# Super Script Materializer [中文文档](./README_ZH.md) Super Virtools Script Materializer. Export all script into a SQLite database file. And provide a web page to broswer graph. Some code come from [BearKidsTeam/Script-Materializer](https://github.com/BearKidsTeam/Script-Materializer)(this project export specific script into a JSON file) and [BearKidsTeam/VirtoolsScriptDeobfuscation](https://github.com/BearKidsTeam/VirtoolsScriptDeobfuscation). WIP. It still lack some function and have some bugs, but it can be used for some normal deobfiscation. ## Install Drag built dll into Virtools's InterfacePlugins folder. At the same time, you should put `sqlite3.dll` into Virtools folder. If you use the dll which downloaded form this project's release page, the sqlite dll version you needed is `sqlite-dll-win32-x86-3310100`. ## Build You should configure build parameter to choose your Virtools SDK and SQLite SDK path. (SQLite SDK can be downloaded from [sqlite.org](http://www.sqlite.org/) and you need use Visual C++ tools and execute `LIB /DEF:sqlite3.def /machine:IX86 ` to generate `sqlite3.lib`) Select VT5 config\(because I will migrate this project into VT3.5 version in the feature\) and then build. ## Usage Load or create a file containing script, click `Super Script Materializer` on main menu and click `Export all script`, select a good file name and wait until Virtools tell you all things have done.