import bpy,bmesh import mathutils import bpy.types from . import UTILS_functions, UTILS_icons_manager class BALLANCE_OT_rail_uv(bpy.types.Operator): """Create a UV for rail""" bl_idname = "ballance.rail_uv" bl_label = "Create Rail UV" bl_options = {'UNDO'} uv_type: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Type", description="Define how to create UV", items=( ("POINT", "Point", "All UV will be created in a specific point"), ("UNIFORM", "Uniform", "All UV will be created within 1x1"), ("SCALE", "Scale", "Give a scale number to scale UV"), ("TT", "TT_ReflectionMapping", "The real internal process of Ballance rail") ), ) projection_axis: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Projection axis", description="Projection axis", items=( ("X", "X axis", "X axis"), ("Y", "Y axis", "Y axis"), ("Z", "Z axis", "Z axis") ), ) uv_scale : bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Scale", description="The scale of UV", min=0.0, default=1.0, ) @classmethod def poll(self, context): return _check_rail_target() def invoke(self, context, event): wm = context.window_manager return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self) def execute(self, context): if context.scene.BallanceBlenderPluginProperty.material_picker == None: UTILS_functions.show_message_box(("No specific material", ), "Lost parameter", UTILS_icons_manager.blender_error_icon) else: _create_rail_uv(self.uv_type, context.scene.BallanceBlenderPluginProperty.material_picker, self.uv_scale, self.projection_axis) return {'FINISHED'} def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.prop(self, "uv_type") layout.prop(context.scene.BallanceBlenderPluginProperty, "material_picker") if self.uv_type == 'SCALE' or self.uv_type == 'UNIFORM': layout.prop(self, "projection_axis") if self.uv_type == 'SCALE': layout.prop(self, "uv_scale") # ====================== method def _check_rail_target(): for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects: if obj.type != 'MESH': continue if obj.mode != 'OBJECT': continue return True return False def _get_distance(iterator): is_first_min = True is_first_max = True max_value = 0.0 min_value = 0.0 for item in iterator: if is_first_max: is_first_max = False max_value = item else: if item > max_value: max_value = item if is_first_min: is_first_min = False min_value = item else: if item < min_value: min_value = item return max_value - min_value def _create_rail_uv(rail_type, material_pointer, scale_size, projection_axis): objList = [] ignoredObj = [] for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects: if obj.type != 'MESH': ignoredObj.append( continue if obj.mode != 'OBJECT': ignoredObj.append( continue if is None: # create a empty uv for it. objList.append(obj) for obj in objList: mesh = # clean it material and set rail first # copy mesh vec for scale or uniform mode vecList = mesh.vertices[:] real_scale = 1.0 if rail_type == 'SCALE': real_scale = scale_size elif rail_type == 'UNIFORM': # calc proper scale if projection_axis == 'X': maxLength = max( _get_distance([1] for vec in vecList), _get_distance([2] for vec in vecList) ) elif projection_axis == 'Y': maxLength = max( _get_distance([0] for vec in vecList), _get_distance([2] for vec in vecList) ) elif projection_axis == 'Z': maxLength = max( _get_distance([0] for vec in vecList), _get_distance([1] for vec in vecList) ) real_scale = 1.0 / maxLength uv_layer = for poly in mesh.polygons: for loop_index in range(poly.loop_start, poly.loop_start + poly.loop_total): # get correspond vec index index = mesh.loops[loop_index].vertex_index if rail_type == 'POINT': # set to 1 point uv_layer[loop_index].uv[0] = 0 uv_layer[loop_index].uv[1] = 1 elif rail_type == 'SCALE' or rail_type == 'UNIFORM': # following xy -> uv scale # # use Z axis: X->U Y->V # use X axis: Y->U Z->V # use Y axis: X->U Z->V if projection_axis == 'X': uv_layer[loop_index].uv[0] = vecList[index].co[1] * real_scale uv_layer[loop_index].uv[1] = vecList[index].co[2] * real_scale elif projection_axis == 'Y': uv_layer[loop_index].uv[0] = vecList[index].co[0] * real_scale uv_layer[loop_index].uv[1] = vecList[index].co[2] * real_scale elif projection_axis == 'Z': uv_layer[loop_index].uv[0] = vecList[index].co[0] * real_scale uv_layer[loop_index].uv[1] = vecList[index].co[1] * real_scale elif rail_type == 'TT': (uv_layer[loop_index].uv[0], uv_layer[loop_index].uv[1]) = _tt_reflection_mapping_compute( vecList[index].co, mesh.loops[loop_index].normal, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ) if len(ignoredObj) != 0: UTILS_functions.show_message_box( ("Following objects are not processed due to they are not suit for this function now: ", ) + tuple(ignoredObj), "Execution result", UTILS_icons_manager.blender_info_icon ) def _tt_reflection_mapping_compute(_point, _n, _refobj): # switch blender coord to virtools coord for convenient calc point = mathutils.Vector((_point[0], _point[2], _point[1])) n = mathutils.Vector((_n[0], _n[2], _n[1])).normalized() refobj = mathutils.Vector((_refobj[0], _refobj[2], _refobj[1])) p = (refobj - point).normalized() b=(((2*(p*n))*n)-p).normalized() # convert back to blender coord return ((b.x + 1.0) / 2.0, -(b.z + 1.0) / 2.0)