- use list to show bmap encoding settings, instead of user input raw string. it will give a more obvisous interface.
* add bmap encoding setting properties in ptrprop_resolver.
* update ptrprop_resolver for more clear usage.
- following features has not been implemented yet.
* default value for bmap encoding list.
* the bridge function in ioport_shared module (filter empty item in result)
* validate encoding list result when importing and exporting virtools file.
- use panel to organise property group in virtools file importer and exporter.
- move all ballance params and virtools params into ioport_shared module and enable different showcase according to the argument passed to show function presenting whether current window is importer or exporter.
- add multiple type ignore to ignore the error of bpy operator member field type hints.
bring ballance virtools helper used fix_texture (renamed as fix material to correspond with the real object operated by this function) into blender plugin.
- sync PyBMap work. use different library name in different OS.
- add BMap encoding default value according to different OS (Windows and non-Windows) because non-Windows OS, we use libiconv as encoding converter.
- move all pointer properties to a single module and give corresponding visitor.
- add shared importer exporter parameters module thus bmfile import/export also can ref it.