- use panel to organise property group in virtools file importer and exporter. - move all ballance params and virtools params into ioport_shared module and enable different showcase according to the argument passed to show function presenting whether current window is importer or exporter. - add multiple type ignore to ignore the error of bpy operator member field type hints.
92 lines
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92 lines
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import bpy, mathutils
import struct, os, io, typing
from . import UTIL_virtools_types
## MARK:
# This module may be deprecated because the host refering this module,
# BM file import and export is no longer existing.
_FileWriter_t = io.BufferedWriter
_FileReader_t = io.BufferedReader
#region Writer Functions
def write_string(fs: _FileWriter_t, strl: str) -> None:
count = len(strl)
write_uint32(fs, count)
def write_uint8(fs: _FileWriter_t, num: int) -> None:
fs.write(struct.pack("<B", num))
def write_uint32(fs: _FileWriter_t, num: int) -> None:
fs.write(struct.pack("<I", num))
def write_uint64(fs: _FileWriter_t, num: int) -> None:
fs.write(struct.pack("<Q", num))
def write_bool(fs: _FileWriter_t, boolean: bool) -> None:
if boolean:
write_uint8(fs, 1)
write_uint8(fs, 0)
def write_float(fs: _FileWriter_t, fl: float) -> None:
fs.write(struct.pack("<f", fl))
def write_world_matrix(fs: _FileWriter_t, mat: UTIL_virtools_types.VxMatrix) -> None:
fs.write(struct.pack("<16f", *mat.to_const()))
def write_color(fs: _FileWriter_t, colors: UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor) -> None:
fs.write(struct.pack("<fff", *colors.to_const_rgb()))
def write_uint32_array(fs: _FileWriter_t, vals: typing.Iterable[int], count: int) -> None:
fs.write(struct.pack('<' + str(count) + 'I', *vals))
def write_float_array(fs: _FileWriter_t, vals: typing.Iterable[float], count: int) -> None:
fs.write(struct.pack('<' + str(count) + 'f', *vals))
#region Reader Functions
def peek_stream(fs: _FileReader_t) -> bytes:
res = fs.read(1)
fs.seek(-1, os.SEEK_CUR)
return res
def read_float(fs: _FileReader_t) -> float:
return struct.unpack("f", fs.read(4))[0]
def read_uint8(fs: _FileReader_t) -> int:
return struct.unpack("B", fs.read(1))[0]
def read_uint32(fs: _FileReader_t) -> int:
return struct.unpack("I", fs.read(4))[0]
def read_uint64(fs: _FileReader_t) -> int:
return struct.unpack("Q", fs.read(8))[0]
def read_string(fs: _FileReader_t) -> str:
count = read_uint32(fs)
return fs.read(count * 4).decode("utf_32_le")
def read_bool(fs: _FileReader_t) -> bool:
return read_uint8(fs) != 0
def read_world_materix(fs: _FileReader_t, mat: UTIL_virtools_types.VxMatrix) -> None:
mat.from_const(struct.unpack("<16f", fs.read(16 * 4)))
def read_color(fs: _FileReader_t, target: UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor) -> None:
target.from_const_rgb(struct.unpack("fff", fs.read(3 * 4)))
def read_uint32_array(fs: _FileReader_t, count: int) -> tuple[int, ...]:
fmt: struct.Struct = struct.Struct('<' + str(count) + 'I')
return fmt.unpack(fs.read(fmt.size))
def read_float_array(fs: _FileReader_t, count: int) -> tuple[float, ...]:
fmt: struct.Struct = struct.Struct('<' + str(count) + 'f')
return fmt.unpack(fs.read(fmt.size))