import bpy,bmesh,bpy_extras,mathutils import pathlib,zipfile,time,os,tempfile,math import struct,shutil from bpy_extras import io_utils,node_shader_utils from bpy_extras.io_utils import unpack_list from bpy_extras.image_utils import load_image from . import utils, config class BALLANCE_OT_import_bm(bpy.types.Operator, bpy_extras.io_utils.ImportHelper): """Load a Ballance Map File (BM file spec 1.2)""" bl_idname = "ballance.import_bm" bl_label = "Import BM " bl_options = {'PRESET', 'UNDO'} filename_ext = ".bmx" texture_conflict_strategy: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Texture name conflict", items=(('NEW', "New instance", "Create a new instance"), ('CURRENT', "Use current", "Use current"),), description="Define how to process texture name conflict", default='CURRENT', ) material_conflict_strategy: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Material name conflict", items=(('RENAME', "Rename", "Rename the new one"), ('CURRENT', "Use current", "Use current"),), description="Define how to process material name conflict", default='RENAME', ) mesh_conflict_strategy: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Mesh name conflict", items=(('RENAME', "Rename", "Rename the new one"), ('CURRENT', "Use current", "Use current"),), description="Define how to process mesh name conflict", default='RENAME', ) object_conflict_strategy: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Object name conflict", items=(('RENAME', "Rename", "Rename the new one"), ('CURRENT', "Use current", "Use current"),), description="Define how to process object name conflict", default='RENAME', ) @classmethod def poll(self, context): prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences return (os.path.isdir(prefs.temp_texture_folder) and os.path.isdir(prefs.external_folder)) def execute(self, context): prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences import_bm(context, self.filepath, prefs.external_folder, prefs.temp_texture_folder, self.texture_conflict_strategy, self.material_conflict_strategy, self.mesh_conflict_strategy, self.object_conflict_strategy) return {'FINISHED'} class BALLANCE_OT_export_bm(bpy.types.Operator, bpy_extras.io_utils.ExportHelper): """Save a Ballance Map File (BM file spec 1.2)""" bl_idname = "ballance.export_bm" bl_label = 'Export BM' bl_options = {'PRESET'} filename_ext = ".bmx" export_mode: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Export mode", items=(('COLLECTION', "Collection", "Export a collection"), ('OBJECT', "Objects", "Export an objects"), ), ) def execute(self, context): if (self.export_mode == 'COLLECTION' and context.scene.BallanceBlenderPluginProperty.collection_picker is None) or (self.export_mode == 'OBJECT' and context.scene.BallanceBlenderPluginProperty.object_picker is None): utils.ShowMessageBox(("No specific target", ), "Lost parameter", 'ERROR') else: if self.export_mode == 'COLLECTION': export_bm(context, self.filepath, self.export_mode, context.scene.BallanceBlenderPluginProperty.collection_picker) elif self.export_mode == 'OBJECT': export_bm(context, self.filepath, self.export_mode, context.scene.BallanceBlenderPluginProperty.object_picker) return {'FINISHED'} def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.prop(self, "export_mode") if self.export_mode == 'COLLECTION': layout.prop(context.scene.BallanceBlenderPluginProperty, "collection_picker") elif self.export_mode == 'OBJECT': layout.prop(context.scene.BallanceBlenderPluginProperty, "object_picker") # ========================================== method bm_current_version = 12 def import_bm(context,filepath,externalTexture,blenderTempFolder, textureOpt, materialOpt, meshOpt, objectOpt): # ============================================ alloc a temp folder tempFolderObj = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() tempFolder = # debug # print(tempFolder) tempTextureFolder = os.path.join(tempFolder, "Texture") prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences blenderTempTextureFolder = prefs.temp_texture_folder externalTextureFolder = prefs.external_folder with zipfile.ZipFile(filepath, 'r', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, 9) as zipObj: zipObj.extractall(tempFolder) # objectList = [] meshList = [] materialList = [] textureList = [] with open(os.path.join(tempFolder, ""), "rb") as findex: # judge version first gotten_version = read_uint32(findex) if (gotten_version != bm_current_version): utils.ShowMessageBox(("Unsupported BM spec. Expect: {} Gotten: {}".format(bm_current_version, gotten_version), ), "Unsupported BM spec", 'ERROR') findex.close() tempFolderObj.cleanup() return while len(peek_stream(findex)) != 0: index_name = read_string(findex) index_type = read_uint8(findex) index_offset = read_uint64(findex) blockCache = info_block_helper(index_name, index_offset) if index_type == info_bm_type.OBJECT: objectList.append(blockCache) elif index_type == info_bm_type.MESH: meshList.append(blockCache) elif index_type == info_bm_type.MATERIAL: materialList.append(blockCache) elif index_type == info_bm_type.TEXTURE: textureList.append(blockCache) else: pass # with open(os.path.join(tempFolder, ""), "rb") as ftexture: for item in textureList:, os.SEEK_SET) texture_filename = read_string(ftexture) texture_isExternal = read_bool(ftexture) if texture_isExternal: txur = load_image(texture_filename, externalTextureFolder, check_existing=(textureOpt == 'CURRENT')) item.blenderData = txur else: # not external. copy temp file into blender temp. then use it. # try copy. if fail, don't need to do more try: shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempTextureFolder, texture_filename), os.path.join(blenderTempTextureFolder, texture_filename)) except: pass txur = load_image(texture_filename, blenderTempTextureFolder, check_existing=(textureOpt == 'CURRENT')) item.blenderData = txur = # # WARNING: this code is shared with add_floor - create_or_get_material() with open(os.path.join(tempFolder, ""), "rb") as fmaterial: for item in materialList:, os.SEEK_SET) # read data material_colAmbient = read_3vector(fmaterial) material_colDiffuse = read_3vector(fmaterial) material_colSpecular = read_3vector(fmaterial) material_colEmissive = read_3vector(fmaterial) material_specularPower = read_float(fmaterial) material_useTexture = read_bool(fmaterial) material_texture = read_uint32(fmaterial) # create basic material (m, needSkip) = createInstanceWithOption(info_bm_type.MATERIAL,, materialOpt) item.blenderData = m if needSkip: continue m.use_nodes=True for node in m.node_tree.nodes: m.node_tree.nodes.remove(node)"ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled")"ShaderNodeOutputMaterial")[0],mnode.inputs[0]) m.metallic = sum(material_colAmbient) / 3 m.diffuse_color = [i for i in material_colDiffuse] + [1] m.specular_color = material_colSpecular m.specular_intensity = material_specularPower # create a texture if material_useTexture:"ShaderNodeTexImage") inode.image=textureList[material_texture].blenderData[0],bnode.inputs[0]) # write custom property m['virtools-ambient'] = material_colAmbient m['virtools-diffuse'] = material_colDiffuse m['virtools-specular'] = material_colSpecular m['virtools-emissive'] = material_colEmissive m['virtools-power'] = material_specularPower # # WARNING: this code is shared with add_floor with open(os.path.join(tempFolder, ""), "rb") as fmesh: vList=[] vtList=[] vnList=[] faceList=[] materialSolt = [] for item in meshList:, os.SEEK_SET) # create real mesh (mesh, needSkip) = createInstanceWithOption(info_bm_type.MESH,, meshOpt) item.blenderData = mesh if needSkip: continue vList.clear() vtList.clear() vnList.clear() faceList.clear() materialSolt.clear() # in first read, store all data into list listCount = read_uint32(fmesh) for i in range(listCount): cache = read_3vector(fmesh) # switch yz vList.append((cache[0], cache[2], cache[1])) listCount = read_uint32(fmesh) for i in range(listCount): cache = read_2vector(fmesh) # reverse v vtList.append((cache[0], -cache[1])) listCount = read_uint32(fmesh) for i in range(listCount): cache = read_3vector(fmesh) # switch yz vnList.append((cache[0], cache[2], cache[1])) listCount = read_uint32(fmesh) for i in range(listCount): faceData = read_face(fmesh) mesh_useMaterial = read_bool(fmesh) mesh_materialIndex = read_uint32(fmesh) if mesh_useMaterial: neededMaterial = materialList[mesh_materialIndex].blenderData if neededMaterial in materialSolt: neededIndex = materialSolt.index(neededMaterial) else: neededIndex = len(materialSolt) materialSolt.append(neededMaterial) else: neededIndex = -1 # we need invert triangle sort faceList.append(( faceData[6], faceData[7], faceData[8], faceData[3], faceData[4], faceData[5], faceData[0], faceData[1], faceData[2], neededIndex )) # and then we need add material solt for this mesh for mat in materialSolt: mesh.materials.append(mat) # then, we need add correspond count for vertices mesh.vertices.add(len(vList)) mesh.loops.add(len(faceList)*3) # triangle face confirm mesh.polygons.add(len(faceList)) mesh.create_normals_split() # add vertices data mesh.vertices.foreach_set("co", unpack_list(vList)) mesh.loops.foreach_set("vertex_index", unpack_list(flat_vertices_index(faceList))) mesh.loops.foreach_set("normal", unpack_list(flat_vertices_normal(faceList, vnList))) mesh.uv_layers[0].data.foreach_set("uv", unpack_list(flat_vertices_uv(faceList, vtList))) for i in range(len(faceList)): mesh.polygons[i].loop_start = i * 3 mesh.polygons[i].loop_total = 3 if faceList[i][9] != -1: mesh.polygons[i].material_index = faceList[i][9] mesh.polygons[i].use_smooth = True mesh.validate(clean_customdata=False) mesh.update(calc_edges=False, calc_edges_loose=False) # object with open(os.path.join(tempFolder, ""), "rb") as fobject: # we need get needed collection first view_layer = context.view_layer collection = view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection if prefs.no_component_collection == "": forcedCollection = None else: try: forcedCollection =[prefs.no_component_collection] except: forcedCollection = # start process it for item in objectList:, os.SEEK_SET) # read data object_isComponent = read_bool(fobject) object_isForcedNoComponent = read_bool(fobject) object_isHidden = read_bool(fobject) object_worldMatrix = read_worldMaterix(fobject) object_meshIndex = read_uint32(fobject) # got mesh first if object_isComponent: neededMesh = load_component(object_meshIndex) else: neededMesh = meshList[object_meshIndex].blenderData # create real object (obj, needSkip) = createInstanceWithOption(info_bm_type.OBJECT,, objectOpt, extraMesh=neededMesh) if needSkip: continue if (not object_isComponent) and object_isForcedNoComponent and (forcedCollection is not None): else: obj.matrix_world = object_worldMatrix obj.hide_set(object_isHidden) view_layer.update() tempFolderObj.cleanup() def export_bm(context, filepath, export_mode, export_target): # ============================================ alloc a temp folder tempFolderObj = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() tempFolder = # debug # tempFolder = "G:\\ziptest" tempTextureFolder = os.path.join(tempFolder, "Texture") os.makedirs(tempTextureFolder) prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences # ============================================ find export target. don't need judge them in there. just collect them if export_mode== "COLLECTION": objectList = export_target.objects else: objectList = [export_target] # try get forcedCollection try: forcedCollection =[prefs.no_component_collection] except: forcedCollection = None # ============================================ export with open(os.path.join(tempFolder, ""), "wb") as finfo: write_uint32(finfo, bm_current_version) # ====================== export object meshSet = set() meshList = [] meshCount = 0 with open(os.path.join(tempFolder, ""), "wb") as fobject: for obj in objectList: # only export mesh object if obj.type != 'MESH': continue # clean no mesh object currentMesh = if currentMesh is None: continue # judge component object_isComponent = is_component( object_isForcedNoComponent = False if (forcedCollection is not None) and ( in forcedCollection.objects): # change it to forced no component object_isComponent = False object_isForcedNoComponent = True # triangle first and then group if not object_isComponent: if currentMesh not in meshSet: mesh_triangulate(currentMesh) meshSet.add(currentMesh) meshList.append(currentMesh) meshId = meshCount meshCount += 1 else: meshId = meshList.index(currentMesh) else: meshId = get_component_id( # get visibility object_isHidden = not obj.visible_get() # write finfo first write_string(finfo, write_uint8(finfo, info_bm_type.OBJECT) write_uint64(finfo, fobject.tell()) # write fobject write_bool(fobject, object_isComponent) write_bool(fobject, object_isForcedNoComponent) write_bool(fobject, object_isHidden) write_worldMatrix(fobject, obj.matrix_world) write_uint32(fobject, meshId) # ====================== export mesh materialSet = set() materialList = [] with open(os.path.join(tempFolder, ""), "wb") as fmesh: for mesh in meshList: mesh.calc_normals_split() # write finfo first write_string(finfo, write_uint8(finfo, info_bm_type.MESH) write_uint64(finfo, fmesh.tell()) # write fmesh # vertices vecList = mesh.vertices[:] write_uint32(fmesh, len(vecList)) for vec in vecList: #swap yz write_3vector(fmesh,[0],[2],[1]) # uv face_index_pairs = [(face, index) for index, face in enumerate(mesh.polygons)] write_uint32(fmesh, len(face_index_pairs) * 3) if is not None: uv_layer =[:] for f, f_index in face_index_pairs: # it should be triangle face, otherwise throw a error if (f.loop_total != 3): raise Exception("Not a triangle", f.poly.loop_total) for loop_index in range(f.loop_start, f.loop_start + f.loop_total): uv = uv_layer[loop_index].uv # reverse v write_2vector(fmesh, uv[0], -uv[1]) else: # no uv data. write garbage for i in range(len(face_index_pairs) * 3): write_2vector(fmesh, 0.0, 0.0) # normals write_uint32(fmesh, len(face_index_pairs) * 3) for f, f_index in face_index_pairs: # no need to check triangle again for loop_index in range(f.loop_start, f.loop_start + f.loop_total): nml = mesh.loops[loop_index].normal # swap yz write_3vector(fmesh, nml[0], nml[2], nml[1]) # face # get material first currentMat = mesh.materials[:] noMaterial = len(currentMat) == 0 for mat in currentMat: if mat not in materialSet: materialSet.add(mat) materialList.append(mat) write_uint32(fmesh, len(face_index_pairs)) vtIndex = [] vnIndex = [] vIndex = [] for f, f_index in face_index_pairs: # confirm material use if noMaterial: usedMat = 0 else: usedMat = materialList.index(currentMat[f.material_index]) # export face vtIndex.clear() vnIndex.clear() vIndex.clear() counter = 0 for loop_index in range(f.loop_start, f.loop_start + f.loop_total): vIndex.append(mesh.loops[loop_index].vertex_index) vnIndex.append(f_index * 3 + counter) vtIndex.append(f_index * 3 + counter) counter += 1 # reverse vertices sort write_face(fmesh, vIndex[2], vtIndex[2], vnIndex[2], vIndex[1], vtIndex[1], vnIndex[1], vIndex[0], vtIndex[0], vnIndex[0]) # set used material write_bool(fmesh, not noMaterial) write_uint32(fmesh, usedMat) mesh.free_normals_split() # ====================== export material textureSet = set() textureList = [] textureCount = 0 with open(os.path.join(tempFolder, ""), "wb") as fmaterial: for material in materialList: # write finfo first write_string(finfo, write_uint8(finfo, info_bm_type.MATERIAL) write_uint64(finfo, fmaterial.tell()) # try get original written data material_colAmbient = try_get_custom_property(material, 'virtools-ambient') material_colDiffuse = try_get_custom_property(material, 'virtools-diffuse') material_colSpecular = try_get_custom_property(material, 'virtools-specular') material_colEmissive = try_get_custom_property(material, 'virtools-emissive') material_specularPower = try_get_custom_property(material, 'virtools-power') # get basic color mat_wrap = node_shader_utils.PrincipledBSDFWrapper(material) if mat_wrap: use_mirror = mat_wrap.metallic != 0.0 if use_mirror: material_colAmbient = set_value_when_none(material_colAmbient, (mat_wrap.metallic, mat_wrap.metallic, mat_wrap.metallic)) else: material_colAmbient = set_value_when_none(material_colAmbient, (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) material_colDiffuse = set_value_when_none(material_colDiffuse, (mat_wrap.base_color[0], mat_wrap.base_color[1], mat_wrap.base_color[2])) material_colSpecular = set_value_when_none(material_colSpecular, (mat_wrap.specular, mat_wrap.specular, mat_wrap.specular)) material_colEmissive = set_value_when_none(material_colEmissive, mat_wrap.emission_color[:3]) material_specularPower = set_value_when_none(material_specularPower, 0.0) # confirm texture tex_wrap = getattr(mat_wrap, "base_color_texture", None) if tex_wrap: image = tex_wrap.image if image: # add into texture list if image not in textureSet: textureSet.add(image) textureList.append(image) currentTexture = textureCount textureCount += 1 else: currentTexture = textureList.index(image) material_useTexture = True material_texture = currentTexture else: # no texture material_useTexture = False material_texture = 0 else: # no texture material_useTexture = False material_texture = 0 else: # no Principled BSDF. write garbage material_colAmbient = set_value_when_none(material_colAmbient, (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)) material_colDiffuse = set_value_when_none(material_colDiffuse, (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)) material_colSpecular = set_value_when_none(material_colSpecular, (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)) material_colEmissive = set_value_when_none(material_colEmissive, (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)) material_specularPower = set_value_when_none(material_specularPower, 0.0) material_useTexture = False material_texture = 0 write_color(fmaterial, material_colAmbient) write_color(fmaterial, material_colDiffuse) write_color(fmaterial, material_colSpecular) write_color(fmaterial, material_colEmissive) write_float(fmaterial, material_specularPower) write_bool(fmaterial, material_useTexture) write_uint32(fmaterial, material_texture) # ====================== export texture source_dir = os.path.dirname( existed_texture = set() with open(os.path.join(tempFolder, ""), "wb") as ftexture: for texture in textureList: # write finfo first write_string(finfo, write_uint8(finfo, info_bm_type.TEXTURE) write_uint64(finfo, ftexture.tell()) # confirm internal texture_filepath = io_utils.path_reference(texture.filepath, source_dir, tempTextureFolder, 'ABSOLUTE', "", None, texture.library) filename = os.path.basename(texture_filepath) write_string(ftexture, filename) if (is_external_texture(filename)): write_bool(ftexture, True) else: # copy internal texture, if this file is copied, do not copy it again write_bool(ftexture, False) if filename not in existed_texture: shutil.copy(texture_filepath, os.path.join(tempTextureFolder, filename)) existed_texture.add(filename) # ============================================ save zip and clean up folder if os.path.isfile(filepath): os.remove(filepath) with zipfile.ZipFile(filepath, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, 9) as zipObj: for folderName, subfolders, filenames in os.walk(tempFolder): for filename in filenames: filePath = os.path.join(folderName, filename) arcname=os.path.relpath(filePath, tempFolder) zipObj.write(filePath, arcname) tempFolderObj.cleanup() # ======================================================================================= export / import assistant # shared class info_bm_type(): OBJECT = 0 MESH = 1 MATERIAL = 2 TEXTURE = 3 # import class info_block_helper(): def __init__(self, name, offset): = name self.offset = offset self.blenderData = None def createInstanceWithOption(instType, instName, instOpt, extraMesh = None): if instType == info_bm_type.OBJECT: target = args = (instName, extraMesh) elif instType == info_bm_type.MESH: target = args = (instName, ) elif instType == info_bm_type.MATERIAL: target = args = (instName, ) if instOpt == 'RENAME': tempInst =*args) tempSkip = False elif instOpt == 'CURRENT': try: tempInst = target[instName] tempSkip = True except: tempInst =*args) tempSkip = False return (tempInst, tempSkip) # NOTE: this function also used by def load_component(component_id): # get file first compName = config.component_list[component_id] selectedFile = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'meshes', compName + '.bin' ) # read file. please note this sector is sync with import_bm's mesh's code. when something change, please change each other. fmesh = open(selectedFile, 'rb') # create real mesh, we don't need to consider name. blender will solve duplicated name mesh ='mesh_' + compName) vList = [] vnList = [] faceList = [] # in first read, store all data into list listCount = read_uint32(fmesh) for i in range(listCount): cache = read_3vector(fmesh) # switch yz vList.append((cache[0], cache[2], cache[1])) listCount = read_uint32(fmesh) for i in range(listCount): cache = read_3vector(fmesh) # switch yz vnList.append((cache[0], cache[2], cache[1])) listCount = read_uint32(fmesh) for i in range(listCount): faceData = read_component_face(fmesh) # we need invert triangle sort faceList.append(( faceData[4], faceData[5], faceData[2], faceData[3], faceData[0], faceData[1] )) # then, we need add correspond count for vertices mesh.vertices.add(len(vList)) mesh.loops.add(len(faceList)*3) # triangle face confirm mesh.polygons.add(len(faceList)) mesh.create_normals_split() # add vertices data mesh.vertices.foreach_set("co", unpack_list(vList)) mesh.loops.foreach_set("vertex_index", unpack_list(flat_component_vertices_index(faceList))) mesh.loops.foreach_set("normal", unpack_list(flat_component_vertices_normal(faceList, vnList))) for i in range(len(faceList)): mesh.polygons[i].loop_start = i * 3 mesh.polygons[i].loop_total = 3 mesh.polygons[i].use_smooth = True mesh.validate(clean_customdata=False) mesh.update(calc_edges=False, calc_edges_loose=False) fmesh.close() return mesh def flat_vertices_index(faceList): for item in faceList: yield (item[0], ) yield (item[3], ) yield (item[6], ) def flat_vertices_normal(faceList, vnList): for item in faceList: yield vnList[item[2]] yield vnList[item[5]] yield vnList[item[8]] def flat_vertices_uv(faceList, vtList): for item in faceList: yield vtList[item[1]] yield vtList[item[4]] yield vtList[item[7]] def flat_component_vertices_index(faceList): for item in faceList: yield (item[0], ) yield (item[2], ) yield (item[4], ) def flat_component_vertices_normal(faceList, vnList): for item in faceList: yield vnList[item[1]] yield vnList[item[3]] yield vnList[item[5]] # export def is_component(name): return get_component_id(name) != -1 def get_component_id(name): for ind, comp in enumerate(config.component_list): if name.startswith(comp): return ind return -1 def is_external_texture(name): if name in config.external_texture_list: return True else: return False def mesh_triangulate(me): bm = bm.from_mesh(me) bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=bm.faces) bm.to_mesh(me) def try_get_custom_property(obj, field): try: return obj[field] except: return None def set_value_when_none(obj, newValue): if obj is None: return newValue else: return obj # ======================================================================================= file io assistant # import def peek_stream(fs): res =, os.SEEK_CUR) return res def read_float(fs): return struct.unpack("f",[0] def read_uint8(fs): return struct.unpack("B",[0] def read_uint32(fs): return struct.unpack("I",[0] def read_uint64(fs): return struct.unpack("Q",[0] def read_string(fs): count = read_uint32(fs) return*4).decode("utf_32_le") def read_bool(fs): return read_uint8(fs) != 0 def read_worldMaterix(fs): p = struct.unpack("ffffffffffffffff",*4*4)) res = mathutils.Matrix(( (p[0], p[2], p[1], p[3]), (p[8], p[10], p[9], p[11]), (p[4], p[6], p[5], p[7]), (p[12], p[14], p[13], p[15]))) return res.transposed() def read_3vector(fs): return struct.unpack("fff",*4)) def read_2vector(fs): return struct.unpack("ff",*4)) def read_face(fs): return struct.unpack("IIIIIIIII",*9)) def read_component_face(fs): return struct.unpack("IIIIII",*6)) # export def write_string(fs,str): count=len(str) write_uint32(fs,count) fs.write(str.encode("utf_32_le")) def write_uint8(fs,num): fs.write(struct.pack("B", num)) def write_uint32(fs,num): fs.write(struct.pack("I", num)) def write_uint64(fs,num): fs.write(struct.pack("Q", num)) def write_bool(fs,boolean): if boolean: write_uint8(fs, 1) else: write_uint8(fs, 0) def write_float(fs,fl): fs.write(struct.pack("f", fl)) def write_worldMatrix(fs, matt): mat = matt.transposed() fs.write(struct.pack("ffffffffffffffff", mat[0][0],mat[0][2], mat[0][1], mat[0][3], mat[2][0],mat[2][2], mat[2][1], mat[2][3], mat[1][0],mat[1][2], mat[1][1], mat[1][3], mat[3][0],mat[3][2], mat[3][1], mat[3][3])) def write_3vector(fs, x, y ,z): fs.write(struct.pack("fff", x, y ,z)) def write_color(fs, colors): write_3vector(fs, colors[0], colors[1], colors[2]) def write_2vector(fs, u, v): fs.write(struct.pack("ff", u, v)) def write_face(fs, v1, vt1, vn1, v2, vt2, vn2, v3, vt3, vn3): fs.write(struct.pack("IIIIIIIII", v1, vt1, vn1, v2, vt2, vn2, v3, vt3, vn3))