import sqlite3 import DecoratorConstValue as dcv import queue def run(): exportDb = sqlite3.connect('export.db') decorateDb = sqlite3.connect('decorate.db') exportCur = exportDb.cursor() decorateCur = decorateDb.cursor() # init table print('Init decorate.dll') initDecorateDb(decorateCur) decorateDb.commit() # decorate graph graphList = [] decorateGraph(exportCur, decorateCur, graphList) # decorate each graph for i in graphList: (plocal_layer, bbMap, operMap) = buildBB(exportCur, decorateCur, i) # give up all change of eexport.db (because no change) exportDb.close() decorateDb.commit() decorateDb.close() def initDecorateDb(cur): cur.execute("CREATE TABLE graph([graph] INTEGER, [graph_name] TEXT, [width] INTEGER, [height] INTEGER, [index] INTEGER, [belong_to] TEXT);") cur.execute("CREATE TABLE info([target] INTEGER, [field] TEXT, [data] TEXT);") cur.execute("CREATE TABLE block([belong_to_graph] INETGER, [thisobj] INTEGER, [name] TEXT, [assist_text] TEXT, [pin-pin] INTEGER, [pin-pout] INTEGER, [pin-bin] INTEGER, [pin-bout] INTEGER, [x] REAL, [y] REAL, [width] REAL, [height] REAL, [expandable] INTEGER);") cur.execute("CREATE TABLE cell([belong_to_graph] INETGER, [thisobj] INTEGER, [name] TEXT, [assist_text] TEXT, [x] REAL, [y] REAL, [type] INTEGER);") cur.execute("CREATE TABLE link([belong_to_graph] INETGER, [thisobj] INTEGER, [delay] INTEGER, [startobj] INTEGER, [endobj] INTEGER, [start_index] INTEGER, [end_index] INTEGER, [x1] REAL, [y1] REAL, [x2] REAL, [y2] REAL);") def decorateGraph(exCur, deCur, graph): scriptMap = {} exCur.execute("SELECT [behavior], [index], [name] FROM script;") while True: lines = exCur.fetchone() if lines == None: break scriptMap[lines[0]] = (lines[1], lines[2]) exCur.execute("SELECT [thisobj], [type], [name] FROM behavior WHERE [type] != 0;") while True: lines = exCur.fetchone() if lines == None: break # add into global graph list graph.append(lines[0]) # width and height will be computed by following method and use update # statement to change it if lines[1] == 1: # script deCur.execute("INSERT INTO graph VALUES(?, ?, 0, 0, ?, ?)", (lines[0], lines[2], scriptMap[lines[0]][0], scriptMap[lines[0]][1])) else: # sub bb deCur.execute("INSERT INTO graph VALUES(?, ?, 0, 0, -1, '')", (lines[0], lines[2])) def buildBB(exCur, deCur, target): # sort inner bb # use current graph input as the start point treeRoot = dcv.BBTreeNode(target, -1) processedBB = set() # layer start from 2, 0 is occupied for pLocal, 1 is occupied for pOper arrangedLayer = recursiveBuildBBTree(treeRoot, exCur, deCur, processedBB, 2, 0, target) # get no linked bb and place them. linked bb position will be computed following # calc each bb's x postion, as for y, calc later arrangedLayer+=1 singleBB = set() bbResult = {} bb_layer_map = {} baseX = dcv.GRAPH_CONTENTOFFSET_X exCur.execute('SELECT [thisobj], [name], [type], [proto_name], [pin_count] FROM behavior WHERE parent == ?', (target, )) for i in exCur.fetchall(): pinSplit = i[4].split(',') bbCache = dcv.BBResult(i[1], i[3], pinSplit[1], pinSplit[2], pinSplit[3], pinSplit[4], (i[0] if i[2] != 0 else -1)) bbCache.computSize() if i[0] not in processedBB: # single bb, process it singleBB.add(i[0]) bbCache.x = baseX baseX += bbCache.width + dcv.GRAPH_BB_SPAN bb_layer_map[i[0]] = arrangedLayer bbResult[i[0]] = bbCache recursiveCalcBBX(treeRoot, dcv.GRAPH_CONTENTOFFSET_X, bbResult, bb_layer_map) # calc bb y layer_height = {} layer_y = {} layer_height[0] = 25 layer_height[1] = 50 for i in bb_layer_map.keys(): curLayer = bb_layer_map[i] if curLayer not in layer_height.keys(): layer_height[curLayer] = bbResult[i].height else: layer_height[curLayer] = max(layer_height.get(curLayer, 0), bbResult[i].height) layer_height[arrangedLayer] = layer_height.get(arrangedLayer, 0) # make sure misc bb height exist baseY = dcv.GRAPH_CONTENTOFFSET_Y for i in range(arrangedLayer + 1): baseY += layer_height[i] + dcv.GRAPH_LAYER_SPAN layer_y[i] = baseY for i in bbResult.keys(): cache = bbResult[i] layer = bb_layer_map[i] cache.y = layer_y[layer] - layer_height[layer] + cache.height # calc poper operResult = {} baseX = dcv.GRAPH_CONTENTOFFSET_X exCur.execute('SELECT [thisobj], [op] FROM pOper WHERE [belong_to] == ?', (target, )) for i in exCur.fetchall(): cache = dcv.OperResult(i[1], baseX) cache.computSize() baseX += cache.width + dcv.GRAPH_BB_SPAN cache.y = layer_y[1] - cache.height operResult[i[0]] = cache # write to database and return for i in bbResult.keys(): cache = bbResult[i] deCur.execute('INSERT INTO block VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', (target, i,, cache.assistName,, cache.pout, cache.bin, cache.bout, cache.x, cache.y, cache.width, cache.height, cache.expandable)) for i in operResult.keys(): cache = operResult[i] deCur.execute("INSERT INTO block VALUES (?, ?, ?, '', 2, 1, 0, 0, ?, ?, ?, ?, -1)", (target, i,, cache.x, cache.y, cache.width, cache.height)) return (layer_y[0] - dcv.CELL_HEIGHT, bbResult, operResult) def recursiveBuildBBTree(node, exCur, deCur, processedBB, layer, depth, graphId): cache = [] if depth == 0: # find bIn exCur.execute('SELECT [thisobj] FROM bIn WHERE [belong_to] == ?;', (,)) else: # find bOut exCur.execute('SELECT [thisobj] FROM bOut WHERE [belong_to] == ?;', (,)) for i in exCur.fetchall(): cache.append(i[0]) if (len(cache) == 0): return layer # find links exCur.execute("SELECT [output] FROM bLink WHERE ([belong_to] == ? AND ([input] IN ({})));".format(','.join(map(lambda x:str(x), cache))), (graphId,)) cache.clear() for i in exCur.fetchall(): cache.append(i[0]) if (len(cache) == 0): return layer #find bIn (find in bIn list to omit the line linked to current bb's output) exCur.execute("SELECT [belong_to] FROM bIn WHERE [thisobj] IN ({});".format(','.join(map(lambda x:str(x), cache)))) cache.clear() for i in exCur.fetchall(): cache.append(i[0]) if (len(cache) == 0): return layer # ignore duplicated bb realLinkedBB = set(cache) # calc need processed bb first # and register all gotten bb. for preventing infinity resursive func and keep bb tree structure realLinkedBB = realLinkedBB - processedBB processedBB.update(realLinkedBB) # iterate each bb for i in realLinkedBB: # recursive execute this method newNode = dcv.BBTreeNode(i, layer) layer = recursiveBuildBBTree(newNode, exCur, deCur, processedBB, layer, depth + 1, graphId) # add new node into list and ++layer layer+=1 node.nodes.append(newNode) # minus extra ++ due to for if (len(realLinkedBB) != 0): layer-=1 return layer def recursiveCalcBBX(node, baseX, resultList, layerMap): maxExpand = 0 for i in node.nodes: layerMap[] = i.layer resultList[].x = baseX maxExpand = max(maxExpand, resultList[].width) for i in node.nodes: recursiveCalcBBX(i, baseX + maxExpand + dcv.GRAPH_BB_SPAN, resultList, layerMap)