- add translation context for operator, menu, panel and etc. and their associated properties. - improve some name and description but not finished. - move reset BME material function inside BMEMaterialsHelper. - rename variable of collection visitor in BME adder operator for clear meaning. - replace some message box to report in ballance elements reset operator, BME materials reset operator and rail UV operator
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import bpy
import typing, enum, copy
from . import PROP_virtools_material, PROP_virtools_texture
from . import UTIL_ballance_texture, UTIL_functions, UTIL_icons_manager
#region BME Material Presets
class _BMEMaterialPreset():
## Associated Ballance texture file name, including file extension.
mTexName: str
## Predefined mtl preset in virtools material module
mRawMtl: PROP_virtools_material.RawVirtoolsMaterial
def __init__(self, texname: str, rawmtl: PROP_virtools_material.RawVirtoolsMaterial):
self.mTexName = texname
self.mRawMtl = rawmtl
_g_BMEMaterialPresets: dict[str, _BMEMaterialPreset] = {
'FloorSide': _BMEMaterialPreset(
'LightingFloorTopBorder': _BMEMaterialPreset(
'LightingFloorTopBorderless': _BMEMaterialPreset(
'FloorTopBorder': _BMEMaterialPreset(
'FloorTopBorderless': _BMEMaterialPreset(
'FloorTopFlat': _BMEMaterialPreset(
'FloorTopProfil': _BMEMaterialPreset(
'FloorTopProfilFlat': _BMEMaterialPreset(
'BallPaper': _BMEMaterialPreset(
'BallStone': _BMEMaterialPreset(
'BallWood': _BMEMaterialPreset(
'Rail': _BMEMaterialPreset(
#region BME Material Define & Visitor
class BBP_PG_bme_material(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
bme_material_name: bpy.props.StringProperty(
name = "Name",
default = "",
translation_context = 'BBP_PG_bme_material/property'
) # type: ignore
material_ptr: bpy.props.PointerProperty(
name = "Material",
type = bpy.types.Material,
translation_context = 'BBP_PG_bme_material/property'
) # type: ignore
def get_bme_materials(scene: bpy.types.Scene) -> UTIL_functions.CollectionVisitor[BBP_PG_bme_material]:
return UTIL_functions.CollectionVisitor(scene.bme_materials)
#region Material Preset Loader
def _load_bme_material_preset(mtl: bpy.types.Material, preset_name: str) -> None:
# get preset first
preset: _BMEMaterialPreset = _g_BMEMaterialPresets[preset_name]
# get raw mtl and do a shallow copy
# because we will change something later. but do not want to affect preset self.
raw_mtl: PROP_virtools_material.RawVirtoolsMaterial = copy.copy(preset.mRawMtl)
# load ballance texture
blctex: bpy.types.Image = UTIL_ballance_texture.load_ballance_texture(preset.mTexName)
# apply texture props
PROP_virtools_texture.set_raw_virtools_texture(blctex, PROP_virtools_texture.get_ballance_texture_preset(preset.mTexName))
# set loaded texture to shallow copied raw mtl
raw_mtl.mTexture = blctex
# set raw mtl
PROP_virtools_material.set_raw_virtools_material(mtl, raw_mtl)
# apply vt mtl to blender mtl
#region BME Material Operation Help Class & Functions
class BMEMaterialsHelper():
The helper of BME materials processing.
All BME materials operations, including getting or setting, must be manipulated by this class.
You should NOT operate BME Materials property (in Scene) directly.
This class should only have 1 instance at the same time. This class support `with` syntax to achieve this.
This class frequently used in creating BME meshes.
__mSingletonMutex: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_functions.TinyMutex[bpy.types.Scene]] = UTIL_functions.TinyMutex()
__mIsValid: bool
__mAssocScene: bpy.types.Scene
__mMaterialMap: dict[str, bpy.types.Material]
def __init__(self, assoc: bpy.types.Scene):
self.__mMaterialMap = {}
self.__mAssocScene = assoc
self.__mIsValid = False
# check singleton
# set validation and read ballance elements property
self.__mIsValid = True
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
return self.__mIsValid
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def dispose(self) -> None:
if self.is_valid():
# write to ballance elements property and reset validation
self.__mIsValid = False
def get_material(self, preset_name: str) -> bpy.types.Material:
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('calling invalid BMEMaterialsHelper')
# get exist one
mtl: bpy.types.Material | None = self.__mMaterialMap.get(preset_name, None)
if mtl is not None:
return mtl
# if no existing one, create new one
new_mtl_name: str = 'BME' + preset_name
new_mtl: bpy.types.Material = bpy.data.materials.new(new_mtl_name)
_load_bme_material_preset(new_mtl, preset_name)
self.__mMaterialMap[preset_name] = new_mtl
return new_mtl
def reset_materials(self) -> None:
if not self.is_valid():
raise UTIL_functions.BBPException('calling invalid BMEMaterialsHelper')
# load all items
for preset_name, mtl in self.__mMaterialMap.items():
_load_bme_material_preset(mtl, preset_name)
def __write_to_bme_materials(self) -> None:
mtls = get_bme_materials(self.__mAssocScene)
for preset_name, mtl in self.__mMaterialMap.items():
item: BBP_PG_bme_material = mtls.add()
item.bme_material_name = preset_name
item.material_ptr = mtl
def __read_from_bme_materials(self) -> None:
mtls = get_bme_materials(self.__mAssocScene)
for item in mtls:
# check requirements
if item.material_ptr is None: continue
# add into map
self.__mMaterialMap[item.bme_material_name] = item.material_ptr
#region BME Materials Representation
class BBP_UL_bme_materials(bpy.types.UIList):
def draw_item(self, context, layout: bpy.types.UILayout, data, item: BBP_PG_bme_material, icon, active_data, active_propname):
# check requirements
if item.material_ptr is None: return
# draw list item
layout.label(text = item.bme_material_name, translate = False)
layout.label(text = item.material_ptr.name, translate = False, icon = 'MATERIAL')
class BBP_OT_reset_bme_materials(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Reset all BME Materials to Default Settings."""
bl_idname = "bbp.reset_bme_materials"
bl_label = "Reset BME Materials"
bl_options = {'UNDO'}
bl_translation_context = 'BBP_OT_reset_bme_materials'
def poll(cls, context):
return context.scene is not None
def execute(self, context):
with BMEMaterialsHelper(context.scene) as helper:
# show a window to let user know, not silence
self.report({'INFO'}, 'Reset BME materials successfully.')
return {'FINISHED'}
class BBP_PT_bme_materials(bpy.types.Panel):
"""Show BME Materials Properties."""
bl_label = "BME Materials"
bl_idname = "BBP_PT_bme_materials"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "scene"
bl_translation_context = 'BBP_PT_bme_materials'
def poll(cls, context):
return context.scene is not None
def draw(self, context):
layout: bpy.types.UILayout = self.layout
target: bpy.types.Scene = context.scene
col = layout.column()
# show restore operator
opercol = col.column()
opercol.operator(BBP_OT_reset_bme_materials.bl_idname, icon='LOOP_BACK')
# show list but not allowed to edit
listcol = col.column()
listcol.enabled = False
"BBP_UL_bme_materials", "",
target, "bme_materials",
target, "active_bme_materials",
# default row height is a half of the count of all presets
# limit the max row height to the the count of all presets
rows = len(_g_BMEMaterialPresets) // 2,
maxrows = len(_g_BMEMaterialPresets),
def register() -> None:
# register all classes
# add into scene metadata
bpy.types.Scene.bme_materials = bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type = BBP_PG_bme_material)
bpy.types.Scene.active_bme_materials = bpy.props.IntProperty()
def unregister() -> None:
# del from scene metadata
del bpy.types.Scene.active_bme_materials
del bpy.types.Scene.bme_materials