- use configuration-arch-based path in MSVC to make sure generated package can be used by native MSVC project.
- add github action and corresponding build script. but not tested.
- fix some testbench code.
- remove the macros disable the warning and error of std functions in MSVC because YYCC has disable them in header.
- update console input output functions. provide CSharp-like interface for UTF8 console input output.
- console output function is done by WriteConsoleW and WriteFile.
- console input function still work in progress.
- rename console ASCII color macros
- add console ASCII color test.
- remove EnableUTF8Console because no longer needed.
- add a bunch of annotation to describe YYCC UTF8 console strategy.
- add UNICODE macro in CMakeLists.txt to order CMake generate Visual Studio solution with UNICODE charset enabled, not MBCS.
- I write a wrong CMakeLists.txt so the generated utf8 string is wrong.
- Fixed in CMakeLists.txt. But still remove all utf8 string literal heading becasue it is not compatible with my code under C++ 20 standard.
- switch to CMake build system and delete original project files because Visual Studio supports CMake project debugging.
- there is a UTF-8 bug for library after switching, but I don't know why it happends. maybe fixed in future.