import bpy,mathutils import os, math from bpy_extras import io_utils,node_shader_utils # from bpy_extras.io_utils import unpack_list from bpy_extras.image_utils import load_image from . import UTILS_constants, UTILS_functions class BALLANCE_OT_add_floors(bpy.types.Operator): """Add Ballance floor""" bl_idname = "ballance.add_floors" bl_label = "Add floor" bl_options = {'UNDO'} floor_type: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Type", description="Floor type", items=tuple((x, x, "") for x in UTILS_constants.floor_blockDict.keys()), ) expand_length_1 : bpy.props.IntProperty( name="D1 length", description="The length of expand direction 1", min=0, default=0, ) expand_length_2 : bpy.props.IntProperty( name="D2 length", description="The length of expand direction 2", min=0, default=0, ) height_multiplier : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Height", description="The multiplier for height. Default height is 5", min=0.0, default=1.0, ) use_2d_top : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Top edge" ) use_2d_right : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Right edge" ) use_2d_bottom : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Bottom edge" ) use_2d_left : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Left edge" ) use_3d_top : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Top face" ) use_3d_bottom : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Bottom face" ) previous_floor_type = '' @classmethod def poll(self, context): prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences return os.path.isdir(prefs.external_folder) def execute(self, context): # get prefs prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences prefs_externalTexture = prefs.external_folder # load mesh objmesh ='done_') if self.floor_type in UTILS_constants.floor_basicBlockList: _load_basic_floor( objmesh, self.floor_type, 'R0', self.height_multiplier, self.expand_length_1, self.expand_length_2, (self.use_2d_top, self.use_2d_right, self.use_2d_bottom, self.use_2d_left, self.use_3d_top, self.use_3d_bottom), (0.0, 0.0), prefs_externalTexture) elif self.floor_type in UTILS_constants.floor_derivedBlockList: _load_derived_floor( objmesh, self.floor_type, self.height_multiplier, self.expand_length_1, self.expand_length_2, (self.use_2d_top, self.use_2d_right, self.use_2d_bottom, self.use_2d_left, self.use_3d_top, self.use_3d_bottom), prefs_externalTexture) else: raise Exception("Fatal error: unknow floor type.") # normalization mesh objmesh.validate(clean_customdata=False) objmesh.update(calc_edges=False, calc_edges_loose=False) # create object and link it'A_Floor_BMERevenge_', objmesh) UTILS_functions.add_into_scene_and_move_to_cursor(obj) return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): wm = context.window_manager return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self) def draw(self, context): # get floor prototype floor_prototype = UTILS_constants.floor_blockDict[self.floor_type] # try sync default value if self.previous_floor_type != self.floor_type: self.previous_floor_type = self.floor_type default_sides = floor_prototype['DefaultSideConfig'] self.use_2d_top = default_sides['UseTwoDTop'] self.use_2d_right = default_sides['UseTwoDRight'] self.use_2d_bottom = default_sides['UseTwoDBottom'] self.use_2d_left = default_sides['UseTwoDLeft'] self.use_3d_top = default_sides['UseThreeDTop'] self.use_3d_bottom = default_sides['UseThreeDBottom'] # show property layout = self.layout col = layout.column() col.label(text="Basic param") col.prop(self, "floor_type") col.prop(self, "height_multiplier") col.separator() col.label(text="Expand") if floor_prototype['ExpandType'] == 'Column' or floor_prototype['ExpandType'] == 'Freedom': col.prop(self, "expand_length_1") if floor_prototype['ExpandType'] == 'Freedom': col.prop(self, "expand_length_2") col.label(text="Unit size: " + floor_prototype['UnitSize']) col.label(text="Expand mode: " + floor_prototype['ExpandType']) grids = col.grid_flow(row_major=True, columns=3) grids.separator() grids.label(text=UTILS_constants.floor_expandDirectionMap[floor_prototype['InitColumnDirection']][floor_prototype['ExpandType']][0]) grids.separator() grids.label(text=UTILS_constants.floor_expandDirectionMap[floor_prototype['InitColumnDirection']][floor_prototype['ExpandType']][3]) grids.template_icon(icon_value = UTILS_constants.icons_floorDict[self.floor_type]) grids.label(text=UTILS_constants.floor_expandDirectionMap[floor_prototype['InitColumnDirection']][floor_prototype['ExpandType']][1]) grids.separator() grids.label(text=UTILS_constants.floor_expandDirectionMap[floor_prototype['InitColumnDirection']][floor_prototype['ExpandType']][2]) grids.separator() col.separator() col.label(text="Faces") row = col.row() row.prop(self, "use_3d_top") row.prop(self, "use_3d_bottom") col.separator() col.label(text="Sides") grids = col.grid_flow(row_major=True, columns=3) grids.separator() grids.prop(self, "use_2d_top") grids.separator() grids.prop(self, "use_2d_left") grids.template_icon(icon_value = UTILS_constants.icons_floorDict[self.floor_type]) grids.prop(self, "use_2d_right") grids.separator() grids.prop(self, "use_2d_bottom") grids.separator() def _face_fallback(normal_face, expand_face, height): if expand_face == None: return normal_face if height <= 1.0: return normal_face else: return expand_face def _create_or_get_material(material_name, prefs_externalTexture): # WARNING: this code is shared with bm_import_export deconflict_mtl_name = "BMERevenge_" + material_name # create or get material (mtl, skip_init) = UTILS_functions.create_instance_with_option( UTILS_constants.BmfileInfoType.MATERIAL, deconflict_mtl_name, 'CURRENT' ) if skip_init: return mtl # initialize material parameter # load texture first texture_filename = UTILS_constants.floor_textureReflactionMap[material_name] deconflict_texture_name = "BMERevenge_" + texture_filename (texture, skip_init) = UTILS_functions.create_instance_with_option( UTILS_constants.BmfileInfoType.TEXTURE, deconflict_texture_name, 'CURRENT', extra_texture_path = prefs_externalTexture, extra_texture_filename = texture_filename ) # iterate material statistic to get corresponding mtl data for try_item in UTILS_constants.floor_materialStatistic: if material_name in try_item['member']: # got it # set material data # all floor do not have any transparency props, so we provide 4 False value. UTILS_functions.create_blender_material(mtl, (True, try_item['data']['ambient'], try_item['data']['diffuse'], try_item['data']['specular'], try_item['data']['emissive'], try_item['data']['power'], False, False, False, False, texture) ) break # return mtl return mtl def _solve_vec_data(str_data, d1, d2, d3, unit, unit_height): sp = str_data.split(';') sp_point = sp[0].split(',') vec = [float(sp_point[0]), float(sp_point[1]), float(sp_point[2])] for i in range(3): symbol = sp[i+1] if symbol == '': continue factor = 1.0 if symbol[0] == '+' else -1.0 p = symbol[1:] if p == 'd1': vec[i] += d1 * unit * factor elif p == 'd2': vec[i] += d2 * unit * factor elif p == 'd3': vec[i] += (d3 - 1) * unit_height * factor return vec def _rotate_translate_vec(vec, rotation, unit, extra_translate): vec[0] -= unit / 2 vec[1] -= unit / 2 if rotation == 'R0': coso=1 sino=0 elif rotation == 'R90': coso=0 sino=1 elif rotation == 'R180': coso=-1 sino=0 elif rotation == 'R270': coso=0 sino=-1 return ( coso * vec[0] - sino * vec[1] + unit / 2 + extra_translate[0], sino * vec[0] + coso * vec[1] + unit / 2 + extra_translate[1], vec[2] ) def _solve_uv_data(str_data, d1, d2, d3, unit): sp = str_data.split(';') sp_point = sp[0].split(',') vec = [float(sp_point[0]), float(sp_point[1])] for i in range(2): symbol = sp[i+1] if symbol == '': continue factor = 1.0 if symbol[0] == '+' else -1.0 p = symbol[1:] if p == 'd1': vec[i] += d1 * unit * factor elif p == 'd2': vec[i] += d2 * unit * factor elif p == 'd3': vec[i] += (d3 - 1) * unit * factor return tuple(vec) def _solve_normal_data(point1, point2, point3): vector1 = ( point2[0] - point1[0], point2[1] - point1[1], point2[2] - point1[2] ) vector2 = ( point3[0] - point2[0], point3[1] - point2[1], point3[2] - point2[2] ) # do vector x mutiply # vector1 x vector2 nor = [ vector1[1] * vector2[2] - vector1[2] * vector2[1], vector1[2] * vector2[0] - vector1[0] * vector2[2], vector1[0] * vector2[1] - vector1[1] * vector2[0] ] # do a normalization length = math.sqrt(nor[0] ** 2 + nor[1] ** 2 + nor[2] ** 2) nor[0] /= length nor[1] /= length nor[2] /= length return tuple(nor) def _solve_smashed_position(str_data, d1, d2): sp=str_data.split(';') sp_pos = sp[0].split(',') sp_sync = sp[1].split(',') vec = [int(sp_pos[0]), int(sp_pos[1])] for i in range(2): offset = 0 if sp_sync[i * 2] == '' else int(sp_sync[i * 2]) if sp_sync[i*2+1] == 'd1': vec[i] += d1 + offset elif sp_sync[i*2+1] == 'd2': vec[i] += d2 + offset return tuple(vec) def _virtual_foreach_set(collection, field, base_num, data): counter = 0 for i in data: exec("a[j]." + field + "=q", {}, { 'a': collection, 'j': counter + base_num, 'q': i }) counter+=1 ''' sides_struct should be a tuple and it always have 6 bool items (use_2d_top, use_2d_right, use_2d_bottom, use_2d_left, use_3d_top, use_3d_bottom) WARNING: this code is shared with bm import export ''' def _load_basic_floor(mesh, floor_type, rotation, height_multiplier, d1, d2, sides_struct, extra_translate, prefs_externalTexture): floor_prototype = UTILS_constants.floor_blockDict[floor_type] # set some unit height_unit = 5.0 if floor_prototype['UnitSize'] == 'Small': block_3dworld_unit = 2.5 block_uvworld_unit = 0.5 elif floor_prototype['UnitSize'] == 'Large': block_3dworld_unit = 5.0 block_uvworld_unit = 1.0 # got all needed faces needCreatedFaces = [] if sides_struct[0]: needCreatedFaces.append(_face_fallback(floor_prototype['TwoDTopSide'], floor_prototype['TwoDTopSideExpand'], height_multiplier)) if sides_struct[1]: needCreatedFaces.append(_face_fallback(floor_prototype['TwoDRightSide'], floor_prototype['TwoDRightSideExpand'], height_multiplier)) if sides_struct[2]: needCreatedFaces.append(_face_fallback(floor_prototype['TwoDBottomSide'], floor_prototype['TwoDBottomSideExpand'], height_multiplier)) if sides_struct[3]: needCreatedFaces.append(_face_fallback(floor_prototype['TwoDLeftSide'], floor_prototype['TwoDLeftSideExpand'], height_multiplier)) if sides_struct[4]: needCreatedFaces.append(floor_prototype['ThreeDTopFace']) if sides_struct[5]: needCreatedFaces.append(floor_prototype['ThreeDBottomFace']) # resolve face # solve material first materialDict = {} allmat = mesh.materials[:] counter = len(allmat) for face_define in needCreatedFaces: for face in face_define['Faces']: new_texture = face['Textures'] if new_texture not in materialDict.keys(): # try get from existed solt pending_material = _create_or_get_material(new_texture, prefs_externalTexture) if pending_material not in allmat: # no matched. add it mesh.materials.append(pending_material) materialDict[new_texture] = counter counter += 1 else: # use existed index materialDict[new_texture] = allmat.index(pending_material) # now, we can process real mesh # load existed base count global_offset_vec = len(mesh.vertices) global_offset_polygons = len(mesh.polygons) global_offset_loops = len(mesh.loops) vecList = [] uvList = [] normalList = [] faceList = [] faceIndList = [] faceMatList = [] for face_define in needCreatedFaces: base_indices = len(vecList) for vec in face_define['Vertices']: vecList.append(_rotate_translate_vec( _solve_vec_data(vec, d1, d2, height_multiplier, block_3dworld_unit, height_unit), rotation, block_3dworld_unit, extra_translate)) for uv in face_define['UVs']: uvList.append(_solve_uv_data(uv, d1, d2, height_multiplier, block_uvworld_unit)) for face in face_define['Faces']: if face['Type'] == 'RECTANGLE': # rectangle vec_indices = ( face['P1'] + base_indices, face['P2'] + base_indices, face['P3'] + base_indices, face['P4'] + base_indices) indCount = 4 elif face['Type'] == 'TRIANGLE': # triangle vec_indices = ( face['P1'] + base_indices, face['P2'] + base_indices, face['P3'] + base_indices) indCount = 3 # we need calc normal and push it into list point_normal = _solve_normal_data(vecList[vec_indices[0]], vecList[vec_indices[1]], vecList[vec_indices[2]]) for i in range(indCount): normalList.append(point_normal) # push indices into list for i in range(indCount): faceList.append(vec_indices[i] + global_offset_vec) # push material into list faceMatList.append(materialDict[face['Textures']]) # push face vec count into list faceIndList.append(indCount) # push data into blender struct mesh.vertices.add(len(vecList)) mesh.loops.add(len(faceList)) mesh.polygons.add(len(faceMatList)) mesh.create_normals_split() if is None: # if no uv, create it _virtual_foreach_set(mesh.vertices, "co", global_offset_vec, vecList) _virtual_foreach_set(mesh.loops, "vertex_index", global_offset_loops, faceList) _virtual_foreach_set(mesh.loops, "normal", global_offset_loops, normalList) _virtual_foreach_set(mesh.uv_layers[0].data, "uv", global_offset_loops, uvList) cache_counter = 0 for i in range(len(faceMatList)): indCount = faceIndList[i] mesh.polygons[i + global_offset_polygons].loop_start = global_offset_loops + cache_counter mesh.polygons[i + global_offset_polygons].loop_total = indCount mesh.polygons[i + global_offset_polygons].material_index = faceMatList[i] mesh.polygons[i + global_offset_polygons].use_smooth = True cache_counter += indCount def _load_derived_floor(mesh, floor_type, height_multiplier, d1, d2, sides_struct, prefs_externalTexture): floor_prototype = UTILS_constants.floor_blockDict[floor_type] # set some unit if floor_prototype['UnitSize'] == 'Small': block_3dworld_unit = 2.5 elif floor_prototype['UnitSize'] == 'Large': block_3dworld_unit = 5.0 # construct face dict sides_dict = { 'True': True, 'False': False, '2dTop': sides_struct[0], '2dRight': sides_struct[1], '2dBottom': sides_struct[2], '2dLeft': sides_struct[3], '3dTop': sides_struct[4], '3dBottom': sides_struct[5] } # iterate smahsed blocks for blk in floor_prototype['SmashedBlocks']: start_pos = _solve_smashed_position(blk['StartPosition'], d1, d2) expand_pos = _solve_smashed_position(blk['ExpandPosition'], d1, d2) sides_data = tuple(sides_dict[x] for x in blk['SideSync'].split(';')) # call basic floor creator _load_basic_floor( mesh, blk['Type'], blk['Rotation'], height_multiplier, expand_pos[0], expand_pos[1], sides_data, (start_pos[0] * block_3dworld_unit, start_pos[1] * block_3dworld_unit), prefs_externalTexture )