2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
import sqlite3
import DecoratorConstValue as dcv
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
import json
2020-04-25 12:28:57 +08:00
import CustomConfig
2020-06-21 21:54:07 +08:00
import Progressbar
2020-04-03 23:57:36 +08:00
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
def run ( ) :
2020-04-25 12:28:57 +08:00
exportDb = sqlite3 . connect ( CustomConfig . export_db )
exportDb . text_factory = lambda x : x . decode ( CustomConfig . database_encoding )
decorateDb = sqlite3 . connect ( CustomConfig . decorated_db )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
# init table
2020-04-25 12:28:57 +08:00
print ( ' Init decorate database... ' )
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
initDecorateDb ( decorateDb )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
decorateDb . commit ( )
# decorate graph
2020-04-25 12:28:57 +08:00
print ( ' Generating gragh list... ' )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
graphList = [ ]
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
decorateGraph ( exportDb , decorateDb , graphList )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
# decorate each graph
2020-04-25 12:28:57 +08:00
print ( ' Generating graph... ' )
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
currentGraphBlockCell = { }
2020-06-21 21:54:07 +08:00
Progressbar . initProgressbar ( len ( graphList ) )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
for i in graphList :
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
currentGraphBlockCell . clear ( )
buildBlock ( exportDb , decorateDb , i , currentGraphBlockCell )
2020-04-14 23:19:06 +08:00
graphPIO = buildCell ( exportDb , decorateDb , i , currentGraphBlockCell )
buildLink ( exportDb , decorateDb , i , currentGraphBlockCell , graphPIO )
2020-06-21 16:59:21 +08:00
2020-06-21 21:54:07 +08:00
Progressbar . stepProgressbar ( )
Progressbar . finProgressbar ( )
2020-04-13 12:35:41 +08:00
# export information
2020-04-25 12:28:57 +08:00
print ( ' Generating info... ' )
2020-04-13 12:35:41 +08:00
buildInfo ( exportDb , decorateDb )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
# give up all change of eexport.db (because no change)
exportDb . close ( )
decorateDb . commit ( )
decorateDb . close ( )
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
def initDecorateDb ( db ) :
cur = db . cursor ( )
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
cur . execute ( " CREATE TABLE graph([graph] INTEGER, [graph_name] TEXT, [width] INTEGER, [height] INTEGER, [index] INTEGER, [belong_to] TEXT); " )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
cur . execute ( " CREATE TABLE info([target] INTEGER, [field] TEXT, [data] TEXT); " )
2020-04-12 16:02:20 +08:00
cur . execute ( " CREATE TABLE block([belong_to_graph] INETGER, [thisobj] INTEGER, [name] TEXT, [assist_text] TEXT, [pin-ptarget] TEXT, [pin-pin] TEXT, [pin-pout] TEXT, [pin-bin] TEXT, [pin-bout] TEXT, [x] REAL, [y] REAL, [width] REAL, [height] REAL, [expandable] INTEGER); " )
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
cur . execute ( " CREATE TABLE cell([belong_to_graph] INETGER, [thisobj] INTEGER, [name] TEXT, [assist_text] TEXT, [x] REAL, [y] REAL, [type] INTEGER); " )
2020-04-13 09:46:01 +08:00
cur . execute ( " CREATE TABLE link([belong_to_graph] INETGER, [delay] INTEGER, [start_interface] INTEGER, [end_interface] INTEGER, [startobj] INTEGER, [endobj] INTEGER, [start_type] INTEGER, [end_type] INTEGER, [start_index] INTEGER, [end_index] INTEGER, [x1] REAL, [y1] REAL, [x2] REAL, [y2] REAL); " )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
def decorateGraph ( exDb , deDb , graph ) :
exCur = exDb . cursor ( )
deCur = deDb . cursor ( )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
scriptMap = { }
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [behavior], [index], [name] FROM script; " )
while True :
lines = exCur . fetchone ( )
if lines == None :
scriptMap [ lines [ 0 ] ] = ( lines [ 1 ] , lines [ 2 ] )
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [thisobj], [type], [name] FROM behavior WHERE [type] != 0; " )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
while True :
lines = exCur . fetchone ( )
if lines == None :
# add into global graph list
graph . append ( lines [ 0 ] )
# width and height will be computed by following method and use update
# statement to change it
if lines [ 1 ] == 1 :
# script
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO graph VALUES(?, ?, 0, 0, ?, ?) " , ( lines [ 0 ] , lines [ 2 ] , scriptMap [ lines [ 0 ] ] [ 0 ] , scriptMap [ lines [ 0 ] ] [ 1 ] ) )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
else :
# sub bb
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO graph VALUES(?, ?, 0, 0, -1, ' ' ) " , ( lines [ 0 ] , lines [ 2 ] ) )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
def buildBlock ( exDb , deDb , target , currentGraphBlockCell ) :
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
exCur = exDb . cursor ( )
deCur = deDb . cursor ( )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
# sort inner bb
# use current graph input as the start point
treeRoot = dcv . BBTreeNode ( target , - 1 )
processedBB = set ( )
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
# layer start from 2, 0 is occupied for pLocal, 1 is occupied for pOper
2020-04-11 09:52:13 +08:00
arrangedLayer = recursiveBuildBBTree ( treeRoot , exCur , processedBB , 2 , 0 , target )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
# get no linked bb and place them. linked bb position will be computed
# following
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
# calc each bb's x postion, as for y, calc later
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
# flat bb tree
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
arrangedLayer + = 1
singleBB = set ( )
bbResult = { }
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
bb_layer_map = { }
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
exCur . execute ( ' SELECT [thisobj], [name], [type], [proto_name], [pin_count] FROM behavior WHERE parent == ? ' , ( target , ) )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
for i in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
pinSplit = i [ 4 ] . split ( ' , ' )
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
bbCache = dcv . BBResult ( i [ 1 ] , i [ 3 ] , pinSplit [ 1 ] , pinSplit [ 2 ] , pinSplit [ 3 ] , pinSplit [ 4 ] , ( i [ 0 ] if i [ 2 ] != 0 else - 1 ) )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
bbCache . computSize ( )
if i [ 0 ] not in processedBB :
# single bb, process it
singleBB . add ( i [ 0 ] )
bbCache . x = baseX
baseX + = bbCache . width + dcv . GRAPH_BB_SPAN
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
bb_layer_map [ i [ 0 ] ] = arrangedLayer
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
bbResult [ i [ 0 ] ] = bbCache
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
recursiveCalcBBX ( treeRoot , dcv . GRAPH_CONTENTOFFSET_X , bbResult , bb_layer_map )
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
# calc poper
allBB = processedBB | singleBB
processedOper = set ( )
pluggedOper = { }
occupiedLayerCountForSpecificBB = { }
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
exCur . execute ( ' SELECT [thisobj] FROM pOper WHERE [belong_to] == ? ' , ( target , ) )
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
newCur = exDb . cursor ( )
newCur2 = exDb . cursor ( )
for i in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
if i [ 0 ] in processedOper :
# check current bout, plugin into the first bb
newCur . execute ( " SELECT [output_obj] FROM pLink WHERE ([input_obj] == ? AND [output_type] == ? AND [output_is_bb] == 1) " , ( i [ 0 ] , dcv . dbPLinkInputOutputType . PIN ) )
for j in newCur . fetchall ( ) :
if j [ 0 ] in allBB :
# can be plugin
# try get tree
if j [ 0 ] not in pluggedOper . keys ( ) :
pluggedOper [ j [ 0 ] ] = { }
recursiveBuildOperTree ( i [ 0 ] , bb_layer_map , processedOper , occupiedLayerCountForSpecificBB , newCur2 , 1 , j [ 0 ] , target , pluggedOper [ j [ 0 ] ] )
# exit for due to have found a proper host bb
# calc layer position
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
layer_height = { }
layer_y = { }
layer_height [ 0 ] = 25
layer_height [ 1 ] = 50
for i in bb_layer_map . keys ( ) :
curLayer = bb_layer_map [ i ]
if curLayer not in layer_height . keys ( ) :
layer_height [ curLayer ] = bbResult [ i ] . height
else :
layer_height [ curLayer ] = max ( layer_height . get ( curLayer , 0 ) , bbResult [ i ] . height )
layer_height [ arrangedLayer ] = layer_height . get ( arrangedLayer , 0 ) # make sure misc bb height exist
2020-04-13 23:59:51 +08:00
layer_height [ 2 ] = layer_height . get ( 2 , 0 ) # make sure at least have a bb layer (when there are no bb in a map)
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
# calc bb Y
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
for i in range ( arrangedLayer + 1 ) :
baseY + = layer_height [ i ] + dcv . GRAPH_LAYER_SPAN
2020-04-13 20:32:14 +08:00
baseY + = occupiedLayerCountForSpecificBB . get ( i , 0 ) * dcv . GRAPH_SPAN_BB_POPER # add oper occipation
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
layer_y [ i ] = baseY
for i in bbResult . keys ( ) :
cache = bbResult [ i ]
layer = bb_layer_map [ i ]
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
cache . y = layer_y [ layer ] - layer_height [ layer ]
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
# calc oper position
# flat oper tree
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
operResult = { }
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
exCur . execute ( ' SELECT [thisobj], [op] FROM pOper WHERE [belong_to] == ? ' , ( target , ) )
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
homelessOperCurrentX = dcv . GRAPH_CONTENTOFFSET_X
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
for i in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
if i [ 0 ] not in processedOper :
# homeless oper
cache2 = dcv . OperResult ( i [ 1 ] )
cache2 . computSize ( )
cache2 . x = homelessOperCurrentX
cache2 . y = layer_y [ 1 ] - cache2 . height
homelessOperCurrentX + = cache2 . width + dcv . GRAPH_BB_SPAN
operResult [ i [ 0 ] ] = cache2
for i in pluggedOper . keys ( ) : # plugged oper
cache = bbResult [ i ]
for j in pluggedOper [ i ] :
jCache = pluggedOper [ i ] [ j ]
baseX = cache . x
for q in jCache :
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [op] FROM pOper WHERE [thisobj] == ? " , ( q , ) )
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
cache2 = dcv . OperResult ( exCur . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ] )
cache2 . computSize ( )
cache2 . x = baseX
baseX + = cache2 . width + dcv . GRAPH_BB_SPAN
cache2 . y = cache . y - j * dcv . GRAPH_SPAN_BB_POPER
operResult [ q ] = cache2
# query bb pin's data
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
listCache = [ ]
listItemCache = None
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
for i in allBB :
cache = bbResult [ i ]
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [thisobj], [name], [type] FROM pTarget WHERE [belong_to] == ?; " , ( i , ) )
temp = exCur . fetchone ( )
if temp == None :
2020-04-12 16:02:20 +08:00
cache . ptargetData = ' {} '
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
else :
cache . ptargetData = json . dumps ( dcv . PinInformation ( temp [ 0 ] , temp [ 1 ] , temp [ 2 ] ) , cls = dcv . JsonCustomEncoder )
listCache . clear ( )
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [thisobj], [name] FROM bIn WHERE [belong_to] == ? ORDER BY [index]; " , ( i , ) )
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
for j in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
listItemCache = dcv . PinInformation ( j [ 0 ] , j [ 1 ] , ' ' )
listCache . append ( listItemCache )
cache . binData = json . dumps ( listCache , cls = dcv . JsonCustomEncoder )
listCache . clear ( )
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [thisobj], [name] FROM bOut WHERE [belong_to] == ? ORDER BY [index]; " , ( i , ) )
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
for j in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
listItemCache = dcv . PinInformation ( j [ 0 ] , j [ 1 ] , ' ' )
listCache . append ( listItemCache )
cache . boutData = json . dumps ( listCache , cls = dcv . JsonCustomEncoder )
listCache . clear ( )
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [thisobj], [name], [type] FROM pIn WHERE [belong_to] == ? ORDER BY [index]; " , ( i , ) )
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
for j in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
listItemCache = dcv . PinInformation ( j [ 0 ] , j [ 1 ] , j [ 2 ] )
listCache . append ( listItemCache )
cache . pinData = json . dumps ( listCache , cls = dcv . JsonCustomEncoder )
listCache . clear ( )
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [thisobj], [name], [type] FROM pOut WHERE [belong_to] == ? ORDER BY [index]; " , ( i , ) )
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
for j in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
listItemCache = dcv . PinInformation ( j [ 0 ] , j [ 1 ] , j [ 2 ] )
listCache . append ( listItemCache )
cache . poutData = json . dumps ( listCache , cls = dcv . JsonCustomEncoder )
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
# query oper pin's data
for i in operResult . keys ( ) :
cache = operResult [ i ]
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
listCache . clear ( )
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [thisobj], [name], [type] FROM pIn WHERE [belong_to] == ? ORDER BY [index]; " , ( i , ) )
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
for j in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
listItemCache = dcv . PinInformation ( j [ 0 ] , j [ 1 ] , j [ 2 ] )
listCache . append ( listItemCache )
cache . pinData = json . dumps ( listCache , cls = dcv . JsonCustomEncoder )
listCache . clear ( )
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [thisobj], [name], [type] FROM pOut WHERE [belong_to] == ? ORDER BY [index]; " , ( i , ) )
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
for j in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
listItemCache = dcv . PinInformation ( j [ 0 ] , j [ 1 ] , j [ 2 ] )
listCache . append ( listItemCache )
cache . poutData = json . dumps ( listCache , cls = dcv . JsonCustomEncoder )
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
# write to database and return
for i in bbResult . keys ( ) :
cache = bbResult [ i ]
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
currentGraphBlockCell [ i ] = dcv . BlockCellItem ( cache . x , cache . y , cache . width , cache . height )
2020-04-12 16:02:20 +08:00
deCur . execute ( ' INSERT INTO block VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ' ,
( target , i , cache . name , cache . assistName , cache . ptargetData , cache . pinData , cache . poutData , cache . binData , cache . boutData , cache . x , cache . y , cache . width , cache . height , cache . expandable ) )
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
for i in operResult . keys ( ) :
cache = operResult [ i ]
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
currentGraphBlockCell [ i ] = dcv . BlockCellItem ( cache . x , cache . y , cache . width , cache . height )
2020-04-12 16:02:20 +08:00
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO block VALUES (?, ?, ?, ' ' , ' {} ' , ?, ?, ' [] ' , ' [] ' , ?, ?, ?, ?, -1) " ,
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
( target , i , cache . name , cache . pinData , cache . poutData , cache . x , cache . y , cache . width , cache . height ) )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
2020-04-11 09:52:13 +08:00
def recursiveBuildBBTree ( node , exCur , processedBB , layer , depth , graphId ) :
realLinkedBB = set ( )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
# find links
2020-04-11 09:52:13 +08:00
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [output_obj] FROM bLink WHERE ([input_obj] == ? AND [input_type] == ? AND [belong_to] = ?) ORDER BY [input_index] ASC; " ,
( node . bb , ( dcv . dbBLinkInputOutputType . INPUT if depth == 0 else dcv . dbBLinkInputOutputType . OUTPUT ) , graphId ) )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
for i in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
if i [ 0 ] != graphId : # omit self
realLinkedBB . add ( i [ 0 ] )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
if ( len ( realLinkedBB ) == 0 ) :
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
return layer
# ignore duplicated bb
# calc need processed bb first
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
# and register all gotten bb. for preventing infinity resursive func and
# keep bb tree structure
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
realLinkedBB = realLinkedBB - processedBB
processedBB . update ( realLinkedBB )
# iterate each bb
for i in realLinkedBB :
# recursive execute this method
newNode = dcv . BBTreeNode ( i , layer )
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
layer = recursiveBuildBBTree ( newNode , exCur , processedBB , layer , depth + 1 , graphId )
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
# add new node into list and ++layer
layer + = 1
node . nodes . append ( newNode )
# minus extra ++ due to for
if ( len ( realLinkedBB ) != 0 ) :
layer - = 1
return layer
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
def recursiveCalcBBX ( node , baseX , resultList , layerMap ) :
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
maxExpand = 0
for i in node . nodes :
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
layerMap [ i . bb ] = i . layer
2020-04-05 22:34:11 +08:00
resultList [ i . bb ] . x = baseX
maxExpand = max ( maxExpand , resultList [ i . bb ] . width )
for i in node . nodes :
2020-04-09 11:21:52 +08:00
recursiveCalcBBX ( i , baseX + maxExpand + dcv . GRAPH_BB_SPAN , resultList , layerMap )
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
def recursiveBuildOperTree ( oper , bb_layer_map , processedOper , occupiedLayerMap , exCur , sublayer , bb , graphId , subLayerColumnMap ) :
if oper in processedOper :
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
# for avoid fucking export parameter feature. check whether self is
# current graph's memeber
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [belong_to] FROM pOper WHERE [thisobj] == ?; " , ( oper , ) )
2020-04-11 22:51:03 +08:00
if ( exCur . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ] != graphId ) :
# fuck export param, exit
# make sure sub layer column map is ok
if sublayer not in subLayerColumnMap . keys ( ) :
subLayerColumnMap [ sublayer ] = [ ]
# register self
# mark processed
processedOper . add ( oper )
subLayerColumnMap [ sublayer ] . append ( oper )
# record layer occupation
layer = bb_layer_map [ bb ]
occupiedLayerMap [ layer ] = max ( occupiedLayerMap . get ( layer , - 1 ) , sublayer )
# iterate sub item
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [input_obj] FROM pLink WHERE ([output_obj] == ? AND [input_type] == ? AND [input_is_bb] == 0) ORDER BY [output_index]; " , ( oper , dcv . dbPLinkInputOutputType . POUT ) )
res = [ ]
for i in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
res . append ( i [ 0 ] )
for i in res :
recursiveBuildOperTree ( i , bb_layer_map , processedOper , occupiedLayerMap , exCur , sublayer + 1 , bb , graphId , subLayerColumnMap )
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
def buildCell ( exDb , deDb , target , currentGraphBlockCell ) :
exCur = exDb . cursor ( )
deCur = deDb . cursor ( )
# prepare block set
blockSet = set ( )
for i in currentGraphBlockCell . keys ( ) :
blockSet . add ( i )
# find current graph's pio bio
boutx = set ( )
pouty = set ( )
graphPIO = set ( )
# bOut.x and pOut.y data is not confirmed, when graph size was confirmed,
# update it
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [thisobj], [name], [index] FROM bIn WHERE [belong_to] == ? " , ( target , ) )
for i in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
x = 0
2020-04-12 22:38:10 +08:00
y = dcv . GRAPH_BOFFSET + i [ 2 ] * ( dcv . BB_PBSIZE + dcv . GRAPH_BSPAN )
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
currentGraphBlockCell [ i [ 0 ] ] = dcv . BlockCellItem ( x , y , dcv . BB_PBSIZE , dcv . BB_PBSIZE )
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO cell VALUES (?, ?, ?, ' ' , ?, ?, ?) " , ( target , i [ 0 ] , i [ 1 ] , x , y , dcv . CellType . BIO ) )
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [thisobj], [name], [index] FROM bOut WHERE [belong_to] == ? " , ( target , ) )
for i in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
x = 0
2020-04-12 22:38:10 +08:00
y = dcv . GRAPH_BOFFSET + i [ 2 ] * ( dcv . BB_PBSIZE + dcv . GRAPH_BSPAN )
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
currentGraphBlockCell [ i [ 0 ] ] = dcv . BlockCellItem ( x , y , dcv . BB_PBSIZE , dcv . BB_PBSIZE )
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO cell VALUES (?, ?, ?, ' ' , ?, ?, ?) " , ( target , i [ 0 ] , i [ 1 ] , x , y , dcv . CellType . BIO ) )
boutx . add ( i [ 0 ] )
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [thisobj], [name], [index], [type] FROM pIn WHERE [belong_to] == ? " , ( target , ) )
for i in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
2020-04-12 22:38:10 +08:00
x = dcv . GRAPH_POFFSET + i [ 2 ] * ( dcv . BB_PBSIZE + dcv . GRAPH_PSPAN )
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
y = 0
currentGraphBlockCell [ i [ 0 ] ] = dcv . BlockCellItem ( x , y , dcv . BB_PBSIZE , dcv . BB_PBSIZE )
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO cell VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " , ( target , i [ 0 ] , i [ 1 ] , i [ 3 ] , x , y , dcv . CellType . PIO ) )
graphPIO . add ( i [ 0 ] )
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [thisobj], [name], [index], [type] FROM pOut WHERE [belong_to] == ? " , ( target , ) )
for i in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
2020-04-12 22:38:10 +08:00
x = dcv . GRAPH_POFFSET + i [ 2 ] * ( dcv . BB_PBSIZE + dcv . GRAPH_PSPAN )
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
y = 0
currentGraphBlockCell [ i [ 0 ] ] = dcv . BlockCellItem ( x , y , dcv . BB_PBSIZE , dcv . BB_PBSIZE )
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO cell VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " , ( target , i [ 0 ] , i [ 1 ] , i [ 3 ] , x , y , dcv . CellType . PIO ) )
graphPIO . add ( i [ 0 ] )
pouty . add ( i [ 0 ] )
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [thisobj], [name], [type] FROM pTarget WHERE [belong_to] == ? " , ( target , ) )
cache = exCur . fetchone ( )
if cache != None :
currentGraphBlockCell [ cache [ 0 ] ] = dcv . BlockCellItem ( 0 , 0 , dcv . BB_PBSIZE , dcv . BB_PBSIZE )
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO cell VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, 0, 0, ?) " , ( target , i [ 0 ] , i [ 1 ] , i [ 2 ] , dcv . CellType . PTARGET ) )
graphPIO . add ( cache [ 0 ] )
# query all plocal
allLocal = set ( )
localUsageCounter = { }
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [thisobj], [name], [type] FROM pLocal WHERE [belong_to] == ?; " , ( target , ) )
for i in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
allLocal . add ( i [ 0 ] )
localUsageCounter [ i [ 0 ] ] = dcv . LocalUsageItem ( 0 , False , dcv . LocalUsageType . PLOCAL )
# query all links(don't need to consider export pIO, due to it will not add
# any shortcut)
2020-06-21 16:59:21 +08:00
# !! the same if framework in pLink generator function !! SHARED
2020-04-14 10:18:01 +08:00
createdShortcut = set ( )
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
exCur . execute ( " SELECT * FROM pLink WHERE [belong_to] == ? " , ( target , ) )
for i in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
# analyse 5 chancee one by one
if ( i [ 7 ] == dcv . dbPLinkInputOutputType . PTARGET or i [ 7 ] == dcv . dbPLinkInputOutputType . PIN ) :
if ( i [ 3 ] == dcv . dbPLinkInputOutputType . PLOCAL ) :
2020-04-14 10:18:01 +08:00
if i [ 2 ] in allLocal or i [ 2 ] in createdShortcut :
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
cache = localUsageCounter [ i [ 2 ] ]
else :
cache = dcv . LocalUsageItem ( 0 , True , dcv . LocalUsageType . PLOCAL )
localUsageCounter [ i [ 2 ] ] = cache
2020-04-14 10:18:01 +08:00
createdShortcut . add ( i [ 2 ] )
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
cache . count + = 1
cache . lastUse = i [ 6 ]
cache . lastDirection = 0
cache . lastIndex = i [ 9 ]
elif ( i [ 3 ] == dcv . dbPLinkInputOutputType . PIN ) :
2020-04-15 23:22:21 +08:00
if i [ 2 ] == target :
2020-06-21 16:59:21 +08:00
continue # ignore self pIn/pOut. it doesn't need any shortcut
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
if i [ 2 ] not in blockSet :
2020-04-14 10:18:01 +08:00
if i [ 0 ] not in createdShortcut :
cache = dcv . LocalUsageItem ( 0 , True , dcv . LocalUsageType . PIN )
localUsageCounter [ i [ 0 ] ] = cache
createdShortcut . add ( i [ 0 ] )
else :
cache = localUsageCounter [ i [ 0 ] ]
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
cache . count + = 1
cache . lastUse = i [ 6 ]
cache . lastDirection = 0
cache . lastIndex = i [ 9 ]
else :
if i [ 2 ] not in blockSet :
2020-04-14 10:18:01 +08:00
if i [ 0 ] not in createdShortcut :
cache = dcv . LocalUsageItem ( 0 , True , dcv . LocalUsageType . POUT )
localUsageCounter [ i [ 0 ] ] = cache
createdShortcut . add ( i [ 0 ] )
else :
cache = localUsageCounter [ i [ 0 ] ]
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
cache . count + = 1
cache . lastUse = i [ 6 ]
cache . lastDirection = 1
cache . lastIndex = i [ 9 ]
else :
if ( i [ 7 ] == dcv . dbPLinkInputOutputType . PLOCAL ) :
2020-04-14 10:18:01 +08:00
if i [ 6 ] in allLocal or i [ 6 ] in createdShortcut :
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
cache = localUsageCounter [ i [ 6 ] ]
else :
cache = dcv . LocalUsageItem ( 0 , True , dcv . LocalUsageType . PLOCAL )
localUsageCounter [ i [ 6 ] ] = cache
2020-04-14 10:18:01 +08:00
createdShortcut . add ( i [ 6 ] )
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
cache . count + = 1
cache . lastUse = i [ 2 ]
cache . lastDirection = 1
cache . lastIndex = i [ 5 ]
else :
2020-04-15 23:22:21 +08:00
if i [ 6 ] == target :
2020-06-21 16:59:21 +08:00
continue # ignore self pIn/pOut. it doesn't need any shortcut
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
if i [ 6 ] not in blockSet :
2020-04-14 10:18:01 +08:00
if i [ 1 ] not in createdShortcut :
cache = dcv . LocalUsageItem ( 0 , True , dcv . LocalUsageType . POUT )
localUsageCounter [ i [ 1 ] ] = cache
createdShortcut . add ( i [ 1 ] )
else :
cache = localUsageCounter [ i [ 1 ] ]
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
cache . count + = 1
cache . lastUse = i [ 2 ]
cache . lastDirection = 1
cache . lastIndex = i [ 5 ]
# apply all cells
defaultCellIndex = 0
for i in localUsageCounter . keys ( ) :
cache = localUsageCounter [ i ]
# comput x,y
if ( cache . count == 1 ) :
# attachable
attachTarget = currentGraphBlockCell [ cache . lastUse ]
( x , y ) = computCellPosition ( attachTarget . x , attachTarget . y , attachTarget . h , cache . lastDirection , cache . lastIndex )
else :
# place it in default area
x = dcv . GRAPH_CONTENTOFFSET_X + defaultCellIndex * ( dcv . CELL_WIDTH + dcv . GRAPH_BB_SPAN )
defaultCellIndex + = 1
# get information
if ( cache . internal_type == dcv . LocalUsageType . PIN ) :
tableName = ' pIn '
elif ( cache . internal_type == dcv . LocalUsageType . POUT ) :
tableName = ' pOut '
else :
tableName = ' pLocal '
exCur . execute ( " SELECT [name], [type] FROM {} WHERE [thisobj] == ? " . format ( tableName ) , ( i , ) )
temp = exCur . fetchone ( )
# submit to database and map
currentGraphBlockCell [ i ] = dcv . BlockCellItem ( x , y , dcv . CELL_WIDTH , dcv . CELL_HEIGHT )
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO cell VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " ,
( target , i , temp [ 0 ] , temp [ 1 ] , x , y , ( dcv . CellType . SHORTCUT if cache . isshortcut else dcv . CellType . PLOCAL ) ) )
2020-04-15 23:22:21 +08:00
# comput size and update database and currentGraphBlockCell
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
graphX = 0
graphY = 0
for key , values in currentGraphBlockCell . items ( ) :
graphX = max ( graphX , values . x + values . w )
graphY = max ( graphY , values . y + values . h )
graphX + = dcv . GRAPH_POFFSET
graphY + = dcv . GRAPH_BOFFSET
deCur . execute ( " UPDATE graph SET [width] = ?, [height] = ? WHERE [graph] == ? " , ( graphX , graphY , target ) )
# update bOut.x and pOut.y data
for i in boutx :
deCur . execute ( " UPDATE cell SET [x] = ? WHERE ([thisobj] == ? AND [belong_to_graph] == ?) " , ( graphX - dcv . BB_PBSIZE , i , target ) )
2020-04-15 23:22:21 +08:00
currentGraphBlockCell [ i ] . x = graphX - dcv . BB_PBSIZE
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
for i in pouty :
deCur . execute ( " UPDATE cell SET [y] = ? WHERE ([thisobj] == ? AND [belong_to_graph] == ?) " , ( graphY - dcv . BB_PBSIZE , i , target ) )
2020-04-15 23:22:21 +08:00
currentGraphBlockCell [ i ] . y = graphY - dcv . BB_PBSIZE
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
2020-04-14 23:19:06 +08:00
return graphPIO
2020-04-12 22:38:10 +08:00
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
def computCellPosition ( baseX , baseY , height , direction , index ) :
if ( index == - 1 ) :
2020-04-13 19:29:25 +08:00
return ( baseX , baseY - dcv . GRAPH_SPAN_BB_PLOCAL )
2020-04-12 15:19:13 +08:00
if ( direction == 0 ) :
return ( baseX + dcv . BB_POFFSET + index * ( dcv . BB_PBSIZE + dcv . BB_PSPAN ) , baseY - dcv . GRAPH_SPAN_BB_PLOCAL )
else :
return ( baseX + dcv . BB_POFFSET + index * ( dcv . BB_PBSIZE + dcv . BB_PSPAN ) , baseY + height + dcv . GRAPH_SPAN_BB_PLOCAL )
2020-04-14 23:19:06 +08:00
def buildLink ( exDb , deDb , target , currentGraphBlockCell , graphPIO ) :
2020-04-12 22:38:10 +08:00
exCur = exDb . cursor ( )
deCur = deDb . cursor ( )
2020-06-21 16:59:21 +08:00
# prepare block set
blockSet = set ( )
for i in currentGraphBlockCell . keys ( ) :
blockSet . add ( i )
2020-04-12 22:38:10 +08:00
# bLink
2020-06-21 16:59:21 +08:00
exCur . execute ( " SELECT * FROM bLink WHERE [belong_to] == ? " , ( target , ) )
2020-04-12 22:38:10 +08:00
for i in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
2020-04-15 23:22:21 +08:00
if i [ 3 ] == target :
( x1 , y1 ) = computLinkBTerminal ( i [ 0 ] , 0 , - 1 , currentGraphBlockCell )
bStartObj = i [ 0 ]
bStartType = 0
bStartIndex = - 1
else :
( x1 , y1 ) = computLinkBTerminal ( i [ 3 ] , i [ 4 ] , i [ 5 ] , currentGraphBlockCell )
bStartObj = i [ 3 ]
bStartType = i [ 4 ]
bStartIndex = i [ 5 ]
if i [ 6 ] == target :
( x2 , y2 ) = computLinkBTerminal ( i [ 1 ] , 0 , - 1 , currentGraphBlockCell )
bEndObj = i [ 1 ]
bEndType = 0
bEndIndex = - 1
else :
( x2 , y2 ) = computLinkBTerminal ( i [ 6 ] , i [ 7 ] , i [ 8 ] , currentGraphBlockCell )
bEndObj = i [ 6 ]
bEndType = i [ 7 ]
bEndIndex = i [ 8 ]
2020-04-13 09:46:01 +08:00
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO link VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); " ,
2020-04-15 23:22:21 +08:00
( target , i [ 2 ] , i [ 0 ] , i [ 1 ] , bStartObj , bEndObj , bStartType , bEndType , bStartIndex , bEndIndex , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) )
2020-04-14 23:19:06 +08:00
# pLink
2020-06-21 16:59:21 +08:00
# !! the same if framework in cell generator function !! SHARED
2020-04-14 23:19:06 +08:00
exCur . execute ( " SELECT * FROM pLink WHERE [belong_to] == ? " , ( target , ) )
for i in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
# analyse 5 chancee one by one
if ( i [ 7 ] == dcv . dbPLinkInputOutputType . PTARGET or i [ 7 ] == dcv . dbPLinkInputOutputType . PIN ) :
if ( i [ 3 ] == dcv . dbPLinkInputOutputType . PLOCAL ) :
( x1 , y1 ) = computLinkPTerminal ( i [ 0 ] , 0 , - 1 , currentGraphBlockCell )
( x2 , y2 ) = computLinkPTerminal ( i [ 6 ] , 0 , i [ 9 ] , currentGraphBlockCell )
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO link VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); " ,
( target , - 1 , i [ 0 ] , i [ 1 ] , i [ 2 ] , i [ 6 ] , 0 , 0 , - 1 , i [ 9 ] , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) )
elif ( i [ 3 ] == dcv . dbPLinkInputOutputType . PIN ) :
( x2 , y2 ) = computLinkPTerminal ( i [ 6 ] , 0 , i [ 9 ] , currentGraphBlockCell )
if i [ 2 ] == target :
( x1 , y1 ) = computLinkPTerminal ( i [ 0 ] , 0 , - 1 , currentGraphBlockCell )
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO link VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); " ,
( target , - 1 , i [ 0 ] , i [ 1 ] , i [ 0 ] , i [ 6 ] , 0 , 0 , - 1 , i [ 9 ] , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) )
else :
( x1 , y1 ) = computLinkPTerminal ( i [ 2 ] , 0 , i [ 5 ] , currentGraphBlockCell )
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO link VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); " ,
( target , - 1 , i [ 0 ] , i [ 1 ] , i [ 2 ] , i [ 6 ] , 0 , 0 , i [ 5 ] , i [ 9 ] , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) )
else :
2020-06-21 16:59:21 +08:00
if i [ 2 ] in blockSet : # process protencial pOut(shortcut) (because plocal input/input_obj
# output/output_obj is same, so don't need add for them)
( x1 , y1 ) = computLinkPTerminal ( i [ 2 ] , 1 , i [ 5 ] , currentGraphBlockCell )
else :
( x1 , y1 ) = computLinkPTerminal ( i [ 0 ] , 1 , i [ 5 ] , currentGraphBlockCell )
2020-04-14 23:19:06 +08:00
( x2 , y2 ) = computLinkPTerminal ( i [ 6 ] , 0 , i [ 9 ] , currentGraphBlockCell )
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO link VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); " ,
( target , - 1 , i [ 0 ] , i [ 1 ] , i [ 2 ] , i [ 6 ] , 1 , 0 , i [ 5 ] , i [ 9 ] , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) )
else :
if ( i [ 7 ] == dcv . dbPLinkInputOutputType . PLOCAL ) :
( x1 , y1 ) = computLinkPTerminal ( i [ 2 ] , 1 , i [ 5 ] , currentGraphBlockCell )
( x2 , y2 ) = computLinkPTerminal ( i [ 1 ] , 0 , - 1 , currentGraphBlockCell )
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO link VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); " ,
( target , - 1 , i [ 0 ] , i [ 1 ] , i [ 2 ] , i [ 6 ] , 1 , 0 , i [ 5 ] , - 1 , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) )
else :
( x1 , y1 ) = computLinkPTerminal ( i [ 2 ] , 1 , i [ 5 ] , currentGraphBlockCell )
if i [ 6 ] == target :
( x2 , y2 ) = computLinkPTerminal ( i [ 1 ] , 0 , - 1 , currentGraphBlockCell )
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO link VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); " ,
( target , - 1 , i [ 0 ] , i [ 1 ] , i [ 2 ] , i [ 1 ] , 1 , 0 , i [ 5 ] , - 1 , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) )
else :
( x2 , y2 ) = computLinkPTerminal ( i [ 6 ] , 1 , i [ 9 ] , currentGraphBlockCell )
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO link VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); " ,
( target , - 1 , i [ 0 ] , i [ 1 ] , i [ 2 ] , i [ 6 ] , 1 , 1 , i [ 5 ] , i [ 9 ] , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) )
2020-04-16 19:22:38 +08:00
# eLink
exCur . execute ( " SELECT * FROM eLink WHERE [belong_to] == ? " , ( target , ) )
for i in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
( x1 , y1 ) = computLinkPTerminal ( i [ 0 ] , 0 , - 1 , currentGraphBlockCell )
( x2 , y2 ) = computLinkPTerminal ( i [ 1 ] , 0 if i [ 2 ] == 1 else 1 , i [ 3 ] , currentGraphBlockCell )
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO link VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); " ,
( target , - 2 , i [ 0 ] , i [ 0 ] , target , i [ 1 ] , 0 , 0 if i [ 2 ] == 1 else 1 , - 1 , i [ 3 ] , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) )
2020-04-14 23:19:06 +08:00
def computLinkBTerminal ( obj , xtype , index , currentGraphBlockCell ) :
# index = -1 mean no offset, it will connect to graph io
cache = currentGraphBlockCell [ obj ]
return ( cache . x if xtype == 0 else cache . x + cache . w - dcv . BB_PBSIZE ,
cache . y if index == - 1 else ( cache . y + dcv . BB_BOFFSET + index * ( dcv . BB_PBSIZE + dcv . BB_BSPAN ) ) )
def computLinkPTerminal ( obj , ytype , index , currentGraphBlockCell ) :
2020-06-21 16:59:21 +08:00
# ytype is not database type. it have the same meaning of LinkBTerminal,
# indicating the position. 0 is keep origin position(for pIn and pTarget),
# 1 is consider height(for pOut)
2020-04-14 23:19:06 +08:00
cache = currentGraphBlockCell [ obj ]
return ( cache . x if index == - 1 else ( cache . x + dcv . BB_POFFSET + index * ( dcv . BB_PBSIZE + dcv . BB_PSPAN ) ) ,
cache . y if ytype == 0 else ( cache . y + cache . h - dcv . BB_PBSIZE ) )
2020-04-13 12:35:41 +08:00
def buildInfo ( exDb , deDb ) :
exCur = exDb . cursor ( )
deCur = deDb . cursor ( )
# export local data (including proto bb internal data)
exCur . execute ( " SELECT * FROM pLocalData; " )
for i in exCur . fetchall ( ) :
deCur . execute ( " INSERT INTO info VALUES (?, ?, ?) " , ( i [ 2 ] , i [ 0 ] , i [ 1 ] ) )