split the implement of CKStateChunk because code is too much
This commit is contained in:
@ -502,539 +502,4 @@ namespace LibCmo::CK2 {
#pragma endregion
#pragma region Read Functions
void CKStateChunk::StartRead(void) {
if (this->m_Parser.m_Status != CKStateChunkStatus::IDLE) return;
this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos = 0u;
this->m_Parser.m_DataSize = this->m_DataDwSize;
this->m_Parser.m_PrevIdentifierPos = 0u;
this->m_Parser.m_Status = CKStateChunkStatus::READ;
void CKStateChunk::StopRead(void) {
if (this->m_Parser.m_Status != CKStateChunkStatus::READ) return;
this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos = 0u;
this->m_Parser.m_DataSize = this->m_DataDwSize;
this->m_Parser.m_PrevIdentifierPos = 0u;
this->m_Parser.m_Status = CKStateChunkStatus::IDLE;
/* ========== Identifier Functions ==========*/
bool CKStateChunk::SeekIdentifierDword(CKDWORD identifier) {
CKDWORD cache;
return SeekIdentifierDwordAndReturnSize(identifier, &cache);
bool CKStateChunk::SeekIdentifierDwordAndReturnSize(CKDWORD identifier, CKDWORD* out_size) {
if (this->m_Parser.m_Status != CKStateChunkStatus::READ) return false;
CKDWORD pos = 0u;
if (this->m_DataDwSize < 2u) return false; // impossible to have a identifier
// search identifier
while (this->m_pData[pos] != identifier) {
pos = this->m_pData[pos + 1];
if (pos == 0u) return false; // got tail. no more identifier
if (pos + 1 >= this->m_DataDwSize) return false; // out of buffer
// got identifier
this->m_Parser.m_PrevIdentifierPos = pos;
this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos = pos + 2;
// calc size
CKDWORD nextptr = this->m_pData[pos + 1];
if (nextptr == 0) {
// the last identifier, use chunk size instead
nextptr = this->m_DataDwSize;
*out_size = CKSizeof(CKDWORD) * (nextptr - pos - 2u);
return true;
bool CKStateChunk::LockReadBuffer(const void** ppData, CKDWORD size_in_byte) {
// check arguments
if (*ppData == nullptr) return false;
*ppData = nullptr;
// check self status
if (this->m_Parser.m_Status != CKStateChunkStatus::READ) return false;
// get corresponding size
CKDWORD size_in_dword = this->GetCeilDwordSize(size_in_byte);
// ensure space
if (this->EnsureReadSpace(size_in_dword)) {
*ppData = this->m_pData + this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos;
return true;
} else {
// failed, report to context
m_BindContext->OutputToConsoleEx("CKStateChunk::LockReadBuffer at buffer pos %" PRIuCKDWORD ".", this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos);
return false;
bool CKStateChunk::UnLockReadBuffer(CKDWORD size_in_byte) {
// check self status
if (this->m_Parser.m_Status != CKStateChunkStatus::READ) return false;
// get corresponding size
CKDWORD size_in_dword = this->GetCeilDwordSize(size_in_byte);
// ensure space
if (this->EnsureReadSpace(size_in_dword)) {
this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos += size_in_dword;
return true;
} else {
// failed, report to context
m_BindContext->OutputToConsoleEx("CKStateChunk::UnLockReadBuffer at buffer pos %" PRIuCKDWORD ".", this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos);
return false;
CKStateChunk::LockedReadBuffer_t CKStateChunk::LockReadBufferWrapper(CKDWORD size_in_byte) {
const void* pData;
bool ret = LockReadBuffer(&pData, size_in_byte);
if (ret) {
return LockedReadBuffer_t(pData, LockedReadBufferDeleter(this, size_in_byte));
} else {
return LockedReadBuffer_t();
/* ========== Basic Data Read Functions ==========*/
bool CKStateChunk::ReadByteData(void* data_ptr, CKDWORD size_in_byte) {
if (data_ptr == nullptr) return false;
const void* pData;
bool ret = LockReadBuffer(&pData, size_in_byte);
if (ret) {
std::memcpy(data_ptr, pData, size_in_byte);
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool CKStateChunk::ReadString(XContainer::XString* strl) {
if (strl == nullptr) return false;
// get byte based size
CKDWORD strByteSize = 0u;
if (!this->ReadStruct(strByteSize)) {
return false;
// read data
XContainer::XString cache;
if (!this->ReadByteData(cache.data(), strByteSize)) {
return false;
// convert encoding
m_BindContext->GetUtf8String(cache, *strl);
return true;
/* ========== Complex Data Read Functions ==========*/
bool CKStateChunk::ReadObjectID(CK_ID* id) {
if (id == nullptr) return false;
// get basic value
CKINT gotten_id = 0;
if (!this->ReadStruct(gotten_id)) return false;
// different strategy according to chunk ver
// new file
// if no doc associated, return directly
if (this->m_BindFile == nullptr) {
*id = static_cast<CK_ID>(gotten_id);
return true;
// if it is positive, return corresponding value
if (gotten_id >= 0) {
*id = this->m_BindFile->GetFileObjectByIndex(gotten_id)->CreatedObjectId;
return true;
} else {
// old file
// i don't know why I need skip 2 DWORD
// just copy IDA code.
if (gotten_id) {
return this->ReadStruct(id);
// all failed
*id = 0u;
return false;
bool CKStateChunk::ReadManagerInt(CKGUID* guid, CKINT* intval) {
if (guid == nullptr || intval == nullptr) return false;
// read guid first
if (!this->ReadStruct(guid)) return false;
// then read int value
if (!this->ReadStruct(intval)) return false;
return true;
CKStateChunk* CKStateChunk::ReadSubChunk(void) {
CKStateChunk* subchunk = nullptr;
// get size and do a enough space check
CKDWORD subChunkSize;
if (!this->ReadStruct(subChunkSize)) goto subchunk_defer;
if (!this->EnsureReadSpace(subChunkSize)) goto subchunk_defer;
// create statechunk
subchunk = new CKStateChunk(this->m_BindFile, this->m_BindContext);
// start read data
// read class id
if (!this->ReadStruct(subchunk->m_ClassId)) goto subchunk_defer;
// different read strategy by chunk version
// new file
// read combined version
CKDWORD versionInfo;
if (!this->ReadStruct(versionInfo)) goto subchunk_defer;
subchunk->m_DataVersion = static_cast<CK_STATECHUNK_DATAVERSION>(versionInfo & 0xffff);
subchunk->m_ChunkVersion = static_cast<CK_STATECHUNK_CHUNKVERSION>((versionInfo >> 16) & 0xffff);
// read data size and create it
if (!this->ReadStruct(subchunk->m_DataDwSize)) goto subchunk_defer;
subchunk->m_pData = new CKDWORD[subchunk->m_DataDwSize];
// has bind file?
CKDWORD hasBindFile;
if (!this->ReadStruct(hasBindFile)) goto subchunk_defer;
if (hasBindFile == 1) subchunk->m_BindFile = nullptr;
// 3 list size
// manager only existed when ver > 4
CKDWORD lssize;
if (!this->ReadStruct(lssize)) goto subchunk_defer;
if (!this->ReadStruct(lssize)) goto subchunk_defer;
if (!this->ReadStruct(lssize)) goto subchunk_defer;
// core data
if (subchunk->m_DataDwSize != 0) {
if (!this->ReadByteData(subchunk->m_pData, subchunk->m_DataDwSize * CKSizeof(CKDWORD))) goto subchunk_defer;
// 3 list data
if (!subchunk->m_ObjectList.empty()) {
if (!this->ReadByteData(
static_cast<CKDWORD>(subchunk->m_ObjectList.size()) * CKSizeof(CKDWORD)
)) goto subchunk_defer;
if (!subchunk->m_ChunkList.empty()) {
if (!this->ReadByteData(
static_cast<CKDWORD>(subchunk->m_ChunkList.size()) * CKSizeof(CKDWORD)
)) goto subchunk_defer;
if (!subchunk->m_ManagerList.empty()) {
if (!this->ReadByteData(
static_cast<CKDWORD>(subchunk->m_ManagerList.size()) * CKSizeof(CKDWORD)
)) goto subchunk_defer;
} else {
// old file
// read data size and create it
if (!this->ReadStruct(subchunk->m_DataDwSize)) goto subchunk_defer;
subchunk->m_pData = new CKDWORD[subchunk->m_DataDwSize];
// skip one?
// I don't know why
// read core buf
if (!this->ReadByteData(subchunk->m_pData, subchunk->m_DataDwSize * CKSizeof(CKDWORD))) goto subchunk_defer;
return subchunk;
if (subchunk != nullptr) delete subchunk;
return nullptr;
/* ========== Buffer Functions ==========*/
bool CKStateChunk::ReadNoSizeBuffer(CKDWORD size_in_byte, void* allocatedBuf) {
if (allocatedBuf == nullptr) return false;
return this->ReadByteData(allocatedBuf, size_in_byte);
bool CKStateChunk::ReadBuffer(void** buf, CKDWORD* len_in_byte) {
if (buf == nullptr || len_in_byte == nullptr) return false;
// get buffer size.
CKDWORD bufByteSize = 0u;
if (!this->ReadStruct(bufByteSize)) {
*buf = nullptr;
*len_in_byte = 0;
return false;
*len_in_byte = bufByteSize;
// special treat for zero length buffer
if (bufByteSize == 0) {
*buf = nullptr;
return true;
// create buffer
*buf = new CKBYTE[bufByteSize];
// read data
if (!this->ReadByteData(*buf, bufByteSize)) {
*buf = nullptr;
*len_in_byte = 0;
return false;
return true;
void CKStateChunk::DeleteBuffer(const void* buf) {
if (buf == nullptr) return;
delete[] reinterpret_cast<const CKBYTE*>(buf);
CKStateChunk::Buffer_t CKStateChunk::ReadBufferWrapper() {
void* bufcache = nullptr;
CKDWORD len_in_byte;
bool ret = ReadBuffer(&bufcache, &len_in_byte);
if (ret) {
return Buffer_t(bufcache, BufferDeleter(this, len_in_byte));
} else {
return Buffer_t();
/* ========== Sequence Functions ==========*/
bool CKStateChunk::ReadObjectIDSequence(XContainer::XArray<CK_ID>* ls) {
if (ls == nullptr) return false;
// read count
CKDWORD count;
if (!this->ReadStruct(count)) return false;
// resize list and read it
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (!this->ReadObjectID(ls->data() + i)) {
return false;
return true;
bool CKStateChunk::ReadManagerIntSequence(CKGUID* guid, XContainer::XArray<CKINT>* ls) {
if (guid == nullptr || ls == nullptr) return false;
// read count
CKDWORD count;
if (!this->ReadStruct(count)) return false;
// read guid
if (!this->ReadStruct(guid)) return false;
// resize list and read it
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (!this->ReadStruct(ls->data() + i)) {
return false;
return true;
bool CKStateChunk::ReadSubChunkSequence(XContainer::XArray<CKStateChunk*>* ls) {
if (ls == nullptr) return false;
// clear first
for (auto& item : *ls) {
if (item != nullptr)
delete (item);
// read count
CKDWORD count;
if (!this->ReadStruct(count)) return false;
// resize list and read it
ls->resize(count, nullptr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
(*ls)[i] = this->ReadSubChunk();
if ((*ls)[i] == nullptr) {
// fail. remove all created statechunk and clear it
for (auto& item : *ls) {
if (item != nullptr)
delete (item);
// return
return false;
return true;
bool CKStateChunk::ReadXObjectArray(XContainer::XObjectArray* ls) {
if (ls == nullptr) return false;
// read count
CKDWORD count;
if (!this->ReadStruct(count)) return false;
if (count == 0) return true; // 0 size array
// old file size correction
bool old_file = this->m_ChunkVersion < CK_STATECHUNK_CHUNKVERSION::CHUNK_VERSION1;
if (old_file) {
// skip 4. but I don't know why!!!
if (!this->ReadStruct(count)) return false;
// resize list and read
for (auto& id : *ls) {
// read ID first
CKINT cache;
if (!this->ReadStruct(cache)) {
return false;
// in old file or no bind file, the read data directly is CK_ID.
// in new file or has bind file, the read data is the index in FileObjects
if (old_file || this->m_BindFile == nullptr) {
id = static_cast<CK_ID>(cache);
} else {
if (cache < 0) id = 0;
else id = this->m_BindFile->GetFileObjectByIndex(cache)->CreatedObjectId;
return true;
bool CKStateChunk::ReadXObjectPointerArray(XContainer::XObjectPointerArray* ls) {
if (ls == nullptr) return false;
// very very similar to ReadXObjectArray
// we execute it first.
XContainer::XObjectArray idarr;
if (!ReadXObjectArray(idarr)) return false;
// then convert it to pointer list
for (size_t i = 0; i < idarr.size(); ++i) {
(*ls)[i] = m_BindContext->GetObject(idarr[i]);
return true;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region Write Functions
void CKStateChunk::StartWrite() {
if (this->m_Parser.m_Status != CKStateChunkStatus::IDLE) return;
// delete all current buffer
if (this->m_pData != nullptr) {
delete[] this->m_pData;
this->m_pData = nullptr;
this->m_DataDwSize = 0u;
// reset parser
this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos = 0u;
this->m_Parser.m_DataSize = this->m_DataDwSize;
this->m_Parser.m_PrevIdentifierPos = 0u;
// force chunk version
// switch status
this->m_Parser.m_Status = CKStateChunkStatus::WRITE;
void CKStateChunk::StopWrite(void) {
if (this->m_Parser.m_Status != CKStateChunkStatus::WRITE) return;
// update buffer size
this->m_DataDwSize = this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos;
// shrink it
// shrink 3 vector also
// reset parser
this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos = 0u;
this->m_Parser.m_DataSize = this->m_DataDwSize;
this->m_Parser.m_PrevIdentifierPos = 0u;
this->m_Parser.m_Status = CKStateChunkStatus::IDLE;
bool CKStateChunk::LockWriteBuffer(const void** ppData, CKDWORD size_in_byte) {
return false;
bool CKStateChunk::UnLockWriteBuffer(CKDWORD size_in_byte) {
return false;
CKStateChunk::LockedWriteBuffer_t CKStateChunk::LockWriteBufferWrapper(CKDWORD size_in_byte) {
return LockedWriteBuffer_t();
#pragma endregion
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
#include "CKStateChunk.hpp"
#include "CKFile.hpp"
#include "CKContext.hpp"
namespace LibCmo::CK2 {
void CKStateChunk::StartRead(void) {
if (this->m_Parser.m_Status != CKStateChunkStatus::IDLE) return;
this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos = 0u;
this->m_Parser.m_DataSize = this->m_DataDwSize;
this->m_Parser.m_PrevIdentifierPos = 0u;
this->m_Parser.m_Status = CKStateChunkStatus::READ;
void CKStateChunk::StopRead(void) {
if (this->m_Parser.m_Status != CKStateChunkStatus::READ) return;
this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos = 0u;
this->m_Parser.m_DataSize = this->m_DataDwSize;
this->m_Parser.m_PrevIdentifierPos = 0u;
this->m_Parser.m_Status = CKStateChunkStatus::IDLE;
/* ========== Identifier Functions ==========*/
bool CKStateChunk::SeekIdentifierDword(CKDWORD identifier) {
CKDWORD cache;
return SeekIdentifierDwordAndReturnSize(identifier, &cache);
bool CKStateChunk::SeekIdentifierDwordAndReturnSize(CKDWORD identifier, CKDWORD* out_size) {
if (this->m_Parser.m_Status != CKStateChunkStatus::READ) return false;
CKDWORD pos = 0u;
if (this->m_DataDwSize < 2u) return false; // impossible to have a identifier
// search identifier
while (this->m_pData[pos] != identifier) {
pos = this->m_pData[pos + 1];
if (pos == 0u) return false; // got tail. no more identifier
if (pos + 1 >= this->m_DataDwSize) return false; // out of buffer
// got identifier
this->m_Parser.m_PrevIdentifierPos = pos;
this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos = pos + 2;
// calc size
CKDWORD nextptr = this->m_pData[pos + 1];
if (nextptr == 0) {
// the last identifier, use chunk size instead
nextptr = this->m_DataDwSize;
*out_size = CKSizeof(CKDWORD) * (nextptr - pos - 2u);
return true;
bool CKStateChunk::LockReadBuffer(const void** ppData, CKDWORD size_in_byte) {
// check arguments
if (*ppData == nullptr) return false;
*ppData = nullptr;
// check self status
if (this->m_Parser.m_Status != CKStateChunkStatus::READ) return false;
// get corresponding size
CKDWORD size_in_dword = this->GetCeilDwordSize(size_in_byte);
// ensure space
if (this->EnsureReadSpace(size_in_dword)) {
*ppData = this->m_pData + this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos;
return true;
} else {
// failed, report to context
m_BindContext->OutputToConsoleEx("CKStateChunk::LockReadBuffer at buffer pos %" PRIuCKDWORD ".", this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos);
return false;
bool CKStateChunk::UnLockReadBuffer(CKDWORD size_in_byte) {
// check self status
if (this->m_Parser.m_Status != CKStateChunkStatus::READ) return false;
// get corresponding size
CKDWORD size_in_dword = this->GetCeilDwordSize(size_in_byte);
// ensure space
if (this->EnsureReadSpace(size_in_dword)) {
this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos += size_in_dword;
return true;
} else {
// failed, report to context
m_BindContext->OutputToConsoleEx("CKStateChunk::UnLockReadBuffer at buffer pos %" PRIuCKDWORD ".", this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos);
return false;
CKStateChunk::LockedReadBuffer_t CKStateChunk::LockReadBufferWrapper(CKDWORD size_in_byte) {
const void* pData;
bool ret = LockReadBuffer(&pData, size_in_byte);
if (ret) {
return LockedReadBuffer_t(pData, LockedReadBufferDeleter(this, size_in_byte));
} else {
return LockedReadBuffer_t();
/* ========== Basic Data Read Functions ==========*/
bool CKStateChunk::ReadByteData(void* data_ptr, CKDWORD size_in_byte) {
if (data_ptr == nullptr) return false;
const void* pData;
bool ret = LockReadBuffer(&pData, size_in_byte);
if (ret) {
std::memcpy(data_ptr, pData, size_in_byte);
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool CKStateChunk::ReadString(XContainer::XString* strl) {
if (strl == nullptr) return false;
// get byte based size
CKDWORD strByteSize = 0u;
if (!this->ReadStruct(strByteSize)) {
return false;
// read data
XContainer::XString cache;
if (!this->ReadByteData(cache.data(), strByteSize)) {
return false;
// convert encoding
m_BindContext->GetUtf8String(cache, *strl);
return true;
/* ========== Complex Data Read Functions ==========*/
bool CKStateChunk::ReadObjectID(CK_ID* id) {
if (id == nullptr) return false;
// get basic value
CKINT gotten_id = 0;
if (!this->ReadStruct(gotten_id)) return false;
// different strategy according to chunk ver
// new file
// if no doc associated, return directly
if (this->m_BindFile == nullptr) {
*id = static_cast<CK_ID>(gotten_id);
return true;
// if it is positive, return corresponding value
if (gotten_id >= 0) {
*id = this->m_BindFile->GetFileObjectByIndex(gotten_id)->CreatedObjectId;
return true;
} else {
// old file
// i don't know why I need skip 2 DWORD
// just copy IDA code.
if (gotten_id) {
return this->ReadStruct(id);
// all failed
*id = 0u;
return false;
bool CKStateChunk::ReadManagerInt(CKGUID* guid, CKINT* intval) {
if (guid == nullptr || intval == nullptr) return false;
// read guid first
if (!this->ReadStruct(guid)) return false;
// then read int value
if (!this->ReadStruct(intval)) return false;
return true;
CKStateChunk* CKStateChunk::ReadSubChunk(void) {
CKStateChunk* subchunk = nullptr;
// get size and do a enough space check
CKDWORD subChunkSize;
if (!this->ReadStruct(subChunkSize)) goto subchunk_defer;
if (!this->EnsureReadSpace(subChunkSize)) goto subchunk_defer;
// create statechunk
subchunk = new CKStateChunk(this->m_BindFile, this->m_BindContext);
// start read data
// read class id
if (!this->ReadStruct(subchunk->m_ClassId)) goto subchunk_defer;
// different read strategy by chunk version
// new file
// read combined version
CKDWORD versionInfo;
if (!this->ReadStruct(versionInfo)) goto subchunk_defer;
subchunk->m_DataVersion = static_cast<CK_STATECHUNK_DATAVERSION>(versionInfo & 0xffff);
subchunk->m_ChunkVersion = static_cast<CK_STATECHUNK_CHUNKVERSION>((versionInfo >> 16) & 0xffff);
// read data size and create it
if (!this->ReadStruct(subchunk->m_DataDwSize)) goto subchunk_defer;
subchunk->m_pData = new CKDWORD[subchunk->m_DataDwSize];
// has bind file?
CKDWORD hasBindFile;
if (!this->ReadStruct(hasBindFile)) goto subchunk_defer;
if (hasBindFile == 1) subchunk->m_BindFile = nullptr;
// 3 list size
// manager only existed when ver > 4
CKDWORD lssize;
if (!this->ReadStruct(lssize)) goto subchunk_defer;
if (!this->ReadStruct(lssize)) goto subchunk_defer;
if (!this->ReadStruct(lssize)) goto subchunk_defer;
// core data
if (subchunk->m_DataDwSize != 0) {
if (!this->ReadByteData(subchunk->m_pData, subchunk->m_DataDwSize * CKSizeof(CKDWORD))) goto subchunk_defer;
// 3 list data
if (!subchunk->m_ObjectList.empty()) {
if (!this->ReadByteData(
static_cast<CKDWORD>(subchunk->m_ObjectList.size()) * CKSizeof(CKDWORD)
)) goto subchunk_defer;
if (!subchunk->m_ChunkList.empty()) {
if (!this->ReadByteData(
static_cast<CKDWORD>(subchunk->m_ChunkList.size()) * CKSizeof(CKDWORD)
)) goto subchunk_defer;
if (!subchunk->m_ManagerList.empty()) {
if (!this->ReadByteData(
static_cast<CKDWORD>(subchunk->m_ManagerList.size()) * CKSizeof(CKDWORD)
)) goto subchunk_defer;
} else {
// old file
// read data size and create it
if (!this->ReadStruct(subchunk->m_DataDwSize)) goto subchunk_defer;
subchunk->m_pData = new CKDWORD[subchunk->m_DataDwSize];
// skip one?
// I don't know why
// read core buf
if (!this->ReadByteData(subchunk->m_pData, subchunk->m_DataDwSize * CKSizeof(CKDWORD))) goto subchunk_defer;
return subchunk;
if (subchunk != nullptr) delete subchunk;
return nullptr;
/* ========== Buffer Functions ==========*/
bool CKStateChunk::ReadNoSizeBuffer(CKDWORD size_in_byte, void* allocatedBuf) {
if (allocatedBuf == nullptr) return false;
return this->ReadByteData(allocatedBuf, size_in_byte);
bool CKStateChunk::ReadBuffer(void** buf, CKDWORD* len_in_byte) {
if (buf == nullptr || len_in_byte == nullptr) return false;
// get buffer size.
CKDWORD bufByteSize = 0u;
if (!this->ReadStruct(bufByteSize)) {
*buf = nullptr;
*len_in_byte = 0;
return false;
*len_in_byte = bufByteSize;
// special treat for zero length buffer
if (bufByteSize == 0) {
*buf = nullptr;
return true;
// create buffer
*buf = new CKBYTE[bufByteSize];
// read data
if (!this->ReadByteData(*buf, bufByteSize)) {
*buf = nullptr;
*len_in_byte = 0;
return false;
return true;
void CKStateChunk::DeleteBuffer(const void* buf) {
if (buf == nullptr) return;
delete[] reinterpret_cast<const CKBYTE*>(buf);
CKStateChunk::Buffer_t CKStateChunk::ReadBufferWrapper() {
void* bufcache = nullptr;
CKDWORD len_in_byte;
bool ret = ReadBuffer(&bufcache, &len_in_byte);
if (ret) {
return Buffer_t(bufcache, BufferDeleter(this, len_in_byte));
} else {
return Buffer_t();
/* ========== Sequence Functions ==========*/
bool CKStateChunk::ReadObjectIDSequence(XContainer::XArray<CK_ID>* ls) {
if (ls == nullptr) return false;
// read count
CKDWORD count;
if (!this->ReadStruct(count)) return false;
// resize list and read it
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (!this->ReadObjectID(ls->data() + i)) {
return false;
return true;
bool CKStateChunk::ReadManagerIntSequence(CKGUID* guid, XContainer::XArray<CKINT>* ls) {
if (guid == nullptr || ls == nullptr) return false;
// read count
CKDWORD count;
if (!this->ReadStruct(count)) return false;
// read guid
if (!this->ReadStruct(guid)) return false;
// resize list and read it
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (!this->ReadStruct(ls->data() + i)) {
return false;
return true;
bool CKStateChunk::ReadSubChunkSequence(XContainer::XArray<CKStateChunk*>* ls) {
if (ls == nullptr) return false;
// clear first
for (auto& item : *ls) {
if (item != nullptr)
delete (item);
// read count
CKDWORD count;
if (!this->ReadStruct(count)) return false;
// resize list and read it
ls->resize(count, nullptr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
(*ls)[i] = this->ReadSubChunk();
if ((*ls)[i] == nullptr) {
// fail. remove all created statechunk and clear it
for (auto& item : *ls) {
if (item != nullptr)
delete (item);
// return
return false;
return true;
bool CKStateChunk::ReadXObjectArray(XContainer::XObjectArray* ls) {
if (ls == nullptr) return false;
// read count
CKDWORD count;
if (!this->ReadStruct(count)) return false;
if (count == 0) return true; // 0 size array
// old file size correction
bool old_file = this->m_ChunkVersion < CK_STATECHUNK_CHUNKVERSION::CHUNK_VERSION1;
if (old_file) {
// skip 4. but I don't know why!!!
if (!this->ReadStruct(count)) return false;
// resize list and read
for (auto& id : *ls) {
// read ID first
CKINT cache;
if (!this->ReadStruct(cache)) {
return false;
// in old file or no bind file, the read data directly is CK_ID.
// in new file or has bind file, the read data is the index in FileObjects
if (old_file || this->m_BindFile == nullptr) {
id = static_cast<CK_ID>(cache);
} else {
if (cache < 0) id = 0;
else id = this->m_BindFile->GetFileObjectByIndex(cache)->CreatedObjectId;
return true;
bool CKStateChunk::ReadXObjectPointerArray(XContainer::XObjectPointerArray* ls) {
if (ls == nullptr) return false;
// very very similar to ReadXObjectArray
// we execute it first.
XContainer::XObjectArray idarr;
if (!ReadXObjectArray(idarr)) return false;
// then convert it to pointer list
for (size_t i = 0; i < idarr.size(); ++i) {
(*ls)[i] = m_BindContext->GetObject(idarr[i]);
return true;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
#include "CKStateChunk.hpp"
#include "CKFile.hpp"
#include "CKContext.hpp"
namespace LibCmo::CK2 {
void CKStateChunk::StartWrite() {
if (this->m_Parser.m_Status != CKStateChunkStatus::IDLE) return;
// delete all current buffer
if (this->m_pData != nullptr) {
delete[] this->m_pData;
this->m_pData = nullptr;
this->m_DataDwSize = 0u;
// reset parser
this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos = 0u;
this->m_Parser.m_DataSize = this->m_DataDwSize;
this->m_Parser.m_PrevIdentifierPos = 0u;
// force chunk version
// switch status
this->m_Parser.m_Status = CKStateChunkStatus::WRITE;
void CKStateChunk::StopWrite(void) {
if (this->m_Parser.m_Status != CKStateChunkStatus::WRITE) return;
// update buffer size
this->m_DataDwSize = this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos;
// shrink it
// shrink 3 vector also
// reset parser
this->m_Parser.m_CurrentPos = 0u;
this->m_Parser.m_DataSize = this->m_DataDwSize;
this->m_Parser.m_PrevIdentifierPos = 0u;
this->m_Parser.m_Status = CKStateChunkStatus::IDLE;
bool CKStateChunk::LockWriteBuffer(const void** ppData, CKDWORD size_in_byte) {
return false;
bool CKStateChunk::UnLockWriteBuffer(CKDWORD size_in_byte) {
return false;
CKStateChunk::LockedWriteBuffer_t CKStateChunk::LockWriteBufferWrapper(CKDWORD size_in_byte) {
return LockedWriteBuffer_t();
@ -179,6 +179,8 @@
<ClCompile Include="CK2\CKFileOthers.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="CK2\CKFileWriter.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="CK2\CKGlobals.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="CK2\CKStateChunkReader.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="CK2\CKStateChunkWriter.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="CK2\DataHandlers\CKBitmapHandler.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="CK2\MgrImpls\CKBaseManager.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="CK2\CKContext.cpp" />
@ -195,7 +197,7 @@
<ClCompile Include="CK2\ObjImpls\CKTexture.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="VTEncoding.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="CK2\CKFileReader.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="CK2\CKStateChunk.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="CK2\CKStateChunkOthers.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="VTImage.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="VTUtils.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="VxMath\VxMath.cpp" />
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
<ClCompile Include="CK2\CKContext.cpp">
<ClCompile Include="CK2\CKStateChunk.cpp">
<ClCompile Include="CK2\CKStateChunkOthers.cpp">
<ClCompile Include="CK2\ObjImpls\CKSceneObject.cpp">
@ -129,6 +129,12 @@
<ClCompile Include="XContainer\XTypes.cpp">
<ClCompile Include="CK2\CKStateChunkReader.cpp">
<ClCompile Include="CK2\CKStateChunkWriter.cpp">
<ClInclude Include="VTUtils.hpp">
Reference in New Issue
Block a user