None:
self._set_vxcolor(bmap.BMMaterial_SetEmissive, col)
def get_specular_power(self) -> float:
power: bmap.bm_CKFLOAT = bmap.bm_CKFLOAT()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetSpecularPower(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(power))
return power.value
def set_specular_power(self, power_: float) -> None:
power: bmap.bm_CKFLOAT = bmap.bm_CKFLOAT(power_)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetSpecularPower(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), power)
def get_texture(self) -> BMTexture | None:
objid: bmap.bm_CKID = bmap.bm_CKID()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetTexture(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(objid))
if objid.value == g_InvalidCKID:
return None
return BMTexture(self._get_pointer(), objid)
def set_texture(self, tex_: BMTexture | None) -> None:
objid: bmap.bm_CKID = bmap.bm_CKID(g_InvalidCKID)
if tex_ is not None:
objid = tex_._get_ckid()
bmap.BMMaterial_SetTexture(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), objid)
def get_texture_border_color(self) -> virtools_types.VxColor:
col: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetTextureBorderColor(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(col))
ret: virtools_types.VxColor = virtools_types.VxColor()
return ret
def set_texture_border_color(self, col_: virtools_types.VxColor) -> None:
col: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD(col_.to_dword())
bmap.BMMaterial_SetTextureBorderColor(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), col)
def get_texture_blend_mode(self) -> virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetTextureBlendMode(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(data))
return virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE(data.value)
def set_texture_blend_mode(self, data_: virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE) -> None:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum(data_.value)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetTextureBlendMode(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), data)
def get_texture_min_mode(self) -> virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetTextureMinMode(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(data))
return virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE(data.value)
def set_texture_min_mode(self, data_: virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE) -> None:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum(data_.value)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetTextureMinMode(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), data)
def get_texture_mag_mode(self) -> virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetTextureMagMode(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(data))
return virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE(data.value)
def set_texture_mag_mode(self, data_: virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE) -> None:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum(data_.value)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetTextureMagMode(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), data)
def get_texture_address_mode(self) -> virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetTextureAddressMode(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(data))
return virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE(data.value)
def set_texture_address_mode(self, data_: virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE) -> None:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum(data_.value)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetTextureAddressMode(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), data)
def get_source_blend(self) -> virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetSourceBlend(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(data))
return virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE(data.value)
def set_source_blend(self, data_: virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE) -> None:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum(data_.value)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetSourceBlend(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), data)
def get_dest_blend(self) -> virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetDestBlend(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(data))
return virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE(data.value)
def set_dest_blend(self, data_: virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE) -> None:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum(data_.value)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetDestBlend(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), data)
def get_fill_mode(self) -> virtools_types.VXFILL_MODE:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetFillMode(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(data))
return virtools_types.VXFILL_MODE(data.value)
def set_fill_mode(self, data_: virtools_types.VXFILL_MODE) -> None:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum(data_.value)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetFillMode(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), data)
def get_shade_mode(self) -> virtools_types.VXSHADE_MODE:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetShadeMode(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(data))
return virtools_types.VXSHADE_MODE(data.value)
def set_shade_mode(self, data_: virtools_types.VXSHADE_MODE) -> None:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum(data_.value)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetShadeMode(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), data)
def get_alpha_test_enabled(self) -> bool:
data: bmap.bm_bool = bmap.bm_bool()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetAlphaTestEnabled(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(data))
return data.value
def set_alpha_test_enabled(self, data_: bool) -> None:
data: bmap.bm_bool = bmap.bm_bool(data_)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetAlphaTestEnabled(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), data)
def get_alpha_blend_enabled(self) -> bool:
data: bmap.bm_bool = bmap.bm_bool()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetAlphaBlendEnabled(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(data))
return data.value
def set_alpha_blend_enabled(self, data_: bool) -> None:
data: bmap.bm_bool = bmap.bm_bool(data_)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetAlphaBlendEnabled(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), data)
def get_perspective_correction_enabled(self) -> bool:
data: bmap.bm_bool = bmap.bm_bool()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetPerspectiveCorrectionEnabled(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(data))
return data.value
def set_perspective_correction_enabled(self, data_: bool) -> None:
data: bmap.bm_bool = bmap.bm_bool(data_)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetPerspectiveCorrectionEnabled(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), data)
def get_z_write_enabled(self) -> bool:
data: bmap.bm_bool = bmap.bm_bool()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetZWriteEnabled(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(data))
return data.value
def set_z_write_enabled(self, data_: bool) -> None:
data: bmap.bm_bool = bmap.bm_bool(data_)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetZWriteEnabled(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), data)
def get_two_sided_enabled(self) -> bool:
data: bmap.bm_bool = bmap.bm_bool()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetTwoSidedEnabled(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(data))
return data.value
def set_two_sided_enabled(self, data_: bool) -> None:
data: bmap.bm_bool = bmap.bm_bool(data_)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetTwoSidedEnabled(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), data)
def get_alpha_ref(self) -> int:
data: bmap.bm_CKBYTE = bmap.bm_CKBYTE()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetAlphaRef(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(data))
return data.value
def set_alpha_ref(self, data_: int):
data: bmap.bm_CKBYTE = bmap.bm_CKBYTE(data_)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetAlphaRef(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), data)
def get_alpha_func(self) -> virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetAlphaFunc(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(data))
return virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC(data.value)
def set_alpha_func(self, data_: virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC) -> None:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum(data_.value)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetAlphaFunc(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), data)
def get_z_func(self) -> virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum()
bmap.BMMaterial_GetZFunc(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(data))
return virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC(data.value)
def set_z_func(self, data_: virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC) -> None:
data: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum(data_.value)
bmap.BMMaterial_SetZFunc(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), data)
class BMMesh(BMObject):
def get_lit_mode(self) -> virtools_types.VXMESH_LITMODE:
mode: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum()
bmap.BMMesh_GetLitMode(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(mode))
return virtools_types.VXMESH_LITMODE(mode.value)
def set_lit_mode(self, mode_: virtools_types.VXMESH_LITMODE) -> None:
mode: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum(mode_.value)
bmap.BMMesh_SetLitMode(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), mode)
def get_vertex_count(self) -> int:
count: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD()
bmap.BMMesh_GetVertexCount(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(count))
return count.value
def set_vertex_count(self, count_: int) -> None:
count: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD(count_)
bmap.BMMesh_SetVertexCount(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), count)
def get_vertex_positions(self) -> typing.Iterator[virtools_types.VxVector3]:
# get raw pointer and return
raw_vector: bmap.bm_VxVector3_p = bmap.bm_VxVector3_p()
bmap.BMMesh_GetVertexPositions(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(raw_vector))
return _vxvector3_iterator(raw_vector, self.get_vertex_count())
def set_vertex_positions(self, itor: typing.Iterator[virtools_types.VxVector3]) -> None:
# get raw float pointer and assign
raw_vector: bmap.bm_VxVector3_p = bmap.bm_VxVector3_p()
bmap.BMMesh_GetVertexPositions(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(raw_vector))
_vxvector3_assigner(raw_vector, self.get_vertex_count(), itor)
def get_vertex_normals(self) -> typing.Iterator[virtools_types.VxVector3]:
raw_vector: bmap.bm_VxVector3_p = bmap.bm_VxVector3_p()
bmap.BMMesh_GetVertexNormals(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(raw_vector))
return _vxvector3_iterator(raw_vector, self.get_vertex_count())
def set_vertex_normals(self, itor: typing.Iterator[virtools_types.VxVector3]) -> None:
raw_vector: bmap.bm_VxVector3_p = bmap.bm_VxVector3_p()
bmap.BMMesh_GetVertexNormals(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(raw_vector))
_vxvector3_assigner(raw_vector, self.get_vertex_count(), itor)
def get_vertex_uvs(self) -> typing.Iterator[virtools_types.VxVector2]:
raw_vector: bmap.bm_VxVector2_p = bmap.bm_VxVector2_p()
bmap.BMMesh_GetVertexUVs(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(raw_vector))
return _vxvector2_iterator(raw_vector, self.get_vertex_count())
def set_vertex_uvs(self, itor: typing.Iterator[virtools_types.VxVector2]) -> None:
raw_vector: bmap.bm_VxVector2_p = bmap.bm_VxVector2_p()
bmap.BMMesh_GetVertexUVs(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(raw_vector))
_vxvector2_assigner(raw_vector, self.get_vertex_count(), itor)
def get_face_count(self) -> int:
count: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD()
bmap.BMMesh_GetFaceCount(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(count))
return count.value
def set_face_count(self, count_: int) -> None:
count: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD(count_)
bmap.BMMesh_SetFaceCount(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), count)
def get_face_indices(self) -> typing.Iterator[virtools_types.CKFaceIndices]:
raw_idx: bmap.bm_CKWORD_p = bmap.bm_CKWORD_p()
bmap.BMMesh_GetFaceIndices(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(raw_idx))
return _ckfaceindices_iterator(raw_idx, self.get_face_count())
def set_face_indices(self, itor: typing.Iterator[virtools_types.CKFaceIndices]) -> None:
raw_idx: bmap.bm_CKWORD_p = bmap.bm_CKWORD_p()
bmap.BMMesh_GetFaceIndices(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(raw_idx))
_ckfaceindices_assigner(raw_idx, self.get_face_count(), itor)
def get_face_material_slot_indexs(self) -> typing.Iterator[int]:
raw_idx: bmap.bm_CKWORD_p = bmap.bm_CKWORD_p()
bmap.BMMesh_GetFaceMaterialSlotIndexs(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(raw_idx))
for i in range(self.get_face_count()):
yield raw_idx[i]
def set_face_material_slot_indexs(self, itor: typing.Iterator[int]) -> None:
raw_idx: bmap.bm_CKWORD_p = bmap.bm_CKWORD_p()
bmap.BMMesh_GetFaceMaterialSlotIndexs(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(raw_idx))
for i in range(self.get_face_count()):
raw_idx[i] = next(itor)
def get_material_slot_count(self) -> int:
count: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD()
bmap.BMMesh_GetMaterialSlotCount(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(count))
return count.value
def set_material_slot_count(self, count_: int) -> None:
count: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD(count_)
bmap.BMMesh_SetMaterialSlotCount(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), count)
def get_material_slots(self) -> typing.Iterator[BMMaterial | None]:
idx: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD()
mtlid: bmap.bm_CKID = bmap.bm_CKID()
for i in range(self.get_material_slot_count()):
idx.value = i
bmap.BMMesh_GetMaterialSlot(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), idx, ctypes.byref(mtlid))
if mtlid.value == g_InvalidCKID:
yield None
yield BMMaterial(self._get_pointer(), mtlid)
def set_material_slots(self, itor: typing.Iterator[BMMaterial | None]) -> None:
idx: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD()
mtlid: bmap.bm_CKID = bmap.bm_CKID()
for i in range(self.get_material_slot_count()):
idx.value = i
# analyze mtl item
mtlobj: BMMaterial | None = next(itor)
if mtlobj is None:
mtlid.value = g_InvalidCKID
mtlid = mtlobj._get_ckid()
# set
bmap.BMMesh_SetMaterialSlot(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), idx, mtlid)
class BM3dObject(BMObject):
def get_world_matrix(self) -> virtools_types.VxMatrix:
mat: bmap.bm_VxMatrix = bmap.bm_VxMatrix()
bmap.BM3dObject_GetWorldMatrix(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(mat))
# use cast & pointer to get matrix data conveniently
flat: bmap.bm_CKFLOAT_p = ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(mat), bmap.bm_CKFLOAT_p)
ret: virtools_types.VxMatrix = virtools_types.VxMatrix()
ret.from_const(tuple(flat[i] for i in range(16)))
return ret
def set_world_matrix(self, mat_: virtools_types.VxMatrix) -> None:
# star syntax expand the tuple as the argument.
mat: bmap.bm_VxMatrix = bmap.bm_VxMatrix(*(mat_.to_const()))
bmap.BM3dObject_SetWorldMatrix(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), mat)
def get_current_mesh(self) -> BMMesh | None:
ckid: bmap.bm_CKID = bmap.bm_CKID()
bmap.BM3dObject_GetCurrentMesh(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(ckid))
if ckid.value == g_InvalidCKID:
return None
return BMMesh(self._get_pointer(), ckid)
def set_current_mesh(self, mesh: BMMesh | None) -> None:
ckid: bmap.bm_CKID = bmap.bm_CKID(g_InvalidCKID)
if mesh is not None:
ckid = mesh._get_ckid()
bmap.BM3dObject_SetCurrentMesh(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ckid)
def get_visibility(self) -> bool:
visb: bmap.bm_bool = bmap.bm_bool()
bmap.BM3dObject_GetVisibility(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(visb))
return visb.value
def set_visibility(self, visb_: bool) -> None:
visb: bmap.bm_bool = bmap.bm_bool(visb_)
bmap.BM3dObject_SetVisibility(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), visb)
class BMGroup(BMObject):
def add_object(self, member: BM3dObject) -> None:
bmap.BMGroup_AddObject(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), member._get_ckid())
def get_object_count(self) -> int:
csize: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD()
bmap.BMGroup_GetObjectCount(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), ctypes.byref(csize))
return csize.value
def get_objects(self) -> typing.Iterator[BM3dObject]:
csize: int = self.get_object_count()
# iterate list
cidx: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD()
retid: bmap.bm_CKID = bmap.bm_CKID()
for i in range(csize):
cidx.value = i
bmap.BMGroup_GetObject(self._get_pointer(), self._get_ckid(), cidx, ctypes.byref(retid))
# return visitor
yield BM3dObject(self._get_pointer(), retid)
class BMFileReader(_AbstractPointer):
def __init__(self, file_name_: str, temp_folder_: str, texture_folder_: str, encodings_: tuple[str]):
# create param
file_name: bmap.bm_CKSTRING = bmap.bm_CKSTRING(file_name_.encode(g_BMapEncoding))
temp_folder: bmap.bm_CKSTRING = bmap.bm_CKSTRING(temp_folder_.encode(g_BMapEncoding))
texture_folder: bmap.bm_CKSTRING = bmap.bm_CKSTRING(texture_folder_.encode(g_BMapEncoding))
encoding_count: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD(len(encodings_))
encodings: ctypes.Array = (bmap.bm_CKSTRING * len(encodings_))(
*(strl.encode(g_BMapEncoding) for strl in encodings_)
out_file: bmap.bm_void_p = bmap.bm_void_p()
# exec
file_name, temp_folder, texture_folder, _g_RawCallback,
encoding_count, encodings,
# init self
_AbstractPointer.__init__(self, out_file)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def dispose(self) -> None:
if self._is_valid():
def __get_ckobject_count(self,
count_getter: typing.Callable[[bmap.bm_void_p, bmap.bm_CKDWORD_p], bool]) -> int:
# get size
csize: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD()
count_getter(self._get_pointer(), ctypes.byref(csize))
return csize.value
def __get_ckobjects(self,
class_type: type[TCKObj],
count_getter: typing.Callable[[bmap.bm_void_p, bmap.bm_CKDWORD_p], bool],
obj_getter: typing.Callable[[bmap.bm_void_p, bmap.bm_CKDWORD, bmap.bm_CKID_p], bool]) -> typing.Iterator[TCKObj]:
# get size first
csize: int = self.__get_ckobject_count(count_getter)
# iterate list
cidx: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD()
retid: bmap.bm_CKID = bmap.bm_CKID()
for i in range(csize):
cidx.value = i
obj_getter(self._get_pointer(), cidx, ctypes.byref(retid))
# yield return constructed obj visitor
yield class_type(self._get_pointer(), retid)
def get_texture_count(self) -> int:
return self.__get_ckobject_count(bmap.BMFile_GetTextureCount)
def get_textures(self) -> typing.Iterator[BMTexture]:
return self.__get_ckobjects(
def get_material_count(self) -> int:
return self.__get_ckobject_count(bmap.BMFile_GetMaterialCount)
def get_materials(self) -> typing.Iterator[BMMaterial]:
return self.__get_ckobjects(
def get_mesh_count(self) -> int:
return self.__get_ckobject_count(bmap.BMFile_GetMeshCount)
def get_meshs(self) -> typing.Iterator[BMMesh]:
return self.__get_ckobjects(
def get_3dobject_count(self) -> int:
return self.__get_ckobject_count(bmap.BMFile_Get3dObjectCount)
def get_3dobjects(self) -> typing.Iterator[BM3dObject]:
return self.__get_ckobjects(
def get_group_count(self) -> int:
return self.__get_ckobject_count(bmap.BMFile_GetGroupCount)
def get_groups(self) -> typing.Iterator[BMGroup]:
return self.__get_ckobjects(
class BMFileWriter(_AbstractPointer):
def __init__(self, temp_folder_: str, texture_folder_: str, encodings_: tuple[str]):
# create param
temp_folder: bmap.bm_CKSTRING = bmap.bm_CKSTRING(temp_folder_.encode(g_BMapEncoding))
texture_folder: bmap.bm_CKSTRING = bmap.bm_CKSTRING(texture_folder_.encode(g_BMapEncoding))
encoding_count: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD(len(encodings_))
encodings: ctypes.Array = (bmap.bm_CKSTRING * len(encodings_))(
*(strl.encode(g_BMapEncoding) for strl in encodings_)
out_file: bmap.bm_void_p = bmap.bm_void_p()
# exec
temp_folder, texture_folder, _g_RawCallback,
encoding_count, encodings,
# init self
_AbstractPointer.__init__(self, out_file)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def save(self, file_name_: str, texture_save_opt_: virtools_types.CK_TEXTURE_SAVEOPTIONS, use_compress_: bool, compress_level_: int) -> None:
# create param
file_name: bmap.bm_CKSTRING = bmap.bm_CKSTRING(file_name_.encode(g_BMapEncoding))
texture_save_opt: bmap.bm_enum = bmap.bm_enum(texture_save_opt_.value)
use_compress: bmap.bm_bool = bmap.bm_bool(use_compress_)
compress_level: bmap.bm_CKINT = bmap.bm_CKINT(compress_level_)
# exec
bmap.BMFile_Save(self._get_pointer(), file_name, texture_save_opt, use_compress, compress_level)
def dispose(self) -> None:
if self._is_valid():
def __create_ckobject(self,
class_type: type[TCKObj],
creator: typing.Callable[[bmap.bm_void_p, bmap.bm_CKID_p], bool]) -> TCKObj:
# prepare id container
retid: bmap.bm_CKID = bmap.bm_CKID()
# create new one
creator(self._get_pointer(), ctypes.byref(retid))
# return visitor
return class_type(self._get_pointer(), retid)
def create_texture(self) -> BMTexture:
return self.__create_ckobject(
def create_material(self) -> BMMaterial:
return self.__create_ckobject(
def create_mesh(self) -> BMMesh:
return self.__create_ckobject(
def create_3dobject(self) -> BM3dObject:
return self.__create_ckobject(
def create_group(self) -> BMGroup:
return self.__create_ckobject(
class BMMeshTrans(_AbstractPointer):
def __init__(self):
ptr: bmap.bm_void_p = bmap.bm_void_p()
_AbstractPointer.__init__(self, ptr)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def dispose(self) -> None:
if self._is_valid():
def parse(self, bmfile: BMFileWriter, objmesh: BMMesh) -> None:
bmap.BMMeshTrans_Parse(self._get_pointer(), bmfile._get_pointer(), objmesh._get_ckid())
def prepare_vertex(self, count: int, itor: typing.Iterator[virtools_types.VxVector3]) -> None:
# prepare count first
csize: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD(count)
bmap.BMMeshTrans_PrepareVertexCount(self._get_pointer(), csize)
# get raw pointer and conv to float ptr for convenient visit
raw_vector: bmap.bm_VxVector3_p = bmap.bm_VxVector3_p()
bmap.BMMeshTrans_PrepareVertex(self._get_pointer(), ctypes.byref(raw_vector))
# set by pointer
_vxvector3_assigner(raw_vector, count, itor)
def prepare_normal(self, count: int, itor: typing.Iterator[virtools_types.VxVector3]) -> None:
csize: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD(count)
bmap.BMMeshTrans_PrepareNormalCount(self._get_pointer(), csize)
raw_vector: bmap.bm_VxVector3_p = bmap.bm_VxVector3_p()
bmap.BMMeshTrans_PrepareNormal(self._get_pointer(), ctypes.byref(raw_vector))
_vxvector3_assigner(raw_vector, count, itor)
def prepare_uv(self, count: int, itor: typing.Iterator[virtools_types.VxVector2]) -> None:
csize: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD(count)
bmap.BMMeshTrans_PrepareUVCount(self._get_pointer(), csize)
raw_vector: bmap.bm_VxVector2_p = bmap.bm_VxVector2_p()
bmap.BMMeshTrans_PrepareUV(self._get_pointer(), ctypes.byref(raw_vector))
_vxvector2_assigner(raw_vector, count, itor)
def prepare_mtl_slot(self, count: int, itor: typing.Iterator[BMMaterial | None]) -> None:
csize: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD(count)
bmap.BMMeshTrans_PrepareMtlSlotCount(self._get_pointer(), csize)
raw_ckid: bmap.bm_CKID_p = bmap.bm_CKID_p()
bmap.BMMeshTrans_PrepareMtlSlot(self._get_pointer(), ctypes.byref(raw_ckid))
idx: int = 0
for _ in range(count):
usermtl: BMMaterial | None = next(itor)
if usermtl is None:
raw_ckid[idx] = g_InvalidCKID
raw_ckid[idx] = usermtl._get_ckid().value
idx += 1
def prepare_face(self,
count: int,
vec_idx: typing.Iterator[virtools_types.CKFaceIndices],
nml_idx: typing.Iterator[virtools_types.CKFaceIndices],
uv_idx: typing.Iterator[virtools_types.CKFaceIndices],
mtl_idx: typing.Iterator[int]) -> None:
# prepare face size
csize: bmap.bm_CKDWORD = bmap.bm_CKDWORD(count)
bmap.BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceCount(self._get_pointer(), csize)
# get 4 raw pointer for following assign
raw_vec_idx: bmap.bm_CKDWORD_p = bmap.bm_CKDWORD_p()
raw_nml_idx: bmap.bm_CKDWORD_p = bmap.bm_CKDWORD_p()
raw_uv_idx: bmap.bm_CKDWORD_p = bmap.bm_CKDWORD_p()
raw_mtl_idx: bmap.bm_CKDWORD_p = bmap.bm_CKDWORD_p()
bmap.BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceVertexIndices(self._get_pointer(), ctypes.byref(raw_vec_idx))
bmap.BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceNormalIndices(self._get_pointer(), ctypes.byref(raw_nml_idx))
bmap.BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceUVIndices(self._get_pointer(), ctypes.byref(raw_uv_idx))
bmap.BMMeshTrans_PrepareFaceMtlSlot(self._get_pointer(), ctypes.byref(raw_mtl_idx))
# iterate and assign
# assigne triple indices
_ckfaceindices_assigner(raw_vec_idx, count, vec_idx)
_ckfaceindices_assigner(raw_nml_idx, count, nml_idx)
_ckfaceindices_assigner(raw_uv_idx, count, uv_idx)
# assign mtl index
idx: int = 0
for _ in range(count):
raw_mtl_idx[idx] = next(mtl_idx)
idx += 1

View File

@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
import typing, enum
ConstVxVector2 = tuple[float, float]
ConstVxVector3 = tuple[float, float, float]
ConstVxVector4 = tuple[float, float, float, float]
class VxVector2():
x: float
y: float
def __init__(self, _x: float = 0.0, _y: float = 0.0):
self.x = _x
self.y = _y
def from_const(self, cv: ConstVxVector2) -> None:
(self.x, self.y, ) = cv
def to_const(self) -> ConstVxVector2:
return (self.x, self.y, )
class VxVector3():
x: float
y: float
z: float
def __init__(self, _x: float = 0.0, _y: float = 0.0, _z: float = 0.0):
self.x = _x
self.y = _y
self.z = _z
def from_const(self, cv: ConstVxVector3) -> None:
(self.x, self.y, self.z) = cv
def to_const(self) -> ConstVxVector3:
return (self.x, self.y, self.z)
ConstCKFaceIndices = tuple[int, int, int]
class CKFaceIndices():
i1: int
i2: int
i3: int
def __init__(self, i1_: int = 0, i2_: int = 0, i3_: int = 0):
self.i1 = i1_
self.i2 = i2_
self.i3 = i3_
def from_const(self, cv: ConstCKFaceIndices) -> None:
(self.i1, self.i2, self.i3) = cv
def to_const(self) -> ConstCKFaceIndices:
return (self.i1, self.i2, self.i3)
ConstVxColorRGBA = tuple[float, float, float, float]
ConstVxColorRGB = tuple[float, float, float]
class VxColor():
The Color struct support RGBA.
a: float
r: float
g: float
b: float
def __init__(self, _r: float = 0.0, _g: float = 0.0, _b: float = 0.0, _a: float = 1.0):
self.r = _r
self.g = _g
self.b = _b
self.a = _a
def to_const_rgba(self) -> ConstVxColorRGBA:
return (self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a)
def to_const_rgb(self) -> ConstVxColorRGB:
return (self.r, self.g, self.b)
def from_const_rgba(self, val: ConstVxColorRGBA) -> None:
(self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a) = val
def from_const_rgb(self, val: ConstVxColorRGB) -> None:
(self.r, self.g, self.b) = val
self.a = 1.0
def from_dword(self, val: int) -> None:
self.b = float(val & 0xFF) / 255.0
val >>= 8
self.g = float(val & 0xFF) / 255.0
val >>= 8
self.r = float(val & 0xFF) / 255.0
val >>= 8
self.a = float(val & 0xFF) / 255.0
val >>= 8
def to_dword(self) -> int:
# regulate self
# construct value
val: int = 0
val |= int(self.a * 255)
val <<= 8
val |= int(self.r * 255)
val <<= 8
val |= int(self.g * 255)
val <<= 8
val |= int(self.b * 255)
return val
def clone(self):
return VxColor(self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a)
def _clamp_factor(val: float) -> float:
if val > 1.0: return 1.0
elif val < 0.0: return 0.0
else: return val
def regulate(self):
self.a = VxColor._clamp_factor(self.a)
self.r = VxColor._clamp_factor(self.r)
self.g = VxColor._clamp_factor(self.g)
self.b = VxColor._clamp_factor(self.b)
ConstVxMatrix = tuple[
float, float, float, float,
float, float, float, float,
float, float, float, float,
float, float, float, float
class VxMatrix():
The Matrix representation.
The bracket statement exactly equal with Virtools.
data: list[list[float]]
def __init__(self):
# init array
self.data = [[0] * 4 for i in range(4)]
# set to identy
def _get_raw(self) -> list[list[float]]:
return self.data
def reset(self) -> None:
# reset to identy
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
self.data[i][j] = 0.0
self.data[0][0] = 1.0
self.data[1][1] = 1.0
self.data[2][2] = 1.0
self.data[3][3] = 1.0
def from_const(self, cm: ConstVxMatrix) -> None:
self.data[0][0], self.data[0][1], self.data[0][2], self.data[0][3],
self.data[1][0], self.data[1][1], self.data[1][2], self.data[1][3],
self.data[2][0], self.data[2][1], self.data[2][2], self.data[2][3],
self.data[3][0], self.data[3][1], self.data[3][2], self.data[3][3]
) = cm
def to_const(self) -> ConstVxMatrix:
return (
self.data[0][0], self.data[0][1], self.data[0][2], self.data[0][3],
self.data[1][0], self.data[1][1], self.data[1][2], self.data[1][3],
self.data[2][0], self.data[2][1], self.data[2][2], self.data[2][3],
self.data[3][0], self.data[3][1], self.data[3][2], self.data[3][3]
Specify the way textures or sprites will be saved
CKTEXTURE_RAWDATA = 0 ##< Save raw data inside file. The bitmap is saved in a raw 32 bit per pixel format.
CKTEXTURE_EXTERNAL = 1 ##< Store only the file name for the texture. The bitmap file must be present in the bitmap paths when loading the composition.
CKTEXTURE_IMAGEFORMAT = 2 ##< Save using format specified. The bitmap data will be converted to the specified format by the correspondant bitmap plugin and saved inside file.
CKTEXTURE_USEGLOBAL = 3 ##< Use Global settings, that is the settings given with CKContext::SetGlobalImagesSaveOptions. (Not valid when using CKContext::SetImagesSaveOptions).
CKTEXTURE_INCLUDEORIGINALFILE = 4 ##< Insert original image file inside CMO file. The bitmap file that was used originally for the texture or sprite will be append to the composition file and extracted when the file is loaded.
class VX_PIXELFORMAT(enum.IntEnum):
Pixel format types.
#UNKNOWN_PF = 0 ##< Unknown pixel format
_32_ARGB8888 = 1 ##< 32-bit ARGB pixel format with alpha
_32_RGB888 = 2 ##< 32-bit RGB pixel format without alpha
_24_RGB888 = 3 ##< 24-bit RGB pixel format
_16_RGB565 = 4 ##< 16-bit RGB pixel format
_16_RGB555 = 5 ##< 16-bit RGB pixel format (5 bits per color)
_16_ARGB1555 = 6 ##< 16-bit ARGB pixel format (5 bits per color + 1 bit for alpha)
_16_ARGB4444 = 7 ##< 16-bit ARGB pixel format (4 bits per color)
_8_RGB332 = 8 ##< 8-bit RGB pixel format
_8_ARGB2222 = 9 ##< 8-bit ARGB pixel format
_32_ABGR8888 = 10 ##< 32-bit ABGR pixel format
_32_RGBA8888 = 11 ##< 32-bit RGBA pixel format
_32_BGRA8888 = 12 ##< 32-bit BGRA pixel format
_32_BGR888 = 13 ##< 32-bit BGR pixel format
_24_BGR888 = 14 ##< 24-bit BGR pixel format
_16_BGR565 = 15 ##< 16-bit BGR pixel format
_16_BGR555 = 16 ##< 16-bit BGR pixel format (5 bits per color)
_16_ABGR1555 = 17 ##< 16-bit ABGR pixel format (5 bits per color + 1 bit for alpha)
_16_ABGR4444 = 18 ##< 16-bit ABGR pixel format (4 bits per color)
_DXT1 = 19 ##< S3/DirectX Texture Compression 1
_DXT2 = 20 ##< S3/DirectX Texture Compression 2
_DXT3 = 21 ##< S3/DirectX Texture Compression 3
_DXT4 = 22 ##< S3/DirectX Texture Compression 4
_DXT5 = 23 ##< S3/DirectX Texture Compression 5
_16_V8U8 = 24 ##< 16-bit Bump Map format format (8 bits per color)
_32_V16U16 = 25 ##< 32-bit Bump Map format format (16 bits per color)
_16_L6V5U5 = 26 ##< 16-bit Bump Map format format with luminance
_32_X8L8V8U8 = 27 ##< 32-bit Bump Map format format with luminance
_8_ABGR8888_CLUT = 28 ##< 8 bits indexed CLUT (ABGR)
_8_ARGB8888_CLUT = 29 ##< 8 bits indexed CLUT (ARGB)
_4_ABGR8888_CLUT = 30 ##< 4 bits indexed CLUT (ABGR)
_4_ARGB8888_CLUT = 31 ##< 4 bits indexed CLUT (ARGB)
class VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE(enum.IntEnum):
Blend Mode Flags
VXTEXTUREBLEND_DECAL = 1 ##< Texture replace any material information
VXTEXTUREBLEND_MODULATE = 2 ##< Texture and material are combine. Alpha information of the texture replace material alpha component.
VXTEXTUREBLEND_DECALALPHA = 3 ##< Alpha information in the texture specify how material and texture are combined. Alpha information of the texture replace material alpha component.
VXTEXTUREBLEND_MODULATEALPHA = 4 ##< Alpha information in the texture specify how material and texture are combined
VXTEXTUREBLEND_DOTPRODUCT3 = 9 ##< Perform a Dot Product 3 between texture (normal map) and a referential vector given in VXRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREFACTOR.
Filter Mode Options
VXTEXTUREFILTER_LINEAR = 2 ##< Bilinear Interpolation
VXTEXTUREFILTER_MIPLINEAR = 4 ##< Mip Mapping with Bilinear interpolation
VXTEXTUREFILTER_LINEARMIPNEAREST = 5 ##< Mip Mapping with Bilinear interpolation between mipmap levels.
VXTEXTUREFILTER_ANISOTROPIC = 7 ##< Anisotropic filtering
Texture addressing modes.
VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSWRAP = 1 ##< Default mesh wrap mode is used (see CKMesh::SetWrapMode)
VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMIRROR = 2 ##< Texture coordinates outside the range [0..1] are flipped evenly.
VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSCLAMP = 3 ##< Texture coordinates greater than 1.0 are set to 1.0, and values less than 0.0 are set to 0.0.
VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSBORDER = 4 ##< When texture coordinates are greater than 1.0 or less than 0.0 texture is set to a color defined in CKMaterial::SetTextureBorderColor.
class VXBLEND_MODE(enum.IntEnum):
Blending Mode options
VXBLEND_ZERO = 1 ##< Blend factor is (0, 0, 0, 0).
VXBLEND_ONE = 2 ##< Blend factor is (1, 1, 1, 1).
VXBLEND_SRCCOLOR = 3 ##< Blend factor is (Rs, Gs, Bs, As).
VXBLEND_INVSRCCOLOR = 4 ##< Blend factor is (1-Rs, 1-Gs, 1-Bs, 1-As).
VXBLEND_SRCALPHA = 5 ##< Blend factor is (As, As, As, As).
VXBLEND_INVSRCALPHA = 6 ##< Blend factor is (1-As, 1-As, 1-As, 1-As).
VXBLEND_DESTALPHA = 7 ##< Blend factor is (Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad).
VXBLEND_INVDESTALPHA = 8 ##< Blend factor is (1-Ad, 1-Ad, 1-Ad, 1-Ad).
VXBLEND_DESTCOLOR = 9 ##< Blend factor is (Rd, Gd, Bd, Ad).
VXBLEND_INVDESTCOLOR = 10 ##< Blend factor is (1-Rd, 1-Gd, 1-Bd, 1-Ad).
VXBLEND_SRCALPHASAT = 11 ##< Blend factor is (f, f, f, 1); f = min(As, 1-Ad).
#VXBLEND_BOTHSRCALPHA = 12 ##< Source blend factor is (As, As, As, As) and destination blend factor is (1-As, 1-As, 1-As, 1-As)
#VXBLEND_BOTHINVSRCALPHA = 13 ##< Source blend factor is (1-As, 1-As, 1-As, 1-As) and destination blend factor is (As, As, As, As)
class VXFILL_MODE(enum.IntEnum):
Fill Mode Options
VXFILL_POINT = 1 ##< Vertices rendering
VXFILL_WIREFRAME = 2 ##< Edges rendering
VXFILL_SOLID = 3 ##< Face rendering
class VXSHADE_MODE(enum.IntEnum):
Shade Mode Options
VXSHADE_FLAT = 1 ##< Flat Shading
VXSHADE_GOURAUD = 2 ##< Gouraud Shading
VXSHADE_PHONG = 3 ##< Phong Shading (Not yet supported by most implementation)
class VXCMPFUNC(enum.IntEnum):
Comparison Function
VXCMP_NEVER = 1 ##< Always fail the test.
VXCMP_LESS = 2 ##< Accept if value if less than current value.
VXCMP_EQUAL = 3 ##< Accept if value if equal than current value.
VXCMP_LESSEQUAL = 4 ##< Accept if value if less or equal than current value.
VXCMP_GREATER = 5 ##< Accept if value if greater than current value.
VXCMP_NOTEQUAL = 6 ##< Accept if value if different than current value.
VXCMP_GREATEREQUAL = 7 ##< Accept if value if greater or equal current value.
VXCMP_ALWAYS = 8 ##< Always accept the test.
class VXMESH_LITMODE(enum.IntEnum):
Summary: Mesh lighting options
+ The VXMESH_LITMODE is used by CKMesh::SetLitMode to specify how lighting is done.
See Also: CKMaterial,CKMesh
VX_PRELITMESH = 0 ##< Lighting use color information store with vertices
VX_LITMESH = 1 ##< Lighting is done by renderer using normals and face material information.

View File

@ -189,6 +189,12 @@ _g_Annotation: dict[type, dict[int, EnumAnnotation]] = {
VX_PIXELFORMAT._4_ABGR8888_CLUT.value: EnumAnnotation("4 Bits ABGR8888 CLUT", "4 bits indexed CLUT (ABGR) "), VX_PIXELFORMAT._4_ABGR8888_CLUT.value: EnumAnnotation("4 Bits ABGR8888 CLUT", "4 bits indexed CLUT (ABGR) "),
VX_PIXELFORMAT._4_ARGB8888_CLUT.value: EnumAnnotation("4 Bits ARGB8888 CLUT", "4 bits indexed CLUT (ARGB) "), VX_PIXELFORMAT._4_ARGB8888_CLUT.value: EnumAnnotation("4 Bits ARGB8888 CLUT", "4 bits indexed CLUT (ARGB) "),
}, },
VXLIGHT_TYPE.VX_LIGHTPOINT.value: EnumAnnotation("Point", "The Light is a point of light "),
VXLIGHT_TYPE.VX_LIGHTSPOT.value: EnumAnnotation("Spot", "The light is a spotlight "),
VXLIGHT_TYPE.VX_LIGHTDIREC.value: EnumAnnotation("Directional", "The light is directional light : Lights comes from an infinite point so only direction of light can be given "),
#VXLIGHT_TYPE.VX_LIGHTPARA.value: EnumAnnotation("Lightpara", "Obsolete, do not use "),
VXMESH_LITMODE.VX_PRELITMESH.value: EnumAnnotation("Prelit", "Lighting use color information store with vertices "), VXMESH_LITMODE.VX_PRELITMESH.value: EnumAnnotation("Prelit", "Lighting use color information store with vertices "),
VXMESH_LITMODE.VX_LITMESH.value: EnumAnnotation("Lit", "Lighting is done by renderer using normals and face material information. "), VXMESH_LITMODE.VX_LITMESH.value: EnumAnnotation("Lit", "Lighting is done by renderer using normals and face material information. "),

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from . import UTIL_icons_manager
UTIL_icons_manager.register() UTIL_icons_manager.register()
# then load other modules # then load other modules
from . import PROP_preferences, PROP_ptrprop_resolver, PROP_virtools_material, PROP_virtools_texture, PROP_virtools_mesh, PROP_virtools_group from . import PROP_preferences, PROP_ptrprop_resolver, PROP_virtools_material, PROP_virtools_texture, PROP_virtools_mesh, PROP_virtools_light, PROP_virtools_group
from . import PROP_ballance_element, PROP_bme_material, PROP_ballance_map_info from . import PROP_ballance_element, PROP_bme_material, PROP_ballance_map_info
from . import OP_IMPORT_bmfile, OP_EXPORT_bmfile, OP_IMPORT_virtools, OP_EXPORT_virtools from . import OP_IMPORT_bmfile, OP_EXPORT_bmfile, OP_IMPORT_virtools, OP_EXPORT_virtools
from . import OP_UV_flatten_uv, OP_UV_rail_uv from . import OP_UV_flatten_uv, OP_UV_rail_uv
@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ def register() -> None:
PROP_virtools_material.register() PROP_virtools_material.register()
PROP_virtools_texture.register() PROP_virtools_texture.register()
PROP_virtools_mesh.register() PROP_virtools_mesh.register()
PROP_virtools_group.register() PROP_virtools_group.register()
PROP_ballance_element.register() PROP_ballance_element.register()
PROP_bme_material.register() PROP_bme_material.register()
@ -268,6 +269,7 @@ def unregister() -> None:
PROP_bme_material.unregister() PROP_bme_material.unregister()
PROP_ballance_element.unregister() PROP_ballance_element.unregister()
PROP_virtools_group.unregister() PROP_virtools_group.unregister()
PROP_virtools_mesh.unregister() PROP_virtools_mesh.unregister()
PROP_virtools_texture.unregister() PROP_virtools_texture.unregister()
PROP_virtools_material.unregister() PROP_virtools_material.unregister()

docs/.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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