import bpy, mathutils import os, json, enum, typing, math from . import PROP_virtools_group, PROP_bme_material from . import UTIL_functions, UTIL_icons_manager, UTIL_blender_mesh, UTIL_virtools_types, UTIL_naming_convension ## NOTE: Outside caller should use BME struct's unique indetifier to visit each prototype # and drive this class' functions to work. #region Prototype Visitor class PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes(enum.Enum): Integer = 'int' Float = 'float' Boolean = 'bool' Face = 'face' class PrototypeShowcaseTypes(enum.Enum): No = 'none' Floor = 'floor' Rail = 'rail' Wood = 'wood' TOKEN_IDENTIFIER: str = 'identifier' TOKEN_SHOWCASE: str = 'showcase' TOKEN_SHOWCASE_TITLE: str = 'title' TOKEN_SHOWCASE_ICON: str = 'icon' TOKEN_SHOWCASE_TYPE: str = 'type' TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS: str = 'cfgs' TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS_FIELD: str = 'field' TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS_TYPE: str = 'type' TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS_TITLE: str = 'title' TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS_DESC: str = 'desc' TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS_DEFAULT: str = 'default' TOKEN_SKIP: str = 'skip' TOKEN_PARAMS: str = 'params' TOKEN_PARAMS_FIELD: str = 'field' TOKEN_PARAMS_DATA: str = 'data' TOKEN_VARS: str = 'vars' TOKEN_VARS_FIELD: str = 'field' TOKEN_VARS_DATA: str = 'data' TOKEN_VERTICES: str = 'vertices' TOKEN_VERTICES_SKIP: str = 'skip' TOKEN_VERTICES_DATA: str = 'data' TOKEN_FACES: str = 'faces' TOKEN_FACES_SKIP: str = 'skip' TOKEN_FACES_TEXTURE: str = 'texture' TOKEN_FACES_INDICES: str = 'indices' TOKEN_FACES_UVS: str = 'uvs' TOKEN_FACES_NORMALS: str = 'normals' TOKEN_INSTANCES: str = 'instances' TOKEN_INSTANCES_IDENTIFIER: str = 'identifier' TOKEN_INSTANCES_SKIP: str = 'skip' TOKEN_INSTANCES_PARAMS: str = 'params' TOKEN_INSTANCES_TRANSFORM: str = 'transform' #endregion #region Prototype Loader ## The list storing BME prototype. _g_BMEPrototypes: list[dict[str, typing.Any]] = [] ## The dict. Key is prototype identifier. value is the index of prototype in prototype list. _g_BMEPrototypeIndexMap: dict[str, int] = {} # the core loader for walk_root, walk_dirs, walk_files in os.walk(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'jsons')): for relfile in walk_files: if not relfile.endswith('.json'): continue with open(os.path.join(walk_root, relfile), 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as fp: proto: dict[str, typing.Any] for proto in json.load(fp): # insert index to map _g_BMEPrototypeIndexMap[proto[TOKEN_IDENTIFIER]] = len(_g_BMEPrototypes) # add into list _g_BMEPrototypes.append(proto) def _get_prototype_by_identifier(ident: str) -> dict[str, typing.Any]: return _g_BMEPrototypes[_g_BMEPrototypeIndexMap[ident]] #endregion #region Programmable Field Calc def _env_fct_distance(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) -> float: diff = mathutils.Vector((x2, y2)) - mathutils.Vector((x1, y1)) return diff.length def _env_fct_angle(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) -> float: # compute blender angle first # computed blender angle has some issues: # first, it is range from -180 to 180 (0 is +X axis). # second, its direction (clockwise is positive) is opposite with blender rotation direction (counter-clockwise is positive). diff = mathutils.Vector((x2, y2)) - mathutils.Vector((x1, y1)) bld_angle = math.degrees(mathutils.Vector((1,0)).angle_signed(diff, 0)) # flip it first bld_angle = -bld_angle # process positove number and negative number respectively # to let it range change from -180~180 to 0~360 if bld_angle > 0: return bld_angle else: return 360 + bld_angle _g_ProgFieldGlobals: dict[str, typing.Any] = { # constant 'pi': math.pi, 'tau': math.tau, # math functions 'sin': math.sin, 'cos': math.cos, 'tan': math.tan, 'asin': math.asin, 'acos': math.acos, 'atan': math.atan, 'pow': math.pow, 'sqrt': math.sqrt, 'fabs': math.fabs, 'degrees': math.degrees, 'radians': math.radians, # builtin functions 'abs': abs, 'int': int, 'float': float, 'str': str, 'bool': bool, # my custom matrix functions 'move': lambda x, y, z: mathutils.Matrix.Translation((x, y, z)), 'rot': lambda x, y, z: mathutils.Matrix.LocRotScale(None, mathutils.Euler((math.radians(x), math.radians(y), math.radians(z)), 'XYZ'), None), 'scale': lambda x, y, z: mathutils.Matrix.LocRotScale(None, None, (x, y, z)), 'ident': lambda: mathutils.Matrix.Identity(4), # my misc custom functions 'distance': _env_fct_distance, 'angle': _env_fct_angle, } def _eval_showcase_cfgs_default(strl: str) -> typing.Any: return eval(strl, _g_ProgFieldGlobals, None) def _eval_params(strl: str, cfgs_data: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> typing.Any: return eval(strl, _g_ProgFieldGlobals, cfgs_data) def _eval_skip(strl: str, params_data: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> typing.Any: return eval(strl, _g_ProgFieldGlobals, params_data) def _eval_vars(strl: str, params_data: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> typing.Any: return eval(strl, _g_ProgFieldGlobals, params_data) def _eval_others(strl: str, params_vars_data: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> typing.Any: return eval(strl, _g_ProgFieldGlobals, params_vars_data) #endregion #region Prototype Helper class PrototypeShowcaseCfgDescriptor(): __mRawCfg: dict[str, str] def __init__(self, raw_cfg: dict[str, str]): self.__mRawCfg = raw_cfg def get_field(self) -> str: return self.__mRawCfg[TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS_FIELD] def get_type(self) -> PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes: return PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes(self.__mRawCfg[TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS_TYPE]) def get_title(self) -> str: return self.__mRawCfg[TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS_TITLE] def get_desc(self) -> str: return self.__mRawCfg[TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS_DESC] def get_default(self) -> typing.Any: return _eval_showcase_cfgs_default(self.__mRawCfg[TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS_DEFAULT]) class EnumPropHelper(UTIL_functions.EnumPropHelper): """ The BME specialized Blender EnumProperty helper. """ def __init__(self): # init parent class UTIL_functions.EnumPropHelper.__init__( self, self.get_bme_identifiers(), lambda x: x, lambda x: x, lambda x: self.get_bme_showcase_title(x), lambda _: '', lambda x: self.get_bme_showcase_icon(x) ) def get_bme_identifiers(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ Get the identifier of prototype which need to be exposed to user. Template prototype is not included. """ return tuple( x[TOKEN_IDENTIFIER] # get identifier for x in filter(lambda x: x[TOKEN_SHOWCASE] is not None, _g_BMEPrototypes) # filter() to filter no showcase template. ) def get_bme_showcase_title(self, ident: str) -> str: """ Get BME display title by prototype identifier. """ # get prototype first proto: dict[str, typing.Any] = _get_prototype_by_identifier(ident) # visit title field return proto[TOKEN_SHOWCASE][TOKEN_SHOWCASE_TITLE] def get_bme_showcase_icon(self, ident: str) -> int: """ Get BME icon by prototype's identifier """ # get prototype specified icon name proto: dict[str, typing.Any] = _get_prototype_by_identifier(ident) icon_name: str = proto[TOKEN_SHOWCASE][TOKEN_SHOWCASE_ICON] # get icon from icon manager cache: int | None = UTIL_icons_manager.get_bme_icon(icon_name) if cache is None: return UTIL_icons_manager.get_empty_icon() else: return cache def get_bme_showcase_cfgs(self, ident: str) -> typing.Iterator[PrototypeShowcaseCfgDescriptor]: # get prototype first proto: dict[str, typing.Any] = _get_prototype_by_identifier(ident) # use map to batch create descriptor return map(lambda x: PrototypeShowcaseCfgDescriptor(x), proto[TOKEN_SHOWCASE][TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS]) #endregion #region Core Creator def create_bme_struct_wrapper(ident: str, cfgs: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> bpy.types.Object: # get prototype first proto: dict[str, typing.Any] = _get_prototype_by_identifier(ident) # analyse params by given cfgs params: dict[str, typing.Any] = {} for proto_param in proto[TOKEN_PARAMS]: params[proto_param[TOKEN_PARAMS_FIELD]] = _eval_params(proto_param[TOKEN_PARAMS_DATA], cfgs) # create used mesh mesh: bpy.types.Mesh ='BMEStruct') # create mesh writer and bme mtl helper # recursively calling underlying creation function with UTIL_blender_mesh.MeshWriter(mesh) as writer: with PROP_bme_material.BMEMaterialsHelper(bpy.context.scene) as bmemtl: create_bme_struct( ident, writer, bmemtl, mathutils.Matrix.Identity(4), params ) # create object and assign prop # get obj info first obj_info: UTIL_naming_convension.BallanceObjectInfo match(PrototypeShowcaseTypes(proto[TOKEN_SHOWCASE][TOKEN_SHOWCASE_TYPE])): case PrototypeShowcaseTypes.No: obj_info = UTIL_naming_convension.BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(UTIL_naming_convension.BallanceObjectType.DECORATION) case PrototypeShowcaseTypes.Floor: obj_info = UTIL_naming_convension.BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(UTIL_naming_convension.BallanceObjectType.FLOOR) case PrototypeShowcaseTypes.Rail: obj_info = UTIL_naming_convension.BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(UTIL_naming_convension.BallanceObjectType.RAIL) case PrototypeShowcaseTypes.Wood: obj_info = UTIL_naming_convension.BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(UTIL_naming_convension.BallanceObjectType.WOOD) # then get object name obj_name: str | None = UTIL_naming_convension.YYCToolchainConvention.set_to_name(obj_info, None) if obj_name is None: raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('impossible null name') # create object by name obj: bpy.types.Object =, mesh) # assign virtools groups UTIL_naming_convension.VirtoolsGroupConvention.set_to_object(obj, obj_info, None) # return object return obj def create_bme_struct( ident: str, writer: UTIL_blender_mesh.MeshWriter, bmemtl: PROP_bme_material.BMEMaterialsHelper, transform: mathutils.Matrix, params: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None: # get prototype first proto: dict[str, typing.Any] = _get_prototype_by_identifier(ident) # check whether skip the whole struct before cal vars if _eval_skip(proto[TOKEN_SKIP], params) == True: return # calc vars by given params # please note i will add entries directly into params dict # but the params dict will not used independently later, # all following use is the union of params and vars dict. # so it is safe. for proto_var in proto[TOKEN_VARS]: params[proto_var[TOKEN_VARS_FIELD]] = _eval_vars(proto_var[TOKEN_VARS_DATA], params) # collect valid face and vertices data for following using. # if NOT skip, add into valid list valid_vec_idx: list[int] = [] for vec_idx, proto_vec in enumerate(proto[TOKEN_VERTICES]): if _eval_others(proto_vec[TOKEN_VERTICES_SKIP], params) == False: valid_vec_idx.append(vec_idx) valid_face_idx: list[int] = [] for face_idx, proto_face in enumerate(proto[TOKEN_FACES]): if _eval_others(proto_face[TOKEN_FACES_SKIP], params) == False: valid_face_idx.append(face_idx) # create mtl slot remap to help following mesh adding # because mesh writer do not accept string format mtl slot visiting, # it only accept int based mtl slot index. # # Also we build face used mtl slot index at the same time. # So we do not analyse texture field again when providing face data. # The result is in `prebuild_face_mtl_idx` and please note it will store all face's mtl index. # For example: if face 0 is skipped and face 1 is used, the first entry in `prebuild_face_mtl_idx` # will be the mtl slot index used by face 0, not 1. And its length is equal to the face count. # However, because face 0 is skipped, so the entry is not used and default set to 0. # # NOTE: since Python 3.6, the item of builtin dict is ordered by inserting order. # we rely on this to implement following features. mtl_remap: dict[str, int] = {} prebuild_face_mtl_idx: list[int] = [0] * len(proto[TOKEN_FACES]) for face_idx in valid_face_idx: # eval mtl name mtl_name: str = _eval_others(proto[TOKEN_FACES][face_idx][TOKEN_FACES_TEXTURE], params) # try insert into remap and record to face mtl idx if mtl_name not in mtl_remap: # record index prebuild_face_mtl_idx[face_idx] = len(mtl_remap) # add into remap if not exist mtl_remap[mtl_name] = len(mtl_remap) else: # if existing, no need to add into remap # but we need get its index from remap prebuild_face_mtl_idx[face_idx] = mtl_remap.get(mtl_name, 0) # pre-compute vertices data because we may need used later. # Because if face normal data is null, it mean that we need to compute it # by given vertices. # The computed vertices is stored in `prebuild_vec_data` and is NOT like `prebuild_face_mtl_idx`, # we only store valid one in `prebuild_vec_data`. prebuild_vec_data: list[UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3 | None] = [] cache_bv: mathutils.Vector = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 0)) for vec_idx in valid_vec_idx: # but it need mul with transform matrix cache_bv.x, cache_bv.y, cache_bv.z = _eval_others(proto[TOKEN_VERTICES][vec_idx][TOKEN_VERTICES_DATA], params) # mul with transform matrix cache_bv = typing.cast(mathutils.Vector, transform @ cache_bv) # get result prebuild_vec_data.append((cache_bv.x, cache_bv.y, cache_bv.z)) # Check whether given transform is mirror matrix # because mirror matrix will reverse triangle indice order. # If matrix is mirror matrix, we need reverse it again in following procession, # including getting uv, calculating normal and providing face data. mirror_matrix: bool = _is_mirror_matrix(transform) # prepare mesh part data mesh_part: UTIL_blender_mesh.MeshWriterIngredient = UTIL_blender_mesh.MeshWriterIngredient() def vpos_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3]: # simply get data from prebuild vec data v: UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3 = UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3() for vec_data in prebuild_vec_data: # skip skipped vertices if vec_data is None: continue # yield result v.x, v.y, v.z = vec_data yield v mesh_part.mVertexPosition = vpos_iterator() def vnml_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3]: # prepare normal used transform first # ref: nml_transform: mathutils.Matrix = transform.inverted_safe().transposed() # prepare vars bv: mathutils.Vector = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 0)) v: UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3 = UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3() for face_idx in valid_face_idx: face_data: dict[str, typing.Any] = proto[TOKEN_FACES][face_idx] face_nml_data: list[str] | None = face_data[TOKEN_FACES_NORMALS] if face_nml_data is None: # nml is null, we need compute by ourselves # get first 3 entries in indices list as the compution ref # please note that we may need reverse it face_indices_data: list[int] if mirror_matrix: face_indices_data = face_data[TOKEN_FACES_INDICES][::-1] else: face_indices_data = face_data[TOKEN_FACES_INDICES][:] # compute it by getting vertices info from prebuild vertices data # because the normals is computed from transformed vertices # so no need to correct its by normal transform. bv.x, bv.y, bv.z = _compute_normals( typing.cast(UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3, prebuild_vec_data[face_indices_data[0]]), typing.cast(UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3, prebuild_vec_data[face_indices_data[1]]), typing.cast(UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3, prebuild_vec_data[face_indices_data[2]]) ) # yield result with N times (N = indices count) v.x, v.y, v.z = bv.x, bv.y, bv.z for _ in range(len(face_indices_data)): yield v else: # nml is given, analyse programable fields for mtl_data in face_nml_data: # BME normals need transform by matrix first, bv.x, bv.y, bv.z = _eval_others(mtl_data, params) bv = typing.cast(mathutils.Vector, nml_transform @ bv) # then normalize it bv.normalize() # yield result v.x, v.y, v.z = bv.x, bv.y, bv.z yield v mesh_part.mVertexNormal = vnml_iterator() def vuv_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector2]: v: UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector2 = UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector2() for face_idx in valid_face_idx: face_data: dict[str, typing.Any] = proto[TOKEN_FACES][face_idx] # iterate uv list considering mirror matrix indices_count: int = len(face_data[TOKEN_FACES_INDICES]) for i in (range(indices_count)[::-1] if mirror_matrix else range(indices_count)): # BME uv do not need any extra process v.x, v.y = _eval_others(face_data[TOKEN_FACES_UVS][i], params) yield v mesh_part.mVertexUV = vuv_iterator() def mtl_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[bpy.types.Material | None]: for mtl_name in mtl_remap.keys(): yield bmemtl.get_material(mtl_name) mesh_part.mMaterial = mtl_iterator() def face_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_blender_mesh.FaceData]: # create face data with 3 placeholder f: UTIL_blender_mesh.FaceData = UTIL_blender_mesh.FaceData( [UTIL_blender_mesh.FaceVertexData() for i in range(3)] ) # create a internal counter to count how many indices has been processed # this counter will be used to calc uv and normal index # because these are based on face, not vertex position index. face_counter: int = 0 # iterate valid face for face_idx in valid_face_idx: # get face data face_data: dict[str, typing.Any] = proto[TOKEN_FACES][face_idx] # get face indices considering the mirror matrix face_indices: list[int] if mirror_matrix: face_indices = face_data[TOKEN_FACES_INDICES][::-1] else: face_indices = face_data[TOKEN_FACES_INDICES][:] # calc indices count indices_count: int = len(face_indices) # resize face data to fulfill req while len(f.mIndices) > indices_count: f.mIndices.pop() while len(f.mIndices) < indices_count: f.mIndices.append(UTIL_blender_mesh.FaceVertexData()) # fill the data for i in range(indices_count): # fill vertex position data by indices f.mIndices[i].mPosIdx = face_indices[i] # fill nml and uv based on face index f.mIndices[i].mNmlIdx = face_counter + i f.mIndices[i].mUvIdx = face_counter + i # add current face indices count to internal counter face_counter += indices_count # fill texture data f.mMtlIdx = prebuild_face_mtl_idx[face_idx] # return data once yield f mesh_part.mFace = face_iterator() # add part to writer writer.add_ingredient(mesh_part) # then we incursively process instance creation for proto_instance in proto[TOKEN_INSTANCES]: # check whether skip this instance if _eval_others(proto_instance[TOKEN_INSTANCES_SKIP], params) == True: continue # calc instance params instance_params: dict[str, typing.Any] = {} proto_instance_params: dict[str, str] = proto_instance[TOKEN_INSTANCES_PARAMS] for proto_inst_param_field, proto_inst_param_data in proto_instance_params.items(): instance_params[proto_inst_param_field] = _eval_others(proto_inst_param_data, params) # call recursively create_bme_struct( proto_instance[TOKEN_INSTANCES_IDENTIFIER], writer, bmemtl, # left-mul transform, because self transform should be applied first, the apply parent's transform transform @ _eval_others(proto_instance[TOKEN_INSTANCES_TRANSFORM], params), instance_params ) #endregion #region Creation Assist Functions def _compute_normals( point1: UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3, point2: UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3, point3: UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3) -> UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3: # build vector p1: mathutils.Vector = mathutils.Vector(point1) p2: mathutils.Vector = mathutils.Vector(point2) p3: mathutils.Vector = mathutils.Vector(point3) vector1: mathutils.Vector = p2 - p1 vector2: mathutils.Vector = p3 - p2 # do vector x mutiply # vector1 x vector2 corss_mul: mathutils.Vector = vector1.cross(vector2) # do a normalization corss_mul.normalize() return (corss_mul.x, corss_mul.y, corss_mul.z) def _is_mirror_matrix(mat: mathutils.Matrix) -> bool: """ Reflection matrix (aka. mirror matrix) is a special scaling matrix. In this matrix, 1 or 3 scaling factor is minus number. Mirror matrix will cause the inverse of triangle indice order. So we need detect it and re-reverse when creating bm struct. This function can detect whether given matrix is mirror matrix. Reference: """ return mat.is_negative #return mat.to_3x3().determinant() < 0 #endregion