- add extra transform for rail creation. - remove scale from extra transform because it is rarely used. because Ballance can not handle the physicalization of scaled object.
293 lines
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293 lines
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import bpy, mathutils
import typing
from . import PROP_preferences
from . import UTIL_functions, UTIL_bme
#region BME Adder
_g_EnumHelper_BmeStructType: UTIL_bme.EnumPropHelper = UTIL_bme.EnumPropHelper()
class BBP_PG_bme_adder_cfgs(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
prop_int: bpy.props.IntProperty(
name = 'Single Int', description = 'Single Int',
min = 0, max = 64,
soft_min = 0, soft_max = 32,
step = 1,
default = 1,
) # type: ignore
prop_float: bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = 'Single Float', description = 'Single Float',
min = 0.0, max = 1024.0,
soft_min = 0.0, soft_max = 512.0,
step = 50, # Step is in UI, in [1, 100] (WARNING: actual value is /100). So we choose 50, mean 0.5
default = 5.0,
) # type: ignore
prop_bool: bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name = 'Single Bool', description = 'Single Bool',
default = True
) # type: ignore
class BBP_OT_add_bme_struct(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Add BME Struct"""
bl_idname = "bbp.add_bme_struct"
bl_label = "Add BME Struct"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
## There is a compromise due to the shitty Blender design.
# The passed `self` of Blender Property update function is not the instance of operator,
# but a simple OperatorProperties.
# It mean that I can not visit the full operator, only what I can do is visit existing
# Blender properties.
# So these is the solution about generating cache list according to the change of bme struct type.
# First, update function will only set a "outdated" flag for operator which is a pre-registered Blender property.
# The "outdated" flags is not showen and not saved.
# Then call a internal cache list update function at the begin of `invoke`, `execute` and `draw`.
# In this internal cache list updator, check "outdated" flag first, if cache is outdated, update and reset flag.
# Otherwise do nothing.
# Reference: https://docs.blender.org/api/current/bpy.props.html#update-example
## Compromise used "outdated" flag.
outdated_flag: bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name = "Outdated Type",
description = "Internal flag.",
options = {'HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE'},
default = False
) # type: ignore
## A BME struct cfgs descriptor cache list
# Not only the descriptor self, also the cfg associated index in bme_struct_cfgs
bme_struct_cfg_index_cache: list[tuple[UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgDescriptor, int]]
def __internal_update_bme_struct_type(self) -> None:
# if not outdated, skip
if not self.outdated_flag: return
# get available cfg entires
cfgs: typing.Iterator[UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgDescriptor]
cfgs = _g_EnumHelper_BmeStructType.get_bme_showcase_cfgs(
# analyse cfgs.
# create counter first
counter_int: int = 0
counter_float: int = 0
counter_bool: int = 0
# create cache list
# iterate cfgs and register them
for cfg in cfgs:
case UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes.Integer:
self.bme_struct_cfg_index_cache.append((cfg, counter_int))
counter_int += 1
case UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes.Float:
self.bme_struct_cfg_index_cache.append((cfg, counter_float))
counter_float += 1
case UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes.Boolean:
self.bme_struct_cfg_index_cache.append((cfg, counter_bool))
counter_bool += 1
case UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes.Face:
self.bme_struct_cfg_index_cache.append((cfg, counter_bool))
counter_bool += 6 # face will occupy 6 bool.
# init data collection
# clear first
# create enough entries specified by gotten cfgs
for _ in range(max(counter_int, counter_float, counter_bool)):
# assign default value
for (cfg, cfg_index) in self.bme_struct_cfg_index_cache:
# show prop differently by cfg type
case UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes.Integer:
self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index].prop_int = cfg.get_default()
case UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes.Float:
self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index].prop_float = cfg.get_default()
case UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes.Boolean:
self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index].prop_bool = cfg.get_default()
case UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes.Face:
# face is just 6 bool
default_values: tuple[bool, ...] = cfg.get_default()
for i in range(6):
self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index + i].prop_bool = default_values[i]
# reset outdated flag
self.outdated_flag = False
# the updator for default side value
def bme_struct_type_updated(self, context):
# update outdated flag
self.outdated_flag = True
# blender required
return None
bme_struct_type: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name = "Type",
description = "BME struct type",
items = _g_EnumHelper_BmeStructType.generate_items(),
update = bme_struct_type_updated
) # type: ignore
bme_struct_cfgs : bpy.props.CollectionProperty(
name = "Cfgs",
description = "Cfg collection.",
type = BBP_PG_bme_adder_cfgs,
) # type: ignore
## Extra transform for good "what you see is what you gotten".
# Extra transform will be added after moving this object to cursor.
extra_translation: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(
name = "Extra Translation",
description = "The extra translation applied to object after moving to cursor.",
size = 3,
subtype = 'TRANSLATION',
step = 50, # same step as the float entry of BBP_PG_bme_adder_cfgs
default = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
) # type: ignore
extra_rotation: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(
name = "Extra Rotation",
description = "The extra rotation applied to object after moving to cursor.",
size = 3,
subtype = 'EULER',
step = 100, # We choosen 100, mean 1. Sync with property window.
default = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
) # type: ignore
def poll(cls, context):
return PROP_preferences.get_raw_preferences().has_valid_blc_tex_folder()
def invoke(self, context, event):
# reset extra transform to identy
self.extra_translation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
self.extra_rotation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
self.extra_scale = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
# create internal list
self.bme_struct_cfg_index_cache = []
# trigger default bme struct type updator
# call internal updator
# run execute() function
return self.execute(context)
def execute(self, context):
# call internal updator
# collect cfgs data
cfgs: dict[str, typing.Any] = {}
for (cfg, cfg_index) in self.bme_struct_cfg_index_cache:
case UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes.Integer:
cfgs[cfg.get_field()] = self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index].prop_int
case UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes.Float:
cfgs[cfg.get_field()] = self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index].prop_float
case UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes.Boolean:
cfgs[cfg.get_field()] = self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index].prop_bool
case UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes.Face:
# face is just 6 bool tuple
cfgs[cfg.get_field()] = tuple(
self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index + i].prop_bool for i in range(6)
# call general creator
obj: bpy.types.Object = UTIL_bme.create_bme_struct_wrapper(
# add into scene and move to cursor
# add extra transform
obj.matrix_world = obj.matrix_world @ mathutils.Matrix.LocRotScale(
mathutils.Euler(self.extra_rotation, 'XYZ'),
mathutils.Vector((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) # no scale
# select created object
UTIL_functions.select_certain_objects((obj, ))
return {'FINISHED'}
def draw(self, context):
# call internal updator
# start drawing
layout: bpy.types.UILayout = self.layout
# show type
layout.prop(self, 'bme_struct_type')
# visit cfgs cache list to show cfg
layout.label(text = "Prototype Configurations:")
for (cfg, cfg_index) in self.bme_struct_cfg_index_cache:
# create box for cfgs
box_layout: bpy.types.UILayout = layout.box()
# draw title and description first
box_layout.label(text = cfg.get_title())
box_layout.label(text = cfg.get_desc())
# show prop differently by cfg type
case UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes.Integer:
box_layout.prop(self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index], 'prop_int', text = '')
case UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes.Float:
box_layout.prop(self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index], 'prop_float', text = '')
case UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes.Boolean:
box_layout.prop(self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index], 'prop_bool', text = '')
case UTIL_bme.PrototypeShowcaseCfgsTypes.Face:
# face will show a special layout (grid view)
grids = box_layout.grid_flow(
row_major=True, columns=3, even_columns=True, even_rows=True, align=True)
grids.alignment = 'CENTER'
grids.prop(self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index + 0], 'prop_bool', text = 'Top') # top
grids.prop(self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index + 2], 'prop_bool', text = 'Front') # front
grids.prop(self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index + 4], 'prop_bool', text = 'Left') # left
grids.label(text = '', icon = 'CUBE') # show a 3d cube as icon
grids.prop(self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index + 5], 'prop_bool', text = 'Right') # right
grids.prop(self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index + 3], 'prop_bool', text = 'Back') # back
grids.prop(self.bme_struct_cfgs[cfg_index + 1], 'prop_bool', text = 'Bottom') # bottom
# show extra transform props
# forcely order that each one are placed horizontally
layout.label(text = "Extra Transform:")
# translation
layout.label(text = 'Translation')
hbox_layout: bpy.types.UILayout = layout.row()
hbox_layout.prop(self, 'extra_translation', text = '')
# rotation
layout.label(text = 'Rotation')
hbox_layout = layout.row()
hbox_layout.prop(self, 'extra_rotation', text = '')
def draw_blc_menu(cls, layout: bpy.types.UILayout):
for ident in _g_EnumHelper_BmeStructType.get_bme_identifiers():
# draw operator
cop = layout.operator(
text = _g_EnumHelper_BmeStructType.get_bme_showcase_title(ident),
icon_value = _g_EnumHelper_BmeStructType.get_bme_showcase_icon(ident)
# and assign its init type value
cop.bme_struct_type = _g_EnumHelper_BmeStructType.to_selection(ident)
def register() -> None:
def unregister() -> None:
bpy.utils.unregister_class(BBP_PG_bme_adder_cfgs) |