#include "CmdHelper.hpp" #include "TerminalHelper.hpp" #include "StructFormatter.hpp" #include "AccessibleValue.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include /* TODO: do not re-allocated ctx and file for each loading in future. this will be implemented by free all objects within doc. */ namespace Unvirt::CmdHelper { #pragma region CmdSplitter CmdSplitter::CmdSplitter() : mCmdChar(0), mBuffer(nullptr), mResult(nullptr), mState(StateType::NORMAL), mPreState(StateType::NORMAL) { ; } CmdSplitter::~CmdSplitter() { ; } const std::deque CmdSplitter::Convert(const std::string& u8cmd) { // set up variables std::deque result; std::string buffer; mBuffer = &buffer; mResult = &result; mState = mPreState = StateType::SPACE; // split for (auto it = u8cmd.begin(); it != u8cmd.end(); ++it) { mCmdChar = (*it); switch (mState) { case StateType::SPACE: ProcSpace(); break; case StateType::SINGLE: ProcSingle(); break; case StateType::DOUBLE: ProcDouble(); break; case StateType::ESCAPE: ProcEscape(); break; case StateType::NORMAL: ProcNormal(); break; } } // final proc switch (mState) { case StateType::SPACE: break; case StateType::NORMAL: // push the last one mResult->push_back(*mBuffer); break; case StateType::SINGLE: case StateType::DOUBLE: case StateType::ESCAPE: // error result.clear(); break; } // return value return result; } #pragma endregion #pragma region ArgParser bool ArgParser::ParseInt(const std::deque& cmd, const size_t expected_index, int32_t& result) { if (expected_index >= cmd.size()) { result = 0; return false; } char* pend = nullptr; errno = 0; int64_t v = std::strtoll(cmd[expected_index].c_str(), &pend, 10); if (pend == cmd[expected_index].c_str() || errno == ERANGE) { result = 0; return false; } result = static_cast(v); return true; } bool ArgParser::ParseString(const std::deque& cmd, const size_t expected_index, std::string& result) { if (expected_index >= cmd.size()) { result.clear(); return false; } else { result = cmd[expected_index]; return true; } } bool ArgParser::ParseSwitch(const std::deque& cmd, const size_t expected_index, const std::vector& switches, std::string& gotten) { if (expected_index >= cmd.size()) { gotten.clear(); return false; } for (const auto& sw : switches) { if (cmd[expected_index] == sw) { gotten = cmd[expected_index]; return true; } } gotten.clear(); return false; } #pragma endregion #pragma region InteractiveCmd InteractiveCmd::InteractiveCmd() : m_CmdSplitter(), m_PageLen(10), m_Ctx(nullptr), m_File(nullptr), m_Doc(nullptr) { } InteractiveCmd::~InteractiveCmd() { if (m_Doc != nullptr) delete m_Doc; if (m_File != nullptr) delete m_File; if (m_Ctx != nullptr) delete m_Ctx; } void InteractiveCmd::Run(void) { std::string u8cmd; while (true) { // get command GetCmdLine(u8cmd); // split cmd and parse it auto cmds = m_CmdSplitter.Convert(u8cmd); // get sub command if (cmds.size() < 1u) { this->PrintCommonError("No command specified!"); this->PrintHelp(); continue; } std::string subcmd(cmds.front()); cmds.pop_front(); // dispatch command if (subcmd == "load") this->ProcLoad(cmds); else if (subcmd == "unload") this->ProcUnLoad(cmds); else if (subcmd == "info") this->ProcInfo(cmds); else if (subcmd == "ls") this->ProcLs(cmds); else if (subcmd == "page") this->ProcPage(cmds); else if (subcmd == "help") this->PrintHelp(); else if (subcmd == "exit") break; else { this->PrintCommonError("No such command \"\".", subcmd.c_str()); this->PrintHelp(); } } } void InteractiveCmd::GetCmdLine(std::string& u8cmd) { fputs("Unvirt> ", stdout); #if defined(LIBCMO_OS_WIN32) std::wstring wcmd; std::getline(std::wcin, wcmd); LibCmo::EncodingHelper::WcharToChar(wcmd, u8cmd, CP_UTF8); #else std::getline(std::cin, u8cmd); #endif } bool InteractiveCmd::HasOpenedFile(void) { return (m_Ctx != nullptr || m_File == nullptr || m_Doc != nullptr); } void InteractiveCmd::PrintHelp(void) { FILE* f = stdout; fputs(UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_YELLOW(("Allowed Subcommands: \n")), f); fputs("load\n", f); fputs("\tDescription: Load a Virtools composition.\n", f); fputs("\tSyntax: load [encoding] [temp path]\n", f); fputs("unload\n", f); fputs("\tDescription: Release loaded Virtools composition.\n", f); fputs("\tSyntax: unload\n", f); fputs("info\n", f); fputs("\tDescription: Show the header info of loaded Virtools composition.\n", f); fputs("\tSyntax: info\n", f); fputs("ls\n", f); fputs("\tDescription: List something about loaded Virtools composition.\n", f); fputs("\tSyntax: ls [page]\n", f); fputs("page\n", f); fputs("\tDescription: Set up how many items should be listed in one page when using \"ls\" command.\n", f); fputs("\tSyntax: page \n", f); fputs("exit\n", f); fputs("\tDescription: Exit program\n", f); fputs("\tSyntax: exit\n", f); } void InteractiveCmd::PrintArgParseError(const std::deque& cmd, size_t pos) { if (pos >= cmd.size()) { fprintf(stdout, UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_RED(("Lost argument at position %zu.\n")), pos); } else { fprintf(stdout, UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_RED(("Unexpected argument \"%s\".\n")), cmd[pos].c_str()); } // arg error always print help this->PrintHelp(); } void InteractiveCmd::PrintCommonError(const char* u8_fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, u8_fmt); std::fputs(UNVIRT_TERMCOLHDR_LIGHT_RED, stdout); std::vfprintf(stdout, u8_fmt, argptr); std::fputs(UNVIRT_TERMCOLTAIL, stdout); va_end(argptr); } #pragma endregion #pragma region Command Processors void InteractiveCmd::ProcLoad(const std::deque& cmd) { // check pre-requirement if (HasOpenedFile()) { this->PrintCommonError("Already have a opened file. Close it before calling \"load\"."); return; } // check requirement size_t pos = 0u; std::string filepath; if (!ArgParser::ParseString(cmd, pos, filepath)) { this->PrintArgParseError(cmd, pos); return; } ++pos; std::string encoding; if (!ArgParser::ParseString(cmd, pos, encoding)) { this->PrintArgParseError(cmd, pos); return; } ++pos; std::string temppath; if (!ArgParser::ParseString(cmd, pos, temppath)) { this->PrintArgParseError(cmd, pos); return; } // proc m_Ctx = new LibCmo::CK2::CKMinContext(); m_Ctx->SetEncoding(encoding.c_str()); m_Ctx->SetTempPath(temppath.c_str()); m_File = new LibCmo::CK2::CKFile(m_Ctx); m_Doc = new LibCmo::CK2::CKFileDocument(); LibCmo::CK2::CKERROR err = m_File->DeepLoad(filepath.c_str(), &m_Doc); if (err != LibCmo::CK2::CKERROR::CKERR_OK) { // fail to load. release all. this->PrintCommonError("Fail to open file. Function return: %s\n%s", Unvirt::AccessibleValue::GetCkErrorName(err), Unvirt::AccessibleValue::GetCkErrorDescription(err) ); if (m_Doc != nullptr) delete m_Doc; if (m_File != nullptr) delete m_File; if (m_Ctx != nullptr) delete m_Ctx; } } void InteractiveCmd::ProcUnLoad(const std::deque& cmd) { // check pre-requirement if (!HasOpenedFile()) { this->PrintCommonError("No loaded file."); return; } // free all if (m_Doc != nullptr) delete m_Doc; if (m_File != nullptr) delete m_File; if (m_Ctx != nullptr) delete m_Ctx; } void InteractiveCmd::ProcInfo(const std::deque& cmd) { // check pre-requirement if (!HasOpenedFile()) { this->PrintCommonError("No loaded file."); return; } // print Unvirt::StructFormatter::PrintCKFileInfo(m_Doc->m_FileInfo); } void InteractiveCmd::ProcLs(const std::deque& cmd) { static const std::vector c_AllowedSwitches{ "obj", "mgr" }; } void InteractiveCmd::ProcPage(const std::deque& cmd) { // check requirement size_t pos = 0u; int32_t count; if (!ArgParser::ParseInt(cmd, pos, count) || count <= 0) { this->PrintArgParseError(cmd, pos); return; } // assign m_PageLen = static_cast(count); } #pragma endregion /* #pragma region OptionsDescription OptionsDescription::OptionsDescription() : mLongNameDict(), mShortNameMapping(), mPositionalArgMapping() { ; } OptionsDescription::~OptionsDescription() { ; } void OptionsDescription::AddOption( const char* fullname, char shortname, CmdArgType type, const char* description) { // pre-check if (fullname == nullptr || fullname[0] == '\0' || fullname[0] == '-') throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid Option Long Name."); // construct data std::string sfullname(fullname); OptionDescription data{ fullname, shortname, type, (description != nullptr ? description : "") }; // check requirement if (mLongNameDict.contains(sfullname)) throw std::invalid_argument("Duplicated Option Long Name."); if (shortname != '\0') if (mShortNameMapping.contains(shortname)) throw std::invalid_argument("Duplicated Option Short Name."); // add them mShortNameMapping.emplace(shortname, sfullname); mLongNameDict.emplace(sfullname, std::move(data)); } void OptionsDescription::AddPositionalOption(const char* corresponding_longname) { // pre-check if (corresponding_longname == nullptr) throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid Option Long Name."); // construct data std::string fullname(corresponding_longname); // check requirement if (!mLongNameDict.contains(fullname)) throw std::invalid_argument("No Matched Option."); if (!mPositionalArgMapping.empty()) { for (const auto& i : mPositionalArgMapping) { if (i == fullname)throw std::invalid_argument("Duplicated Option."); } } // set value mPositionalArgMapping.push_back(std::move(fullname)); } OptionDescription* OptionsDescription::GetDescByLongName(const std::string& longname) { const auto search = mLongNameDict.find(longname); if (search == mLongNameDict.end()) return nullptr; return &(*search).second; } OptionDescription* OptionsDescription::GetDescByShortName(const char shortname) { const auto search = mShortNameMapping.find(shortname); if (search == mShortNameMapping.end()) return nullptr; return GetDescByLongName((*search).second); } OptionDescription* OptionsDescription::GetDescByPosition(size_t pos) { if (pos >= mPositionalArgMapping.size()) return nullptr; return GetDescByLongName(mPositionalArgMapping[pos]); } void OptionsDescription::PrintHelp(FILE* f) { fputs(UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_YELLOW(("Allowed Options: \n")), f); for (const auto& [key, value] : mLongNameDict) { fprintf(f, "--%s\t%s\n", value.mLongName.c_str(), value.mDescription.c_str()); } if (!mPositionalArgMapping.empty()) { fputs(UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_YELLOW(("\nPositional Options: \n")), f); for (const auto& i : mPositionalArgMapping) { fprintf(f, "[%s] ", i.c_str()); } } } #pragma endregion #pragma region VariablesMap VariablesMap::VariablesMap() : mDataPair() { ; } VariablesMap::~VariablesMap() { this->Clear(); } void VariablesMap::Clear(void) { for (const auto& [key, value] : mDataPair) { if (value.mData != nullptr) free(value.mData); } mDataPair.clear(); } bool VariablesMap::AddPair(const std::string& name, CmdArgType t, const std::string& val) { if (mDataPair.contains(name)) return false; AnyVariable var; switch (t) { case Unvirt::CmdHelper::CmdArgType::NONE: { var.mDataBasicSize = 1; var.mData = nullptr; break; } case Unvirt::CmdHelper::CmdArgType::STRING: { var.mDataBasicSize = sizeof(char); var.mData = malloc(val.size() + 1); if (var.mData == nullptr) break; memcpy(var.mData, val.c_str(), val.size() + 1); break; } case Unvirt::CmdHelper::CmdArgType::INT: { var.mDataBasicSize = sizeof(int); var.mData = malloc(sizeof(int)); if (var.mData == nullptr) break; char* pend = nullptr; errno = 0; int64_t v = std::strtoll(val.c_str(), &pend, 10); if (pend == val.c_str() || errno == ERANGE) v = INT64_C(0); *((int*)var.mData) = static_cast(v); break; } default: throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid Option Type."); } mDataPair.emplace(name, std::move(var)); return true; } #pragma endregion #pragma region ExecEnvironment ExecEnvironment::ExecEnvironment() : mVtFile(nullptr), mVtFileEnv(nullptr) { ; } ExecEnvironment::~ExecEnvironment() { if (mVtFile != nullptr) delete mVtFile; if (mVtFileEnv != nullptr) delete mVtFileEnv; } void ExecEnvironment::ProcLoad(OptionsDescription& od, VariablesMap& vm) { if (mVtFile != nullptr || mVtFileEnv != nullptr) { printf(UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_RED(("Please close current opened Vrtools file first.\n"))); return; } const char* filename = vm.GetData("file"); if (filename == nullptr) { printf(UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_RED(("You should specify a file first.\n"))); od.PrintHelp(stdout); return; } mVtFileEnv = new LibCmo::Utils::VirtoolsContext(); const char* enc = vm.GetData("encoding"); mVtFileEnv->NameEncoding = enc == nullptr ? "" : enc; mVtFile = new LibCmo::CKFile(*mVtFileEnv); mVtFile->Load(filename, LibCmo::CK_LOAD_FLAGS::CK_LOAD_DEFAULT); } void ExecEnvironment::ProcInfo(OptionsDescription& od, VariablesMap& vm) { printf(UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_RED(("Sorry. This feature is not supported now.\n"))); } void ExecEnvironment::ProcClear(OptionsDescription& od, VariablesMap& vm) { if (mVtFile == nullptr && mVtFileEnv == nullptr) { printf(UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_RED(("Virtools file already is empty.\n"))); return; } if (mVtFile != nullptr) delete mVtFile; if (mVtFileEnv != nullptr) delete mVtFileEnv; mVtFile = nullptr; mVtFileEnv = nullptr; } void ExecEnvironment::ProcExportSql(OptionsDescription& od, VariablesMap& vm) { printf(UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_RED(("Sorry. This feature is not supported now.\n"))); } #pragma endregion #pragma region InteractiveCmd InteractiveCmd::InteractiveCmd() : mCmdDispatcher(), mExecEnv(), mVm(), mBlank(), mExitRunFlag(false), mCmdSplitter() { // add load subcommand CmdRegisteryEntry entryLoad; const std::string entryLoadName = "load"; entryLoad.mSubCmdDesc = "Load Virtools file."; entryLoad.mOptDesc.AddOption("file", 'f', CmdArgType::STRING, "The loaded Virtools file."); entryLoad.mOptDesc.AddPositionalOption("file"); entryLoad.mOptDesc.AddOption("encoding", 'e', CmdArgType::STRING, "The encoding to decode Virtools string."); entryLoad.mOptDesc.AddPositionalOption("encoding"); entryLoad.mOptDesc.AddOption("temp", 't', CmdArgType::STRING, "The temp folder used by engine."); entryLoad.mOptDesc.AddPositionalOption("temp"); entryLoad.mBindProc = std::bind(&ExecEnvironment::ProcLoad, &this->mExecEnv, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2); //mCmdDispatcher.emplace("load", std::move(entryLoad)); CmdRegisteryEntry entryInfo; entryInfo.mSubCmdDesc = "Show loaded Virtools file header info."; entryInfo.mBindProc = std::bind(&ExecEnvironment::ProcInfo, &this->mExecEnv, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2); //mCmdDispatcher.emplace("info", std::move(entryInfo)); CmdRegisteryEntry entryClear; entryClear.mSubCmdDesc = "Clear current loaded Virtools file."; entryClear.mBindProc = std::bind(&ExecEnvironment::ProcClear, &this->mExecEnv, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2); //mCmdDispatcher.emplace("clear", std::move(entryClear)); CmdRegisteryEntry entryExportSql; entryExportSql.mSubCmdDesc = "Export loaded Virtools file as a SQList database file."; entryExportSql.mOptDesc.AddOption("file", 'f', CmdArgType::STRING, "The exported SQL file."); entryExportSql.mOptDesc.AddPositionalOption("file"); entryExportSql.mBindProc = std::bind(&ExecEnvironment::ProcExportSql, &this->mExecEnv, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2); //mCmdDispatcher.emplace("sql", std::move(entryExportSql)); CmdRegisteryEntry entryExit; entryExit.mSubCmdDesc = "Exit this interactive commander."; entryExit.mBindProc = std::bind(&InteractiveCmd::ProcExit, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2); //mCmdDispatcher.emplace("exit", std::move(entryExit)); } InteractiveCmd::~InteractiveCmd() { ; } void InteractiveCmd::Run(void) { std::string u8cmd; mExitRunFlag = false; while (!mExitRunFlag) { // get command GetCmdLine(u8cmd); // split cmd and parse it CmdParser(mCmdSplitter.Convert(u8cmd)); } } void InteractiveCmd::GetCmdLine(std::string& u8cmd) { #if defined(LIBCMO_OS_WIN32) std::wstring wcmd; std::getline(std::wcin, wcmd); LibCmo::Encoding::WcharToChar(wcmd, u8cmd, CP_UTF8); #else std::getline(std::cin, u8cmd); #endif } void InteractiveCmd::CmdParser(const std::vector& args) { FILE* f = stdout; if (args.size() == 0) { fputs(UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_RED(("Error! Fail to get subcommand token.\n")), f); PrintHelp(f); return; } auto arg = args.begin(); auto subcmd = mCmdDispatcher.find(*arg); if (subcmd == mCmdDispatcher.end()) { fprintf(f, UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_RED(("Error! No such subcommand \"%s\"! \n")), arg->c_str()); PrintHelp(f); return; } // analyze options ++arg; auto& optsDesc = subcmd->second.mOptDesc; mVm.Clear(); int position_counter = 0; while (true) { if (arg == args.end()) break; const std::string& opt = *arg; OptionDescription* optDesc; if (opt.starts_with("--")) { // long name optDesc = optsDesc.GetDescByLongName(opt.substr(2)); } else if (opt.starts_with("-")) { // short name if (opt.size() != 2u) { // invalid short name fprintf(f, UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_RED(("Error! Invalid short name option \"%s\"! \n")), opt.c_str()); optsDesc.PrintHelp(f); return; } optDesc = optsDesc.GetDescByShortName(opt[1]); } else { // position optDesc = optsDesc.GetDescByPosition(position_counter++); } // invalid option if (optDesc == nullptr) { fprintf(f, UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_RED(("Error! Invalid option \"%s\"! \n")), opt.c_str()); optsDesc.PrintHelp(f); return; } // get value bool add_success = true; switch (optDesc->mType) { case CmdArgType::NONE: // just a switch add_success = mVm.AddPair(optDesc->mLongName, optDesc->mType, this->mBlank); ++arg; if (!add_success) { fprintf(f, UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_RED(("Error! Duplicated option \"%s\"! \n")), opt.c_str()); optsDesc.PrintHelp(f); return; } break; case CmdArgType::INT: case CmdArgType::STRING: // check next value ++arg; if (arg == args.end()) { fprintf(f, UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_RED(("Error! Option \"%s\" lost parameter! \n")), opt.c_str()); optsDesc.PrintHelp(f); return; } add_success = mVm.AddPair(optDesc->mLongName, optDesc->mType, *arg); ++arg; if (!add_success) { fprintf(f, UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_RED(("Error! Duplicated option \"%s\"! \n")), opt.c_str()); optsDesc.PrintHelp(f); return; } break; default: throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid Option Type."); } } // execute proc subcmd->second.mBindProc(optsDesc, mVm); } void InteractiveCmd::PrintHelp(FILE* f) { fputs(UNVIRT_TERMCOL_LIGHT_YELLOW(("Allowed Subcommands: \n")), f); for (const auto& [key, value] : mCmdDispatcher) { fprintf(f, "%s\t- %s\n", key.c_str(), value.mSubCmdDesc.c_str()); } } void InteractiveCmd::ProcExit(OptionsDescription&, VariablesMap&) { mExitRunFlag = true; } #pragma endregion */ }