- change bl_info["support"] to COMMUNITY. because Blender do not support TESTINg anymore. - now plugin should be installed in addons folder, not addons_contrib, due to blender changes. - remove the reference about mesh.polypons.loop_total. because it is readonly now. (blender 3.6 changed) - change uv assign method. use new properties instead. (MeshUVLoop is deprecated in blender 3.5 and removed in blender 4.0)
241 lines
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241 lines
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import bpy,mathutils
import bmesh
import math
from . import UTILS_functions
class ScaleDataUnion(object):
def __init__(self):
self.UseRefPoint: bool = None
def SetAsScale(self, scale_num: float):
self.UseRefPoint: bool = False
self.ScaleSize: float = scale_num
def SetAsRefPoint(self, ref_point: int, ref_point_uv: float):
self.UseRefPoint: bool = True
self.ReferencePoint: int = ref_point
self.ReferenceUV: float = ref_point_uv
class BALLANCE_OT_flatten_uv(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Flatten selected face UV. Only works for convex face"""
bl_idname = "ballance.flatten_uv"
bl_label = "Flatten UV"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
reference_edge : bpy.props.IntProperty(
name="Reference Edge",
description="The references edge of UV.\nIt will be placed in V axis.",
soft_min=0, soft_max=3,
scale_mode: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name="Scale Mode",
items=(('NUM', "Scale Size", "Scale UV with specific number."),
('REF', "Ref. Point", "Scale UV with Reference Point feature."),
scale_number : bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name="Scale Size",
description="The size which will be applied for scale.",
soft_min=0, soft_max=5,
step=0.1, precision=1,
reference_point : bpy.props.IntProperty(
name="Reference Point",
description="The references point of UV.\nIt's U component will be set to the number specified by Reference Point UV.\nThis point index is related to the start point of reference edge.",
min=2, # 0 and 1 is invalid. we can not order the reference edge to be set on the outside of uv axis
soft_min=2, soft_max=3,
reference_uv : bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name="Reference Point UV",
description="The U component which should be applied to references point in UV.",
soft_min=0, soft_max=1,
step=0.1, precision=2,
def poll(self, context):
obj = bpy.context.active_object
if obj is None:
return False
if obj.type != 'MESH':
return False
if obj.mode != 'EDIT':
return False
return True
def execute(self, context):
# construct scale data
scale_data: ScaleDataUnion = ScaleDataUnion()
if self.scale_mode == 'NUM':
scale_data.SetAsRefPoint(self.reference_point, self.reference_uv)
# do flatten uv and report
no_processed_count = _real_flatten_uv(bpy.context.active_object.data, self.reference_edge, scale_data)
if no_processed_count != 0:
print("[Flatten UV] {} faces may not be processed correctly because they have problem.".format(no_processed_count))
return {'FINISHED'}
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.emboss = 'NORMAL'
layout.prop(self, "reference_edge")
layout.label(text="Scale Mode")
layout.prop(self, "scale_mode", expand=True)
layout.label(text="Scale Config")
if self.scale_mode == 'NUM':
layout.prop(self, "scale_number")
layout.prop(self, "reference_point")
layout.prop(self, "reference_uv")
def _real_flatten_uv(mesh, reference_edge, scale_data: ScaleDataUnion):
no_processed_count = 0
if mesh.uv_layers.active is None:
# if no uv, create it
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(mesh)
uv_lay = bm.loops.layers.uv.active # NOTE: this is a part of bmesh. not affected by Blender 3.5 CHANGED.
for face in bm.faces:
# ========== only process selected face ==========
if not face.select:
# ========== resolve reference edge and point ==========
# check reference validation
allPoint = len(face.loops)
if reference_edge >= allPoint: # reference edge overflow
no_processed_count += 1
# check scale validation
if scale_data.UseRefPoint:
if ((scale_data.ReferencePoint <= 1) # reference point too low
or (scale_data.ReferencePoint >= allPoint)): # reference point overflow
no_processed_count += 1
if round(scale_data.ScaleSize, 7) == 0.0: # invalid scale size
no_processed_count += 1
# ========== get correct new corrdinate system ==========
# yyc mark:
# we use 3 points located in this face to calc
# the base of this local uv corredinate system.
# however if this 3 points are set in a line,
# this method will cause a error, zero vector error.
# if z axis is zero vector, we will try using face normal instead
# to try getting correct data.
# zero base is not important. because it will not raise any math exception
# just a weird uv. user will notice this problem.
# get point
p1Relative = reference_edge
p2Relative = reference_edge + 1
p3Relative = reference_edge + 2
if p2Relative >= allPoint:
p2Relative -= allPoint
if p3Relative >= allPoint:
p3Relative -= allPoint
p1 = mathutils.Vector(tuple(face.loops[p1Relative].vert.co[x] for x in range(3)))
p2 = mathutils.Vector(tuple(face.loops[p2Relative].vert.co[x] for x in range(3)))
p3 = mathutils.Vector(tuple(face.loops[p3Relative].vert.co[x] for x in range(3)))
# get y axis
new_y_axis = p2 - p1
vec1 = p3 - p2
# get z axis
new_z_axis = new_y_axis.cross(vec1)
if not any(round(v, 7) for v in new_z_axis): # if z is a zero vector, use face normal instead
new_z_axis = face.normal.normalized()
# get x axis
new_x_axis = new_y_axis.cross(new_z_axis)
# construct rebase matrix
origin_base = mathutils.Matrix((
(1.0, 0, 0),
(0, 1.0, 0),
(0, 0, 1.0)
new_base = mathutils.Matrix((
(new_x_axis.x, new_y_axis.x, new_z_axis.x),
(new_x_axis.y, new_y_axis.y, new_z_axis.y),
(new_x_axis.z, new_y_axis.z, new_z_axis.z)
transition_matrix = origin_base @ new_base
# ========== rescale correction ==========
if scale_data.UseRefPoint:
# ref point method
# get reference point from loop
refpRelative = p1Relative + scale_data.ReferencePoint
if refpRelative >= allPoint:
refpRelative -= allPoint
pRef = mathutils.Vector(tuple(face.loops[refpRelative].vert.co[x] for x in range(3))) - p1
# calc its U component
vec_u = abs((transition_matrix @ pRef).x)
if round(vec_u, 7) == 0.0:
rescale = 1 # fallback. rescale = 1 will not affect anything
rescale = scale_data.ReferenceUV / vec_u
# scale size method
# apply rescale directly
rescale = 1.0 / scale_data.ScaleSize
# construct matrix
# we only rescale U component (X component)
# and 5.0 scale for V component (Y component)
scale_matrix = mathutils.Matrix((
(rescale, 0, 0),
(0, 1.0 / 5.0, 0),
(0, 0, 1.0)
# order can not be changed. we order do transition first, then scale it.
rescale_transition_matrix = scale_matrix @ transition_matrix
# ========== process each face ==========
for loop_index in range(allPoint):
pp = mathutils.Vector(tuple(face.loops[loop_index].vert.co[x] for x in range(3))) - p1
ppuv = rescale_transition_matrix @ pp
# y axis always use 5.0 to scale
# however, x need use custom scale correction which has been calculated by our matrix.
face.loops[loop_index][uv_lay].uv = (
# Show the updates in the viewport
return no_processed_count