- add ballance map sector info in scene to indicate the maximum sector count of this map. - this adding will prevent the bug that the exported ballance map do not have successive sector groups. because original implement will not create sector group if no component in corresponding sector and previous remedy still have bug. and if this happended, ballance will show spaceship in wrong sector. this adding is the final solution of this bug. - exlarge ballance map sector info when user adding component. the enlarged value will be calculated by user input sector. - auto enlarge ballance map sector info when importing. this will give user a fluent experience when modifying existing map. - exporting map will also use ballance map sector info to pre-create successive sector group as term 2 stated. - move sector name extractor from virtools file exporting module to naming convention module.
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import bpy
import typing, enum, re
from . import UTIL_functions
from . import PROP_virtools_group
#region Rename Error Reporter
class _RenameErrorType(enum.IntEnum):
ERROR = enum.auto()
WARNING = enum.auto()
INFO = enum.auto()
class _RenameErrorItem():
mErrType: _RenameErrorType
mDescription: str
def __init__(self, err_t: _RenameErrorType, description: str):
self.mErrType = err_t
self.mDescription = description
class RenameErrorReporter():
A basic 'rename error report' using simple prints in console.
This object can be used as a context manager.
It supports multiple levels of 'substeps' - you shall always enter at least one substep (because level 0
has only one single step, representing the whole 'area' of the progress stuff).
You should give the object renaming of substeps each time you enter a new one.
Leaving a substep automatically steps by one the parent level.
with RenameErrorReporter() as reporter:
# process for object with reporter
mAllObjCounter: int
mFailedObjCounter: int
mErrList: list[_RenameErrorItem]
mOldName: str
mHasError: bool
def __init__(self):
self.mAllObjCounter = 0
self.mFailedObjCounter = 0
self.mErrList = []
self.mOldName = ""
self.mHasError = False
def add_error(self, description: str):
self.mHasError = True
self.mErrList.append(_RenameErrorItem(_RenameErrorType.ERROR, description))
def add_warning(self, description: str):
self.mErrList.append(_RenameErrorItem(_RenameErrorType.WARNING, description))
def add_info(self, description: str):
self.mErrList.append(_RenameErrorItem(_RenameErrorType.INFO, description))
def get_all_objs_count(self) -> int: return self.mAllObjCounter
def get_failed_objs_count(self) -> int: return self.mFailedObjCounter
def __enter__(self):
# print console report header
print('Rename Report')
# return self as context
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
# print console report tail
print(f'All / Failed - {self.mAllObjCounter} / {self.mFailedObjCounter}')
# reset variables
self.mAllObjCounter = 0
self.mFailedObjCounter = 0
def enter_object(self, obj: bpy.types.Object) -> None:
# inc all counter
self.mAllObjCounter += 1
# assign old name
self.mOldName = obj.name
def leave_object(self, obj:bpy.types.Object) -> None:
# if error list is empty, no need to report
if len(self.mErrList) == 0: return
# inc failed if necessary
if self.mHasError:
self.mFailedObjCounter += 1
# output header
# if new name is different with old name, output both of them
new_name: str = obj.name
if self.mOldName == new_name:
print(f'For object "{new_name}"')
print(f'For object "{new_name}" (Old name: "{self.mOldName}")')
# output error list with indent
for item in self.mErrList:
print('\t' + RenameErrorReporter.__erritem_to_string(item))
# clear error list for next object
self.mHasError = False
def __errtype_to_string(err_v: _RenameErrorType) -> str:
case _RenameErrorType.ERROR: return 'ERROR'
case _RenameErrorType.WARNING: return 'WARN'
case _RenameErrorType.INFO: return 'INFO'
case _: raise UTIL_functions.BBPException("Unknown error type.")
def __erritem_to_string(item: _RenameErrorItem) -> str:
return f'[{RenameErrorReporter.__errtype_to_string(item.mErrType)}]\t{item.mDescription}'
#region Naming Convention Used Types
class BallanceObjectType(enum.IntEnum):
COMPONENT = enum.auto()
FLOOR = enum.auto()
RAIL = enum.auto()
WOOD = enum.auto()
STOPPER = enum.auto()
LEVEL_START = enum.auto()
LEVEL_END = enum.auto()
CHECKPOINT = enum.auto()
RESETPOINT = enum.auto()
DEPTH_CUBE = enum.auto()
SKYLAYER = enum.auto()
DECORATION = enum.auto()
class BallanceObjectInfo():
mBasicType: BallanceObjectType
## Only available for COMPONENT basic type
mComponentType: str | None
## Only available for COMPONENT, CHECKPOINT, RESETPOINT basic type
# For COMPONENT, it indicate which sector this component belong to.
# For CHECKPOINT, RESETPOINT, it indicate the index of this object.
# In CHECKPOINT, RESETPOINT mode, the sector actually is the suffix number of these objects' name. So checkpoint starts with 1, not 0.
mSector: int | None
def __init__(self, basic_type: BallanceObjectType):
self.mBasicType = basic_type
def create_from_component(cls, comp_type: str, sector: int):
inst = cls(BallanceObjectType.COMPONENT)
inst.mComponentType = comp_type
inst.mSector = sector
return inst
def create_from_checkpoint(cls, sector: int):
inst = cls(BallanceObjectType.CHECKPOINT)
inst.mSector = sector
return inst
def create_from_resetpoint(cls, sector: int):
inst = cls(BallanceObjectType.RESETPOINT)
inst.mSector = sector
return inst
def create_from_others(cls, basic_type: BallanceObjectType):
return cls(basic_type)
#region Sector Extractor
_g_RegexBlcSectorGroup: re.Pattern = re.compile('^Sector_(0[1-8]|[1-9][0-9]{1,2}|9)$')
def extract_sector_from_name(group_name: str) -> int | None:
A convenient function to extract sector index from given group name.
This function also supports 999 sector plugin.
Not only in this module, but also in outside modules, this function is vary used to extract sector index info.
Function return the index extracted, or None if given group name is not a valid sector group.
The valid sector index is range from 1 to 999 (inclusive)
regex_result = _g_RegexBlcSectorGroup.match(group_name)
if regex_result is not None:
return int(regex_result.group(1))
return None
def build_name_from_sector_index(sector_index: int) -> str:
A convenient function to build Ballance recognizable sector group name.
This function also supports 999 sector plugin.
This function also is used in this module or other modules outside.
Function return a sector name string. It basically the reverse operation of `extract_sector_from_name`.
if sector_index == 9:
return 'Sector_9'
return f'Sector_{sector_index:0>2d}'
#region Naming Convention Declaration
_g_BlcNormalComponents: set[str] = set((
_g_BlcUniqueComponents: set[str] = set((
_g_BlcFloor: set[str] = set((
_g_BlcWood: set[str] = set((
class VirtoolsGroupConvention():
cRegexComponent: typing.ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile('^(' + '|'.join(_g_BlcNormalComponents) + ')_(0[1-9]|[1-9][0-9])_.*$')
cRegexPC: typing.ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile('^PC_TwoFlames_(0[1-7])$')
cRegexPR: typing.ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile('^PR_Resetpoint_(0[1-8])$')
def __get_pcpr_from_name(name: str, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> BallanceObjectInfo | None:
regex_result = VirtoolsGroupConvention.cRegexPC.match(name)
if regex_result is not None:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_checkpoint(
regex_result = VirtoolsGroupConvention.cRegexPR.match(name)
if regex_result is not None:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_resetpoint(
if reporter: reporter.add_error("PC_Checkpoints or PR_Resetpoints detected. But couldn't get sector from name.")
return None
def __get_sector_from_groups(gps: typing.Iterator[str]) -> int | None:
# this counter is served for stupid
# multi-sector-grouping accident.
counter: int = 0
last_matched_sector: int = 0
for i in gps:
regex_result: int | None = extract_sector_from_name(i)
if regex_result is not None:
last_matched_sector = regex_result
counter += 1
if counter != 1: return None
else: return last_matched_sector
def parse_from_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> BallanceObjectInfo | None:
# create visitor
with PROP_virtools_group.VirtoolsGroupsHelper(obj) as gp:
# if no group, we should consider it is decoration or skylayer
if gp.get_count() == 0:
if obj.name == 'SkyLayer': return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.SKYLAYER)
else: return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.DECORATION)
# try to filter unique elements first
inter_gps: set[str] = gp.intersect_groups(_g_BlcUniqueComponents)
if len(inter_gps) == 1:
# get it
case 'PS_Levelstart':
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_START)
case 'PE_Levelende':
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_END)
case 'PC_Checkpoints' | 'PR_Resetpoints':
# these type's data should be gotten from its name
return VirtoolsGroupConvention.__get_pcpr_from_name(obj.name, reporter)
case _:
if reporter: reporter.add_error("The match of Unique Component lost.")
return None
elif len(inter_gps) != 0:
if reporter: reporter.add_error("A Multi-grouping Unique Component.")
return None
# distinguish normal elements
inter_gps = gp.intersect_groups(_g_BlcNormalComponents)
if len(inter_gps) == 1:
# get it
# now try get its sector
gotten_elements: str = (tuple(inter_gps))[0]
gotten_sector: int | None = VirtoolsGroupConvention.__get_sector_from_groups(gp.iterate_groups())
if gotten_sector is None:
# fail to get sector
if reporter: reporter.add_error("Component detected. But couldn't get sector from CKGroup data.")
return None
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_component(
elif len(inter_gps) != 0:
# must be a weird grouping, report it
if reporter: reporter.add_error("A Multi-grouping Component.")
return None
# distinguish road
if gp.contain_group('Phys_FloorRails'):
# rail
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.RAIL)
elif gp.contain_group('Phys_Floors'):
# distinguish it between Floor and Wood
floor_result = gp.intersect_groups(_g_BlcFloor)
rail_result = gp.intersect_groups(_g_BlcWood)
if len(floor_result) > 0 and len(rail_result) == 0:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.FLOOR)
elif len(floor_result) == 0 and len(rail_result) > 0:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.WOOD)
if reporter: reporter.add_warning("Can't distinguish object between Floors and Rails. Suppose it is Floors.")
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.FLOOR)
elif gp.contain_group('Phys_FloorStopper'):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.STOPPER)
elif gp.contain_group('DepthTestCubes'):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.DEPTH_CUBE)
# no matched
if reporter: reporter.add_error("Group match lost.")
return None
def set_to_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, info: BallanceObjectInfo, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> bool:
# create visitor
with PROP_virtools_group.VirtoolsGroupsHelper(obj) as gp:
# match by basic type
case BallanceObjectType.DECORATION: pass # decoration do not need group
case BallanceObjectType.SKYLAYER: pass # sky layer do not need group
case BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_START:
case BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_END:
case BallanceObjectType.CHECKPOINT:
case BallanceObjectType.RESETPOINT:
case BallanceObjectType.DEPTH_CUBE:
case BallanceObjectType.FLOOR:
# floor type also need group into shadow group.
case BallanceObjectType.RAIL:
case BallanceObjectType.WOOD:
case BallanceObjectType.STOPPER:
case BallanceObjectType.COMPONENT:
# group into component type
# use typing.cast() to force linter accept it because None is impossible
gp.add_group(typing.cast(str, info.mComponentType))
# group to sector
gp.add_group(build_name_from_sector_index(typing.cast(int, info.mSector)))
case _:
if reporter is not None:
reporter.add_error('No matched info.')
return False
return True
class YYCToolchainConvention():
def parse_from_name(name: str, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> BallanceObjectInfo | None:
# check component first
regex_result = VirtoolsGroupConvention.cRegexComponent.match(name) # use vt one because they are same
if regex_result is not None:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_component(
# check PC PR elements
regex_result = VirtoolsGroupConvention.cRegexPC.match(name) # use vt one because they are same
if regex_result is not None:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_checkpoint(
regex_result = VirtoolsGroupConvention.cRegexPR.match(name) # use vt one because they are same
if regex_result is not None:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_resetpoint(
# check other unique elements
if name == "PS_FourFlames_01":
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_START)
if name == "PE_Balloon_01":
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_END)
# process floors
if name.startswith("A_Floor"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.FLOOR)
if name.startswith("A_Rail"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.RAIL)
if name.startswith("A_Wood"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.WOOD)
if name.startswith("A_Stopper"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.STOPPER)
# process others
if name.startswith("DepthCubes"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.DEPTH_CUBE)
if name.startswith("D_"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.DECORATION)
if name == 'SkyLayer':
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.SKYLAYER)
if reporter is not None:
reporter.add_error("Name match lost.")
return None
def parse_from_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> BallanceObjectInfo | None:
return YYCToolchainConvention.parse_from_name(obj.name, reporter)
def set_to_name(info: BallanceObjectInfo, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> str | None:
case BallanceObjectType.DECORATION:
return 'D_'
case BallanceObjectType.SKYLAYER:
return 'SkyLayer'
case BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_START:
return 'PS_FourFlames_01'
case BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_END:
return 'PE_Balloon_01'
case BallanceObjectType.CHECKPOINT:
return f'PC_TwoFlames_{info.mSector:0>2d}'
case BallanceObjectType.RESETPOINT:
return f'PR_Resetpoint_{info.mSector:0>2d}'
case BallanceObjectType.DEPTH_CUBE:
return 'DepthCubes_'
case BallanceObjectType.FLOOR:
return 'A_Floor_'
case BallanceObjectType.RAIL:
return 'A_Rail_'
case BallanceObjectType.WOOD:
return 'A_Wood_'
case BallanceObjectType.STOPPER:
return 'A_Stopper_'
case BallanceObjectType.COMPONENT:
return '{}_{:0>2d}_'.format(
info.mComponentType, info.mSector)
case _:
if reporter is not None:
reporter.add_error('No matched info.')
return None
def set_to_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, info: BallanceObjectInfo, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> bool:
expect_name: str | None = YYCToolchainConvention.set_to_name(info, reporter)
if expect_name is None: return False
obj.name = expect_name
return True
class ImengyuConvention():
cRegexComponent: typing.ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile('^(' + '|'.join(_g_BlcNormalComponents) + '):[^:]*:([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])$')
cRegexPC: typing.ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile('^PC_CheckPoint:([0-9]+)$')
cRegexPR: typing.ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile('^PR_ResetPoint:([0-9]+)$')
def parse_from_name(name: str, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> BallanceObjectInfo | None:
# check component first
regex_result = ImengyuConvention.cRegexComponent.match(name)
if regex_result is not None:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_component(
# check PC PR elements
regex_result = ImengyuConvention.cRegexPC.match(name)
if regex_result is not None:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_checkpoint(
regex_result = ImengyuConvention.cRegexPR.match(name)
if regex_result is not None:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_resetpoint(
# check other unique elements
if name == "PS_LevelStart":
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_START)
if name == "PE_LevelEnd":
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_END)
# process floors
if name.startswith("S_Floors"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.FLOOR)
if name.startswith("S_FloorRails"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.RAIL)
if name.startswith("S_FloorWoods"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.WOOD)
if name.startswith("S_FloorStopper"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.STOPPER)
# process others
if name.startswith("DepthTestCubes"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.DEPTH_CUBE)
if name.startswith("O_"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.DECORATION)
if name == 'SkyLayer':
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.SKYLAYER)
if reporter is not None:
reporter.add_error("Name match lost.")
return None
def parse_from_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> BallanceObjectInfo | None:
return ImengyuConvention.parse_from_name(obj.name, reporter)
def set_to_name(info: BallanceObjectInfo, oldname: str | None, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> str | None:
case BallanceObjectType.DECORATION:
return 'O_'
case BallanceObjectType.SKYLAYER:
return 'SkyLayer'
case BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_START:
return 'PS_LevelStart'
case BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_END:
return 'PE_LevelEnd'
case BallanceObjectType.CHECKPOINT:
return f'PR_ResetPoint:{info.mSector:d}'
case BallanceObjectType.RESETPOINT:
return f'PC_CheckPoint:{info.mSector:d}'
case BallanceObjectType.DEPTH_CUBE:
return 'DepthTestCubes'
case BallanceObjectType.FLOOR:
return 'S_Floors'
case BallanceObjectType.RAIL:
return 'S_FloorWoods'
case BallanceObjectType.WOOD:
return 'S_FloorRails'
case BallanceObjectType.STOPPER:
return 'S_FloorStopper'
case BallanceObjectType.COMPONENT:
return '{}:{}:{:d}'.format(
oldname.replace(':', '_') if oldname is not None else '',
case _:
if reporter is not None:
reporter.add_error('No matched info.')
return None
def set_to_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, info: BallanceObjectInfo, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> bool:
expect_name: str | None = ImengyuConvention.set_to_name(info, obj.name, reporter)
if expect_name is None: return False
obj.name = expect_name
return True