- disable bmx import/export temporaryly - optimize the ui display of importing/exporting. (use box to organize props) - place button horizontally, not vertically in virtools material. - disallow apply in legacy align if no axis selected. - add applied step counter in legacy alignment. - add feedback for reseting bme material/component. (add a message box to show success)
416 lines
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416 lines
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import bpy
import os, typing, enum, array
from . import PROP_virtools_mesh
from . import UTIL_functions, UTIL_file_io, UTIL_blender_mesh, UTIL_virtools_types, UTIL_icons_manager
#region Raw Elements Operations
class BallanceElementType(enum.IntEnum):
P_Extra_Life = 0
P_Extra_Point = 1
P_Trafo_Paper = 2
P_Trafo_Stone = 3
P_Trafo_Wood = 4
P_Ball_Paper = 5
P_Ball_Stone = 6
P_Ball_Wood = 7
P_Box = 8
P_Dome = 9
P_Modul_01 = 10
P_Modul_03 = 11
P_Modul_08 = 12
P_Modul_17 = 13
P_Modul_18 = 14
P_Modul_19 = 15
P_Modul_25 = 16
P_Modul_26 = 17
P_Modul_29 = 18
P_Modul_30 = 19
P_Modul_34 = 20
P_Modul_37 = 21
P_Modul_41 = 22
PC_TwoFlames = 23
PE_Balloon = 24
PR_Resetpoint = 25
PS_FourFlames = 26
_g_ElementCount: int = len(BallanceElementType)
def get_ballance_element_type_from_id(id: int) -> BallanceElementType | None:
Get Ballance element type by its id.
@param id[in] The id of element
@return the type of this Ballance element name distributed by this plugin. or None if providing id is invalid.
return BallanceElementType(id) # https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3/library/enum.html#enum.EnumType.__call__
except ValueError:
return None
def get_ballance_element_type_from_name(name: str) -> BallanceElementType | None:
Get Ballance element type by its name.
@param name[in] The name of element
@return the type of this Ballance element name distributed by this plugin. or None if providing name is invalid.
return BallanceElementType[name] # https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3/library/enum.html#enum.EnumType.__getitem__
except KeyError:
return None
def get_ballance_element_id(ty: BallanceElementType) -> int:
Get Ballance element id by its type
@param ty[in] The type of element
@return the id of this Ballance element.
return ty.value
def get_ballance_element_name(ty: BallanceElementType) -> str:
Get Ballance element name by its type
@param ty[in] The type of element
@return the name of this Ballance element.
return ty.name
def is_ballance_element(name: str) -> bool:
Check whether providing name is Ballance element.
Just a wrapper of get_ballance_element_id
@param name[in] The name of element
@return True if providing name is Ballance element name.
return get_ballance_element_type_from_name(name) is not None
#region Ballance Elements Define & Visitor
class BBP_PG_ballance_element(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
element_id: bpy.props.IntProperty(
name = "Element Id",
default = 0
mesh_ptr: bpy.props.PointerProperty(
name = "Mesh",
type = bpy.types.Mesh
def get_ballance_elements(scene: bpy.types.Scene) -> bpy.types.CollectionProperty:
return scene.ballance_elements
#region Element Loader
def _save_element(mesh: bpy.types.Mesh, filename: str) -> None:
# todo: if we need add element placeholder save operator,
# write this function and call this function in operator.
def _load_element(mesh: bpy.types.Mesh, element_type: BallanceElementType) -> None:
# resolve mesh path
element_name: str = get_ballance_element_name(element_type)
element_filename: str = os.path.join(
element_name + '.bin'
# open file and read
with open(element_filename, 'rb') as fmesh:
# prepare container
vpos: array.array = array.array('f')
vnml: array.array = array.array('f')
face: array.array = array.array('L')
# read data
# position is vector3
vpos_count = UTIL_file_io.read_uint32(fmesh)
vpos.extend(UTIL_file_io.read_float_array(fmesh, vpos_count * 3))
# normal is vector3
vnml_count = UTIL_file_io.read_uint32(fmesh)
vnml.extend(UTIL_file_io.read_float_array(fmesh, vnml_count * 3))
# each face use 6 uint32 to describe,
# they are: pos1, nml1, pos2, nml2, pos3, nml3.
# each item is a 0 based index refering to corresponding list
face_count = UTIL_file_io.read_uint32(fmesh)
face.extend(UTIL_file_io.read_uint32_array(fmesh, face_count * 6))
# open mesh writer and write data
with UTIL_blender_mesh.MeshWriter(mesh) as writer:
# prepare writer essential function
mesh_part: UTIL_blender_mesh.MeshWriterIngredient = UTIL_blender_mesh.MeshWriterIngredient()
def vpos_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3]:
v: UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3 = UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3()
for i in range(vpos_count):
idx: int = i * 3
v.x = vpos[idx]
v.y = vpos[idx + 1]
v.z = vpos[idx + 2]
# conv co
yield v
mesh_part.mVertexPosition = vpos_iterator()
def vnml_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3]:
v: UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3 = UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector3()
for i in range(vnml_count):
idx: int = i * 3
v.x = vnml[idx]
v.y = vnml[idx + 1]
v.z = vnml[idx + 2]
# conv co
yield v
mesh_part.mVertexNormal = vnml_iterator()
def vuv_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector2]:
# no uv, no need to conv co
v: UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector2 = UTIL_virtools_types.VxVector2()
yield v
mesh_part.mVertexUV = vuv_iterator()
mesh_part.mMaterial = iter(tuple())
def face_iterator() -> typing.Iterator[UTIL_blender_mesh.FaceData]:
# create face data with 3 placeholder
f: UTIL_blender_mesh.FaceData = UTIL_blender_mesh.FaceData(
[UTIL_blender_mesh.FaceVertexData() for i in range(3)]
for i in range(face_count):
idx: int = i * 6
f.mIndices[0].mPosIdx = face[idx]
f.mIndices[0].mNmlIdx = face[idx + 1]
f.mIndices[1].mPosIdx = face[idx + 2]
f.mIndices[1].mNmlIdx = face[idx + 3]
f.mIndices[2].mPosIdx = face[idx + 4]
f.mIndices[2].mNmlIdx = face[idx + 5]
# conv co
yield f
mesh_part.mFace = face_iterator()
# end of with writer
# write mesh data
# set other mesh settings
# generated mesh always use lit mode.
mesh_settings: PROP_virtools_mesh.RawVirtoolsMesh = PROP_virtools_mesh.RawVirtoolsMesh()
mesh_settings.mLitMode = UTIL_virtools_types.VXMESH_LITMODE.VX_LITMESH
PROP_virtools_mesh.set_raw_virtools_mesh(mesh, mesh_settings)
# end of with fmesh
# close file
#region Ballance Elements Operation Help Class & Functions
class BallanceElementsHelper():
The helper of Ballance elements processing.
All element operations, including getting or setting, must be manipulated by this class.
You should NOT operate Ballance Elements property (in Scene) directly.
This class should only have 1 instance at the same time. This class support `with` syntax to achieve this.
This class frequently used in importing stage to create element placeholder.
__mSingletonMutex: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
__mIsValid: bool
__mAssocScene: bpy.types.Scene
__mElementMap: dict[BallanceElementType, bpy.types.Mesh]
def __init__(self, assoc: bpy.types.Scene):
self.__mElementMap = {}
self.__mAssocScene = assoc
# check singleton
if BallanceElementsHelper.__mSingletonMutex:
self.__mIsValid = False
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('BallanceElementsHelper is mutex.')
# set validation and read ballance elements property
BallanceElementsHelper.__mSingletonMutex = True
self.__mIsValid = True
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
return self.__mIsValid
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def dispose(self) -> None:
if self.is_valid():
# write to ballance elements property and reset validation
self.__mIsValid = False
BallanceElementsHelper.__mSingletonMutex = False
def get_element(self, element_type: BallanceElementType) -> bpy.types.Mesh:
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('calling invalid BallanceElementsHelper')
# get exist one
mesh: bpy.types.Mesh | None = self.__mElementMap.get(element_type, None)
if mesh is not None:
return mesh
# if no existing one, create new one
new_mesh_name: str = get_ballance_element_name(element_type)
new_mesh: bpy.types.Mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(new_mesh_name)
_load_element(new_mesh, element_type)
self.__mElementMap[element_type] = new_mesh
return new_mesh
def __write_to_ballance_elements(self) -> None:
elements: bpy.types.CollectionProperty = get_ballance_elements(self.__mAssocScene)
for elety, elemesh in self.__mElementMap.items():
item: BBP_PG_ballance_element = elements.add()
item.element_id = get_ballance_element_id(elety)
item.mesh_ptr = elemesh
def __read_from_ballance_element(self) -> None:
elements: bpy.types.CollectionProperty = get_ballance_elements(self.__mAssocScene)
item: BBP_PG_ballance_element
for item in elements:
# check requirements
if item.mesh_ptr is None: continue
element_type: BallanceElementType | None = get_ballance_element_type_from_id(item.element_id)
if element_type is None: continue
# add into map
self.__mElementMap[element_type] = item.mesh_ptr
def reset_ballance_elements(scene: bpy.types.Scene) -> None:
invalid_idx: list[int] = []
elements: bpy.types.CollectionProperty = get_ballance_elements(scene)
# re-load all elements
index: int = 0
item: BBP_PG_ballance_element
for item in elements:
elety: BallanceElementType | None = get_ballance_element_type_from_id(item.element_id)
# load or record invalid entry
if elety is None or item.mesh_ptr is None:
_load_element(item.mesh_ptr, elety)
# inc counter
index += 1
# remove invalid one with reversed order
for idx in invalid_idx:
#region Ballance Elements Representation
class BBP_UL_ballance_elements(bpy.types.UIList):
def draw_item(self, context, layout: bpy.types.UILayout, data, item: BBP_PG_ballance_element, icon, active_data, active_propname):
# check requirements
elety: BallanceElementType | None = get_ballance_element_type_from_id(item.element_id)
if elety is None or item.mesh_ptr is None: return
# draw list item
layout.label(text = get_ballance_element_name(elety), translate = False)
layout.label(text = item.mesh_ptr.name, translate = False, icon = 'MESH_DATA')
class BBP_OT_reset_ballance_elements(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Reset all Meshes of Loaded Ballance Elements to Original Geometry."""
bl_idname = "bbp.reset_ballance_elements"
bl_label = "Reset Ballance Elements"
bl_options = {'UNDO'}
def poll(cls, context):
return context.scene is not None
def execute(self, context):
# show a window to let user know, not silence
('Reset OK.', ),
"Reset Result",
return {'FINISHED'}
class BBP_PT_ballance_elements(bpy.types.Panel):
"""Show Ballance Elements Properties."""
bl_label = "Ballance Elements"
bl_idname = "BBP_PT_ballance_elements"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "scene"
def poll(cls, context):
return context.scene is not None
def draw(self, context):
layout: bpy.types.UILayout = self.layout
target: bpy.types.Scene = context.scene
col = layout.column()
# show restore operator
opercol = col.column()
opercol.operator(BBP_OT_reset_ballance_elements.bl_idname, icon='LOOP_BACK')
# show list but not allowed to edit
listcol = col.column()
listcol.enabled = False
"BBP_UL_ballance_elements", "",
target, "ballance_elements",
target, "active_ballance_elements",
# default row height is a half of the count of all elements
# limit the max row height to the the count of all elements
rows = _g_ElementCount // 2,
maxrows = _g_ElementCount,
def register():
# register all classes
# add into scene metadata
bpy.types.Scene.ballance_elements = bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type = BBP_PG_ballance_element)
bpy.types.Scene.active_ballance_elements = bpy.props.IntProperty()
def unregister():
# del from scene metadata
del bpy.types.Scene.active_ballance_elements
del bpy.types.Scene.ballance_elements