- add translation context for operator, menu, panel and etc. and their associated properties. - improve some name and description but not finished. - move reset BME material function inside BMEMaterialsHelper. - rename variable of collection visitor in BME adder operator for clear meaning. - replace some message box to report in ballance elements reset operator, BME materials reset operator and rail UV operator
471 lines
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471 lines
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import bpy, mathutils
from bpy_extras.wm_utils.progress_report import ProgressReport
import tempfile, os, typing
from . import PROP_preferences, UTIL_ioport_shared
from . import UTIL_virtools_types, UTIL_functions, UTIL_file_browser, UTIL_blender_mesh, UTIL_ballance_texture, UTIL_naming_convension
from . import PROP_virtools_group, PROP_virtools_material, PROP_virtools_mesh, PROP_virtools_texture, PROP_virtools_light, PROP_ballance_map_info
from .PyBMap import bmap_wrapper as bmap
class BBP_OT_import_virtools(bpy.types.Operator, UTIL_file_browser.ImportVirtoolsFile, UTIL_ioport_shared.ImportParams, UTIL_ioport_shared.VirtoolsParams, UTIL_ioport_shared.BallanceParams):
"""Import Virtools File"""
bl_idname = "bbp.import_virtools"
bl_label = "Import Virtools File"
bl_options = {'PRESET', 'UNDO'}
bl_translation_context = 'BBP_OT_import_virtools'
def poll(cls, context):
return (
and bmap.is_bmap_available())
def execute(self, context):
# check whether encoding list is empty to avoid real stupid user.
encodings = self.general_get_vt_encodings(context)
if len(encodings) == 0:
self.report({'ERROR'}, 'You must specify at least one encoding for file loading (e.g. cp1252, gb2312)!')
return {'CANCELLED'}
self.report({'INFO'}, "Virtools File Importing Finished.")
return {'FINISHED'}
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
self.draw_virtools_params(context, layout, True)
self.draw_ballance_params(layout, True)
def _import_virtools(file_name_: str, encodings_: tuple[str], resolver: UTIL_ioport_shared.ConflictResolver) -> None:
# create temp folder
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as vt_temp_folder:
print(f'Virtools Engine Temp: {vt_temp_folder}')
# create virtools reader context
with bmap.BMFileReader(
encodings_) as reader:
# prepare progress reporter
with ProgressReport(wm = bpy.context.window_manager) as progress:
# import textures
texture_cret_map: dict[bmap.BMTexture, bpy.types.Image] = _import_virtools_textures(
reader, progress, resolver)
# import materials
material_cret_map: dict[bmap.BMMaterial, bpy.types.Material] = _import_virtools_materials(
reader, progress, resolver, texture_cret_map)
# import meshes
mesh_cret_map: dict[bmap.BMMesh, bpy.types.Mesh] = _import_virtools_meshes(
reader, progress, resolver, material_cret_map)
# import 3dobjects
obj3d_cret_map: dict[bmap.BM3dObject, bpy.types.Object] = _import_virtools_3dobjects(
reader, progress, resolver, mesh_cret_map)
# import light
_import_virtools_lights(reader, progress, resolver)
# import groups
_import_virtools_groups(reader, progress, obj3d_cret_map)
def _import_virtools_textures(
reader: bmap.BMFileReader,
progress: ProgressReport,
resolver: UTIL_ioport_shared.ConflictResolver
) -> dict[bmap.BMTexture, bpy.types.Image]:
# create map
texture_cret_map: dict[bmap.BMTexture, bpy.types.Image] = {}
progress.enter_substeps(reader.get_texture_count(), "Loading Textures")
# create another temp folder for raw data virtools texture importing
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as rawdata_temp:
print(f'Texture Raw Data Temp: {rawdata_temp}')
for vttexture in reader.get_textures():
tex_cret: typing.Callable[[], bpy.types.Image]
texpath_to_load: str | None = vttexture.get_file_name()
# if no assoc file path (what? but it is real happended)
# this is invalid image, create a blank image instead
if texpath_to_load is None:
tex_cret = lambda: bpy.data.images.new("", 1, 1)
# if this image is raw data, save it in external folder before loading
# the attribute of raw data saving is the file path is not absolute path
if not os.path.isabs(texpath_to_load):
texpath_to_load = os.path.join(
# detect whether it is ballance texture and load
try_blc_tex: str | None = UTIL_ballance_texture.get_ballance_texture_filename(texpath_to_load)
if try_blc_tex is not None:
# load as ballance texture
tex_cret = lambda: UTIL_ballance_texture.load_ballance_texture(typing.cast(str, try_blc_tex))
# load as other textures
tex_cret = lambda: UTIL_ballance_texture.load_other_texture(typing.cast(str, texpath_to_load))
# create real texture by tex cret fct
(tex, init_tex) = resolver.create_texture(
# init tex if needed
if init_tex:
# set texture cfg
rawtex: PROP_virtools_texture.RawVirtoolsTexture = PROP_virtools_texture.RawVirtoolsTexture()
rawtex.mSaveOptions = vttexture.get_save_options()
rawtex.mVideoFormat = vttexture.get_video_format()
PROP_virtools_texture.set_raw_virtools_texture(tex, rawtex)
# insert it to map
texture_cret_map[vttexture] = tex
# inc steps
# leave progress and return map
return texture_cret_map
def _import_virtools_materials(
reader: bmap.BMFileReader,
progress: ProgressReport,
resolver: UTIL_ioport_shared.ConflictResolver,
texture_cret_map: dict[bmap.BMTexture, bpy.types.Image]
) -> dict[bmap.BMMaterial, bpy.types.Material]:
# create map and prepare progress
material_cret_map: dict[bmap.BMMaterial, bpy.types.Material] = {}
progress.enter_substeps(reader.get_material_count(), "Loading Materials")
for vtmaterial in reader.get_materials():
# create mtl
(mtl, init_mtl) = resolver.create_material(
# apply it if necessary
if init_mtl:
# create new raw material
rawmtl: PROP_virtools_material.RawVirtoolsMaterial = PROP_virtools_material.RawVirtoolsMaterial()
rawmtl.mDiffuse = vtmaterial.get_diffuse()
rawmtl.mAmbient = vtmaterial.get_ambient()
rawmtl.mSpecular = vtmaterial.get_specular()
rawmtl.mEmissive = vtmaterial.get_emissive()
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = vtmaterial.get_specular_power()
mtltex: bmap.BMTexture | None = vtmaterial.get_texture()
if mtltex:
rawmtl.mTexture = texture_cret_map.get(mtltex, None)
rawmtl.mTexture = None
rawmtl.mTextureBorderColor = vtmaterial.get_texture_border_color()
rawmtl.mTextureBlendMode = vtmaterial.get_texture_blend_mode()
rawmtl.mTextureMinMode = vtmaterial.get_texture_min_mode()
rawmtl.mTextureMagMode = vtmaterial.get_texture_mag_mode()
rawmtl.mTextureAddressMode = vtmaterial.get_texture_address_mode()
rawmtl.mSourceBlend = vtmaterial.get_source_blend()
rawmtl.mDestBlend = vtmaterial.get_dest_blend()
rawmtl.mFillMode = vtmaterial.get_fill_mode()
rawmtl.mShadeMode = vtmaterial.get_shade_mode()
rawmtl.mEnableAlphaTest = vtmaterial.get_alpha_test_enabled()
rawmtl.mEnableAlphaBlend = vtmaterial.get_alpha_blend_enabled()
rawmtl.mEnablePerspectiveCorrection = vtmaterial.get_perspective_correction_enabled()
rawmtl.mEnableZWrite = vtmaterial.get_z_write_enabled()
rawmtl.mEnableTwoSided = vtmaterial.get_two_sided_enabled()
rawmtl.mAlphaRef = vtmaterial.get_alpha_ref()
rawmtl.mAlphaFunc = vtmaterial.get_alpha_func()
rawmtl.mZFunc = vtmaterial.get_z_func()
PROP_virtools_material.set_raw_virtools_material(mtl, rawmtl)
# add into map and step
material_cret_map[vtmaterial] = mtl
# leave progress and return
return material_cret_map
def _import_virtools_meshes(
reader: bmap.BMFileReader,
progress: ProgressReport,
resolver: UTIL_ioport_shared.ConflictResolver,
material_cret_map: dict[bmap.BMMaterial, bpy.types.Material]
) -> dict[bmap.BMMesh, bpy.types.Mesh]:
# create map and prepare progress
mesh_cret_map: dict[bmap.BMMesh, bpy.types.Mesh] = {}
progress.enter_substeps(reader.get_mesh_count(), "Loading Meshes")
for vtmesh in reader.get_meshs():
# create mesh
(mesh, init_mesh) = resolver.create_mesh(
# set mesh data if necessary
if init_mesh:
# open mesh writer
with UTIL_blender_mesh.MeshWriter(mesh) as meshoper:
# construct data provider
data_prov: UTIL_blender_mesh.MeshWriterIngredient = UTIL_blender_mesh.MeshWriterIngredient()
# constructor data itor
def pos_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3]:
for v in vtmesh.get_vertex_positions():
yield v
def nml_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3]:
for v in vtmesh.get_vertex_normals():
yield v
def uv_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector2]:
for v in vtmesh.get_vertex_uvs():
yield v
def face_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_blender_mesh.FaceData]:
face: UTIL_blender_mesh.FaceData = UTIL_blender_mesh.FaceData(
[UTIL_blender_mesh.FaceVertexData() for i in range(3)]
findices_itor = vtmesh.get_face_indices()
fmtl_itor = vtmesh.get_face_material_slot_indexs()
for _ in range(vtmesh.get_face_count()):
# set indices data
vtindices = next(findices_itor)
face.mIndices[0].mPosIdx = vtindices.i1
face.mIndices[0].mNmlIdx = vtindices.i1
face.mIndices[0].mUvIdx = vtindices.i1
face.mIndices[1].mPosIdx = vtindices.i2
face.mIndices[1].mNmlIdx = vtindices.i2
face.mIndices[1].mUvIdx = vtindices.i2
face.mIndices[2].mPosIdx = vtindices.i3
face.mIndices[2].mNmlIdx = vtindices.i3
face.mIndices[2].mUvIdx = vtindices.i3
# swap indices
# set mtl data
vtmtl = next(fmtl_itor)
face.mMtlIdx = vtmtl
# return
yield face
def mtl_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[bpy.types.Material | None]:
for vtmtl in vtmesh.get_material_slots():
if vtmtl:
yield material_cret_map.get(vtmtl, None)
yield None
# assign to data provider
data_prov.mVertexPosition = pos_iterator()
data_prov.mVertexNormal = nml_iterator()
data_prov.mVertexUV = uv_iterator()
data_prov.mFace = face_iterator()
data_prov.mMaterial = mtl_iterator()
# add part
# end of mesh writer
# set other mesh settings
mesh_settings: PROP_virtools_mesh.RawVirtoolsMesh = PROP_virtools_mesh.RawVirtoolsMesh()
mesh_settings.mLitMode = vtmesh.get_lit_mode()
PROP_virtools_mesh.set_raw_virtools_mesh(mesh, mesh_settings)
# add into map and step
mesh_cret_map[vtmesh] = mesh
# leave progress and return
return mesh_cret_map
def _import_virtools_3dobjects(
reader: bmap.BMFileReader,
progress: ProgressReport,
resolver: UTIL_ioport_shared.ConflictResolver,
mesh_cret_map: dict[bmap.BMMesh, bpy.types.Mesh]
) -> dict[bmap.BM3dObject, bpy.types.Object]:
# create map and prepare progress
obj3d_cret_map: dict[bmap.BM3dObject, bpy.types.Object] = {}
progress.enter_substeps(reader.get_3dobject_count(), "Loading 3dObjects")
for vt3dobj in reader.get_3dobjects():
# get virtools binding mesh data first
vt3dobj_data: bmap.BMMesh | None = vt3dobj.get_current_mesh()
# create 3d object with mesh
(obj3d, init_obj3d) = resolver.create_object(
None if vt3dobj_data is None else mesh_cret_map.get(vt3dobj_data, None)
# setup if necessary
if init_obj3d:
# add into scene
# set world matrix
vtmat: UTIL_virtools_types.VxMatrix = vt3dobj.get_world_matrix()
obj3d.matrix_world = UTIL_virtools_types.vxmatrix_to_blender(vtmat)
# set visibility
obj3d.hide_set(not vt3dobj.get_visibility())
# add into map
# NOTE: the return value only provided to group setter
# and group setter should only set group data to new created 3d objects
# thus we only insert pair when this 3d obj is new created.
obj3d_cret_map[vt3dobj] = obj3d
# step forward
# leave progress and return
return obj3d_cret_map
def _import_virtools_lights(
reader: bmap.BMFileReader,
progress: ProgressReport,
resolver: UTIL_ioport_shared.ConflictResolver
) -> None:
# prepare progress
progress.enter_substeps(reader.get_target_light_count(), "Loading Lights")
# please note light is slightly different between virtools and blender.
# in virtools, light is the sub class of 3d entity.
# it means that virtools use class inheritance to implement light.
# however, in blender, light is the data property of object.
# comparing with normal mesh object, it just replace the data property of object to a light.
# so in blender, light is implemented as a data struct attached to object.
# thus we can reuse light data for multiple objects but virtools can not.
# in virtools, every light are individual objects.
for vtlight in reader.get_target_lights():
# create light data block and 3d object together
(light_3dobj, light, init_light) = resolver.create_light(
if init_light:
# setup light data block
rawlight: PROP_virtools_light.RawVirtoolsLight = PROP_virtools_light.RawVirtoolsLight()
rawlight.mType = vtlight.get_type()
rawlight.mColor = vtlight.get_color()
rawlight.mConstantAttenuation = vtlight.get_constant_attenuation()
rawlight.mLinearAttenuation = vtlight.get_linear_attenuation()
rawlight.mQuadraticAttenuation = vtlight.get_quadratic_attenuation()
rawlight.mRange = vtlight.get_range()
rawlight.mHotSpot = vtlight.get_hot_spot()
rawlight.mFalloff = vtlight.get_falloff()
rawlight.mFalloffShape = vtlight.get_falloff_shape()
PROP_virtools_light.set_raw_virtools_light(light, rawlight)
# setup light associated 3d object
# add into scene
# set world matrix
vtmat: UTIL_virtools_types.VxMatrix = vtlight.get_world_matrix()
bldmat: mathutils.Matrix = UTIL_virtools_types.vxmatrix_to_blender(vtmat)
light_3dobj.matrix_world = UTIL_virtools_types.bldmatrix_patch_light_obj(bldmat)
# set visibility
light_3dobj.hide_set(not vtlight.get_visibility())
# leave progress
def _import_virtools_groups(
reader: bmap.BMFileReader,
progress: ProgressReport,
obj3d_cret_map: dict[bmap.BM3dObject, bpy.types.Object]
) -> None:
# we need iterate all groups to construct a reversed map
# to indicate which groups should this 3dobject be grouped into.
reverse_map: dict[bmap.BM3dObject, set[str]] = {}
# sector counter to record the maximum sector we have processed.
sector_count: int = 1
# prepare progress
progress.enter_substeps(reader.get_group_count(), "Loading Groups")
for vtgroup in reader.get_groups():
# if this group do not have name, skip it
group_name: str | None = vtgroup.get_name()
if group_name is None: continue
# try extracting sector info
potential_sector_count: int | None = UTIL_naming_convension.extract_sector_from_name(group_name)
if potential_sector_count is not None:
sector_count = max(sector_count, potential_sector_count)
# creating map
for item in vtgroup.get_objects():
# get or create set
objgroups: set[str] | None = reverse_map.get(item, None)
if objgroups is None:
objgroups = set()
reverse_map[item] = objgroups
# add into list
# step
# assign to ballance map info according to gotten sector count
map_info: PROP_ballance_map_info.RawBallanceMapInfo = PROP_ballance_map_info.get_raw_ballance_map_info(bpy.context.scene)
map_info.mSectorCount = max(map_info.mSectorCount, sector_count)
PROP_ballance_map_info.set_raw_ballance_map_info(bpy.context.scene, map_info)
# leave progress
# now we can assign 3dobject group data by reverse map
progress.enter_substeps(len(reverse_map), "Applying Groups")
for mapk, mapv in reverse_map.items():
# check object
assoc_obj = obj3d_cret_map.get(mapk, None)
if assoc_obj is None: continue
# assign group
with PROP_virtools_group.VirtoolsGroupsHelper(assoc_obj) as gpoper:
# step
# leave progress
def register() -> None:
def unregister() -> None: