// Operation successful #define CKERR_OK 0 // One of the parameter passed to the function was invalid #define CKERR_INVALIDPARAMETER -1 // One of the parameter passed to the function was invalid #define CKERR_INVALIDPARAMETERTYPE -2 // The parameter size was invalid #define CKERR_INVALIDSIZE -3 // The operation type didn't exist #define CKERR_INVALIDOPERATION -4 // The function used to execute the operation is not yet implemented #define CKERR_OPERATIONNOTIMPLEMENTED -5 // There was not enough memory to perform the action #define CKERR_OUTOFMEMORY -6 // The function is not yet implemented #define CKERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED -7 // There was an attempt to remove something not present #define CKERR_NOTFOUND -11 // There is no level currently created #define CKERR_NOLEVEL -13 // #define CKERR_CANCREATERENDERCONTEXT -14 // The notification message was not used #define CKERR_NOTIFICATIONNOTHANDLED -16 // Attempt to add an item that was already present #define CKERR_ALREADYPRESENT -17 // the render context is not valid #define CKERR_INVALIDRENDERCONTEXT -18 // the render context is not activated for rendering #define CKERR_RENDERCONTEXTINACTIVE -19 // there was no plugins to load this kind of file #define CKERR_NOLOADPLUGINS -20 // there was no plugins to save this kind of file #define CKERR_NOSAVEPLUGINS -21 // attempt to load an invalid file #define CKERR_INVALIDFILE -22 // attempt to load with an invalid plugin #define CKERR_INVALIDPLUGIN -23 // attempt use an object that wasnt initialized #define CKERR_NOTINITIALIZED -24 // attempt use a message type that wasn't registred #define CKERR_INVALIDMESSAGE -25 // attempt use an invalid prototype #define CKERR_INVALIDPROTOTYPE -28 // No dll file found in the parse directory #define CKERR_NODLLFOUND -29 // this dll has already been registred #define CKERR_ALREADYREGISTREDDLL -30 // this dll does not contain information to create the prototype #define CKERR_INVALIDDLL -31 // Invalid Object (attempt to Get an object from an invalid ID) #define CKERR_INVALIDOBJECT -34 // Invalid window was provided as console window #define CKERR_INVALIDCONDSOLEWINDOW -35 // Invalid kinematic chain ( end and start effector may not be part of the same hierarchy ) #define CKERR_INVALIDKINEMATICCHAIN -36 // Keyboard not attached or not working properly #define CKERR_NOKEYBOARD -37 // Mouse not attached or not working properly #define CKERR_NOMOUSE -38 // Joystick not attached or not working properly #define CKERR_NOJOYSTICK -39 // Try to link imcompatible Parameters #define CKERR_INCOMPATIBLEPARAMETERS -40 // There is no render engine dll #define CKERR_NORENDERENGINE -44 // There is no current level (use CKSetCurrentLevel ) #define CKERR_NOCURRENTLEVEL -45 // Sound Management has been disabled #define CKERR_SOUNDDISABLED -46 // DirectInput Management has been disabled #define CKERR_DINPUTDISABLED -47 // Guid is already in use or invalid #define CKERR_INVALIDGUID -48 // There was no more free space on disk when trying to save a file #define CKERR_NOTENOUGHDISKPLACE -49 // Impossible to write to file (write-protection ?) #define CKERR_CANTWRITETOFILE -50 // The behavior cannnot be added to this entity #define CKERR_BEHAVIORADDDENIEDBYCB -51 // The behavior cannnot be added to this entity #define CKERR_INCOMPATIBLECLASSID -52 // A manager was registered more than once #define CKERR_MANAGERALREADYEXISTS -53 // CKprocess or TimeManager process while CK is paused will fail #define CKERR_PAUSED -54 // Some plugins were missing whileloading a file #define CKERR_PLUGINSMISSING -55 // Virtools version too old to load this file #define CKERR_OBSOLETEVIRTOOLS -56 // CRC Error while loading file #define CKERR_FILECRCERROR -57 // A Render context is already in Fullscreen Mode #define CKERR_ALREADYFULLSCREEN -58 // Operation was cancelled by user #define CKERR_CANCELLED -59 // there were no animation key at the given index #define CKERR_NOANIMATIONKEY -121 // attemp to acces an animation key with an invalid index #define CKERR_INVALIDINDEX -122 // the animation is invalid (no entity associated or zero length) #define CKERR_INVALIDANIMATION -123