import bpy,mathutils import bmesh import math from . import UTILS_functions class BALLANCE_OT_flatten_uv(bpy.types.Operator): """Flatten selected face UV. Only works for convex face""" bl_idname = "ballance.flatten_uv" bl_label = "Flatten UV" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} normal_scale_correction = 5.0 sink_scale_correction = 5.0 * (math.sqrt(2.5 ** 2 + 0.7 ** 2) / 2.5) scale_correction: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Scale Correction", description="Choose your UV scale.", items=( ("NORMAL", "Normal Floor", "Normal floor scale, 5.0"), ("SINK", "Sink Floor", "Sink floor scale, around 5.19") ), default='NORMAL', ) reference_edge : bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Reference edge", description="The references edge of UV. It will be placed in V axis.", min=0, soft_min=0, soft_max=3, default=0, ) @classmethod def poll(self, context): obj = bpy.context.active_object if obj is None: return False if obj.type != 'MESH': return False if obj.mode != 'EDIT': return False return True def get_scale_correction(self): if self.scale_correction == 'NORMAL': return BALLANCE_OT_flatten_uv.normal_scale_correction elif self.scale_correction == 'SINK': return BALLANCE_OT_flatten_uv.sink_scale_correction else: raise Exception("Unknow scale correction.") def execute(self, context): no_processed_count = _real_flatten_uv(, self.reference_edge, self.get_scale_correction()) if no_processed_count != 0: print("[Flatten UV] {} faces may not be processed correctly because they have problem.".format(no_processed_count)) return {'FINISHED'} def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.prop(self, "scale_correction") layout.prop(self, "reference_edge") def _real_flatten_uv(mesh, reference_edge, scale_correction): no_processed_count = 0 if is None: # if no uv, create it bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(mesh) uv_lay = for face in bm.faces: if not continue # check whether ref edge is legal allPoint = len(face.loops) if allPoint <= reference_edge: no_processed_count+=1 continue # get correct new corrdinate system # yyc mark: # we use 3 points located in this face to calc # the base of this local uv corredinate system. # however if this 3 points are set in a line, # this method will cause a error, zero vector error. # # if z axis is zero vector, we will try using face normal instead # to try getting correct data. # # zero base is not important. because it will not raise any math exceptio # just a weird uv. user will notice this problem. # get point p1Relative = reference_edge p2Relative = reference_edge + 1 p3Relative = reference_edge + 2 if p2Relative >= allPoint: p2Relative -= allPoint if p3Relative >= allPoint: p3Relative -= allPoint p1=mathutils.Vector(tuple(face.loops[p1Relative][x] for x in range(3))) p2=mathutils.Vector(tuple(face.loops[p2Relative][x] for x in range(3))) p3=mathutils.Vector(tuple(face.loops[p3Relative][x] for x in range(3))) # get y axis new_y_axis = p2 - p1 new_y_axis.normalize() vec1 = p3 - p2 vec1.normalize() # get z axis new_z_axis = new_y_axis.cross(vec1) new_z_axis.normalize() if not any(round(v, 7) for v in new_z_axis): new_z_axis = face.normal.normalized() # get x axis new_x_axis = new_y_axis.cross(new_z_axis) new_x_axis.normalize() # construct rebase matrix origin_base = mathutils.Matrix(( (1.0, 0, 0), (0, 1.0, 0), (0, 0, 1.0) )) origin_base.invert_safe() new_base = mathutils.Matrix(( (new_x_axis.x, new_y_axis.x, new_z_axis.x), (new_x_axis.y, new_y_axis.y, new_z_axis.y), (new_x_axis.z, new_y_axis.z, new_z_axis.z) )) transition_matrix = origin_base @ new_base transition_matrix.invert_safe() # process each face for loop_index in range(allPoint): pp = mathutils.Vector(tuple(face.loops[loop_index][x] for x in range(3))) vec = pp-p1 new_vec = transition_matrix @ vec # y axis always use 5.0 to scale # however, x need use custom scale correction. face.loops[loop_index][uv_lay].uv = ( (new_vec.x if new_vec.x >=0 else -new_vec.x) / scale_correction, (new_vec.y) / 5.0 ) # Show the updates in the viewport bmesh.update_edit_mesh(mesh) return no_processed_count