- change bl_info["support"] to COMMUNITY. because Blender do not support TESTINg anymore. - now plugin should be installed in addons folder, not addons_contrib, due to blender changes. - remove the reference about mesh.polypons.loop_total. because it is readonly now. (blender 3.6 changed) - change uv assign method. use new properties instead. (MeshUVLoop is deprecated in blender 3.5 and removed in blender 4.0)
279 lines
9.6 KiB
279 lines
9.6 KiB
import bpy, bmesh, bpy_extras, mathutils
import struct, shutil, os
from bpy_extras.io_utils import unpack_list
from bpy_extras.image_utils import load_image
from bpy_extras import io_utils, node_shader_utils
from . import UTILS_file_io, UTILS_constants, UTILS_virtools_prop
# =================================
# scene operation
def show_message_box(message, title, icon):
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for item in message:
layout.label(text=item, translate=False)
bpy.context.window_manager.popup_menu(draw, title = title, icon = icon)
def add_into_scene_and_move_to_cursor(obj):
view_layer = bpy.context.view_layer
collection = view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection
def move_to_cursor(obj):
obj.location = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location
# =================================
# is compoent
def is_component(name):
return get_component_id(name) != -1
def get_component_id(name):
for ind, comp in enumerate(UTILS_constants.bmfile_componentList):
if name.startswith(comp):
return ind
return -1
# =================================
# create / parse material
def create_blender_material(input_mtl, packed_data):
# adding material nodes
create_material_nodes(input_mtl, packed_data)
# write custom property
UTILS_virtools_prop.set_virtools_material_data(input_mtl, packed_data)
def create_material_nodes(input_mtl, packed_data):
ambient, diffuse, specular, emissive, specular_power,
alpha_test, alpha_blend, z_buffer, two_sided,
texture) = packed_data
# enable nodes mode
# delete all existed nodes
for node in input_mtl.node_tree.nodes:
# create ballance-style blender material
bnode = input_mtl.node_tree.nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled")
mnode = input_mtl.node_tree.nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeOutputMaterial")
input_mtl.metallic = sum(ambient) / 3
input_mtl.diffuse_color = [i for i in diffuse] + [1]
input_mtl.specular_color = specular
input_mtl.specular_intensity = specular_power
# adding a texture
if texture is not None:
inode = input_mtl.node_tree.nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeTexImage")
inode.image = texture
input_mtl.node_tree.links.new(inode.outputs[0], bnode.inputs[0])
# return None if fail to parse
def parse_material_nodes(mtl):
# get node
mat_wrap = node_shader_utils.PrincipledBSDFWrapper(mtl)
# check existence of Principled BSDF
if mat_wrap:
# we trying get texture data from Principled BSDF
use_mirror = mat_wrap.metallic != 0.0
if use_mirror:
mtl_ambient = (mat_wrap.metallic, mat_wrap.metallic, mat_wrap.metallic)
mtl_ambient = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
mtl_diffuse = (mat_wrap.base_color[0], mat_wrap.base_color[1], mat_wrap.base_color[2])
mtl_specular = (mat_wrap.specular, mat_wrap.specular, mat_wrap.specular)
mtl_emissive = mat_wrap.emission_color[:3]
mtl_specularPower = 0.0
# confirm texture
mtl_texture = None
tex_wrap = getattr(mat_wrap, "base_color_texture", None)
if tex_wrap:
image = tex_wrap.image
if image:
mtl_texture = image
# return value
return (True,
mtl_ambient, mtl_diffuse, mtl_specular, mtl_emissive, mtl_specularPower,
False, False, True, False,
return None
# =================================
# load component
def load_component(component_id):
# get component name from id
component_name = UTILS_constants.bmfile_componentList[component_id]
# create real mesh.
# if component mesh is existed, use existed one.
(mesh, skip_init) = create_instance_with_option(
"BlcBldPlg_EleMesh_" + component_name,
if skip_init:
return mesh
# mesh is not existing. start to load mesh
# get file first
selected_file = os.path.join(
component_name + '.bin'
# read file. please note this sector is sync with import_bm's mesh's code. when something change, please change each other.
fmesh = open(selected_file, 'rb')
vList = []
vnList = []
faceList = []
# in first read, store all data into list
listCount = UTILS_file_io.read_uint32(fmesh)
for i in range(listCount):
cache = UTILS_file_io.read_3vector(fmesh)
# switch yz
vList.append((cache[0], cache[2], cache[1]))
listCount = UTILS_file_io.read_uint32(fmesh)
for i in range(listCount):
cache = UTILS_file_io.read_3vector(fmesh)
# switch yz
vnList.append((cache[0], cache[2], cache[1]))
listCount = UTILS_file_io.read_uint32(fmesh)
for i in range(listCount):
faceData = UTILS_file_io.read_component_face(fmesh)
# we need invert triangle sort
faceData[4], faceData[5],
faceData[2], faceData[3],
faceData[0], faceData[1]
# then, we need add correspond count for vertices
mesh.loops.add(len(faceList)*3) # triangle face confirmed
# add vertices data
mesh.vertices.foreach_set("co", unpack_list(vList))
mesh.loops.foreach_set("vertex_index", unpack_list(_flat_component_vertices_index(faceList)))
mesh.loops.foreach_set("normal", unpack_list(_flat_component_vertices_normal(faceList, vnList)))
for i in range(len(faceList)):
mesh.polygons[i].loop_start = i * 3
# mesh.polygons[i].loop_total = 3 # Blender 3.6 CHANGED
mesh.polygons[i].use_smooth = True
mesh.update(calc_edges=False, calc_edges_loose=False)
return mesh
def _flat_component_vertices_index(faceList):
for item in faceList:
yield (item[0], )
yield (item[2], )
yield (item[4], )
def _flat_component_vertices_normal(faceList, vnList):
for item in faceList:
yield vnList[item[1]]
yield vnList[item[3]]
yield vnList[item[5]]
# =================================
# create instance with option
def create_instance_with_option(instance_type, instance_name, instance_opt,
extra_mesh = None, extra_texture_path = None, extra_texture_filename = None):
Create instance with opetions
`instance_type`, `instance_name`, `instance_opt` are essential for each type instances.
For object, you should provide `extra_mesh`.
For texture, you should provide `extra_texture_path` and `extra_texture_filename`.
Value type:
`instance_type`: one integer in UTILS_constants.BmfileInfoType
`instance_name`: a string of new data block name
`instance_opt`: 'RENAME' or 'CURRENT'
def get_instance():
if instance_type == UTILS_constants.BmfileInfoType.OBJECT:
temp_instance = bpy.data.objects[instance_name]
elif instance_type == UTILS_constants.BmfileInfoType.MESH:
temp_instance = bpy.data.meshes[instance_name]
elif instance_type == UTILS_constants.BmfileInfoType.MATERIAL:
temp_instance = bpy.data.materials[instance_name]
elif instance_type == UTILS_constants.BmfileInfoType.TEXTURE:
temp_instance = bpy.data.images[instance_name]
temp_is_existed = True
temp_instance = None
temp_is_existed = False
return (temp_instance, temp_is_existed)
def create_instance():
if instance_type == UTILS_constants.BmfileInfoType.OBJECT:
instance_obj = bpy.data.objects.new(instance_name, extra_mesh)
#instance_obj.name = instance_name
elif instance_type == UTILS_constants.BmfileInfoType.MESH:
instance_obj = bpy.data.meshes.new(instance_name)
#instance_obj.name = instance_name
elif instance_type == UTILS_constants.BmfileInfoType.MATERIAL:
instance_obj = bpy.data.materials.new(instance_name)
#instance_obj.name = instance_name
elif instance_type == UTILS_constants.BmfileInfoType.TEXTURE:
# this command will also check current available texture
# because `get_instance()` only check texture name
# but this strategy is not based on texture filepath, so this create method will
# correct this problem
instance_obj = load_image(extra_texture_filename, extra_texture_path, check_existing=(instance_opt == 'CURRENT'))
instance_obj.name = instance_name
return instance_obj
# analyze options
if (not isinstance(instance_opt, str)) or instance_opt == 'RENAME':
# create new instance
# or always create new instance if opts is not string
temp_instance = create_instance()
temp_skip_init = False
elif instance_opt == 'CURRENT':
# try get instance
(temp_instance, temp_is_existed) = get_instance()
# if got instance successfully, we do not create new one, otherwise, we should
# create new instance
if not temp_is_existed:
temp_instance = create_instance()
temp_skip_init = False
temp_skip_init = True
return (temp_instance, temp_skip_init)