bring ballance virtools helper used fix_texture (renamed as fix material to correspond with the real object operated by this function) into blender plugin.
1097 lines
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1097 lines
49 KiB
import bpy
import typing, enum, copy, os
from . import UTIL_virtools_types, UTIL_functions, UTIL_ballance_texture, UTIL_file_browser
from . import PROP_virtools_texture, PROP_preferences
class RawVirtoolsMaterial():
# Instance Member Declarations
mDiffuse: UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor
mAmbient: UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor
mSpecular: UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor
mEmissive: UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor
mSpecularPower: float
mTexture: bpy.types.Image | None
mTextureBorderColor: UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor
mTextureBlendMode: UTIL_virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE
mTextureMinMode: UTIL_virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE
mTextureMagMode: UTIL_virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE
mTextureAddressMode: UTIL_virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE
mSourceBlend: UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE
mDestBlend: UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE
mFillMode: UTIL_virtools_types.VXFILL_MODE
mShadeMode: UTIL_virtools_types.VXSHADE_MODE
mEnableAlphaTest: bool
mEnableAlphaBlend: bool
mEnablePerspectiveCorrection: bool
mEnableZWrite: bool
mEnableTwoSided: bool
mAlphaRef: int
mAlphaFunc: UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC
mZFunc: UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC
# Default Value Declarations
cDefaultDiffuse: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor] = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0)
cDefaultAmbient: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor] = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0)
cDefaultSpecular: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor] = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
cDefaultEmissive: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor] = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
cDefaultSpecularPower: typing.ClassVar[float] = 0.0
cDefaultTexture: typing.ClassVar[bpy.types.Image | None] = None
cDefaultTextureBorderColor: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor] = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
cDefaultTextureMinMode: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE] = UTIL_virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE.VXTEXTUREFILTER_LINEAR
cDefaultTextureMagMode: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE] = UTIL_virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE.VXTEXTUREFILTER_LINEAR
cDefaultTextureAddressMode: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE] = UTIL_virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE.VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSWRAP
cDefaultSourceBlend: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE] = UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE.VXBLEND_ONE
cDefaultDestBlend: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE] = UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE.VXBLEND_ZERO
cDefaultFillMode: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VXFILL_MODE] = UTIL_virtools_types.VXFILL_MODE.VXFILL_SOLID
cDefaultShadeMode: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VXSHADE_MODE] = UTIL_virtools_types.VXSHADE_MODE.VXSHADE_GOURAUD
cDefaultEnableAlphaTest: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
cDefaultEnableAlphaBlend: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
cDefaultEnablePerspectiveCorrection: typing.ClassVar[bool] = True
cDefaultEnableZWrite: typing.ClassVar[bool] = True
cDefaultEnableTwoSided: typing.ClassVar[bool] = False
cDefaultAlphaRef: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0
cDefaultAlphaFunc: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC] = UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC.VXCMP_ALWAYS
cDefaultZFunc: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC] = UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC.VXCMP_LESSEQUAL
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# assign default value for each component
self.mDiffuse = kwargs.get('mDiffuse', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultDiffuse).clone()
self.mAmbient = kwargs.get('mAmbient', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultAmbient).clone()
self.mSpecular = kwargs.get('mSpecular', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultSpecular).clone()
self.mSpecularPower = kwargs.get('mSpecularPower', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultSpecularPower)
self.mEmissive = kwargs.get('mEmissive', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultEmissive).clone()
self.mEnableTwoSided = kwargs.get('mEnableTwoSided', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultEnableTwoSided)
self.mTexture = kwargs.get('mTexture', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultTexture)
self.mTextureMinMode = kwargs.get('mTextureMinMode', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultTextureMinMode)
self.mTextureMagMode = kwargs.get('mTextureMagMode', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultTextureMagMode)
self.mSourceBlend = kwargs.get('mSourceBlend', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultSourceBlend)
self.mDestBlend = kwargs.get('mDestBlend', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultDestBlend)
self.mEnableAlphaBlend = kwargs.get('mEnableAlphaBlend', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultEnableAlphaBlend)
self.mShadeMode = kwargs.get('mShadeMode', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultShadeMode)
self.mFillMode = kwargs.get('mFillMode', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultFillMode)
self.mEnableAlphaTest = kwargs.get('mEnableAlphaTest', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultEnableAlphaTest)
self.mEnableZWrite = kwargs.get('mEnableZWrite', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultEnableZWrite)
self.mEnablePerspectiveCorrection = kwargs.get('mEnablePerspectiveCorrection', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultEnablePerspectiveCorrection)
self.mTextureBlendMode = kwargs.get('mTextureBlendMode', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultTextureBlendMode)
self.mTextureAddressMode = kwargs.get('mTextureAddressMode', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultTextureAddressMode)
self.mZFunc = kwargs.get('mZFunc', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultZFunc)
self.mAlphaFunc = kwargs.get('mAlphaFunc', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultAlphaFunc)
self.mTextureBorderColor = kwargs.get('mTextureBorderColor', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultTextureBorderColor).clone()
self.mAlphaRef = kwargs.get('mAlphaRef', RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultAlphaRef)
def regulate(self):
# regulate colors
# only diffuse and texture border color can have alpha component
self.mAmbient.a = 1.0
self.mSpecular.a = 1.0
self.mEmissive.a = 1.0
# alpha ref limit
self.mAlphaRef = UTIL_functions.clamp_int(self.mAlphaRef, 0, 255)
# specular power
self.mSpecularPower = UTIL_functions.clamp_float(self.mSpecularPower, 0.0, 100.0)
#region Blender Enum Prop Helper (Virtools type specified)
_g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE: UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper = UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper(UTIL_virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE)
_g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE: UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper = UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper(UTIL_virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE)
_g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE: UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper = UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper(UTIL_virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE)
_g_Helper_VXBLEND_MODE: UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper = UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper(UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE)
_g_Helper_VXFILL_MODE: UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper = UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper(UTIL_virtools_types.VXFILL_MODE)
_g_Helper_VXSHADE_MODE: UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper = UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper(UTIL_virtools_types.VXSHADE_MODE)
_g_Helper_VXCMPFUNC: UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper = UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper(UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC)
class BBP_PG_virtools_material(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
ambient: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(
name = "Ambient",
description = "Ambient color of the material",
subtype = 'COLOR',
min = 0.0,
max = 1.0,
size = 3,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultAmbient.to_const_rgb()
) # type: ignore
diffuse: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(
name = "Diffuse",
description = "Diffuse color of the material",
subtype = 'COLOR_GAMMA',
min = 0.0,
max = 1.0,
size = 4,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultDiffuse.to_const_rgba()
) # type: ignore
specular: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(
name = "Specular",
description = "Specular color of the material",
subtype = 'COLOR',
min = 0.0,
max = 1.0,
size = 3,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultSpecular.to_const_rgb()
) # type: ignore
emissive: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(
name = "Emissive",
description = "Emissive color of the material",
subtype = 'COLOR',
min = 0.0,
max = 1.0,
size = 3,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultEmissive.to_const_rgb()
) # type: ignore
specular_power: bpy.props.FloatProperty(
name = "Power",
description = "Specular highlight power",
min = 0.0,
max = 100.0,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultSpecularPower
) # type: ignore
texture: bpy.props.PointerProperty(
type = bpy.types.Image,
name = "Texture",
description = "Texture of the material"
) # type: ignore
texture_border_color: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(
name = "Border Color",
description = "The border color is used when the texture address mode is VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSBORDER.",
subtype = 'COLOR_GAMMA',
min = 0.0,
max = 1.0,
size = 4,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultTextureBorderColor.to_const_rgba()
) # type: ignore
texture_blend_mode: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name = "Texture Blend",
description = "Texture blend mode",
items = _g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE.generate_items(),
default = _g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE.to_selection(RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultTextureBlendMode)
) # type: ignore
texture_min_mode: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name = "Filter Min",
description = "Texture filter mode when the texture is minified",
items = _g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE.generate_items(),
default = _g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE.to_selection(RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultTextureMinMode)
) # type: ignore
texture_mag_mode: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name = "Filter Mag",
description = "Texture filter mode when the texture is magnified",
items = _g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE.generate_items(),
default = _g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE.to_selection(RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultTextureMagMode)
) # type: ignore
texture_address_mode: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name = "Address Mode",
description = "The address mode controls how the texture coordinates outside the range 0..1",
items = _g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE.generate_items(),
default = _g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE.to_selection(RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultTextureAddressMode)
) # type: ignore
source_blend: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name = "Source Blend",
description = "Source blend factor",
items = _g_Helper_VXBLEND_MODE.generate_items(),
default = _g_Helper_VXBLEND_MODE.to_selection(RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultSourceBlend)
) # type: ignore
dest_blend: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name = "Destination Blend",
description = "Destination blend factor",
items = _g_Helper_VXBLEND_MODE.generate_items(),
default = _g_Helper_VXBLEND_MODE.to_selection(RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultDestBlend)
) # type: ignore
fill_mode: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name = "Fill Mode",
description = "Fill mode",
items = _g_Helper_VXFILL_MODE.generate_items(),
default = _g_Helper_VXFILL_MODE.to_selection(RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultFillMode)
) # type: ignore
shade_mode: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name = "Shade Mode",
description = "Shade mode",
items = _g_Helper_VXSHADE_MODE.generate_items(),
default = _g_Helper_VXSHADE_MODE.to_selection(RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultShadeMode)
) # type: ignore
enable_alpha_test: bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name = "Alpha Test",
description = "Whether the alpha test is enabled",
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultEnableAlphaTest
) # type: ignore
enable_alpha_blend: bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name = "Blend",
description = "Whether alpha blending is enabled or not.",
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultEnableAlphaBlend
) # type: ignore
enable_perspective_correction: bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name = "Perspective Correction",
description = "Whether texture perspective correction is enabled",
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultEnablePerspectiveCorrection
) # type: ignore
enable_z_write: bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name = "Z-Buffer Write",
description = "Whether writing in ZBuffer is enabled.",
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultEnableZWrite
) # type: ignore
enable_two_sided: bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name = "Both Sided",
description = "Whether the material is both sided or not",
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultEnableTwoSided
) # type: ignore
alpha_ref: bpy.props.IntProperty(
name = "Alpha Ref Value",
description = "Alpha referential value",
min = 0,
max = 255,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultAlphaRef
) # type: ignore
alpha_func: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name = "Alpha Test Function",
description = "Alpha comparision function",
items = _g_Helper_VXCMPFUNC.generate_items(),
default = _g_Helper_VXCMPFUNC.to_selection(RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultAlphaFunc)
) # type: ignore
z_func: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name = "Z Compare Function",
description = "Z Comparison function",
items = _g_Helper_VXCMPFUNC.generate_items(),
default = _g_Helper_VXCMPFUNC.to_selection(RawVirtoolsMaterial.cDefaultZFunc)
) # type: ignore
#region Getter Setter
def get_virtools_material(mtl: bpy.types.Material) -> BBP_PG_virtools_material:
return mtl.virtools_material
def get_raw_virtools_material(mtl: bpy.types.Material) -> RawVirtoolsMaterial:
props: BBP_PG_virtools_material = get_virtools_material(mtl)
rawdata: RawVirtoolsMaterial = RawVirtoolsMaterial()
rawdata.mSpecularPower = props.specular_power
rawdata.mTexture = props.texture
rawdata.mTextureBlendMode = _g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE.get_selection(props.texture_blend_mode)
rawdata.mTextureMinMode = _g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE.get_selection(props.texture_min_mode)
rawdata.mTextureMagMode = _g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE.get_selection(props.texture_mag_mode)
rawdata.mTextureAddressMode = _g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE.get_selection(props.texture_address_mode)
rawdata.mSourceBlend = _g_Helper_VXBLEND_MODE.get_selection(props.source_blend)
rawdata.mDestBlend = _g_Helper_VXBLEND_MODE.get_selection(props.dest_blend)
rawdata.mFillMode = _g_Helper_VXFILL_MODE.get_selection(props.fill_mode)
rawdata.mShadeMode = _g_Helper_VXSHADE_MODE.get_selection(props.shade_mode)
rawdata.mEnableAlphaTest = props.enable_alpha_test
rawdata.mEnableAlphaBlend = props.enable_alpha_blend
rawdata.mEnablePerspectiveCorrection = props.enable_perspective_correction
rawdata.mEnableZWrite = props.enable_z_write
rawdata.mEnableTwoSided = props.enable_two_sided
rawdata.mAlphaRef = props.alpha_ref
rawdata.mAlphaFunc = _g_Helper_VXCMPFUNC.get_selection(props.alpha_func)
rawdata.mZFunc = _g_Helper_VXCMPFUNC.get_selection(props.z_func)
return rawdata
def set_raw_virtools_material(mtl: bpy.types.Material, rawdata: RawVirtoolsMaterial) -> None:
props: BBP_PG_virtools_material = get_virtools_material(mtl)
props.diffuse = rawdata.mDiffuse.to_const_rgba()
props.ambient = rawdata.mAmbient.to_const_rgb()
props.specular = rawdata.mSpecular.to_const_rgb()
props.emissive = rawdata.mEmissive.to_const_rgb()
props.specular_power = rawdata.mSpecularPower
props.texture = rawdata.mTexture
props.texture_border_color = rawdata.mTextureBorderColor.to_const_rgba()
props.texture_blend_mode = _g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE.to_selection(rawdata.mTextureBlendMode)
props.texture_min_mode = _g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE.to_selection(rawdata.mTextureMinMode)
props.texture_mag_mode = _g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE.to_selection(rawdata.mTextureMagMode)
props.texture_address_mode = _g_Helper_VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE.to_selection(rawdata.mTextureAddressMode)
props.source_blend = _g_Helper_VXBLEND_MODE.to_selection(rawdata.mSourceBlend)
props.dest_blend = _g_Helper_VXBLEND_MODE.to_selection(rawdata.mDestBlend)
props.fill_mode = _g_Helper_VXFILL_MODE.to_selection(rawdata.mFillMode)
props.shade_mode = _g_Helper_VXSHADE_MODE.to_selection(rawdata.mShadeMode)
props.enable_alpha_test = rawdata.mEnableAlphaTest
props.enable_alpha_blend = rawdata.mEnableAlphaBlend
props.enable_perspective_correction = rawdata.mEnablePerspectiveCorrection
props.enable_z_write = rawdata.mEnableZWrite
props.enable_two_sided = rawdata.mEnableTwoSided
props.alpha_ref = rawdata.mAlphaRef
props.alpha_func = _g_Helper_VXCMPFUNC.to_selection(rawdata.mAlphaFunc)
props.z_func = _g_Helper_VXCMPFUNC.to_selection(rawdata.mZFunc)
def apply_to_blender_material(mtl: bpy.types.Material):
# get raw material data
rawdata: RawVirtoolsMaterial = get_raw_virtools_material(mtl)
# enable nodes mode
mtl.use_nodes = True
# delete all existed nodes
for node in mtl.node_tree.nodes:
# create ballance-style blender material
# for sockets name, see `bpy_extras.node_shader_utils` for more infos
bnode: bpy.types.ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled = = "ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled")
mnode: bpy.types.ShaderNodeOutputMaterial = = "ShaderNodeOutputMaterial")
|["BSDF"], mnode.inputs["Surface"])
# set basic colors
metallic_value = sum(rawdata.mAmbient.to_const_rgb()) / 3
mtl.metallic = metallic_value
bnode.inputs["Metallic"].default_value = metallic_value
diffuse_value = rawdata.mDiffuse.to_const_rgba()
mtl.diffuse_color = diffuse_value
bnode.inputs["Base Color"].default_value = diffuse_value
mtl.specular_color = rawdata.mSpecular.to_const_rgb()
# too shiny, disabled.
# bnode.inputs["Emission"].default_value = rawdata.mEmissive.to_const_rgba()
mtl.specular_intensity = rawdata.mSpecularPower
bnode.inputs["Specular"].default_value = UTIL_functions.clamp_float(
rawdata.mSpecularPower, 0.0, 1.0
# set some alpha data
mtl.use_backface_culling = not rawdata.mEnableTwoSided
mtl.blend_method = 'BLEND' if rawdata.mEnableAlphaBlend else 'OPAQUE'
# set texture
if rawdata.mTexture is not None:
# basic texture setter
inode: bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexImage = = "ShaderNodeTexImage")
inode.image = rawdata.mTexture
|["Color"], bnode.inputs["Base Color"])
# todo: sync texture mapping config here
# link alpha if necessary
if rawdata.mEnableAlphaBlend:
|["Alpha"], bnode.inputs["Alpha"])
#region Preset Paramters
class MaterialPresetType(enum.IntEnum):
FloorSide =
FloorTop =
TrafoPaper =
TraforWoodStone =
Rail =
WoodPath =
WoodChip =
class MaterialPresetData():
mDisplayName: str
mData: RawVirtoolsMaterial
def __init__(self, display_name: str, data: RawVirtoolsMaterial):
self.mDisplayName = display_name
self.mData = data
_g_MaterialPresets: dict[int, MaterialPresetData] = {
MaterialPresetType.FloorSide: MaterialPresetData(
"Floor Side",
mAmbient = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
mDiffuse = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(122 / 255.0, 122 / 255.0, 122 / 255.0),
mSpecular = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
mEmissive = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(104 / 255.0, 104 / 255.0, 104 / 255.0),
mSpecularPower = 0.0
MaterialPresetType.FloorTop: MaterialPresetData(
"Floor Top",
mAmbient = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
mDiffuse = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
mSpecular = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(80 / 255.0, 80 / 255.0, 80 / 255.0),
mEmissive = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
mSpecularPower = 100.0
MaterialPresetType.TrafoPaper: MaterialPresetData(
"Transform Paper",
mAmbient = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0),
mDiffuse = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
mSpecular = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
mEmissive = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0),
mSpecularPower = 0.0
MaterialPresetType.TraforWoodStone: MaterialPresetData(
"Transform Stone & Wood",
mAmbient = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0),
mDiffuse = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
mSpecular = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0),
mEmissive = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(60 / 255.0, 60 / 255.0, 60 / 255.0),
mSpecularPower = 0.0
MaterialPresetType.Rail: MaterialPresetData(
mAmbient = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
mDiffuse = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(100 / 255.0, 118 / 255.0, 133 / 255.0),
mSpecular = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(210 / 255.0, 210 / 255.0, 210 / 255.0),
mEmissive = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(124 / 255.0, 134 / 255.0, 150 / 255.0),
mSpecularPower = 10.0
MaterialPresetType.WoodPath: MaterialPresetData(
"Wood Path",
mAmbient = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(2 / 255.0, 2 / 255.0, 2 / 255.0),
mDiffuse = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
mSpecular = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(59 / 255.0, 59 / 255.0, 59 / 255.0),
mEmissive = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(30 / 255.0, 30 / 255.0, 30 / 255.0),
mSpecularPower = 25.0
MaterialPresetType.WoodChip: MaterialPresetData(
"Wood Chip",
mAmbient = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0),
mDiffuse = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
mSpecular = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0),
mEmissive = UTIL_virtools_types.VxColor(50 / 255.0, 50 / 255.0, 50 / 255.0),
mSpecularPower = 50.0
def get_virtools_material_preset(preset_type: MaterialPresetType) -> MaterialPresetData:
return _g_MaterialPresets[preset_type]
def preset_virtools_material(mtl: bpy.types.Material, preset_type: MaterialPresetType) -> None:
# get preset raw mtl member first
# but we need create a shallow copy for it first.
preset_data: RawVirtoolsMaterial = copy.copy(_g_MaterialPresets[preset_type].mData)
# the we get texture setting from now texture
now_data: RawVirtoolsMaterial = get_raw_virtools_material(mtl)
# change preset texture to current texture
# because we do not want to change texture by preset.
# also this is the reason why i need do a shallow copy for preset data
preset_data.mTexture = now_data.mTexture
# apply preset
set_raw_virtools_material(mtl, preset_data)
# create preset enum blender helper
_g_Helper_MtlPreset: UTIL_functions.EnumPropHelper = UTIL_functions.EnumPropHelper(
lambda x: str(x.value),
lambda x: MaterialPresetType(int(x)),
lambda x:,
lambda _: '',
lambda _: ''
#region Fix Material
def fix_material(mtl: bpy.types.Material) -> bool:
Fix single Blender material.
@remark The implementation of this function is copied from BallanceVirtoolsHelper/bvh/features/mapping/bmfile_fix_texture.cpp
@param mtl[in] The blender material need to be processed.
@return True if we do a fix, otherwise return False.
# prepare return value first
ret: bool = False
# get raw mtl from this blender mtl first
rawmtl: RawVirtoolsMaterial = get_raw_virtools_material(mtl)
# if no associated texture, return
if rawmtl.mTexture is None: return ret
# get associated texture name
# we do not check whether it is ballance texture here, because the texture might be packed.
# packed ballance texture is not recognised as a valid ballance texture.
filename: str = os.path.basename(UTIL_ballance_texture.get_texture_filepath(rawmtl.mTexture))
# preset some field for raw mtl
# first, we need store its as opaque mode
rawmtl.mEnableAlphaTest = False
rawmtl.mEnableAlphaBlend = False
rawmtl.mEnableTwoSided = False
# and z write must be enabled in default
rawmtl.mEnableZWrite = True
rawmtl.mZFunc = UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC.VXCMP_LESSEQUAL
# route filename
# case 'atari.avi': pass
# case 'atari.bmp': pass
# case 'Ball_LightningSphere1.bmp': pass
# case 'Ball_LightningSphere2.bmp': pass
# case 'Ball_LightningSphere3.bmp': pass
case 'Ball_Paper.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 0.0
ret = True
case 'Ball_Stone.bmp' | 'Ball_Wood.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((60 / 255.0, 60 / 255.0, 60 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 0.0
ret = True
case 'Brick.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 0.0
ret = True
# case 'Button01_deselect.tga': pass
# case 'Button01_select.tga': pass
# case 'Button01_special.tga': pass
case 'Column_beige.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((233 / 255.0, 233 / 255.0, 233 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((80 / 255.0, 80 / 255.0, 80 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 0.0
ret = True
case 'Column_beige_fade.tga':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((233 / 255.0, 233 / 255.0, 233 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((80 / 255.0, 80 / 255.0, 80 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 0.0
rawmtl.mEnableAlphaTest = False
rawmtl.mAlphaFunc = UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC.VXCMP_GREATER
rawmtl.mAlphaRef = 1
rawmtl.mEnableAlphaBlend = True
rawmtl.mSourceBlend = UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE.VXBLEND_SRCALPHA
rawmtl.mDestBlend = UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE.VXBLEND_INVSRCALPHA
rawmtl.mEnableZWrite = True
rawmtl.mZFunc = UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC.VXCMP_LESSEQUAL
ret = True
case 'Column_blue.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((209 / 255.0, 209 / 255.0, 209 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((150 / 255.0, 150 / 255.0, 150 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((80 / 255.0, 80 / 255.0, 80 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 31.0
ret = True
# case 'Cursor.tga': pass
# case 'Dome.bmp': pass
# case 'DomeEnvironment.bmp': pass
# case 'DomeShadow.tga': pass
# case 'ExtraBall.bmp': pass
# case 'ExtraParticle.bmp': pass
case 'E_Holzbeschlag.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((186 / 255.0, 186 / 255.0, 186 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((65 / 255.0, 65 / 255.0, 65 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 0.0
ret = True
# case 'FloorGlow.bmp': pass
case 'Floor_Side.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((122 / 255.0, 122 / 255.0, 122 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((104 / 255.0, 104 / 255.0, 104 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 0.0
ret = True
case 'Floor_Top_Border.bmp' | 'Floor_Top_Borderless.bmp' | 'Floor_Top_Checkpoint.bmp' | 'Floor_Top_Flat.bmp' | 'Floor_Top_Profil.bmp' | 'Floor_Top_ProfilFlat.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((80 / 255.0, 80 / 255.0, 80 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 100.0
ret = True
# case 'Font_1.tga': pass
# case 'Gravitylogo_intro.bmp': pass
# case 'HardShadow.bmp': pass
case 'Laterne_Glas.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 0.0
ret = True
case 'Laterne_Schatten.tga':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 0.0
rawmtl.mEnableAlphaTest = True
rawmtl.mAlphaFunc = UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC.VXCMP_GREATER
rawmtl.mAlphaRef = 1
rawmtl.mEnableAlphaBlend = True
rawmtl.mSourceBlend = UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE.VXBLEND_SRCALPHA
rawmtl.mDestBlend = UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE.VXBLEND_INVSRCALPHA
rawmtl.mEnableZWrite = True
rawmtl.mZFunc = UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC.VXCMP_LESSEQUAL
ret = True
case 'Laterne_Verlauf.tga':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((59 / 255.0, 59 / 255.0, 59 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 0.0
rawmtl.mEnableAlphaTest = True
rawmtl.mAlphaFunc = UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC.VXCMP_GREATER
rawmtl.mAlphaRef = 1
rawmtl.mEnableAlphaBlend = True
rawmtl.mSourceBlend = UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE.VXBLEND_SRCALPHA
rawmtl.mDestBlend = UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE.VXBLEND_INVSRCALPHA
rawmtl.mEnableZWrite = True
rawmtl.mZFunc = UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC.VXCMP_LESSEQUAL
rawmtl.mEnableTwoSided = True
ret = True
# case 'Logo.bmp': pass
case 'Metal_stained.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((65 / 255.0, 65 / 255.0, 65 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 25.0
ret = True
# case 'Misc_Ufo.bmp': pass
# case 'Misc_UFO_Flash.bmp': pass
# case 'Modul03_Floor.bmp': pass
# case 'Modul03_Wall.bmp': pass
case 'Modul11_13_Wood.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((9 / 255.0, 9 / 255.0, 9 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((70 / 255.0, 70 / 255.0, 70 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 50.0
ret = True
case 'Modul11_Wood.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((9 / 255.0, 9 / 255.0, 9 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((50 / 255.0, 50 / 255.0, 50 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 50.0
ret = True
case 'Modul15.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((16 / 255.0, 16 / 255.0, 16 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((70 / 255.0, 70 / 255.0, 70 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 100.0
ret = True
case 'Modul16.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((85 / 255.0, 85 / 255.0, 85 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 100.0
ret = True
case 'Modul18.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 25.0
ret = True
case 'Modul18_Gitter.tga':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 25.0
rawmtl.mEnableAlphaTest = True
rawmtl.mAlphaFunc = UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC.VXCMP_GREATER
rawmtl.mAlphaRef = 1
rawmtl.mEnableAlphaBlend = True
rawmtl.mSourceBlend = UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE.VXBLEND_SRCALPHA
rawmtl.mDestBlend = UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE.VXBLEND_INVSRCALPHA
rawmtl.mEnableZWrite = True
rawmtl.mZFunc = UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC.VXCMP_LESSEQUAL
ret = True
# case 'Modul30_d_Seiten.bmp': pass
# case 'Particle_Flames.bmp': pass
# case 'Particle_Smoke.bmp': pass
# case 'PE_Bal_balloons.bmp': pass
# case 'PE_Bal_platform.bmp': pass
# case 'PE_Ufo_env.bmp': pass
# case 'Pfeil.tga': pass
# case 'P_Extra_Life_Oil.bmp': pass
# case 'P_Extra_Life_Particle.bmp': pass
# case 'P_Extra_Life_Shadow.bmp': pass
case 'Rail_Environment.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((100 / 255.0, 118 / 255.0, 133 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((210 / 255.0, 210 / 255.0, 210 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((124 / 255.0, 134 / 255.0, 150 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 10.0
ret = True
# case 'sandsack.bmp': pass
# case 'SkyLayer.bmp': pass
# case 'Sky_Vortex.bmp': pass
case 'Stick_Bottom.tga':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((100 / 255.0, 118 / 255.0, 133 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((210 / 255.0, 210 / 255.0, 210 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((124 / 255.0, 134 / 255.0, 150 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 13.0
rawmtl.mEnableAlphaTest = False
rawmtl.mAlphaFunc = UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC.VXCMP_GREATER
rawmtl.mAlphaRef = 1
rawmtl.mEnableAlphaBlend = True
rawmtl.mSourceBlend = UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE.VXBLEND_SRCALPHA
rawmtl.mDestBlend = UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE.VXBLEND_INVSRCALPHA
rawmtl.mEnableZWrite = True
rawmtl.mZFunc = UTIL_virtools_types.VXCMPFUNC.VXCMP_LESSEQUAL
ret = True
case 'Stick_Stripes.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((106 / 255.0, 106 / 255.0, 106 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 13.0
ret = True
# case 'Target.bmp': pass
case 'Tower_Roof.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((218 / 255.0, 218 / 255.0, 218 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((64 / 255.0, 64 / 255.0, 64 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((103 / 255.0, 103 / 255.0, 103 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 100.0
ret = True
# case 'Trafo_Environment.bmp': pass
# case 'Trafo_FlashField.bmp': pass
# case 'Trafo_Shadow_Big.tga': pass
# case 'Tut_Pfeil01.tga': pass
# case 'Tut_Pfeil_Hoch.tga': pass
# case 'Wolken_intro.tga': pass
case 'Wood_Metal.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0, 229 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((40 / 255.0, 40 / 255.0, 40 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 0.0
ret = True
# case 'Wood_MetalStripes.bmp': pass
# case 'Wood_Misc.bmp': pass
# case 'Wood_Nailed.bmp': pass
# case 'Wood_Old.bmp': pass
case 'Wood_Panel.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((2 / 255.0, 2 / 255.0, 2 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((59 / 255.0, 59 / 255.0, 59 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((30 / 255.0, 30 / 255.0, 30 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 25.0
ret = True
# case 'Wood_Plain.bmp': pass
case 'Wood_Plain2.bmp':
rawmtl.mAmbient.from_const_rgb((25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0, 25 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mDiffuse.from_const_rgb((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
rawmtl.mSpecular.from_const_rgb((100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0, 100 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mEmissive.from_const_rgb((50 / 255.0, 50 / 255.0, 50 / 255.0))
rawmtl.mSpecularPower = 50.0
ret = True
# case 'Wood_Raft.bmp': pass
case _: pass # no mathed
# if changed, set to blender mtl
if ret:
set_raw_virtools_material(mtl, rawmtl)
# return result
return ret
#region Operators
class BBP_OT_apply_virtools_material(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Apply Virtools Material to Blender Material."""
bl_idname = "bbp.apply_virtools_material"
bl_label = "Apply to Blender Material"
bl_options = {'UNDO'}
def poll(cls, context):
return context.material is not None
def execute(self, context):
mtl: bpy.types.Material = context.material
return {'FINISHED'}
class BBP_OT_fix_single_material(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Fix Active Materials by Its Referred Ballance Texture Name."""
bl_idname = "bbp.fix_single_material"
bl_label = "Fix Material"
bl_options = {'UNDO'}
def poll(cls, context):
if context.material is None: return False
if not PROP_preferences.get_raw_preferences().has_valid_blc_tex_folder(): return False
return True
def invoke(self, context, event):
wm = context.window_manager
return wm.invoke_confirm(self, event)
def execute(self, context):
# get mtl and try to fix
mtl: bpy.types.Material = context.material
ret: bool = fix_material(mtl)
# if suc, apply to blender mtl and show info
if ret:
|{'INFO'}, 'Fix done.')
# otherwise report warning
|{'WARNING'}, 'This material is not suit for fixer.')
return {'FINISHED'}
class BBP_OT_preset_virtools_material(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Preset Virtools Material with Original Ballance Data."""
bl_idname = "bbp.preset_virtools_material"
bl_label = "Preset Virtools Material"
bl_options = {'UNDO'}
preset_type: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name = "Preset",
description = "The preset which you want to apply.",
items = _g_Helper_MtlPreset.generate_items(),
) # type: ignore
def poll(cls, context):
return context.material is not None
def invoke(self, context, event):
wm = context.window_manager
return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self)
def draw(self, context):
self.layout.prop(self, "preset_type")
def execute(self, context):
# get essential value
mtl: bpy.types.Material = context.material
expected_preset: MaterialPresetType = _g_Helper_MtlPreset.get_selection(self.preset_type)
# apply preset to material
preset_virtools_material(mtl, expected_preset)
# and apply to blender
return {'FINISHED'}
class BBP_OT_direct_set_virtools_texture(bpy.types.Operator, UTIL_file_browser.ImportBallanceImage):
"""Import and Assign Texture Directly"""
bl_idname = "bbp.direct_set_virtools_texture"
bl_label = "Import and Assign Texture"
bl_options = {'UNDO'}
def poll(cls, context):
# ballance texture order this
if not PROP_preferences.get_raw_preferences().has_valid_blc_tex_folder(): return False
# we only accept panel executing
if context.material is None: return False
# ok
return True
def draw(self, context):
def invoke(self, context, event):
# preset tex folder
return UTIL_file_browser.ImportBallanceImage.invoke(self, context, event)
def execute(self, context):
# get assoc mtl
mtl: bpy.types.Material = context.material
rawmtl: RawVirtoolsMaterial = get_raw_virtools_material(mtl)
# import texture according to whether it is ballance texture
texture_filepath: str = self.general_get_filename()
try_filepath: str | None = UTIL_ballance_texture.get_ballance_texture_filename(texture_filepath)
tex: bpy.types.Image
if try_filepath is None:
# load as other texture
tex = UTIL_ballance_texture.load_other_texture(texture_filepath)
# set texture props
PROP_virtools_texture.set_raw_virtools_texture(tex, PROP_virtools_texture.get_nonballance_texture_preset())
# load as ballance texture
tex = UTIL_ballance_texture.load_ballance_texture(try_filepath)
# set texture props
PROP_virtools_texture.set_raw_virtools_texture(tex, PROP_virtools_texture.get_ballance_texture_preset(try_filepath))
# assign texture
rawmtl.mTexture = tex
set_raw_virtools_material(mtl, rawmtl)
return {'FINISHED'}
class BBP_PT_virtools_material(bpy.types.Panel):
"""Show Virtools Material Properties."""
bl_label = "Virtools Material"
bl_idname = "BBP_PT_virtools_material"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "material"
def poll(cls, context):
return context.material is not None
def draw(self, context):
# get layout and target
layout = self.layout
props: BBP_PG_virtools_material = get_virtools_material(context.material)
# draw operator
row = layout.row()
row.operator(BBP_OT_preset_virtools_material.bl_idname, text = 'Preset', icon = "PRESET")
row.operator(BBP_OT_apply_virtools_material.bl_idname, text = 'Apply', icon = "NODETREE")
row.operator(BBP_OT_fix_single_material.bl_idname, text = '', icon = "MODIFIER")
# draw data
layout.label(text="Color Parameters")
layout.prop(props, 'ambient')
layout.prop(props, 'diffuse')
layout.prop(props, 'specular')
layout.prop(props, 'emissive')
layout.prop(props, 'specular_power')
layout.label(text="Mode Parameters")
layout.prop(props, 'enable_two_sided')
layout.prop(props, 'fill_mode')
layout.prop(props, 'shade_mode')
layout.label(text="Texture Parameters")
# texture prop with direct importing
sublay = layout.row()
sublay.prop(props, 'texture', emboss = True)
sublay.operator(BBP_OT_direct_set_virtools_texture.bl_idname, text = '', icon = 'FILEBROWSER')
# texture detail
if props.texture is not None:
# have texture, show texture settings and enclosed by a border.
boxlayout =
boxlayout.label(text="Virtools Texture Settings")
PROP_virtools_texture.draw_virtools_texture(props.texture, boxlayout)
layout.prop(props, 'texture_blend_mode')
layout.prop(props, 'texture_min_mode')
layout.prop(props, 'texture_mag_mode')
layout.prop(props, 'texture_address_mode')
layout.prop(props, 'enable_perspective_correction')
if (int(props.texture_address_mode) == UTIL_virtools_types.VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE.VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSBORDER.value):
layout.prop(props, 'texture_border_color')
layout.label(text="Alpha Test Parameters")
layout.prop(props, 'enable_alpha_test')
if props.enable_alpha_test:
layout.prop(props, 'alpha_func')
layout.prop(props, 'alpha_ref')
layout.label(text="Alpha Blend Parameters")
layout.prop(props, 'enable_alpha_blend')
if props.enable_alpha_blend:
layout.prop(props, 'source_blend')
layout.prop(props, 'dest_blend')
layout.label(text="Z Write Parameters")
layout.prop(props, 'enable_z_write')
if props.enable_z_write:
layout.prop(props, 'z_func')
def register() -> None:
# add into material metadata
bpy.types.Material.virtools_material = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type = BBP_PG_virtools_material)
def unregister() -> None:
# del from material metadata
del bpy.types.Material.virtools_material