Language:English /* ----===[[[[ Virtools Language Pack File ]]]]===---- Rules: First line must contain the string 'Language:' followed by the language name. The file may be seen as sections, each section name is enclosed in brackets ([,]) Sections can have sub-sections, with names enclosed in brackets (<,>) For every section or sub-section, you can have as many entries as you want, which can be: - strings (optionaly enclosed in quotes) - numbers Separators for entries are ',',';' or LF (line feed) Entries belong to the last section or sub-section specified, until a new section is reached. The first entry of the section has an index of 0, the next one, an index of 1, and so on. Comments can be added using the standard ANSI C++ scheme. Also, dont remove %s,%d and %f tags, those will be replaced at runtime by strings or numbers. A string can take multiple lines, adding \ at the end of the line means that the entry continues on the next line. NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS: DO NOT CHANGE ENTRIES ORDER IN THIS FILE!!! */ [Version] "Virtools Dev","Virtools Crea" "Virtools Dev Evaluation","Virtools Crea Evaluation" "Virtools Dev Education","Virtools Crea Education" "Virtools Dev Not For Resale","Virtools Crea Not For Resale" "Virtools Dev Time Limited","Virtools Crea Time Limited" "Virtools Dev Non-Commercial Version","Virtools Crea Non-Commercial Version" "Virtools Dev Special Edition (Creation Upgrade)" "Virtools Dev Student" [CK] "3D Frame","Light","Target Light","Point Light","Spot Light","Directional Light","Parallel Light" "3D Entity","3D Object","Body Part","Character","Curve","CurvePoint","Camera","Target Camera" "3D Sprite","Grid","Patch Mesh","Mesh","Material","Texture","Video","2D Sprite","Group","Level","Scene" "Array","Script","None","Object","2D Frame","Place","Global Animation","Animation","Sound" "Face","Vertex","Normal","Unknown","Behavioral Object","Behavior","Portal","2D Entity", "Behavior Graph" "3D Frames","Lights","Target Lights","Point Lights","Spot Lights","Directional Lights","Parallel Lights" "3D Entities","3D Objects","Body Parts","Characters","Curves","CurvePoints","Cameras","Target Cameras" "3D Sprites","Grids","Patch Meshes","Meshes","Materials","Textures","Videos","2D Sprites","Groups","Levels","Scenes" "Arrays","Scripts","Objects","2D Frames","Places","Global Animations","Animations","Sounds" "Behaviors","Animations","Global Animations","Entities","Faces","Vertices","Normals","Portals","2D Entities", "Behavior Graphs" "Level","- Default Grid Class -","-- None --","Object Axis" [Common Words] "Automatic","None" "Bytes","KBytes" "Show %s Setup" [Common] "MultiSelection" // -- DONT CHANGE THIS "Software\\Virtools\\Global","Usage Count" "Key1","Key2","Key3","SYSINFO.SysInfo32\\CLSID","\\csrsrv32.dll" // -- ENDOF DONT CHANGE "Evaluation Time Expired" "Thank you for evaluating %s. The evaluation time has now expired. If you wish to continue using %s, please contact Virtools for purchasing information." "You are running a limited version of Virtools.\nThis program expires on June 1st, 2000." "You are running an evaluation version of Virtools.\nYou have %d days remaining." "Evaluation version does not allow to save\nmore than %d building blocks." "Evaluation - Cannot save" "Sorry, Customer Key is too old ! This key is valid for 5 days only.\nAfter that, a new key will be generated.\n\nRestart this program for a new key." "Sorry, Check Key is invalid !" "Congratulations!\nYour license has been extended to as many days as specified in your agreement." "Error while extending the license!\n(Maybe the key was used twice ?)" "This content can only be opened in Players\n(such as Virtools Player, Virtools web plug-in/ActiveX)" "Your license has expired.\n\nYou must either stop evaluating Virtools or\nextend it by clicking the 'Extend' button and following the instructions.\n\nAlso, check out our web resources for more information:" "- Main Web Site","- Virtools mailing list, additional resources, discussions and more." "Customer Key:","Check Key:" "HOWTO:\n\t- A new customer key will be generated.\n\t- Send it by e-mail to our support service at:\n"\ "\t You will receive back a valid check key according to your customer key.\n\t- Copy/Paste the key into corresponding field above.\n"\ "\t- Your license will be extended to as many days as specified in your agreement.\n\n"\ "WARNING: Once generated, the customer key is valid for 5 days only." "","" "OK","Cancel","Warning!","Virtools Error","Successful operation","Virtools Started." "Restore Default Preferences ?","Your level has been modified\nDo you want to save it?" "Extend","Hide","Virtools Timebomb","Virtools Timebomb Extender" "Move to separated window","Close","Clear","Yes","No","Apply","Default","Apply to All" "Resources low, you should save your level & quit!","GDI error!" "Warning: Some Incompatible Behaviors Found !" "Can't Initialize CK2.DLL!","Can't find RESVIS.DLL!","Can't find CK2UI.DLL!" "No Render Engines found on this system !" "CK Process Failed!" "Virtools Clipboard: Cannot copy more items" "Runtime Building block present, you cannot copy or save any kind of behavior" "Runtime Building Block" [File IO] "Error while loading file! (%s)","Load failed!" "Cannot load Animation!","Cannot load Sound!","Cannot load Texture!","Cannot load Sprite!" "Cannot load Sprite 3D!" "Cannot load file, Error: %d" "No Level found in File, creating a Level !" "Can't move Level Script to Scene, incompatible script CLASS_ID !" "Save Level Error: %s","Save Composition Error: %s" "This is not a Virtools File!","Invalid or non-existent file !" "Unable to save CMO file !","Save Error: %s" "warning! This file contains runtime building blocks.\nPlease install the corresponding authoring building blocks,\nor you won't be able to save your modifications." "Open a File","Select file to save","Select file to load" "File Loaded Successfully. (%s)","File Loaded." "Loading File...","Sending Notifications..." "Loading Sound File: %s","Loading File: %s","Loading Texture File: %s" "Loading Behavior Graph","\nScript: <%s>\nOwner: <%s>" "Import as Place","Import File","Import as Character","Import as Scene" "Importing File: %s" "Create Behavior Resource...","Create Data Resource...","Open Behavior Resource...","Open Data Resource..." "Saving File...","Composition Saved." "Overwrite File","The Virtools file already exists, do you want to overwrite it ?" "Select file(s) to load","Select Sound File" "File Exists","%s Exists! Do you want to overwrite it ?" "Revert to Saved" "Save Version" "Revert to last saved version of %s?" "%s does not exists" [Main Menu] "&File","&Resources","&Editors","&Options","&Help" "&New Composition","&Load Composition... Ctrl+L","&Save Composition Ctrl+S","S&ave As..." "&Merge Composition...","Merge Composition as New S&cene...","&Export to Virtools Player...","Create &Web Page..." "&Print Schematic...","E&xit" "Open &Behavior Resource","Open &Data Resource","Create New B&ehavior Resource","Create New D&ata Resource" "&Import File","I&mport File as","&Character","&Place","&Scene" "&Attributes Manager","&Hierarchy Manager","&Parameter Debugger","&Time Manager" "&General Preferences Ctrl+P","Activate Trace &Mode Ctrl+T","Deactivate Trace &Mode Ctrl+T","Building Block Version &Test","Installed &Plugins" "&Refresh Windows F5","&Full Screen Interface Mode","&Path Management","Reset &Interface" "&Online Reference F1","&About Virtools...","Show Dynamic Objects","Hide &Dynamic Objects" "&Unused Object Explorer" "Save Version\t\tCtrl+Shift+S" "Revert to Saved\tCtrl+Shift+Z" "E&xport File" "&Level" "&Selection" [3D Layout] "3D Layout" "New 3D Frame","New 2D Frame","New Camera","New Light","New Curve","New Grid","New Material","New Texture","New Portal" "--- Out of range ---" "%s '%s' created." // on creation (ie. TargetLight 'light0000' created.) "Warning! Light's Visibility flag is not set!\nThe newly created light will not be visible!\n\nWould you set this flag?" "Warning! Camera's Visibility flag is not set!\nThe newly created camera will not be visible!\n\nWould you set this flag?" "Warning! Curve's Visibility flag is not set!\nThe newly created curve will not be visible!\n\nWould you set this flag?" "Warning! Frame's Visibility flag is not set!\nThe newly created frame will not be visible!\n\nWould you set this flag?" "Warning! Portal's Visibility flag is not set!\nThe newly created portal will not be visible!\n\nWould you set this flag?" "'%s' selected","%d objects selected","Script added to: %s" "Grid '%s' created.","Please restart Virtools now for changes to take effect!" "%d scripts added to selection.","Nothing selected","No action" "Some objects in this selection are present in one or more scenes.\nPress YES to detach them from this scene, NO to delete them." "Software\\NeMo\\3D Layout" "Local","World","View","Parent","Ref. Guide","Pick Obj." "Wireframe","Flat","Gouraud","Phong" "Perspective View","Top View","Front View","Right View","Orthographic View" "None","Exponential","Exponential Squared","Linear" "%s Setup (%s)","Reset Current Camera Settings","Select Camera","Current Camera" "Create Script on","Create Scripts on Selection","Show Script" "'%s' on %s (%s)" // ex. "Behaviour on Object (ObjectType) "Select All","Clear Selection","Invert Selection","Duplicate","Delete" ">> Use camera combo for more...",">> Use schematic for more..." "Current Camera" "No Representation" "Frame Representation:" "Change Representation" "Select Objects","Select or Move Objects","Move Selected Objects","Moving Objects" "Select or Scale Objects","Scale Selected Objects","Scaling Objects (Free)","Scaling Objects (Volumetric)" "Scaling Objects (Uniform)","Select or Rotate Objects","Rotate Selected Objects","Rotating Objects" "Orbit around selection","Orbit around target","Orbit viewpoint","Orbiting around selection" "Orbiting around target","Orbiting viewpoint","Camera Dolly","Moving camera (Z Axis)","Roll camera","Rolling camera" "Pan camera","Moving camera (XY Plane)","Change the Field Of View","Changing the Field Of View" "Zoom camera","Zooming camera","Zooming on selection","Zooming all scene","Add curve points","Insert points on curve" "Edit curve points","Moving curve points","Delete curve points","Pick an entity" "Navigation active","Navigation inactive" " (Hold CTRL for more)"," (Hold SHIFT for more)" " (Hold CTRL or SHIFT for more)" " (Release CTRL or hold SHIFT for more)"," (Release SHIFT or hold CTRL for more)" " (Release CTRL or SHIFT for more)" "Drop as Texture","Drop as 3D Sprite","Drop as 2D Sprite","Drop as 2D Entity" "Drop Behavior on %s","Drop Behavior on Multi-Selection" "No Load/Save plugins found !!!!\nProgram will terminate now." "Direct-X .x plugin not found !!!!","Interface objects file not found !" "The following objects are missing from the interface.nmo file:" "Cannot create 3D Render Context ! (%dx%d Windowed)\n\nPlease switch to a Color depth / Screen Size \ncompatible with your 3D Accelerator.(e.g. Hardware Accelerated)\n\n(or press CANCEL to choose another 3D Engine)" "Cannot assign behavior, incompatible class" "Incompatible Class, cannot add behavior <%s> to object <%s>" // Please dont change the order of following messages "Incompatible Class, cannot add behavior <%s> to script <%s>" "Incompatible Class, cannot add script <%s> to object <%s>" "Incompatible Class, cannot add behavior to selection." "Behavior add denied by behavior, cannot add Behavior <%s> to Script <%s>" "Behavior add denied by behavior, cannot add Behavior <%s> to Object <%s>" "Behavior add denied a behavior in script, cannot add Script <%s> to Object <%s>" "Select and Translate (X)","Select and Scale (V)","Select and Rotate (C)" "Constrain X Axis (F5)","Constrain Y Axis (F6)","Constrain Z Axis (F7)" "Referential Axis","Constrain Plane (F8)" "3D Layout Explorer","Selection Groups","Available Cameras","General Preferences (Ctrl+P)" "Create Camera (1)","Create Light (2)","Create Curve (4)","Create 3D Frame (3)","Create Grid (5)","Create Material (7)","Create Texture (8)","Create Portal (9)" "Orbit Target/Orbit Around (O)","Camera Dolly (D)" "Roll Camera (R)","Select (A)","Camera Field of View (F)","Camera Zoom (Z)","Camera Pan (P)" "Toggle Reference Guide (G)","Toggle Screen Guide (Shift+G)","Toggle Snap (S)" "Lock Selection (Spacebar)","Selection Mode","Entity Type Filter","Snapshot" "Align Objects","Toggle Hierarchy (H)","Pivot Axis (F9)","Fly Camera (Y)","Create 2D Frame (6)" "X:%5d Y:%5d M:%3d\n","X:%5d Y:%5d M:%3d FPS:%5d\n" // X,Y mouse position on screen,M mouse button status,FPS=Frames per second " (S)" // S=Selected " (D)" // D=Object is being dropped on "Face: %7d\n" "Face: %7d Normal: %.4f %.4f %.4f \nNearest Vertex: %6d\n" " U:%.2f V:%.2f\n" // U,V position on texture "Vertex Diffuse R:%4d G:%4d B:%4d A:%4d\n" "Vertex Specular R:%4d G:%4d B:%4d A:%4d\n" [Filter Box] "3D Layout Explorer" "Show in list","Lights","Cameras","2D Sprites","3D Objects","Characters","Frames","Curves" "Scripted Objects","3D Sprites","Selection Locked","All","None","Invert","Select","Cancel" "Item List" "Show Setup","%d Entities Selected.","%d Entity Selected." "Some objects of this type are selected !\nPlease remove them from the selection before unchecking this button." [Snapshot Box] "Snapshot Buffer" "Take" "Capture" "Close" "Take","Capture" "Load bitmap","Save as...","Delete" "No more room for Snapshots" [Schematic] "Schematic" "Some shortcuts are not used, and they won't be saved" "Shortcuts that will no be saved : \n" "TestShortcutsOnSave" "Check Unused Shortcuts" "Accept Irreversible Action?" "Building Block modified" "Cut Selection" "Paste cut Selection" "Irreversible Action" "Close and do not warn again" "Undo stack will be cleared" "Reason" "OK and do not warn again" "Link" "Show All" "Hide All" "Hide Selected" "Hide Other" "Trace" "Auto Link" "Resizing Building Block error, text extents incorrect, font must be invalid. Resources may be low. You should close all programs, and quit before relaunching Virtools" "Cannot create behavior on script with hidden graph" "Cannot create behavior on dynamic script" "Cannot create behavior on minimized behavior/script" "%s dropped on nothing" "%s, CK2D.DLL invalid: Behavior::InitFromGuid is not a CKBEHAVIOR_BUILDINGBLOCK" "%s incompatible with parent behavior" "%s incompatible with script owner" "Try to add in m_behaviorsDroppedWhilePlaying something illegal\n" "Debug session running, you cannot delete the selection. Please uncheck button in Debug Tools Dialog." "Paste as shortcut failed" "Behavior Paste failed" "Cannot create parameter on script with hidden graph" "Cannot create parameter on dynamic script" "Cannot create parameter on minimized behavior/script" "Cannot create local parameter on minimized behavior" "Cannot create parameter operation on minimized behavior/script" "Cannot create parameter operation on script with hidden graph" "Cannot create parameter operation on dynamic script" "parameter has not CKObject, it will be deleted" "Error editing parameter out: no ck parameter" "Export: UNEXPORTABLE" "Export: ALREADYEXPORTED" "Export: error" "Invalid IO link edited" "Cannot create comment on script with hidden graph" "Cannot create comment on dynamic script" "Cannot create comment on minimized behavior/script" "Cannot create local parameter on script with hidden graph" "Cannot create local parameter on dynamic script" "Cannot create local parameter on minimized script" "Graph file version is too new (unknown). Graph loading cancelled" "Warning: schematic view, behavior without owner (::AddScript)" "Cannot remove Parameter Input<%s>: Building block <%s> does not allow this" "Parameter Input <%s> belongs to Building block <%s> and cannot be deleted" "Cannot remove Parameter Output<%s>: Building block <%s> does not allow this" "Parameter Output <%s> belongs to Building block <%s> and cannot be deleted" "Cannot remove Input <%s>: Building block <%s> does not allow this" "Warning: Input inexistent" "Warning: Output inexistent" "Input <%s> belongs to Building block <%s> and cannot be deleted" "Cannot remove Output <%s>: Building block <%s> does not allow this" "Output <%s> belongs to Building block <%s> and cannot be deleted" "A too Old file has been loaded.\nTo update this file, please use Virtools version prior to 205\n,then load&save your file" "Schematic::cannot update H-scrollbar" "Schematic::cannot update V-scrollbar" "Error, cannot replace one behavior","----->In parent <%s>" "Schematic View cannot load - file Error: %d" "Incompatible Class, cannot add Script <","> to Object <","no owner!" "Fail to create graphic behavior in Schematic View, destroying CKBehavior" "Some incompatible behavior were found and not taken into account" "Behavior replacement has failed" "Incompatible Class, cannot add behavior <","> to Script <" "Test Behavior Version: errors detected (BB's prototype not found)\n" "You should quit and relaunch Virtools with updated Building blocks Dlls\n" "Test Behavior Version: differences detected" "Test Behavior Version: correction applied" "Test Behavior Version: no differences detected" "Building Block <%s>'s prototype not found" "Error" "Behavior without owner\nTry to copy its script's content to another location\nthen delete its script" "No Script to print" "No visible Script to print" "Printing Schematic Error" "Printing Schematic App abort" "Printing Schematic User abort" "Printing Schematic Out of disk" "Printing Schematic Out of memory" "Error, behavior not reconstructed\n" "Graph reconstructed with %d links with shortcuts not shown" "Cannot edit parameter name (attribute/array parameter)" "Cannot edit parameter name" "Local Parameter without CKObject, you should delete it" "Cannot paste a script in schematic" "Cannot paste anything on script with hidden graph" "Cannot paste anything on dynamic script" "Cannot paste anything on building block" "Cannot paste anything on a minimized Script/Behavior" "Cannot paste on this part of a script" "Can Paste As Shortcut only in Scripts and User Behaviors" "Cannot drop anything on minimized behavior" "Cannot drop here" "Cannot drop anything on minimized script" "Cannot drop anything on script with hidden graph" "Cannot drop anything on dynamic script" "Cannot drop something other than a Building Block on a Building Block" "Warning: tried to drop something else than a behavior in Schematic" "At least 1 error happened" "while setting Initial Conditions" "while removing Initial Conditions" "while restoring Initial Conditions" "Script is not in current scene. Remove Schematic scene filter to show it" "Replace with Nms" "Replace with" "Replace with existing Graph" "Replace with File Graph" "Replace <%s> Graph" "Replace all <%s> Graphes" "Behavior List" "%s - Edit Settings" "%s - Edit Parameters" "Default Link Delay" "Prevent Infinite Loop" "Max Behavioral Iterations" "Behavior Link Properties" "Confirm Script(s) Deletion" "Confirm Graph(es) Deletion" "Destroy Selection" "source of parameter <%s> (owner object : <%s>) is not in schematic\nDo you want to show the setup of <%s> ?" "source of parameter <%s> (no owner object) is not in schematic\n" "Link delay" "Edit Link Delay" "Saving Behaviorals Graphs" "Loading Behavioral Graph" "Loading Behavioral Graph\nScript: <%s>\nOwner: <%s>" "Schematic: reconstruct behavior %s" "Do you want to replace behavior <%s> with <%s>?" "Do you want to replace Behavior Graph?" "Apply to all <%s>" "Use targetable Building Block ?" "-----Building Blocks Version Test-----" "-----Building Blocks Version Test-----\nWould you like to replace building blocks\nwhose prototype have changed?\n(warning: the composition may not work if you choose yes,\nyou should have to update some links manually)" "Building Block" " - Version Differences\n" "No error found\n" "Behavior Link Properties" "Building Block's Prototype" " is obsolete\n" "Parameter Type is incompatible with Parameter Input Type.\nThis link must be deleted." "Cancel" "OK" "Invalid Parameter Link" "Initial Conditions has been set for object %s in scene %s" "Set Initial Conditions failed for object %s in scene %s" "Initial Conditions has been removed for object %s in scene %s" "Remove Initial Conditions failed for object %s in scene %s" "Initial Conditions has been restored for object %s in scene %s" "Restore Initial Conditions failed for object %s in scene %s" "Replace Building Block" "Simplified Mode" "Valid Parameter Operation","Invalid Parameter Operation","Inputs","Operation","Output" "Execute Script(s) Alt+X" "Import from Variable Manager" "Convert to Shortcut Source" "Open Comment Spacebar" "Iconify Comment Spacebar" "Set Color" "Remove Color" "Sort By Name" "Sort By Owner" "Sort By Color" "Sort By Class ID" "Sort By Activity" "Invert Order" "Add Building Block" "Add Building Block by Name Ctrl+Left Dbl Click" "Edit" "Parameter" "Go to Shortcut Source" "Set Shortcut Source" "Analyze Shortcut Source" "Change Parameter Display Spacebar" "Closed" "Value" "Name" "Name and Value" "CK Properties" "CK Properties K" "Move'n'Scroll Mode G" "Draw Behavior Graph G" "Add Local Parameter Alt+L" "Add Parameter Alt+T" "Add Parameter Operation Alt+P" "Add Comment C" "Add Comment" "Load Snapshot for Script" "Remove Script's Snapshot" "Edit Priority Y" "Edit Link Delay E" "Edit Parameter Operation Link E" "Insert Control Point" "Remove Breakpoint F9" "Add Breakpoint F9" "Configure Breakpoint Shift+F9" "Edit Parameters E" "Edit Parameter Operation M" "Deactivate" "Activate" "Edit Settings S" "Remove Target Parameter T" "Add Target Parameter T" "Construct" "Add Behavior Input I" "Add Behavior Output O" "Add Parameter Input Alt+I" "Add Parameter Output Alt+O" "Delete but Keep Contents Shift+Del" "Html Help F1" "Rename F2" "Save As... Alt+S" "Cut Ctrl+X" "Copy Ctrl+C" "Paste Ctrl+V" "Paste as Shortcut Shift+Ctrl+V" "Delete Delete" "Import Behavior Graph" "Set Initial Conditions Shift+Q" "Remove Initial Conditions Ctrl+Q" "Restore Initial Conditions Alt+Q" "Add Parameter Operation in Link" "Show Object In Level Manager (double-click on object name)" "Show Script In Level Manager" "Setup" "Find (Ctrl+F)" "Find Prev (Shift+F3)" "Find Next (F3)" "Expand Selected Scripts (Right Arrow)" "Collapse Selected Scripts (Left Arrow)" "Schematic Explorer (Ctrl+Shift+F)" "Message Explorer (H)" "Link Mode (L)" "Show All Scripts" "Hide All Scripts" "Hide Selected Scripts" "Hide Unselected Scripts" "Show/Hide Local Parameters" "Show/Hide Scripts Headers" "Show/Hide Control Points" "Show/Hide Link Informations" "Show/Hide Priorities" "Reset Schematic Zoom and Position" "Zoom Mode" "Script Debugger" "Trace Mode (Ctrl+T)" "Configure Breakpoints" "Breakpoints Configuration" "Add Condition" "Remove Condition" "Pick Schematic Parameter" "Edit Reference Parameter" "Pick Reference Parameter" "Go To Breakpoint" "Go To Schematic Parameter" "Go To Reference Parameter" "Schematic Parameter" "Condition" "Reference Parameter" "Operation" "Edit Condition" "Pick a parameter" "Pick Schematic Parameter in Schematic" "Pick Reference Parameter in Schematic" "Double-click on cell to edit" "Paste as Schematic Parameter" "Paste as Reference Parameter" "Please select Schematic Parameter first" "NA" "Debug context locked: " "Locked script in debug context is not active","The locked context has became active." "Locked object in debug context is not active" "\nThe locked context will not work until it becomes active in any scene." "Debug Context has become active and is now working","No scene" "Debug - " "CK frame completed","Stop, CK frame completed" "Leave behavior: <%s> left successfully","Leave behavior: <%s> no yet left" "Leave behavior error","Cannot add breakpoint on picked item","Debugging Message List" "Breakpoint on behavior <%s>","Breakpoint on link between <%s> and <%s>" "Breakpoint on parameter <%s>","------Breakpoint(s) reached list--------"," --> reached" "-----Breakpoint(s) reached list end-----","Breakpoint on message <%s>" "Trace Tools" "Debug Step" "Leave Behavior" "Add Breakpoint" "Add Breakpoint on Message" "Goto" "Max CK Frames" "Simulated FPS" "Debug Log" "Debug Context" "Current Object" "Current Script" "Current Behavior" "Breakpoints" "Redraw Schematic Only When Breakpoint Reached" "Remove Breakpoint" "Remove All" "Breakpoint List" "Debugging Message List" "Clear" "Message - Sender and Receiver" "no name" "Warning: behavior <%s> has no CKBehavior attached. You should delete it" "Warning: behavior <%s> has problems. You should delete it" "Object without CKBehavior" "Behavior without owner" "Graph %d" "In %d" " in --- " "Out %d" "Cannot add input to Building Block <%s>" "Cannot add output to Building Block <%s>" "Pin %d" "Pout %d" "Local %d" "Cannot add Parameter Input to Building block <%s>" "Cannot add Parameter Output to Building block <%s>" "Input <%s> belongs to Building block <%s> and cannot be deleted" "Output <%s> belongs to Building block <%s> and cannot be deleted" "Cannot create a local parameter value attached to Parameter Input<%s>" "Invalid link detected after minimizing behavior <%s>\nLink is between this behavior and local parameter <%s>" "Warning: while saving local parameters positions, parameter n°%d//%d <%s> has no graphical representation (it will be auto-repaired at next loading) [CK_ID=%d,script=%s,owner=%s]" "Postload Shortcut in behavior <%s>, shortcut without source" "\nError in behavior %s\nwhile creating %s\nCK parameter count = %d\nInterface parameter count = %d\n" "Local Parameter" "Shortcut Parameter" "\nWarning: in behavior %s\nFail to create %d %s\n(Resave to make this warning disappear)" "Priority = %d" "VLink::DecreaseInputIndex, Warning index<0" "VLink::DecreaseOutputIndex, Warning index<0" "PostLoad Link, behavior source not found" "PostLoad Link, behavior destination not found" "\nLoaded ckbehaviorlink without input/output" "PostLoad Link, starter not here" "PostLoad Link, event link without ck object" "\nPostLoad Link error. Assumption: try to reconstruct a graph with parameter link to shortcut" "\nParameter link without source [a target parameter]" "\nParameter link without source [a shortcut]" "\nParameter link without source [a local parameter]" "\nParameter link without source [an Parameter Input]" "\nParameter link without source [an Parameter Output]" "\nParameter link without destination [a target parameter]" "\nParameter link without destination [a shortcut]" "\nParameter link without destination [a local parameter]" "\nParameter link without destination [a Parameter Input]" "\nParameter link without destination [an Parameter Output]" "\nParameter link incompatible found" "\nIncorrect loaded link: no valid source/destination" "\nIncorrect loaded link: graphic link and ck link are not the same" "Error while loading link\n" " Owner object is <" " Parameter link invalid\n" " Event link invalid\n" " Link first parent is " " Link second parent is " "Behavior" "Script" "Operation" " found\n " "Source is " "the target parameter " "a shortcut " "the script starter " "the input n°%d" "the output n°%d" "the Parameter Input n°%d" "the Parameter Output n°%d" "a local parameter " "of" "Destination is " "Local Parameter/Shortcut without CKObject" "" "Graph Saving Error with shortcuts" "Warning, loading a graph without ckbehavior" "Starter" "Can't Load Behavior,CKError %d" "Behavior is invalid (CKBehavior does not exist)" "Building Block <%s> is invalid (no prototype guid) (DLL not here / behavior's guid has changed from the last DLL)" "Building Block <%s> is obsolete" "PostLoad shortcut: behavior with shortcut was deleted" "Graph file version is too new and not supported\nCritical Errors may appear\nDo you want to continue loading ?" "Graph file version not supported" "Can't Load Behavior Graph, Invalid file" "Warning: %d extra links found in script <%s> (owner <%s>)" "Warning: %d extra links found in behavior <%s> (owner <%s>)" "Critical error: strange object in ck behavior link list" "\n%d invalid links have been deleted\n" "\n%d invalid links have been detected and set in red\n" "Behavior correction: %d links have been reparented" "ckbehavior %s has child with incompatible class" "Sub behavior list of behavior <%s> has errors" "Parameter Input without CKParameterIn (VParamAble::TestParameterType)" "Parameter Output without CKParameterOut (VParamAble::TestParameterType)" "VParamOp::AnalyseParamOp(), CKParameterOperation is NULL" "Invalid Parameter Operation" "Comment" "none" "--Script Hidden--" "Font Creation Failed\n" "This" "Parameter Operation %s Invalid (Dll not here)" [Preferences] "General Preferences" "3D Layout - Rendering","3D Layout - Actions","3D Layout - Interface","3D Layout - Reference Guide" "3D Layout - Snap & Align","Schematic","Miscellaneous Controls" "The Render Engine will not change until you restart Virtools!" "Language","Current Prefs","Automatic Save","Save on exit" "Author Mode","Render Device","Render Type","Add Wireframe Layer","Textured" "Show Frames","Show Curves","Show World Axis","Show Lights","Show Cameras","Show Objects Axis" "Show Portals","Realtime Setup Updates" "Player Mode","Fullscreen Render Device","Render Mode","Automatic switching to FullScreen Mode" "Show All Frames","Show All Curves","Show All Lights","Show All Cameras","Show Reference Guides","Show All Portals" "Automatic show selection","Realtime setup updates every","frames" "Update Cursor In Player Mode" "Level/Scene Settings","Ambient Color","Fog Settings","Type:","Fog Start:","Fog End:" "Fog Density:","Fog Color","Background Color" "Author Level/Scene Settings","Ignore camera aspect ratio","Screen size" "Virtools Windowed","Window extents","Custom" "Actions","Objects Manipulation","Translation","Rotation","Scaling" "Camera Navigation","Rotation (Orbit)","Translation (Pan)","Zoom (Dolly/Zoom)" "Ortho Zoom (Dolly/Zoom)","Roll","Fov","Navigate" "Units","Degrees","Local Units","World Units","Sticky Mode","Constant Speed" "Orbit Action","Free Cameras Target Position" "N percent between frontplane and backplane","N units plus the frontplane","Fixed position" "Orbit around selection","only if objects selected","only if selection is locked","never" "Global","Show On-screen Debug Data","Interface Objects","Constant Size On Screen" "Snap Marker" "Setups","On Creation...","Automatic show light cone","Automatic show camera cone" "Automatic show entities in player mode","Automatic show setup","Do not open setups of the same type" "Curve Setup","View Plane Distance","View Plane Distance (Ortho)","World Settings" "World Size (Extents)","World Step (Increments)","Screen Guide" "Offset X:","Offset Y:","Step X:","Step Y:","Homogeneous Coordinates" "Guide Orientation","Free Transformation","Sections Count","Horizontal","Vertical" "Size per Section" "World Sections","Objects Axis","Meshes Vertices","Meshes Edges","Meshes Faces" "Translate Influence Radius","Rotate Step","Scale Step","Pixels","Percent" "Sprites","Screen Borders","Screen Guide","Translate Influence Size" "Schematic Options","Event Link Color","Parameter Link Color","Exported Parameter Link Color" "Parameter Operation Link Color","Valid Link Color","Invalid Link Color" "Obsolete Building Block Color","Building Block Without Prototype Color","Behavior Without CKObject Color" "Max Recent Building Block","Automatic Link","Automatic Scroll","Horizontal Scrollbar" "Vertical Scrollbar","Strict Multi-Selection","Save Scripts Snapshots","Ask for Behavior Target" "Open & Close Behavior around First Input","Auto Resize Scripts to minimum height" "Coherence Test While Moving Object","New Parameter Operation Edit Dialog" "Test Parameter Link after Loading","Remove Invalid Parameter Link after Loading" "Attach First Control Points To Moved Behavior","Search Best Path while Linking" "Behaviors' IO Aligned from Top","Behaviors' IO Aligned from Top, separated by a space" "Behaviors' IO Centered" "CK2 Settings","(Version %x)","Render Engine","Version:","Description:","Author:","Summary:" "Sound Enabled","Direct Input Enabled","Compress file using compression level:" "Sound files save options","Textures/Sprites save options","Image Quantization Quality" "External Files","Included inside CMO file" "Saved as Raw Data","Use specific format" "Very slow / Best Quality","Slow / High Quality","Average / Medium Quality","Fastest / Low Quality" [Time Settings] "Time Settings" "Frame Rate","Behavior Rate" "Free","Synchronize to Screen","Limit:","Multiply Time","Linked to Frame Rate","Minimum FPS:" [Profiler] "Profiler" "Execution Times","Interface/Windows","Rendering","Message Management","Sound Management" "Behavior Graphs Management","Behavior Code Execution" "Database","Framerate","Objects Drawn","Faces Drawn","Lines Drawn" "Behavior Code Execution Details...","Collisions Management","Parametric Operations", "IK","Floors Management","Other Code" "Behavior Details" "Iterations","Behaviors Executed","\t(Building Blocks)","Objects Executed","Links Parsed","Delayed Links" "Sort By Execution time","Refresh Totals =>" [Resources] "Virtools Resources","Building Blocks" "No Category","No Name" "Behavior Name","Apply to","T","Description","Version","Author" // here "T" stands for "Targetable" "\nHelp file\n %s\n not found!" [Setups] "Position","Orientation","Scale"," World Size" "%s Setup" // format: %s stands for the name (ex."Material Setup") "Setup" "%s Position" // ie. Target Position "Used By","Show In Player Mode","Target","Active","Color","Remove Snapshot","Load Snapshot" "(Hold shift to pick it anyway)" "Reset World Matrix","Set as Unit" "Visible Place","Through Portal","Active" "Filename","Add Attribute","Category" "Pick an entity of the same type","Change File","Add Attribute","Toggle Level/Current Scene Filter" [Light Setup] "Point","Spot","Directional","Parallel" "Specular","Influence","Range","Show Influence","Attenuation","Constant","Linear" "Quadratic","Spot Cone","Hot Spot","Fall Off","Fall Off Shape" [Curve Setup] "Guide","View Plane" "Curve type","Spline","Linear","Open","Close","Curve aspect","Step count","Fitting Coef","Curve length is:" "Modify Curve","Add Points","Insert Points","Edit Points","Delete Points","Referential" "Show curve points","Bias:","Tension:","Continuity:","Current Point","First","Prev","Next","Last" "Next Segment Is Linear","Point distance on curve is:","out of %d" [Camera Setup] "Distance from camera","to target:","Show cone","Projection Type","Perspective","Orthographic" "Aspect Ratio","Ratio:","Field of view","Focal length","Orthographic Parameter","Ortho zoom" "Clipping","Near clip","Far clip" "Normal","Extended","Widescreen","Panoramic" [3D Object Setup] "Set As Current","Remove Mesh(es)","Add Mesh","Add Body Part","Remove Body Part" "Object Meshes","Current Mesh","Character:","Use Hardware Skinning","Bones Mode" "Local","World","World View","World View Proj","Inv Local","Inv World","Inv WorldView","Inv World View Proj" "Bones Count","Max. Bones per Vertex" [Material Setup] "Ambient","Diffuse","Specular","Emissive" "Flat","Gouraud","Phong" "Point","Wireframe","Solid","Z Buffer" "Opaque","Transparent","Mask","Custom" "Never","Less","Equal","Less Equal","Greater","Not Equal","Greater Equal","Always" "Nearest","Linear","MipNearest","MipLinear","LinearMipNearest","LinearMipLinear","Anisotropic"
"Wrap","Mirror","Clamp","Border" "Decal","Modulate","DecalAlpha","ModulateAlpha","DecalMask","ModulateMask","Copy","Add","Dot Product3" "Zero","One","SrcColor","InvSrcColor","SrcAlpha","InvSrcAlpha","DestAlpha","InvDestAlpha","DestColor","InvDestColor","SrcAlphaSat" "Shade Mode","Fill Mode","Mode","Power","Both Sided","Z-Buffer Write","Z Compare Function" "Alpha","Perspective Correct","Filter Min","Filter Mag","Address Mode","Border Color" "Blend Modes","Blend","Enable","Texture Blend","Source Blend","Destination Blend" "Alpha Test","Alpha Test Function","Alpha Ref Value" [Scene Setup] "Automatic Portal", "Attach New Place","Remove Place"