- change bl_info["support"] to COMMUNITY. because Blender do not support TESTINg anymore.
- now plugin should be installed in addons folder, not addons_contrib, due to blender changes.
- remove the reference about mesh.polypons.loop_total. because it is readonly now. (blender 3.6 changed)
- change uv assign method. use new properties instead. (MeshUVLoop is deprecated in blender 3.5 and removed in blender 4.0)
- update README to keep update with plugin design
* refactor Select by Virtools Group section
* add material preset function description
- fix issue about flatten uv may get zero base vector.
- update elements adder menu.
- bump up version to 3.1
- fix ambiguous default side setter for floor adder. use "update" field of EnumProperty instead. also applied for dup element with span adder.
- divide component adder into 3 different adder, to process different add strategies.
- update elements placeholder adder. this change will force all element placeholder share a single mesh in the whole map.
- add series element adder.
- add more element icons. now element icons is not problem.
- change icon load strategy. now icon is loaded outside plugin. this operations might slow down blender but now I can apply my custom map to some operators to get better using experience.
- use new element icons to decorate some group name to let user know what this group stands for.
- try setting center alignment for add floor popup operator. it is not center alignment now because blender's impl but it is better than previous layout.
- add some components icon for more directly visual.
- change bl_options and rewrite invoke and draw functions to let floor creating window become more visual. credit: BLumia.
- also change 3ds max align and flatten uv presentation after changing creating floor window.
- seperate icon loader/unload module.
- add edit mode switch before bm export to prevent potential error
- let the default value of ZBuffer in Virtools Material become True
- fix the issue that duplicated elements adder do not understand enable option.
- add height re-calc in derived block generation for fixing height issue when re-use Flat in sink platform.
- finish all wide floor prototype.
- finish all platform prototype.
- use some laggy AST code to update BMERevenge generation method.
- after this change, BMERevenge become more programable and easy to create more complex models
- ready for wide floor generation development
- add support of 4 alpha fields intorduced in BM spec recently.
- optimize material creation functions argv passing strategy.
- change related func calls of (2).
- optimize material parameter pick code to reduce useless check.
- split blender material creation function.
- allow user to apply virtools material to blender nodes in operator.
- add quick group picker in add virtools group operator.