- move all annotation to vt types - add 2 options when saving virtools file accoridng to the change of BMap interface changes.
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86 lines
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import bpy
import typing, enum
from . import UTIL_functions, UTIL_virtools_types
# Raw Data
class RawVirtoolsMesh():
# Instance Member Declarations
mLitMode: UTIL_virtools_types.VXMESH_LITMODE
# Default Value Declarations
cDefaultLitMode: typing.ClassVar[UTIL_virtools_types.VXMESH_LITMODE] = UTIL_virtools_types.VXMESH_LITMODE.VX_LITMESH
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# assign default value for each component
self.mLitMode = kwargs.get('mLitMode', RawVirtoolsMesh.cDefaultLitMode)
# Blender Property Group
class BBP_PG_virtools_mesh(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
lit_mode: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name = "Lit Mode",
description = "Lighting mode of the mesh.",
items = UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper.generate_items(
default = UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper.to_selection(RawVirtoolsMesh.cDefaultLitMode)
# Getter Setter
def get_virtools_mesh(mesh: bpy.types.Mesh) -> BBP_PG_virtools_mesh:
return mesh.virtools_mesh
def get_raw_virtools_mesh(mesh: bpy.types.Mesh) -> RawVirtoolsMesh:
props: BBP_PG_virtools_mesh = get_virtools_mesh(mesh)
rawdata: RawVirtoolsMesh = RawVirtoolsMesh()
rawdata.mLitMode = UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper.get_selection(UTIL_virtools_types.VXMESH_LITMODE, props.lit_mode)
return rawdata
def set_raw_virtools_mesh(mesh: bpy.types.Mesh, rawdata: RawVirtoolsMesh) -> None:
props: BBP_PG_virtools_mesh = get_virtools_mesh(mesh)
props.lit_mode = UTIL_virtools_types.EnumPropHelper.to_selection(rawdata.mLitMode)
# Display Panel
class BBP_PT_virtools_mesh(bpy.types.Panel):
"""Show Virtools Mesh Properties."""
bl_label = "Virtools Mesh"
bl_idname = "BBP_PT_virtools_mesh"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "data" # idk why blender use `data` as the mesh tab.
def poll(cls, context):
return context.mesh is not None
def draw(self, context):
# get layout and target
layout = self.layout
props: BBP_PG_virtools_mesh = get_virtools_mesh(context.mesh)
# draw data
layout.prop(props, 'lit_mode')
# Register
def register():
# add into mesh metadata
bpy.types.Mesh.virtools_mesh = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type = BBP_PG_virtools_mesh)
def unregister():
# remove from metadata
del bpy.types.Mesh.virtools_mesh