import bpy from . import UTILS_constants, UTILS_functions class BALLANCE_PG_virtools_material(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): enable_virtools_material: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Enable Virtools Material", default=False, ) ambient: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name="Ambient", subtype='COLOR', min=0.0, max=1.0, default=[76 / 255, 76 / 255, 76 / 255] ) diffuse: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name="Diffuse", subtype='COLOR', min=0.0, max=1.0, default=[178 / 255, 178 / 255, 178 / 255] ) specular: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name="Specular", subtype='COLOR', min=0.0, max=1.0, default=[127 / 255, 127 / 255, 127 / 255] ) emissive: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name="Emissive", subtype='COLOR', min=0.0, max=1.0, default=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ) specular_power: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Specular Power", min=0.0, max=100.0, default=0.0, ) alpha_test: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Alpha Test", description="Alpha Func: VXCMP_GREATER. Alpha Ref: 1.", default=False, ) alpha_blend: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Alpha Blend", description="Source Blend: VXBLEND_SRCALPHA. Dest Blend: VXBLEND_INVSRCALPHA.", default=False, ) z_buffer: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Z Buffer", description="ZFunc: VXCMP_LESSEQUAL.", default=True, ) two_sided: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Two Sided", default=False, ) texture: bpy.props.PointerProperty( type=bpy.types.Image, name="Texture", description="The texture used for Virtools material" ) class BALLANCE_PG_virtools_group(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): group_name: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Group Name", default="" ) class common_group_name_props(bpy.types.Operator): group_name_source: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Group Name Source", items=(('DEFINED', "Predefined", "Pre-defined group name."), ('CUSTOM', "Custom", "User specified group name."), ), ) group_name: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Group Name", description="Pick vanilla Ballance group name.", items=tuple((x, x, "") for x in UTILS_constants.propsVtGroups_availableGroups), ) custom_group_name: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Custom Group Name", description="Input your custom group name.", default="", ) def parent_draw(self, parent_layout): parent_layout.prop(self, 'group_name_source', expand=True) if (self.group_name_source == 'CUSTOM'): parent_layout.prop(self, 'custom_group_name') else: parent_layout.prop(self, 'group_name') # do not translate group name. it's weird def get_group_name_string(self): return str(self.custom_group_name if self.group_name_source == 'CUSTOM' else self.group_name) def invoke(self, context, event): wm = context.window_manager return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self) def get_virtools_material(mtl): return mtl.virtools_material def get_virtools_material_data(mtl): data = get_virtools_material(mtl) return ( data.enable_virtools_material, data.ambient, data.diffuse, data.specular, data.emissive, data.specular_power, data.alpha_test, data.alpha_blend, data.z_buffer, data.two_sided, data.texture ) def set_virtools_material_data(mtl, packed_data): data = get_virtools_material(mtl) # packed_data have the same order with the return value of `get_virtools_material_data` (data.enable_virtools_material, data.ambient, data.diffuse, data.specular, data.emissive, data.specular_power, data.alpha_test, data.alpha_blend, data.z_buffer, data.two_sided, data.texture) = packed_data def get_active_virtools_group(obj): return obj.active_virtools_group def get_virtools_group(obj): return obj.virtools_group def check_virtools_group_data(obj, probe): for item in get_virtools_group(obj): if probe == str(item.group_name): return True return False def add_virtools_group_data(obj, new_data): # check exist if check_virtools_group_data(obj, new_data): # existed, give up return False # "add" do not need operate active_virtools_group data = get_virtools_group(obj) it = data.add() = "" it.group_name = new_data return True def remove_virtools_group_data(obj, rm_data): gp = get_virtools_group(obj) active_gp = get_active_virtools_group(obj) for idx, item in enumerate(gp): if rm_data == str(item.group_name): # decrease active group if removed item is ahead of active group if idx <= active_gp: active_gp -= 1 # remove gp.remove(idx) # indicate success return True return False def remove_virtools_group_data_by_index(obj, rm_idx): gp = get_virtools_group(obj) active_gp = get_active_virtools_group(obj) # report error if rm_idx >= len(gp): return False # remove if rm_idx <= active_gp: active_gp -= 1 gp.remove(rm_idx) return True def clear_virtools_group_data(obj): gp = get_virtools_group(obj) active_gp = get_active_virtools_group(obj) gp.clear() active_gp = 0 def fill_virtools_group_data(obj, data_list): # clear first clear_virtools_group_data(obj) # if no data to add, return if data_list is None: return # add one by one after check duplication data = get_virtools_group(obj) for item in set(data_list): it = data.add() = "" it.group_name = item def get_virtools_group_data(obj): return tuple(str(item.group_name) for item in get_virtools_group(obj)) def register_props(): bpy.types.Object.virtools_group = bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=BALLANCE_PG_virtools_group) bpy.types.Object.active_virtools_group = bpy.props.IntProperty() bpy.types.Material.virtools_material = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=BALLANCE_PG_virtools_material) def unregister_props(): del bpy.types.Material.virtools_material del bpy.types.Object.virtools_group del bpy.types.Object.active_virtools_group