#include "UnvirtContext.hpp" #include #include namespace Unvirt::Context { #pragma region UnvirtContext Misc UnvirtContext::UnvirtContext() : m_Root(), m_Splitter(), m_Help(nullptr), m_PageLen(10u), m_OrderExit(false), m_Ctx(nullptr), m_FileReader(nullptr) { // create command root CmdHelper::CommandRoot* root = &m_Root; root ->Then((new CmdHelper::Literal("load")) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Choice("stage", { "deep", "shallow"})) ->Comment("The stage of loading. 'deep' will load to CKObject stage. 'shallow' will load to CKStateChunk stage.") ->Then((new CmdHelper::StringArgument("filepath")) ->Comment("The path to loading file.") ->Executes( std::bind(&UnvirtContext::ProcLoad, this, std::placeholders::_1), "Load a Virtools composition." ) ) ) ) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Literal("unload")) ->Executes( std::bind(&UnvirtContext::ProcUnLoad, this, std::placeholders::_1), "Release loaded Virtools composition." ) ) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Literal("save")) ->Then((new CmdHelper::StringArgument("filepath")) ->Comment("The path to save file.") ->Executes( std::bind(&UnvirtContext::ProcSave, this, std::placeholders::_1), "Save the loaded file into a new file." ) ) ) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Literal("info")) ->Executes( std::bind(&UnvirtContext::ProcInfo, this, std::placeholders::_1), "Show the header info of loaded Virtools composition." ) ) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Literal("ls")) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Choice("part", { "obj", "mgr"})) ->Comment("Which list you want to list.") ->Then((new CmdHelper::IntArgument("page", [](int32_t v) -> bool { return v > 0; })) ->Comment("The page index. Start with 1.") ->Executes( std::bind(&UnvirtContext::ProcLs, this, std::placeholders::_1), "List something about loaded Virtools composition." ) ) ) ) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Literal("data")) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Choice("part", { "obj", "mgr"})) ->Comment("Which list you want to show data.") ->Then((new CmdHelper::IntArgument("index", [](int32_t v) -> bool { return v >= 0; })) ->Comment("The index. Start with 0.") ->Executes( std::bind(&UnvirtContext::ProcData, this, std::placeholders::_1), "Show the specific CKObject / CKBaseManager data." ) ) ) ) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Literal("chunk")) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Choice("part", { "obj", "mgr"})) ->Comment("Which list you want to show chunk.") ->Then((new CmdHelper::IntArgument("index", [](int32_t v) -> bool { return v >= 0; })) ->Comment("The index. Start with 0.") ->Executes( std::bind(&UnvirtContext::ProcChunk, this, std::placeholders::_1), "Show the specific CKStateChunk data." ) ) ) ) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Literal("items")) ->Then((new CmdHelper::IntArgument("count", [](int32_t v) -> bool { return v > 0; })) ->Comment("The count of items you want to show in one page.") ->Executes( std::bind(&UnvirtContext::ProcItems, this, std::placeholders::_1), "Set up how many items should be listed in one page when using 'ls' command." ) ) ) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Literal("encoding")) ->Then((new CmdHelper::EncodingArgument("enc")) ->Comment("CKContext used encoding splitted by ','. Support mutiple encoding.") ->Executes( std::bind(&UnvirtContext::ProcEncoding, this, std::placeholders::_1), "Set the encoding series for CKContext." ) ) ) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Literal("temp")) ->Then((new CmdHelper::StringArgument("temppath")) ->Comment("The path to Temp folder.") ->Executes( std::bind(&UnvirtContext::ProcTemp, this, std::placeholders::_1), "Set the Temp path for CKContext." ) ) ) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Literal("rsc")) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Literal("clear")) ->Executes( std::bind(&UnvirtContext::ProcRsc, this, std::placeholders::_1, true), "Clear all data resources paths." ) ) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Literal("add")) ->Then((new CmdHelper::StringArgument("datares")) ->Comment("The data resources path .") ->Executes( std::bind(&UnvirtContext::ProcRsc, this, std::placeholders::_1, false), "Add a path to let Virtools find resources." ) ) ) ) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Literal("test")) ->Executes( std::bind(&UnvirtContext::ProcTest, this, std::placeholders::_1), "Call custom debugging function (only available in Debug mode)." ) ) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Literal("help")) ->Executes( std::bind(&UnvirtContext::ProcHelp, this, std::placeholders::_1), "Output this help page." ) ) ->Then((new CmdHelper::Literal("exit")) ->Executes( std::bind(&UnvirtContext::ProcExit, this, std::placeholders::_1), "Exit program." ) ); // create help m_Help = root->RootHelp(); // create context LibCmo::CK2::CKStartUp(); m_Ctx = new LibCmo::CK2::CKContext(); m_Ctx->SetOutputCallback(std::bind(&UnvirtContext::PrintContextMsg, this, std::placeholders::_1)); } UnvirtContext::~UnvirtContext() { if (m_Help != nullptr) delete m_Help; // free context ClearDocument(); delete m_Ctx; LibCmo::CK2::CKShutdown(); } bool UnvirtContext::HasOpenedFile() { return m_FileReader != nullptr; } void UnvirtContext::ClearDocument() { if (m_FileReader == nullptr) return; // delete reader delete m_FileReader; m_FileReader = nullptr; // clear context m_Ctx->ClearAll(); } void UnvirtContext::PrintContextMsg(LibCmo::CKSTRING msg) { if (msg != nullptr) { fprintf(stdout, UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_YELLOW(("[CKContext] ")) "%s\n", msg); } } void UnvirtContext::PrintCommonError(const char* u8_fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, u8_fmt); std::fputs(UNVIRT_TERMCOLHDR_LIGHT_RED, stdout); std::vfprintf(stdout, u8_fmt, argptr); std::fputs(UNVIRT_TERMCOLTAIL, stdout); va_end(argptr); std::fputc('\n', stdout); } #pragma endregion #pragma region Main Run void UnvirtContext::Run() { Unvirt::TerminalHelper::EnsureTerminalColor(); Unvirt::TerminalHelper::EnsureTerminalEncoding(); std::string u8cmd; while (true) { // get command TerminalHelper::GetCmdLine(u8cmd); // split cmd and parse it auto cmds = m_Splitter.Convert(u8cmd); if (cmds.empty()) continue; // get sub command if (!m_Root.RootConsume(cmds)) { this->PrintCommonError("Syntax error \"%s\".\nType 'help' for usage.", u8cmd.c_str()); } if (m_OrderExit) { break; } } } #pragma endregion #pragma region Proc Detail void UnvirtContext::ProcLoad(const CmdHelper::ArgumentsMap* amap) { // check pre-requirement if (HasOpenedFile()) { PrintCommonError("Already have a opened file. Close it before calling 'load'."); return; } std::string filepath = *amap->Get("filepath"); bool is_deep = *amap->Get("stage") == 0; // proc m_FileReader = new LibCmo::CK2::CKFileReader(m_Ctx); LibCmo::CK2::CKERROR err; if (is_deep) { err = m_FileReader->DeepLoad(filepath.c_str()); } else { err = m_FileReader->ShallowLoad(filepath.c_str()); } if (err != LibCmo::CK2::CKERROR::CKERR_OK) { // fail to load. release all. PrintCommonError("Fail to load file. Function return: %s\n\t%s", Unvirt::AccessibleValue::GetCkErrorName(err).c_str(), Unvirt::AccessibleValue::GetCkErrorDescription(err).c_str() ); ClearDocument(); } } void UnvirtContext::ProcUnLoad(const CmdHelper::ArgumentsMap*) { // check pre-requirement if (!HasOpenedFile()) { this->PrintCommonError("No loaded file."); return; } // free all ClearDocument(); } void Unvirt::Context::UnvirtContext::ProcSave(const CmdHelper::ArgumentsMap* amap) { // check pre-requirement if (!HasOpenedFile()) { PrintCommonError("No loaded file."); return; } std::string filepath = *amap->Get("filepath"); // construct writer from reader LibCmo::CK2::CKFileWriter writer(m_Ctx, m_FileReader); // backup current file write mode // and replace it with reader LibCmo::CK2::CK_FILE_WRITEMODE backup = m_Ctx->GetFileWriteMode(); m_Ctx->SetFileWriteMode(m_FileReader->GetFileInfo().FileWriteMode); // run writer LibCmo::CK2::CKERROR err = writer.Save(filepath.c_str()); if (err != LibCmo::CK2::CKERROR::CKERR_OK) { // fail to load. release all. PrintCommonError("Fail to save file. Function return: %s\n\t%s", Unvirt::AccessibleValue::GetCkErrorName(err).c_str(), Unvirt::AccessibleValue::GetCkErrorDescription(err).c_str() ); } // restore file write mode m_Ctx->SetFileWriteMode(backup); } void UnvirtContext::ProcInfo(const CmdHelper::ArgumentsMap*) { // check pre-requirement if (!HasOpenedFile()) { PrintCommonError("No loaded file."); return; } // print Unvirt::StructFormatter::PrintCKFileInfo(m_FileReader->GetFileInfo()); } void UnvirtContext::ProcLs(const CmdHelper::ArgumentsMap* amap) { // check pre-requirement if (!HasOpenedFile()) { PrintCommonError("No loaded file."); return; } // get page size_t page = *amap->Get("page") - 1; // show list switch (*amap->Get("part")) { case 0: { // obj list if (page * m_PageLen >= m_FileReader->GetFileObjects().size()) { PrintCommonError("Page out of range."); return; } Unvirt::StructFormatter::PrintObjectList(m_FileReader->GetFileObjects(), m_FileReader->GetFileInfo(), page, this->m_PageLen); break; } case 1: { // mgr list if (page * m_PageLen >= m_FileReader->GetManagersData().size()) { PrintCommonError("Page out of range."); return; } Unvirt::StructFormatter::PrintManagerList(m_FileReader->GetManagersData(), page, this->m_PageLen); break; } } } void UnvirtContext::ProcData( const CmdHelper::ArgumentsMap* amap) { // check pre-requirement if (!HasOpenedFile()) { PrintCommonError("No loaded file."); return; } // get index size_t index = *amap->Get("index"); // show data switch (*amap->Get("part")) { case 0: { if (index >= m_FileReader->GetFileObjects().size()) { PrintCommonError("Index out of range."); return; } Unvirt::StructFormatter::PrintCKObject(m_FileReader->GetFileObjects()[index].ObjPtr); break; } case 1: { if (index >= m_FileReader->GetManagersData().size()) { PrintCommonError("Index out of range."); return; } PrintCommonError("WIP function."); //Unvirt::StructFormatter::PrintCKBaseManager(m_FileReader->GetManagersData()[index].Data); break; } } } void UnvirtContext::ProcChunk(const CmdHelper::ArgumentsMap* amap) { // check pre-requirement if (!HasOpenedFile()) { PrintCommonError("No loaded file."); return; } // get index size_t index = *amap->Get("index"); // show data switch (*amap->Get("part")) { case 0: { if (index >= m_FileReader->GetFileObjects().size()) { PrintCommonError("Index out of range."); return; } Unvirt::StructFormatter::PrintCKStateChunk(m_FileReader->GetFileObjects()[index].Data); break; } case 1: { if (index >= m_FileReader->GetManagersData().size()) { PrintCommonError("Index out of range."); return; } Unvirt::StructFormatter::PrintCKStateChunk(m_FileReader->GetManagersData()[index].Data); break; } } } void UnvirtContext::ProcItems(const CmdHelper::ArgumentsMap* amap) { // assign m_PageLen = *amap->Get("count"); } void UnvirtContext::ProcEncoding(const CmdHelper::ArgumentsMap* amap) { const auto& encodings = *amap->Get("enc"); m_Ctx->SetEncoding(encodings); } void UnvirtContext::ProcTemp(const CmdHelper::ArgumentsMap* amap) { // assign if (!m_Ctx->GetPathManager()->SetTempFolder(amap->Get("temppath")->c_str())) { PrintCommonError("Set temp folder failed. Check your path first."); } } void Unvirt::Context::UnvirtContext::ProcRsc(const CmdHelper::ArgumentsMap* amap, bool isClear) { if (isClear) { m_Ctx->GetPathManager()->ClearPath(); } else { if (!m_Ctx->GetPathManager()->AddPath(amap->Get("datares")->c_str())) { PrintCommonError("Set data resource folder failed. Check your path first."); } } } void Unvirt::Context::UnvirtContext::ProcTest(const CmdHelper::ArgumentsMap* amap) { #if defined(LIBCMO_BUILD_DEBUG) // MARK: Add the debug code here. char p = 0; char a = 1 / p; #else PrintCommonError("Test command only available in Debug mode."); #endif } void Unvirt::Context::UnvirtContext::ProcHelp(const CmdHelper::ArgumentsMap*) { m_Help->Print(); } void UnvirtContext::ProcExit(const CmdHelper::ArgumentsMap*) { m_OrderExit = true; } #pragma endregion }