update shit
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import VirtoolsReader
import VirtoolsStruct
import VTReader
import VTStruct
with open("D:\\libcmo21\\PyCmo\\Gameplay.nmo", 'rb') as fs:
composition = VirtoolsReader.ReadCKComposition(fs)
composition = VTReader.ReadCKComposition(fs)
@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
<Compile Include="PyCmoMisc.py">
<Compile Include="VirtoolsConstants.py">
<Compile Include="VTConstants.py">
<Compile Include="VirtoolsReader.py">
<Compile Include="VTReader.py">
<Compile Include="VirtoolsStruct.py">
<Compile Include="VTStruct.py">
<Compile Include="VirtoolsUtils.py">
<Compile Include="VTUtils.py">
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import functools, inspect
def OutputSizeHumanReadable(storage_size: int):
probe = storage_size
@ -30,3 +31,16 @@ def BcdCodeToDecCode(bcd_num: int):
pow *= 10
return result
def ClsMethodRegister(cls):
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
if inspect.getattr_static(cls, func.__name__, None):
msg = 'Error. method name REPEAT, {} has exist'.format(func.__name__)
raise NameError(msg)
setattr(cls, func.__name__, wrapper)
return func
return decorator
@ -1,27 +1,31 @@
import enum
class PyEnum(object):
def Contain(val: int, probe: int):
return bool(val & probe)
class CKEnum(object):
def __init__(self, val: int):
self.m_Value: int = val
def Add(val: int, data: int):
return val | data
def PrintEnum(val: int, _enum: enum.IntEnum):
for i in _enum:
def __repr__(self):
for i in self:
if i.value == val:
return i.name
return ""
return "[None]"
def PrintEnumFlag(val: int, _enum: enum.IntEnum):
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
class CKFlagEnum(CKEnum):
def Contain(self: CKFlagEnum, probe: int):
return bool(self.m_Value & probe)
def Add(self: CKFlagEnum, data: int):
self.m_Value = self.m_Value | data
def __repr__(self):
pending = []
for i in _enum:
for i in self:
# if it have exactly same entry, return directly
if i.value == val:
return i.name
@ -30,16 +34,17 @@ class PyEnum(object):
if bool(val & i.value):
return ', '.join(pending)
result = ', '.join(pending)
return result if len(result) != 9 else "[None]"
class CK_FILE_WRITEMODE(enum.IntEnum):
class CK_FILE_WRITEMODE(CKFlagEnum, enum.IntEnum):
CKFILE_UNCOMPRESSED =0 # Save data uncompressed
CKFILE_EXTERNALTEXTURES_OLD=2 # Obsolete : use CKContext::SetGlobalImagesSaveOptions instead.
CKFILE_FORVIEWER =4 # Don't save Interface Data within the file, the level won't be editable anymore in the interface
CKFILE_WHOLECOMPRESSED =8 # Compress the whole file
class CK_LOAD_FLAGS(enum.IntEnum):
class CK_LOAD_FLAGS(CKFlagEnum, enum.IntEnum):
CK_LOAD_ANIMATION =1<<0 # Load animations
CK_LOAD_GEOMETRY =1<<1 # Load geometry.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
import VTStruct, VTUtils, VTConstants
import PyCmoMisc
import struct, io, datetime, zlib
import typing
g_HeaderPacker = struct.Struct('<' + 'i' * 8)
class CKFileReader():
def ReadFileHeaders(self: VTStruct.CKFile) -> VTConstants.CKERROR:
if self.m_Parser is None:
header = VTStruct.CKFileHeader()
# check magic words
magic_words = self.m_Parser.GetReader()[0:4]
if magic_words != b'Nemo':
# read header1
if self.m_Parser.GetSize() < 0x20:
header1 = g_HeaderPacker.unpack(self.m_Parser.GetReader().read(8 * 4))
# check header1
if header1[5]: # i don't know what is this fields stands for
header1 = tuple(0 for _ in range(8))
# virtools is too old to open this file. file is too new.
if header1[4] > 9: # file version
# read header2
# file ver < 5 do not have second header
if header1[4] < 5:
header2 = tuple(0 for _ in range(8))
if self.m_Parser.GetSize() < 0x40:
header2 = g_HeaderPacker.unpack(self.m_Parser.GetReader().read(8 * 4))
# forcely reset too big product ver
if header2[5] >= 12: # product version
header2[5] = 0
header2[6] = 0x1010000 # product build
# assign value
self.m_FileInfo.ProductVersion = header2[5]
self.m_FileInfo.ProductBuild = header2[6]
self.m_FileInfo.FileWriteMode.m_Value = header1[6]
self.m_FileInfo.CKVersion = header1[3]
self.m_FileInfo.FileVersion = header1[4]
self.m_FileInfo.FileSize = self.m_Parser.GetSize()
self.m_FileInfo.ManagerCount = header2[2]
self.m_FileInfo.ObjectCount = header2[3]
self.m_FileInfo.MaxIDSaved = header2[4]
self.m_FileInfo.Hdr1PackSize = header1[7]
self.m_FileInfo.Hdr1UnPackSize = header2[7]
self.m_FileInfo.DataPackSize = header2[0]
self.m_FileInfo.DataUnPackSize = header2[1]
self.m_FileInfo.Crc = header1[2]
# process date independently
# date is in BCD code
day = PyCmoMisc.BcdCodeToDecCode((raw_date >> 24) & 0xff)
month = PyCmoMisc.BcdCodeToDecCode((raw_date >> 16) & 0xff - 1)
month = (month % 12) + 1
year = PyCmoMisc.BcdCodeToDecCode(raw_date & 0xffff)
header.Timestamp = datetime.date(year, month, day)
if header.FileVersion >= 8:
# check crc
gotten_crc = zlib.adler32(b'Nemo Fi\0', 0)
gotten_crc = zlib.adler32(struct.pack("<6I", 0, raw_date, header.FileVersion, header.FileVersion2, header.SaveFlags, header.PrewHdrPackSize), gotten_crc) # reset crc as zero
gotten_crc = zlib.adler32(struct.pack("<8I", header.DataPackSize, header.DataUnpackSize, header.ManagerCount, header.ObjectCount, header.MaxIDSaved, header.ProductVersion, header.ProductBuild, header.PrewHdrUnpackSize), gotten_crc)
gotten_crc = zlib.adler32(fs.read(header.PrewHdrPackSize), gotten_crc)
gotten_crc = zlib.adler32(fs.read(header.DataPackSize), gotten_crc)
if gotten_crc != header.Crc:
raise Exception("Crc Error")
return header
def ReadCKComposition(fs: io.BufferedReader):
composition = VTStruct.CKComposition()
composition.Header = ReadCKFileHeader(fs)
return composition
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import VTConstants, VTUtils
import PyCmoMisc
import datetime
class CKFileInfo:
def __init__(self: CKFileInfo):
self.ProductVersion: int = 0
self.ProductBuild: int = 0
self.FileWriteMode: VTConstants.CK_FILE_WRITEMODE = 0
self.FileVersion: int = 0
self.CKVersion: int = 0
self.FileSize: int = 0
self.ObjectCount: int = 0
self.ManagerCount: int = 0
self.MaxIDSaved: int = 0
self.Crc: int = 0
self.Hdr1PackSize: int = 0
self.Hdr1UnPackSize: int = 0
self.DataPackSize: int = 0
self.DataUnpackSize: int = 0
def GetProductBuildTuple(self: CKFileInfo) -> tuple[int]:
return (
(self.ProductBuild >> 24) & 0xff,
(self.ProductBuild >> 16) & 0xff,
(self.ProductBuild >> 8) & 0xff,
self.ProductBuild & 0xff
def __repr__(self: CKFileInfo) -> str:
return f"""Version (File / CK): {self.FileVersion:08X} / {self.CKVersion:08X}
Product (Version / Build): {self.ProductVersion:d} / {'.0'.join(self.GetProductBuildTuple())}
Save Flags: {self.SaveFlags}
File Size: {PyCmoMisc.OutputSizeHumanReadable(self.FileSize)}
Crc: 0x{self.Crc:08X}
Preview Header (Pack / Unpack): {PyCmoMisc.OutputSizeHumanReadable(self.PrewHdrPackSize)} / {PyCmoMisc.OutputSizeHumanReadable(self.PrewHdrUnpackSize)}
Data (Pack / Unpack): {PyCmoMisc.OutputSizeHumanReadable(self.DataPackSize)} / {PyCmoMisc.OutputSizeHumanReadable(self.DataUnpackSize)}
Manager Count: {self.ManagerCount:d}
Object Count: {self.ObjectCount:d}
Max ID Saved: {self.MaxIDSaved:d}
class CKFile(object):
def __init__(self):
self.m_FileName: str = ''
self.m_FileInfo: CKFileInfo = CKFileInfo()
self.m_Parser: VTUtils.UniversalFileReader = None
def __repr__(self: CKFile) -> str:
return self.m_FileInfo
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
import PyCmoMisc
import zlib, io, mmap, os
import typing
class RawFileReader():
def __init__(self, filename: str):
self.__size: int = os.path.getsize(filename)
self.__fs = open(filename, 'rb')
self.__mm: mmap.mmap = mmap.mmap(self.__fs.fileno, 0, access = mmap.ACCESS_READ)
def __del__(self):
del self.__mm
del self.__fs
def GetSize(self) -> int:
return self.__size
def GetReader(self) -> mmap.mmap:
return self.__mm
class LargeZlibFileReader():
def __init__(self, raw_reader: RawFileReader, comp_size: int, uncomp_size: int):
# set size
self.__size: int = uncomp_size
# create mmap
self.__mm: mmap.mmap = mmap.mmap(-1, -1, access = mmap.ACCESS_WRITE)
# decompress data
reader = raw_reader.GetReader()
parser: zlib._Decompress = zlib.decompressobj()
buf = reader.read(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
while buf:
buf = reader.read(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
def __del__(self):
del self.__mm
def GetSize(self) -> int:
return self.__size
def GetReader(self) -> mmap.mmap:
return self.__mm
class SmallZlibFileReader():
def __init__(self):
# create io
self.__ss: io.BytesIO = io.BytesIO()
# decompress data
reader = raw_reader.GetReader()
parser: zlib._Decompress = zlib.decompressobj()
buf = reader.read(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
while buf:
buf = reader.read(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
def __del__(self):
del self.__ss
def GetSize(self) -> int:
return len(self.__ss.getvalue())
def GetReader(self) -> io.BytesIO:
return self.__ss
UniversalFileReader = typing.Union[RawFileReader, LargeZlibFileReader, SmallZlibFileReader]
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
import VirtoolsStruct
import VirtoolsUtils
import PyCmoMisc
import struct, io, datetime, zlib
g_dword = struct.Struct("<I")
def ReadCKFileHeader(fs: io.BufferedReader):
header = VirtoolsStruct.CKFileHeader()
# check magic words
magic_words = fs.read(8)
if magic_words != b'Nemo Fi\0':
raise Exception("Fail to read file header magic words")
header.Signature = magic_words
# assign data
(header.Crc, raw_date, header.FileVersion, header.FileVersion2, header.SaveFlags, header.PrewHdrPackSize,
header.DataPackSize, header.DataUnpackSize, header.ManagerCount, header.ObjectCount, header.MaxIDSaved,
header.ProductVersion, header.ProductBuild, header.PrewHdrUnpackSize) = struct.unpack("<14I", fs.read(14 * 4))
# process date independently
# date is in BCD code
day = PyCmoMisc.BcdCodeToDecCode((raw_date >> 24) & 0xff)
month = PyCmoMisc.BcdCodeToDecCode((raw_date >> 16) & 0xff - 1)
month = (month % 12) + 1
year = PyCmoMisc.BcdCodeToDecCode(raw_date & 0xffff)
header.Timestamp = datetime.date(year, month, day)
if header.FileVersion >= 8:
# check crc
gotten_crc = zlib.adler32(b'Nemo Fi\0', 0)
gotten_crc = zlib.adler32(struct.pack("<6I", 0, raw_date, header.FileVersion, header.FileVersion2, header.SaveFlags, header.PrewHdrPackSize), gotten_crc) # reset crc as zero
gotten_crc = zlib.adler32(struct.pack("<8I", header.DataPackSize, header.DataUnpackSize, header.ManagerCount, header.ObjectCount, header.MaxIDSaved, header.ProductVersion, header.ProductBuild, header.PrewHdrUnpackSize), gotten_crc)
gotten_crc = zlib.adler32(fs.read(header.PrewHdrPackSize), gotten_crc)
gotten_crc = zlib.adler32(fs.read(header.DataPackSize), gotten_crc)
if gotten_crc != header.Crc:
raise Exception("Crc Error")
return header
def ReadCKComposition(fs: io.BufferedReader):
composition = VirtoolsStruct.CKComposition()
composition.Header = ReadCKFileHeader(fs)
return composition
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
import VirtoolsConstants
import datetime
import PyCmoMisc
class CKFileHeader:
def __init__(self):
self.Signature: bytes = b'Nemo Fi\0'
self.Crc: int = 0
self.Timestamp: datetime.date = datetime.date.today()
self.FileVersion: int = 0
self.FileVersion2: int = 0
self.SaveFlags: int = 0
self.PrewHdrPackSize: int = 0
self.DataPackSize: int = 0
self.DataUnpackSize: int = 0
self.ManagerCount: int = 0
self.ObjectCount: int = 0
self.MaxIDSaved: int = 0
self.ProductVersion: int = 0
self.ProductBuild: int = 0
self.PrewHdrUnpackSize: int = 0
def __str__(self):
return f"""File Version: {self.FileVersion:d} / {self.FileVersion2:d}
Production (Version / Build): {self.ProductVersion:d} / {(self.ProductBuild >> 24) & 0xff:d}.{(self.ProductBuild >> 16) & 0xff:d}.{(self.ProductBuild >> 8) & 0xff:d}.{self.ProductBuild & 0xff:d}
Crc: 0x{self.Crc:08X}
Timestamp: {str(self.Timestamp)}
Save Flags: {VirtoolsConstants.PyEnum.PrintEnumFlag(self.SaveFlags, VirtoolsConstants.CK_FILE_WRITEMODE)}
Preview Header (Pack / Unpack): {PyCmoMisc.OutputSizeHumanReadable(self.PrewHdrPackSize)} / {PyCmoMisc.OutputSizeHumanReadable(self.PrewHdrUnpackSize)}
Data (Pack / Unpack): {PyCmoMisc.OutputSizeHumanReadable(self.DataPackSize)} / {PyCmoMisc.OutputSizeHumanReadable(self.DataUnpackSize)}
Manager Count: {self.ManagerCount:d}
Object Count: {self.ObjectCount:d}
Max ID Saved: {self.MaxIDSaved:d}
class CKComposition(object):
def __init__(self):
self.Header: CKFileHeader = None
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
import zlib
import io
class ZlibDecompressBuffer(object):
def __init__(self, _fs: io.BufferedReader, _len: int, _is_compressed: bool):
self.__fs: io.BufferedReader = _fs
self.__len: int = _len
self.__compressed: bool = _is_compressed
self.__pos: int = 0
self.__parser: zlib._Decompress = zlib.decompressobj()
self.__cache: bytes = b''
self.__cachelen: int = 0
def __ParseOnce(self) -> bytes:
# check remain
remain: int = self.__len - self.__pos
if remain <= 0:
return None
# read it and increase pos
read_count: int = min(remain, 1024)
gotten_uncompressed: bytes = self.__parser.decompress(self.__fs.read(read_count))
self.__pos += read_count
# everything has done, no more data, flush it and get it remained data
if self.__pos >= self.__len:
gotten_uncompressed += self.__parser.flush()
return gotten_uncompressed
def Read(self, expected: int):
# try enrich cache
while self.__cachelen < expected:
new_data = self.__ParseOnce()
if new_data is None:
# no more data
raise Exception("No more data.")
self.__cache += new_data
self.__cachelen += len(new_data)
# change data
returned_data = self.__cache[:expected]
self.__cache = self.__cache[expected:]
self.__cachelen -= expected
return returned_data
Reference in New Issue
Block a user