- disable bmx import/export temporaryly - optimize the ui display of importing/exporting. (use box to organize props) - place button horizontally, not vertically in virtools material. - disallow apply in legacy align if no axis selected. - add applied step counter in legacy alignment. - add feedback for reseting bme material/component. (add a message box to show success)
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604 lines
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import bpy
import typing, enum, re
from . import UTIL_functions
from . import PROP_virtools_group
#region Rename Error Reporter
class _RenameErrorType(enum.IntEnum):
ERROR = enum.auto()
WARNING = enum.auto()
INFO = enum.auto()
class _RenameErrorItem():
mErrType: _RenameErrorType
mDescription: str
def __init__(self, err_t: _RenameErrorType, description: str):
self.mErrType = err_t
self.mDescription = description
class RenameErrorReporter():
A basic 'rename error report' using simple prints in console.
This object can be used as a context manager.
It supports multiple levels of 'substeps' - you shall always enter at least one substep (because level 0
has only one single step, representing the whole 'area' of the progress stuff).
You should give the object renaming of substeps each time you enter a new one.
Leaving a substep automatically steps by one the parent level.
with RenameErrorReporter() as reporter:
# process for object with reporter
mAllObjCounter: int
mFailedObjCounter: int
mErrList: list[_RenameErrorItem]
mOldName: str
mHasError: bool
def __init__(self):
self.mAllObjCounter = 0
self.mFailedObjCounter = 0
self.mErrList = []
self.mOldName = ""
self.mHasError = False
def add_error(self, description: str):
self.mHasError = True
self.mErrList.append(_RenameErrorItem(_RenameErrorType.ERROR, description))
def add_warning(self, description: str):
self.mErrList.append(_RenameErrorItem(_RenameErrorType.WARNING, description))
def add_info(self, description: str):
self.mErrList.append(_RenameErrorItem(_RenameErrorType.INFO, description))
def get_all_objs_count(self) -> int: return self.mAllObjCounter
def get_failed_objs_count(self) -> int: return self.mFailedObjCounter
def __enter__(self):
# print console report header
print('Rename Report')
# return self as context
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
# print console report tail
print(f'All / Failed - {self.mAllObjCounter} / {self.mFailedObjCounter}')
# reset variables
self.mAllObjCounter = 0
self.mFailedObjCounter = 0
def enter_object(self, obj: bpy.types.Object) -> None:
# inc all counter
self.mAllObjCounter += 1
# assign old name
self.mOldName = obj.name
def leave_object(self, obj:bpy.types.Object) -> None:
# if error list is empty, no need to report
if len(self.mErrList) == 0: return
# inc failed if necessary
if self.mHasError:
self.mFailedObjCounter += 1
# output header
# if new name is different with old name, output both of them
new_name: str = obj.name
if self.mOldName == new_name:
print(f'For object "{new_name}"')
print(f'For object "{new_name}" (Old name: "{self.mOldName}")')
# output error list with indent
for item in self.mErrList:
print('\t' + RenameErrorReporter.__erritem_to_string(item))
# clear error list for next object
self.mHasError = False
def __errtype_to_string(err_v: _RenameErrorType) -> str:
case _RenameErrorType.ERROR: return 'ERROR'
case _RenameErrorType.WARNING: return 'WARN'
case _RenameErrorType.INFO: return 'INFO'
case _: raise UTIL_functions.BBPException("Unknown error type.")
def __erritem_to_string(item: _RenameErrorItem) -> str:
return f'[{RenameErrorReporter.__errtype_to_string(item.mErrType)}]\t{item.mDescription}'
#region Naming Convention Used Types
class BallanceObjectType(enum.IntEnum):
COMPONENT = enum.auto()
FLOOR = enum.auto()
RAIL = enum.auto()
WOOD = enum.auto()
STOPPER = enum.auto()
LEVEL_START = enum.auto()
LEVEL_END = enum.auto()
CHECKPOINT = enum.auto()
RESETPOINT = enum.auto()
DEPTH_CUBE = enum.auto()
SKYLAYER = enum.auto()
DECORATION = enum.auto()
class BallanceObjectInfo():
mBasicType: BallanceObjectType
## Only available for COMPONENT basic type
mComponentType: str | None
## Only available for COMPONENT, CHECKPOINT, RESETPOINT basic type
# For COMPONENT, it indicate which sector this component belong to.
# For CHECKPOINT, RESETPOINT, it indicate the index of this object.
# In CHECKPOINT, RESETPOINT mode, the sector actually is the suffix number of these objects' name. So checkpoint starts with 1, not 0.
mSector: int | None
def __init__(self, basic_type: BallanceObjectType):
self.mBasicType = basic_type
def create_from_component(cls, comp_type: str, sector: int):
inst = cls(BallanceObjectType.COMPONENT)
inst.mComponentType = comp_type
inst.mSector = sector
return inst
def create_from_checkpoint(cls, sector: int):
inst = cls(BallanceObjectType.CHECKPOINT)
inst.mSector = sector
return inst
def create_from_resetpoint(cls, sector: int):
inst = cls(BallanceObjectType.RESETPOINT)
inst.mSector = sector
return inst
def create_from_others(cls, basic_type: BallanceObjectType):
return cls(basic_type)
#region Naming Convention Declaration
_g_BlcNormalComponents: set[str] = set((
_g_BlcUniqueComponents: set[str] = set((
_g_BlcFloor: set[str] = set((
_g_BlcWood: set[str] = set((
class VirtoolsGroupConvention():
cRegexGroupSector: typing.ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile('^Sector_(0[1-8]|[1-9][0-9]{1,2}|9)$')
cRegexComponent: typing.ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile('^(' + '|'.join(_g_BlcNormalComponents) + ')_(0[1-9]|[1-9][0-9])_.*$')
cRegexPC: typing.ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile('^PC_TwoFlames_(0[1-7])$')
cRegexPR: typing.ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile('^PR_Resetpoint_(0[1-8])$')
def __get_pcpr_from_name(name: str, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> BallanceObjectInfo | None:
regex_result = VirtoolsGroupConvention.cRegexPC.match(name)
if regex_result is not None:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_checkpoint(
regex_result = VirtoolsGroupConvention.cRegexPR.match(name)
if regex_result is not None:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_resetpoint(
if reporter: reporter.add_error("PC_Checkpoints or PR_Resetpoints detected. But couldn't get sector from name.")
return None
def __get_sector_from_groups(gps: typing.Iterator[str]) -> int | None:
# this counter is served for stupid
# multi-sector-grouping accident.
counter: int = 0
last_matched_sector: int = 0
for i in gps:
regex_result = VirtoolsGroupConvention.cRegexGroupSector.match(i)
if regex_result is not None:
last_matched_sector = int(regex_result.group(1))
counter += 1
if counter != 1: return None
else: return last_matched_sector
def parse_from_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> BallanceObjectInfo | None:
# create visitor
with PROP_virtools_group.VirtoolsGroupsHelper(obj) as gp:
# if no group, we should consider it is decoration or skylayer
if gp.get_count() == 0:
if obj.name == 'SkyLayer': return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.SKYLAYER)
else: return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.DECORATION)
# try to filter unique elements first
inter_gps: set[str] = gp.intersect_groups(_g_BlcUniqueComponents)
if len(inter_gps) == 1:
# get it
case 'PS_Levelstart':
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_START)
case 'PE_Levelende':
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_END)
case 'PC_Checkpoints' | 'PR_Resetpoints':
# these type's data should be gotten from its name
return VirtoolsGroupConvention.__get_pcpr_from_name(obj.name, reporter)
case _:
if reporter: reporter.add_error("The match of Unique Component lost.")
return None
elif len(inter_gps) != 0:
if reporter: reporter.add_error("A Multi-grouping Unique Component.")
return None
# distinguish normal elements
inter_gps = gp.intersect_groups(_g_BlcNormalComponents)
if len(inter_gps) == 1:
# get it
# now try get its sector
gotten_elements: str = (tuple(inter_gps))[0]
gotten_sector: int | None = VirtoolsGroupConvention.__get_sector_from_groups(gp.iterate_groups())
if gotten_sector is None:
# fail to get sector
if reporter: reporter.add_error("Component detected. But couldn't get sector from CKGroup data.")
return None
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_component(
elif len(inter_gps) != 0:
# must be a weird grouping, report it
if reporter: reporter.add_error("A Multi-grouping Component.")
return None
# distinguish road
if gp.contain_group('Phys_FloorRails'):
# rail
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.RAIL)
elif gp.contain_group('Phys_Floors'):
# distinguish it between Floor and Wood
floor_result = gp.intersect_groups(_g_BlcFloor)
rail_result = gp.intersect_groups(_g_BlcWood)
if len(floor_result) > 0 and len(rail_result) == 0:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.FLOOR)
elif len(floor_result) == 0 and len(rail_result) > 0:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.WOOD)
if reporter: reporter.add_warning("Can't distinguish object between Floors and Rails. Suppose it is Floors.")
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.FLOOR)
elif gp.contain_group('Phys_FloorStopper'):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.STOPPER)
elif gp.contain_group('DepthTestCubes'):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.DEPTH_CUBE)
# no matched
if reporter: reporter.add_error("Group match lost.")
return None
def set_to_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, info: BallanceObjectInfo, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> bool:
# create visitor
with PROP_virtools_group.VirtoolsGroupsHelper(obj) as gp:
# match by basic type
case BallanceObjectType.DECORATION: pass # decoration do not need group
case BallanceObjectType.SKYLAYER: pass # sky layer do not need group
case BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_START:
case BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_END:
case BallanceObjectType.CHECKPOINT:
case BallanceObjectType.RESETPOINT:
case BallanceObjectType.DEPTH_CUBE:
case BallanceObjectType.FLOOR:
case BallanceObjectType.RAIL:
case BallanceObjectType.WOOD:
case BallanceObjectType.STOPPER:
case BallanceObjectType.COMPONENT:
# group into component type
# use typing.cast() to force linter accept it because None is impossible
gp.add_group(typing.cast(str, info.mComponentType))
# group to sector
if info.mSector == 9:
case _:
if reporter is not None:
reporter.add_error('No matched info.')
return False
return True
class YYCToolchainConvention():
def parse_from_name(name: str, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> BallanceObjectInfo | None:
# check component first
regex_result = VirtoolsGroupConvention.cRegexComponent.match(name) # use vt one because they are same
if regex_result is not None:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_component(
# check PC PR elements
regex_result = VirtoolsGroupConvention.cRegexPC.match(name) # use vt one because they are same
if regex_result is not None:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_checkpoint(
regex_result = VirtoolsGroupConvention.cRegexPR.match(name) # use vt one because they are same
if regex_result is not None:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_resetpoint(
# check other unique elements
if name == "PS_FourFlames_01":
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_START)
if name == "PE_Balloon_01":
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_END)
# process floors
if name.startswith("A_Floor"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.FLOOR)
if name.startswith("A_Rail"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.RAIL)
if name.startswith("A_Wood"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.WOOD)
if name.startswith("A_Stopper"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.STOPPER)
# process others
if name.startswith("DepthCubes"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.DEPTH_CUBE)
if name.startswith("D_"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.DECORATION)
if name == 'SkyLayer':
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.SKYLAYER)
if reporter is not None:
reporter.add_error("Name match lost.")
return None
def parse_from_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> BallanceObjectInfo | None:
return YYCToolchainConvention.parse_from_name(obj.name, reporter)
def set_to_name(info: BallanceObjectInfo, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> str | None:
case BallanceObjectType.DECORATION:
return 'D_'
case BallanceObjectType.SKYLAYER:
return 'SkyLayer'
case BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_START:
return 'PS_FourFlames_01'
case BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_END:
return 'PE_Balloon_01'
case BallanceObjectType.CHECKPOINT:
return f'PR_Resetpoint_{info.mSector:0>2d}'
case BallanceObjectType.RESETPOINT:
return f'PC_TwoFlames_{info.mSector:0>2d}'
case BallanceObjectType.DEPTH_CUBE:
return 'DepthCubes_'
case BallanceObjectType.FLOOR:
return 'A_Floor_'
case BallanceObjectType.RAIL:
return 'A_Wood_'
case BallanceObjectType.WOOD:
return 'A_Rail_'
case BallanceObjectType.STOPPER:
return 'A_Stopper_'
case BallanceObjectType.COMPONENT:
return '{}_{:0>2d}_'.format(
info.mComponentType, info.mSector)
case _:
if reporter is not None:
reporter.add_error('No matched info.')
return None
def set_to_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, info: BallanceObjectInfo, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> bool:
expect_name: str | None = YYCToolchainConvention.set_to_name(info, reporter)
if expect_name is None: return False
obj.name = expect_name
return True
class ImengyuConvention():
cRegexComponent: typing.ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile('^(' + '|'.join(_g_BlcNormalComponents) + '):[^:]*:([1-9]|[1-9][0-9])$')
cRegexPC: typing.ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile('^PC_CheckPoint:([0-9]+)$')
cRegexPR: typing.ClassVar[re.Pattern] = re.compile('^PR_ResetPoint:([0-9]+)$')
def parse_from_name(name: str, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> BallanceObjectInfo | None:
# check component first
regex_result = ImengyuConvention.cRegexComponent.match(name)
if regex_result is not None:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_component(
# check PC PR elements
regex_result = ImengyuConvention.cRegexPC.match(name)
if regex_result is not None:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_checkpoint(
regex_result = ImengyuConvention.cRegexPR.match(name)
if regex_result is not None:
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_resetpoint(
# check other unique elements
if name == "PS_LevelStart":
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_START)
if name == "PE_LevelEnd":
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_END)
# process floors
if name.startswith("S_Floors"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.FLOOR)
if name.startswith("S_FloorRails"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.RAIL)
if name.startswith("S_FloorWoods"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.WOOD)
if name.startswith("S_FloorStopper"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.STOPPER)
# process others
if name.startswith("DepthTestCubes"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.DEPTH_CUBE)
if name.startswith("O_"):
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.DECORATION)
if name == 'SkyLayer':
return BallanceObjectInfo.create_from_others(BallanceObjectType.SKYLAYER)
if reporter is not None:
reporter.add_error("Name match lost.")
return None
def parse_from_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> BallanceObjectInfo | None:
return ImengyuConvention.parse_from_name(obj.name, reporter)
def set_to_name(info: BallanceObjectInfo, oldname: str | None, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> str | None:
case BallanceObjectType.DECORATION:
return 'O_'
case BallanceObjectType.SKYLAYER:
return 'SkyLayer'
case BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_START:
return 'PS_LevelStart'
case BallanceObjectType.LEVEL_END:
return 'PE_LevelEnd'
case BallanceObjectType.CHECKPOINT:
return f'PR_ResetPoint:{info.mSector:d}'
case BallanceObjectType.RESETPOINT:
return f'PC_CheckPoint:{info.mSector:d}'
case BallanceObjectType.DEPTH_CUBE:
return 'DepthTestCubes'
case BallanceObjectType.FLOOR:
return 'S_Floors'
case BallanceObjectType.RAIL:
return 'S_FloorWoods'
case BallanceObjectType.WOOD:
return 'S_FloorRails'
case BallanceObjectType.STOPPER:
return 'S_FloorStopper'
case BallanceObjectType.COMPONENT:
return '{}:{}:{:d}'.format(
oldname.replace(':', '_') if oldname is not None else '',
case _:
if reporter is not None:
reporter.add_error('No matched info.')
return None
def set_to_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, info: BallanceObjectInfo, reporter: RenameErrorReporter | None) -> bool:
expect_name: str | None = ImengyuConvention.set_to_name(info, obj.name, reporter)
if expect_name is None: return False
obj.name = expect_name
return True