@ECHO OFF :: Navigate to root directory CD /d {{ repo_root_dir }} :: Create main binary directory MKDIR bin CD bin :: Create build and install folder MKDIR build MKDIR install :: Build project CD build cmake -A x64 -DNEMO_BUILD_UNVIRT=ON -DNEMO_BUILD_BMAP=ON {{ '-DNEMO_BUILD_DOC=ON' if build_doc }} -DSTB_IMAGE_PATH="D:\CppLib\stb" -DYYCC_PATH="J:\YYCCommonplace\bin\cpp20\install\x64_Release" -DZLIB_HEADER_PATH="D:\zlib" -DZLIB_BINARY_PATH="D:\zlib\contrib\vstudio\vc14\x64\ZlibDllRelease" ../.. cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo {% if build_doc %} cmake --build . --target NeMoDocuments {% endif %} cmake --install . --prefix=../install --config RelWithDebInfo CD .. :: Exit to original path CD .. ECHO Windows CMake Build Done