- add translation context for operator, menu, panel and etc. and their associated properties. - improve some name and description but not finished. - move reset BME material function inside BMEMaterialsHelper. - rename variable of collection visitor in BME adder operator for clear meaning. - replace some message box to report in ballance elements reset operator, BME materials reset operator and rail UV operator
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187 lines
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import bpy, bmesh, mathutils
import typing
from . import PROP_ptrprop_resolver
from . import UTIL_virtools_types, UTIL_icons_manager, UTIL_functions
class BBP_OT_rail_uv(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Create UV for Rail as Ballance Showen (TT_ReflectionMapping)"""
bl_idname = "bbp.rail_uv"
bl_label = "Rail UV"
bl_options = {'UNDO'}
bl_translation_context = 'BBP_OT_rail_uv'
def poll(cls, context):
return _check_rail_target(context)
def invoke(self, context, event):
wm: bpy.types.WindowManager = context.window_manager
return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self)
def execute(self, context):
# check material
ptrprops = PROP_ptrprop_resolver.PropsVisitor(context.scene)
mtl: bpy.types.Material = ptrprops.get_rail_uv_material()
if mtl is None:
self.report({'ERROR'}, "Specified material is empty.")
return {'CANCELLED'}
# apply rail uv
(has_invalid_objs, meshes) = _get_rail_target(context)
_create_rail_uv(meshes, mtl)
# show warning if there is invalid objects
if has_invalid_objs:
self.report({'WARNING'}, 'Some objects are invalid for this operation. See Console for more details.')
return {'FINISHED'}
def draw(self, context):
layout: bpy.types.UILayout = self.layout
ptrprops = PROP_ptrprop_resolver.PropsVisitor(context.scene)
#region Real Worker Functions
def _check_rail_target(context: bpy.types.Context) -> bool:
for obj in context.selected_objects:
if obj.type != 'MESH':
if obj.mode != 'OBJECT':
if obj.data is None:
return True
return False
def _get_rail_target(context: bpy.types.Context) -> tuple[bool, typing.Iterable[bpy.types.Mesh]]:
# collect objects
meshes: list[bpy.types.Mesh] = []
error_objname: list[str] = []
for obj in context.selected_objects:
if obj.type != 'MESH':
if obj.mode != 'OBJECT':
if obj.data is None:
meshes.append(typing.cast(bpy.types.Mesh, obj.data))
# display warning window if necessary
has_invalid_objs = len(error_objname) != 0
if has_invalid_objs:
# output to console
print('========== Rail UV Report ==========')
print('Following objects are not processed by Rail UV because they do not meet the requirements of Rail UV.')
for objname in error_objname:
# return valid
return (has_invalid_objs, meshes)
def _tt_reflection_mapping_compute(
point_: UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3,
nml_: UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3,
refobj_: UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3) -> UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector2:
# switch blender coord to virtools coord for convenient calc
point: mathutils.Vector = mathutils.Vector((point_[0], point_[2], point_[1]))
nml: mathutils.Vector = mathutils.Vector((nml_[0], nml_[2], nml_[1])).normalized()
refobj: mathutils.Vector = mathutils.Vector((refobj_[0], refobj_[2], refobj_[1]))
p: mathutils.Vector = (refobj - point).normalized()
b: mathutils.Vector = (((2 * (p * nml)) * nml) - p)
# convert back to blender coord
return ((b.x + 1.0) / 2.0, -(b.z + 1.0) / 2.0)
def _set_face_vertex_uv(face: bpy.types.MeshPolygon, uv_layer: bpy.types.MeshUVLoopLayer, idx: int, uv: UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector2) -> None:
Help function to set face vertex uv by index.
@param face[in] The face to be set.
@param uv_layer[in] The uv layer to be set gotten from `Mesh.uv_layers.active`
@param idx[in] The index related to face to set uv.
@param uv[in] The uv data.
uv_layer.uv[face.loop_start + idx].vector = uv
def _get_face_vertex_pos(face: bpy.types.MeshPolygon, loops: bpy.types.MeshLoops, vecs: bpy.types.MeshVertices, idx: int) -> UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3:
Help function. Get face referenced vertex position data by index
@param face[in] The face to be set.
@param loops[in] Mesh loops gotten from `Mesh.loops`
@param vecs[in] Mesh vertices gotten from `Mesh.vertices`
@param idx[in] The index related to face to get position.
v: mathutils.Vector = vecs[loops[face.loop_start + idx].vertex_index].co
return (v[0], v[1], v[2])
def _get_face_vertex_nml(face: bpy.types.MeshPolygon, loops: bpy.types.MeshLoops, idx: int) -> UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3:
Help function to get face vertex normal.
Similar to _get_face_vertex_pos, just get normal, not position.
@param face[in] The face to be set.
@param loops[in] Mesh loops gotten from `Mesh.loops`
@param idx[in] The index related to face to get normal.
v: mathutils.Vector = loops[face.loop_start + idx].normal
return (v[0], v[1], v[2])
def _get_face_vertex_count(face: bpy.types.MeshPolygon) -> int:
Help function to get how many vertex used by this face.
@return The count of used vertex. At least 3.
return face.loop_total
def _create_rail_uv(meshes: typing.Iterable[bpy.types.Mesh], mtl: bpy.types.Material):
for mesh in meshes:
# clean it material and set rail first
# and validate face mtl idx ref
# get uv and make sure at least one uv
if mesh.uv_layers.active is None:
mesh.uv_layers.new(do_init = False)
uv_layer: bpy.types.MeshUVLoopLayer = mesh.uv_layers.active
# get other useful data
loops: bpy.types.MeshLoops = mesh.loops
vecs: bpy.types.MeshVertices = mesh.vertices
refobj: UTIL_virtools_types.ConstVxVector3 = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
for face in mesh.polygons:
for idx in range(_get_face_vertex_count(face)):
_get_face_vertex_pos(face, loops, vecs, idx),
_get_face_vertex_nml(face, loops, idx),
def register() -> None:
def unregister() -> None: