- add TinyMutex to resolve the issue that we can not operate the virtools group infos of 2 individual objects. * use this new class for all class need resource mutex, such as ballance element, bme materials and etc. - add CollectionVisitor to resolve that blender have bad document and type hint for runtime bpy.types.CollectionProperty. * now all visit to CollectionProperty are delegated by this class.
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import bpy, mathutils
import math, typing, enum, sys
class BBPException(Exception):
The exception thrown by Ballance Blender Plugin
def clamp_float(v: float, min_val: float, max_val: float) -> float:
@brief Clamp a float value
@param v[in] The value need to be clamp.
@param min_val[in] The allowed minium value, including self.
@param max_val[in] The allowed maxium value, including self.
@return Clamped value.
if (max_val < min_val): raise BBPException("Invalid range of clamp_float().")
if (v < min_val): return min_val
elif (v > max_val): return max_val
else: return v
def clamp_int(v: int, min_val: int, max_val: int) -> int:
@brief Clamp a int value
@param v[in] The value need to be clamp.
@param min_val[in] The allowed minium value, including self.
@param max_val[in] The allowed maxium value, including self.
@return Clamped value.
if (max_val < min_val): raise BBPException("Invalid range of clamp_int().")
if (v < min_val): return min_val
elif (v > max_val): return max_val
else: return v
def message_box(message: tuple[str, ...], title: str, icon: str):
Show a message box in Blender. Non-block mode.
@param message[in] The text this message box displayed. Each item in this param will show as a single line.
@param title[in] Message box title text.
@param icon[in] The icon this message box displayed.
def draw(self, context: bpy.types.Context):
layout = self.layout
for item in message:
layout.label(text=item, translate=False)
bpy.context.window_manager.popup_menu(draw, title = title, icon = icon)
def add_into_scene(obj: bpy.types.Object):
view_layer = bpy.context.view_layer
collection = view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection
def move_to_cursor(obj: bpy.types.Object):
# use obj.matrix_world to move, not obj.location because this bug:
# https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/27667/incorrect-matrix-world-after-transformation
# the update of matrix_world after setting location is not immediately.
# and calling update() function for view_layer for the translation of each object is not suit for too much objects.
# obj.location = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location
obj.matrix_world = obj.matrix_world @ mathutils.Matrix.Translation(bpy.context.scene.cursor.location - obj.location)
def add_into_scene_and_move_to_cursor(obj: bpy.types.Object):
def select_certain_objects(objs: tuple[bpy.types.Object, ...]) -> None:
# deselect all objects first
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action = 'DESELECT')
# if no objects, return
if len(objs) == 0: return
# set selection for each object
for obj in objs:
# select first object as active object
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = objs[0]
def is_in_object_mode() -> bool:
# get active object from context
obj = bpy.context.active_object
# if there is no active object, we think it is in object mode
if obj is None: return True
# simply check active object mode
return obj.mode == 'OBJECT'
class EnumPropHelper():
These class contain all functions related to EnumProperty, including generating `items`,
parsing data from EnumProperty string value and getting EnumProperty acceptable string format from data.
# define some type hint
_TFctToStr = typing.Callable[[typing.Any], str]
_TFctFromStr = typing.Callable[[str], typing.Any]
_TFctName = typing.Callable[[typing.Any], str]
_TFctDesc = typing.Callable[[typing.Any], str]
_TFctIcon = typing.Callable[[typing.Any], str | int]
# define class member
__mCollections: typing.Iterable[typing.Any]
__mFctToStr: _TFctToStr
__mFctFromStr: _TFctFromStr
__mFctName: _TFctName
__mFctDesc: _TFctDesc
__mFctIcon: _TFctIcon
def __init__(
collections_: typing.Iterable[typing.Any],
fct_to_str: _TFctToStr,
fct_from_str: _TFctFromStr,
fct_name: _TFctName,
fct_desc: _TFctDesc,
fct_icon: _TFctIcon):
Initialize a EnumProperty helper.
@param collections_ [in] The collection all available enum property entries contained.
It can be enum.Enum or a simple list/tuple/dict.
@param fct_to_str [in] A function pointer converting data collection member to its string format.
For enum.IntEnum, it can be simply `lambda x: str(x.value)`
@param fct_from_str [in] A function pointer getting data collection member from its string format.
For enum.IntEnum, it can be simply `lambda x: TEnum(int(x))`
@param fct_name [in] A function pointer converting data collection member to its display name.
@param fct_desc [in] Same as `fct_name` but return description instead. Return empty string, not None if no description.
@param fct_icon [in] Same as `fct_name` but return the used icon instead. Return empty string if no icon.
# assign member
self.__mCollections = collections_
self.__mFctToStr = fct_to_str
self.__mFctFromStr = fct_from_str
self.__mFctName = fct_name
self.__mFctDesc = fct_desc
self.__mFctIcon = fct_icon
def generate_items(self) -> tuple[tuple[str, str, str, int | str, int], ...]:
Generate a tuple which can be applied to Blender EnumProperty's "items".
# blender enum prop item format:
# (token, display name, descriptions, icon, index)
return tuple(
self.__mFctToStr(member), # call to_str as its token.
idx # use hardcode index, not the collection member self.
) for idx, member in enumerate(self.__mCollections)
def get_selection(self, prop: str) -> typing.Any:
Return collection member from given Blender EnumProp string data.
# call from_str fct ptr
return self.__mFctFromStr(prop)
def to_selection(self, val: typing.Any) -> str:
Parse collection member to Blender EnumProp acceptable string format.
# call to_str fct ptr
return self.__mFctToStr(val)
#region Blender Collection Visitor
_TPropertyGroup = typing.TypeVar('_TPropertyGroup', bound = bpy.types.PropertyGroup)
class CollectionVisitor(typing.Generic[_TPropertyGroup]):
This is a patch class for Blender collection property.
Blender collcetion property lack essential type hint and document.
So I create a wrapper for my personal use to reduce type hint errors raised by my linter.
__mSrcProp: bpy.types.CollectionProperty
def __init__(self, src_prop: bpy.types.CollectionProperty):
self.__mSrcProp = src_prop
def add(self) -> _TPropertyGroup:
@brief Adds a new item to the collection.
@return The instance of newly created item.
return self.__mSrcProp.add()
def remove(self, index: int) -> None:
@brief Removes the item at the specified index from the collection.
@param[in] index The index of the item to remove.
def move(self, from_index: int, to_index: int) -> None:
@brief Moves an item from one index to another within the collection.
@param[in] from_index The current index of the item to move.
@param[in] to_index The target index where the item should be moved.
self.__mSrcProp.move(from_index, to_index)
def clear(self) -> None:
@brief Clears all items from the collection.
def __len__(self) -> int:
return self.__mSrcProp.__len__()
def __getitem__(self, index: int | str) -> _TPropertyGroup:
return self.__mSrcProp.__getitem__(index)
def __setitem__(self, index: int | str, value: _TPropertyGroup) -> None:
self.__mSrcProp.__setitem__(index, value)
def __delitem__(self, index: int | str) -> None:
def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[_TPropertyGroup]:
return self.__mSrcProp.__iter__()
def __contains__(self, item: _TPropertyGroup) -> bool:
return self.__mSrcProp.__contains__(item)
#region Tiny Mutex for With Context
_TMutexObject = typing.TypeVar('_TMutexObject')
class TinyMutex(typing.Generic[_TMutexObject]):
In this plugin, some class have "with" context feature.
However, it is essential to block any futher visiting if some "with" context are operating on some object.
This is the reason why this tiny mutex is designed.
Please note this class is not a real MUTEX.
We just want to make sure the resources only can be visited by one "with" context.
So it doesn't matter that we do not use lock before operating something.
__mProtectedObjects: set[_TMutexObject]
def __init__(self):
self.__mProtectedObjects = set()
def lock(self, obj: _TMutexObject) -> None:
if obj in self.__mProtectedObjects:
raise BBPException('It is not allowed that operate multiple "with" contexts on a single object.')
def try_lock(self, obj: _TMutexObject) -> bool:
if obj in self.__mProtectedObjects:
return False
return True
def unlock(self, obj: _TMutexObject) -> None:
if obj not in self.__mProtectedObjects:
raise BBPException('It is not allowed that unlock an non-existent object.')