- improve BMe extractor with new added classes. - I have written a half of BME validator, but I gave up now. * it takes too much time and I don't want to pay more on it. postpone it to next update. * I annotate all of BMe validator code for future implementation. * the improvement of BME json files (upgrade them to YAML format) also is postponed. - change some interface in common.py. synchronize it to other modules using it.
434 lines
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434 lines
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import typing
import simple_po, bme_utils
#region Translation Constant
## TODO:
# This translation context string prefix is cpoied from UTIL_translation.py.
# If the context string of translation changed, please synchronize it.
#region BME Tokens
## TODO:
# These token are copied from UTIL_bme.py.
# If anything changed, such as BME standard, these tokens should be synchronized between these 2 modules.
TOKEN_IDENTIFIER: str = 'identifier'
TOKEN_SHOWCASE: str = 'showcase'
TOKEN_SKIP: str = 'skip'
TOKEN_PARAMS: str = 'params'
TOKEN_PARAMS_FIELD: str = 'field'
TOKEN_PARAMS_DATA: str = 'data'
TOKEN_VARS: str = 'vars'
TOKEN_VARS_FIELD: str = 'field'
TOKEN_VARS_DATA: str = 'data'
TOKEN_VERTICES: str = 'vertices'
TOKEN_FACES: str = 'faces'
TOKEN_FACES_SKIP: str = 'skip'
TOKEN_FACES_TEXTURE: str = 'texture'
TOKEN_FACES_INDICES: str = 'indices'
TOKEN_FACES_UVS: str = 'uvs'
TOKEN_FACES_NORMALS: str = 'normals'
TOKEN_INSTANCES: str = 'instances'
# TODO: finish BME validator
# class ReporterWithHierarchy():
# """
# BME validator and extractor specifically used reporter
# which auotmatically use hierarchy as its context when outputing.
# """
# __mReporter: bme_utils.Reporter
# __mHierarchy: bme_utils.Hierarchy
# def __init__(self, reporter: bme_utils.Reporter, hierarchy: bme_utils.Hierarchy):
# self.__mReporter = reporter
# self.__mHierarchy = hierarchy
# def error(self, msg: str) -> None:
# self.__mReporter.error(msg, self.__mHierarchy.build_hierarchy_string())
# def warning(self, msg: str) -> None:
# self.__mReporter.warning(msg, self.__mHierarchy.build_hierarchy_string())
# def info(self, msg: str) -> None:
# self.__mReporter.info(msg, self.__mHierarchy.build_hierarchy_string())
# class UniqueField():
# """
# Some BME prototype fields should be unique in globl scope.
# So BME validator should check this. That's the feature this class provided.
# This class is an abstract class and should not be used directly.
# Use child class please.
# """
# __mUniques: set[str]
# __mReporter: ReporterWithHierarchy
# def __init__(self, reporter: ReporterWithHierarchy):
# self.__mUniques = set()
# self.__mReporter = reporter
# def register(self, entry: str) -> bool:
# """
# @brief Try to register given entry in unique.
# @details
# If given entry is not presented in unique set, given entry will be inserted and return True.
# If given entry is already available in unique set, this function will use reporter to output an error message and return False.
# @param[in] entry The entry to be checked and inserted.
# @return True if entry is unique, otherwise false.
# """
# if entry in self.__mUniques:
# self.__mReporter.error(self._get_error_msg(entry))
# return False
# else:
# self.__mUniques.add(entry)
# return True
# def clear(self) -> None:
# """
# @brief Clear this unique set for further using.
# """
# self.__mUniques.clear()
# def _get_error_msg(self, err_entry: str) -> str:
# """
# @brief Get the error message when error occurs.
# @details
# This is internal used function to get the error message which will be passed to reporter.
# This message is generated by given entry which cause the non-unique issue.
# Outer caller should not call this function and every child class should override this function.
# @param[in] err_entry The entry cause the error.
# @return The error message generated from given error entry.
# """
# raise NotImplementedError()
# class UniqueIdentifier(UniqueField):
# """Specific UniqueField for unique prototype identifier."""
# def _get_error_msg(self, err_entry: str) -> str:
# return f'Trying to register multiple prototype with same name: "{err_entry}".'
# class UniqueVariable(UniqueField):
# """Specific UniqueField for unique variable names within prototype."""
# def _get_error_msg(self, err_entry: str) -> str:
# return f'Trying to define multiple variable with same name: "{err_entry}" in the same prototype.'
# class BMEValidator():
# """
# The validator for BME prototype declarartions.
# This validator will validate given prototype declaration JSON structure,
# to check then whether have all essential fields BME standard required and whether have any unknown fields.
# """
# __mHierarchy: bme_utils.Hierarchy
# __mReporter: ReporterWithHierarchy
# __mUniqueIdentifier: UniqueIdentifier
# __mUniqueVariable: UniqueVariable
# def __init__(self, reporter: bme_utils.Reporter):
# self.__mHierarchy = bme_utils.Hierarchy()
# self.__mReporter = ReporterWithHierarchy(reporter, self.__mHierarchy)
# self.__mUniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier(self.__mReporter)
# self.__mUniqueVariable = UniqueVariable(self.__mReporter)
# _TCheckKey = typing.TypeVar('_TCheckKey')
# def __check_key(self, data: dict[str, typing.Any], key: str, expected_type: type[_TCheckKey]) -> _TCheckKey | None:
# """
# @brief Check the existance and tyoe of value stored in given dict and key.
# @param[in] data The dict need to be checked
# @param[in] key The key for fetching value.
# @param[in] expected_type The expected type of fetched value.
# @return None if error occurs, otherwise the value stored in given dict and key.
# """
# gotten_value = data[key]
# if gotten_value is None:
# # report no key error
# self.__mReporter.error(f'Can not find key "{key}". Did you forget it?')
# elif not isinstance(gotten_value, expected_type):
# # get the type of value
# value_type = type(gotten_value)
# # format normal error message
# err_msg: str = f'The type of value stored inside key "{key}" is incorrect. '
# err_msg += f'Expect "{expected_type.__name__}" got "{value_type.__name__}". '
# # add special note for easily confusing types
# # e.g. forget quote number (number literal are recognise as number accidently)
# if issubclass(expected_type, str) and issubclass(type(data), (int, float)):
# err_msg += 'Did you forgot quote the number?'
# # report type error
# self.__mReporter.error(err_msg)
# else:
# # no error, return value
# return gotten_value
# # error occurs, return null
# return None
# def __check_self(self, data: typing.Any, expected_type: type) -> bool:
# """
# @brief Check the type of given data.
# @return True if type matched, otherwise false.
# """
# if data is None:
# self.__mReporter.error('Data is unexpected null.')
# elif not isinstance(data, expected_type):
# # usually this function is checking list or dict, so no scenario that user forget quote literal number.
# self.__mReporter.error(f'The type of given data is not expected. Expect "{expected_type.__name__}" got "{type(data).__name__}".')
# else:
# # no error, return okey
# return True
# # error occurs, return failed
# return False
# # 按层次递归调用检查。
# # 每个层次只负责当前层次的检查。
# # 如果值为列表,字典,则在当前层次检查完其类型(容器本身,对每一项不检查),然后对每一项调用对应层次检查。
# # 如果值不是上述类型(例如整数,浮点数,字符串等),在当前层次检查。
# def validate(self, assoc_file: str, prototypes: typing.Any) -> None:
# # reset hierarchy
# self.__mHierarchy.clear()
# # start to validate
# with self.__mHierarchy.safe_push(assoc_file):
# self.__validate_prototypes(prototypes)
# def __validate_prototypes(self, prototypes: typing.Any) -> None:
# # the most outer structure must be a list
# if not self.__check_self(prototypes, list): return
# cast_prototypes = typing.cast(list[typing.Any], prototypes)
# # iterate prototype
# for prototype_index, prototype in enumerate(cast_prototypes):
# with self.__mHierarchy.safe_push(prototype_index) as layer:
# self.__validate_prototype(layer, prototype)
# def __validate_prototype(self, layer: bme_utils.HierarchyLayer, prototype: typing.Any) -> None:
# # check whether self is a dict
# if not self.__check_self(prototype, dict): return
# cast_prototype = typing.cast(dict[str, typing.Any], prototype)
# # clear unique field for each prototype
# self.__mUniqueVariable.clear()
# # check identifier
# identifier = self.__check_key(cast_prototype, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, str)
# if identifier is not None:
# # replace hierarchy
# layer.emplace(identifier)
# # check unique
# self.__mUniqueIdentifier.register(identifier)
# # check showcase but don't use check function
# # because it is optional.
# showcase = cast_prototype[TOKEN_SHOWCASE]
# if showcase is not None:
# # we only check non-template prototype
# with self.__mHierarchy.safe_push(TOKEN_SHOWCASE):
# self.__validate_showcase(typing.cast(dict[str, typing.Any], showcase))
# # check params, vars, vertices, faces, instances
# # they are all list
# params = self.__check_key(cast_prototype, TOKEN_PARAMS, list)
# if params is not None:
# cast_params = typing.cast(list[typing.Any], params)
# with self.__mHierarchy.safe_push(TOKEN_PARAMS):
# for param_index, param in enumerate(cast_params):
# with self.__mHierarchy.safe_push(param_index):
# self.__validate_param(param)
# vars = self.__check_key(cast_prototype, TOKEN_VARS, list)
# if vars is not None:
# cast_vars = typing.cast(list[typing.Any], vars)
# with self.__mHierarchy.safe_push(TOKEN_VARS):
# for var_index, var in enumerate(cast_vars):
# with self.__mHierarchy.safe_push(var_index):
# self.__validate_var(var)
# vertices = self.__check_key(cast_prototype, TOKEN_VERTICES, list)
# if vertices is not None:
# cast_vertices = typing.cast(list[typing.Any], vertices)
# with self.__mHierarchy.safe_push(TOKEN_VERTICES):
# for vertex_index, vertex in enumerate(cast_vertices):
# with self.__mHierarchy.safe_push(vertex_index):
# self.__validate_vertex(vertex)
# faces = self.__check_key(cast_prototype, TOKEN_FACES, list)
# if faces is not None:
# cast_faces = typing.cast(list[typing.Any], faces)
# with self.__mHierarchy.safe_push(TOKEN_FACES):
# for face_index, face in enumerate(cast_faces):
# with self.__mHierarchy.safe_push(face_index):
# self.__validate_face(face)
# instances = self.__check_key(cast_prototype, TOKEN_INSTANCES, list)
# if instances is not None:
# cast_instances = typing.cast(list[typing.Any], instances)
# with self.__mHierarchy.safe_push(TOKEN_INSTANCES):
# for instance_index, instance in enumerate(cast_instances):
# with self.__mHierarchy.safe_push(instance_index):
# self.__validate_instance(instance)
# def __validate_showcase(self, showcase: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None:
# pass
# def __validate_param(self, param: typing.Any) -> None:
# # check whether self is a dict
# if not self.__check_self(param, dict): return
# cast_param = typing.cast(dict[str, typing.Any], param)
# # check field
# field = self.__check_key(cast_param, TOKEN_PARAMS_FIELD, str)
# if field is not None:
# self.__mUniqueVariable.register(field)
# # check data
# self.__check_key(cast_param, TOKEN_PARAMS_DATA, str)
# def __validate_var(self, var: typing.Any) -> None:
# # check whether self is a dict
# if not self.__check_self(var, dict): return
# cast_var = typing.cast(dict[str, typing.Any], var)
# # check field
# field = self.__check_key(cast_var, TOKEN_VARS_FIELD, str)
# if field is not None:
# self.__mUniqueVariable.register(field)
# # check data
# self.__check_key(cast_var, TOKEN_VARS_DATA, str)
# def __validate_vertex(self, vertex: typing.Any) -> None:
# # check whether self is a dict
# if not self.__check_self(vertex, dict): return
# cast_vertex = typing.cast(dict[str, typing.Any], vertex)
# # check fields
# self.__check_key(cast_vertex, TOKEN_VERTICES_SKIP, str)
# self.__check_key(cast_vertex, TOKEN_VERTICES_DATA, str)
# def __validate_face(self, face: typing.Any) -> None:
# pass
# def __validate_instance(self, instance: typing.Any) -> None:
# pass
class BMEExtractor():
A GetText extractor for BME prototype declarations.
This extractor can extract all UI infomations which will be shown on Blender first.
Then write them into caller given PO file. So that translator can translate them.
Blender default I18N plugin can not recognise these dynamic loaded content,
so that's the reason why this class invented.
Please note all data should be validate first, then pass to this class.
Otherwise it is undefined behavior.
__mAssocFile: str
__mHierarchy: bme_utils.Hierarchy
__mReporter: bme_utils.Reporter
__mPoWriter: simple_po.PoWriter
def __init__(self, reporter: bme_utils.Reporter, po_writer: simple_po.PoWriter):
self.__mAssocFile = ''
self.__mHierarchy = bme_utils.Hierarchy()
self.__mReporter = reporter
self.__mPoWriter = po_writer
def __add_translation(self, msg: str) -> None:
@brief Convenient internal translation adder.
@details Add given message into PO file with auto generated hierarchy for translation context.
@param[in] msg The message for translating.
CTX_TRANSLATION + '/' + self.__mHierarchy.build_hierarchy_string(),
# use associated file as extracted message to tell user where we extract it.
# put file name in hierarchy is not proper (file path may be changed when moving prototype between them).
def __report_duplication_error(self) -> None:
@brief Convenient internal function to report duplicated translation message issue.
A convenient internal used function to report issue that
the "title" field and "desc" field of the same showcase configuration entry have same content
which may cause that generated PO file is illegal.
'The content of "title" and "desc" can not be the same in one entry. Please modify one of them.',
self.__mAssocFile + '/' + self.__mHierarchy.build_hierarchy_string()
def extract(self, assoc_file: str, prototypes: list[dict[str, typing.Any]]) -> None:
self.__mAssocFile = assoc_file
for prototype in prototypes:
def __extract_prototype(self, prototype: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None:
# get identifier first
identifier: str = prototype[TOKEN_IDENTIFIER]
with self.__mHierarchy.safe_push(identifier):
# get showcase node and only write PO file if it is not template prototype
showcase: dict[str, typing.Any] | None = prototype[TOKEN_SHOWCASE]
if showcase is not None:
def __extract_showcase(self, showcase: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None:
# export self name first
# iterate cfgs
cfgs: list[dict[str, typing.Any]] = showcase[TOKEN_SHOWCASE_CFGS]
for cfg_index, cfg in enumerate(cfgs):
self.__extract_showcase_cfg(cfg_index, cfg)
def __extract_showcase_cfg(self, index: int, cfg: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None:
# push cfg index
with self.__mHierarchy.safe_push(index):
# extract field title and description
# check duplication error
# if "title" is equal to "desc" and they are not blank
if title == desc and title != "":
# export them respectively if they are not blank
if title != "":
if desc!= "":