#include "CmdHelper.hpp" #include namespace Unvirt::CmdHelper { #pragma region CmdSplitter const std::deque& CmdSplitter::GetResult() const { if (!m_ValidResult) throw std::runtime_error("try to get result from an invalid CmdSplitter."); return m_Result; } bool CmdSplitter::Convert(const std::u8string& u8cmd) { // Clear variables m_ValidResult = false; m_Result.clear(); m_Buffer.clear(); m_CurrentChar = u8'\0'; m_State = m_PrevState = StateType::SPACE; // split for (char8_t c : u8cmd) { m_CurrentChar = c; // skip all invalid characters (ascii code unit lower than space char) // thus UTF8 code unit can directly accepted. if (m_CurrentChar < u8' ') continue; switch (m_State) { case StateType::SPACE: ProcSpace(); break; case StateType::SINGLE: ProcSingle(); break; case StateType::DOUBLE: ProcDouble(); break; case StateType::ESCAPE: ProcEscape(); break; case StateType::NORMAL: ProcNormal(); break; } } // final proc bool is_success = false; switch (m_State) { case StateType::SPACE: is_success = true; break; case StateType::NORMAL: // push the last one m_Result.emplace_back(m_Buffer); is_success = true; break; case StateType::SINGLE: case StateType::DOUBLE: case StateType::ESCAPE: // error is_success = false; break; default: throw std::runtime_error("unreachable code."); } // check success if (is_success) { m_ValidResult = true; return true; } else { m_Result.clear(); return false; } } void CmdSplitter::ProcSpace() { switch (m_CurrentChar) { case u8'\'': m_State = StateType::SINGLE; break; case u8'"': m_State = StateType::DOUBLE; break; case u8'\\': m_State = StateType::ESCAPE; m_PrevState = StateType::NORMAL; break; case u8' ': break; // skip blank default: m_Buffer.push_back(m_CurrentChar); m_State = StateType::NORMAL; break; } } void CmdSplitter::ProcSingle() { switch (m_CurrentChar) { case u8'\'': m_State = StateType::NORMAL; break; case u8'"': m_Buffer.push_back('"'); break; case u8'\\': m_State = StateType::ESCAPE; m_PrevState = StateType::SINGLE; break; case u8' ': m_Buffer.push_back(u8' '); break; default: m_Buffer.push_back(m_CurrentChar); break; } } void CmdSplitter::ProcDouble() { switch (m_CurrentChar) { case u8'\'': m_Buffer.push_back(u8'\''); break; case u8'"': m_State = StateType::NORMAL; break; case u8'\\': m_State = StateType::ESCAPE; m_PrevState = StateType::DOUBLE; break; case u8' ': m_Buffer.push_back(u8' '); break; default: m_Buffer.push_back(m_CurrentChar); break; } } void CmdSplitter::ProcEscape() { // add itself m_Buffer.push_back(m_CurrentChar); // restore state m_State = m_PrevState; } void CmdSplitter::ProcNormal() { switch (m_CurrentChar) { case u8'\'': m_Buffer.push_back(u8'\''); break; case u8'"': m_Buffer.push_back(u8'"'); break; case u8'\\': m_State = StateType::ESCAPE; m_PrevState = StateType::NORMAL; break; case u8' ': m_Result.emplace_back(m_Buffer); m_Buffer.clear(); m_State = StateType::SPACE; break; default: m_Buffer.push_back(m_CurrentChar); break; } } #pragma endregion #pragma region Arguments Map ArgumentsMap::ArgumentsMap() : m_Data() {} ArgumentsMap::~ArgumentsMap() {} #pragma endregion #pragma region Help Document HelpDocument::HelpDocument() : m_Stack(), m_Results() {} HelpDocument::~HelpDocument() {} HelpDocument::StackItem::StackItem() : m_Name(), m_Desc() {} HelpDocument::StackItem::StackItem(const std::u8string& name, const std::u8string& desc) : m_Name(name), m_Desc(desc) {} HelpDocument::ResultItem::ResultItem() : m_CmdDesc(), m_ArgDesc() {} HelpDocument::ResultItem::ResultItem(const std::u8string& cmd_desc, const std::deque& arg_desc) : m_CmdDesc(cmd_desc), m_ArgDesc(arg_desc.begin(), arg_desc.end()) {} void HelpDocument::Push(const std::u8string& arg_name, const std::u8string& arg_desc) { m_Stack.emplace_back(StackItem { arg_name, arg_desc }); } void HelpDocument::Pop() { if (m_Stack.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("try pop back on an empty help document."); m_Stack.pop_back(); } void HelpDocument::Terminate(std::u8string& command_desc) { // create new result ResultItem result(command_desc, this->m_Stack); // add into result m_Results.emplace_back(std::move(result)); } void HelpDocument::Print() { for (auto& cmd : m_Results) { // syntax // check whether all description of argument are emtpty. bool empty_arg_desc = true; YYCC::ConsoleHelper::Write(YYCC_COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW(u8"Syntax: ")); for (const auto& arg : cmd.m_ArgDesc) { if (!arg.m_Desc.empty()) empty_arg_desc = false; YYCC::ConsoleHelper::Format(u8"%s ", arg.m_Name.c_str()); } YYCC::ConsoleHelper::WriteLine(u8""); // command description if (!cmd.m_CmdDesc.empty()) { YYCC::ConsoleHelper::FormatLine(YYCC_COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW(u8"Description: ") "%s", cmd.m_CmdDesc.c_str()); } // argument description if (!empty_arg_desc) { YYCC::ConsoleHelper::WriteLine(YYCC_COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW(u8"Arguments:")); for (auto& arg : cmd.m_ArgDesc) { if (!arg.m_Desc.empty()) { YYCC::ConsoleHelper::FormatLine(u8"\t" YYCC_COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN("%s") ": % s", arg.m_Name.c_str(), arg.m_Desc.c_str() ); } } } // space between each commands YYCC::ConsoleHelper::WriteLine(u8""); } } #pragma endregion #pragma region Conflict Set ConflictSet::ConflictSet() : m_ConflictSet() {} ConflictSet::~ConflictSet() {} void ConflictSet::AddLiteral(const std::u8string_view& value) { if (value.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument("try to insert empty item to conflict set."); auto result = m_ConflictSet.emplace(u8"literal:" + std::u8string(value)); if (!result.second) throw std::runtime_error("try to insert duplicated item in conflict set."); } void ConflictSet::AddArgument(const std::u8string_view& value) { if (value.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument("try to insert empty item to conflict set."); auto result = m_ConflictSet.emplace(u8"argument:" + std::u8string(value)); if (!result.second) throw std::runtime_error("try to insert duplicated item in conflict set."); } bool ConflictSet::IsConflictWith(const ConflictSet& rhs) const { // create a cache to store computed intersection std::vector intersection; // compute intersection std::set_intersection( this->m_ConflictSet.begin(), this->m_ConflictSet.end(), rhs.m_ConflictSet.begin(), rhs.m_ConflictSet.begin(), std::back_inserter(intersection) ); // check whether it is empty intersection return !intersection.empty(); } #pragma endregion namespace Nodes { #pragma region Abstract Node AbstractNode::AbstractNode() : m_Execution(nullptr), m_Comment(), m_Nodes() {} AbstractNode::~AbstractNode() {} AbstractNode& AbstractNode::Executes(FctExecution_t fct, const std::u8string_view& exec_desc) { if (this->IsRootNode()) throw std::logic_error("root node should not have execution."); if (m_Execution != nullptr) throw std::invalid_argument("you should not assign execution multiuple times."); if (fct == nullptr) throw std::invalid_argument("the function passed for executing should not be nullptr."); m_Execution = fct; m_ExecutionDesc = exec_desc; return *this; } AbstractNode& AbstractNode::Comment(const std::u8string_view& comment) { if (this->IsRootNode()) throw std::logic_error("root node should not have comment."); m_Comment = comment; return *this; } void AbstractNode::Help(HelpDocument& doc) { // If this node is not root node if (!this->IsRootNode()) { // Push self symbol to help document stack. if (!this->IsRootNode()) { doc.Push(GetHelpSymbol(), m_Comment); } // Check whether this node is terminal. // If it is, terminate it once. if (m_Execution != nullptr) { doc.Terminate(m_ExecutionDesc); } } // Then process its children nodes (both root node and common node). for (auto& node : m_Nodes) { node->Help(doc); } // Pop self from help document stack // if this node is not root node if (!this->IsRootNode()) { doc.Pop(); } } bool AbstractNode::Consume(CmdSplitter::Result_t& al, ArgumentsMap& am) { // If no command to be consumed, return directly. if (al.empty()) return false; // Process for self if we are not root node std::u8string cur_cmd; if (!this->IsRootNode()) { // Backup the top item in command stack for personal consume. cur_cmd = al.front(); // Try to consume it for self. if (!BeginConsume(cur_cmd, am)) { // Fail to consume self. // It means that this command is not matched with self. // Return directly. return false; } // Yes, command matched, we try consume it for child nodes. // Pop the top item of command stack for child nodes processing. al.pop_front(); } // Define free function if we are not the root node. // Because we just pop the top item of command stack. #define CONSUME_DEFER \ if (!this->IsRootNode()) { \ al.emplace_front(cur_cmd); \ EndConsume(am); \ } if (al.empty()) { // Root node do not have execution, return false directly if (this->IsRootNode()) { CONSUME_DEFER; return false; } // If no more data for parsing, this is must be a terminal. // Check whether we have execution if we are not root node. if (m_Execution == nullptr) { CONSUME_DEFER; return false; } else { m_Execution(am); CONSUME_DEFER; return true; } } else { // Command stack still item to be consumed. // To consume them, we need iterate node list and find the real terminal. // However, we need iterate literal and choice first, the iterate argument. for (auto& node : m_Nodes) { if (node->IsArgument()) continue; if (node->Consume(al, am)) { CONSUME_DEFER; return true; } } for (auto& node : m_Nodes) { if (!node->IsArgument()) continue; if (node->Consume(al, am)) { CONSUME_DEFER; return true; } } // If all node can not consume it, // it means that this command can not match this node tree. // Return false directly. CONSUME_DEFER; return false; } #undef CONSUME_DEFER } #pragma endregion #pragma region Root Node RootNode::RootNode() : AbstractNode() {} RootNode::~RootNode() {} bool RootNode::IsRootNode() { return true; } bool RootNode::IsArgument() { throw std::logic_error("this function is not allowed on root function."); } const ConflictSet& RootNode::GetConflictSet() { throw std::logic_error("this function is not allowed on root function."); } std::u8string RootNode::GetHelpSymbol() { throw std::logic_error("this function is not allowed on root function."); } bool RootNode::BeginConsume(const std::u8string& cur_cmd, ArgumentsMap& am) { throw std::logic_error("this function is not allowed on root function."); } void RootNode::EndConsume(ArgumentsMap& am) { throw std::logic_error("this function is not allowed on root function."); } #pragma endregion #pragma region Literal Literal::Literal(const std::u8string_view& words) : AbstractNode(), m_Literal(words), m_ConflictSet() { // check argument if (words.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument("The word of literal node should not be empty."); // set conflict set m_ConflictSet.AddLiteral(m_Literal); } Literal::~Literal() {} bool Literal::IsRootNode() { return false; } bool Literal::IsArgument() { return false; } const ConflictSet& Literal::GetConflictSet() { return m_ConflictSet; } std::u8string Literal::GetHelpSymbol() { return m_Literal; } bool Literal::BeginConsume(const std::u8string& cur_cmd, ArgumentsMap& am) { return cur_cmd == m_Literal; } void Literal::EndConsume(ArgumentsMap& am) {} #pragma endregion #pragma region Choice Choice::Choice(const std::u8string_view& argname, const std::initializer_list& vocabulary) : AbstractNode(), m_ChoiceName(argname), m_Vocabulary(vocabulary), m_ConflictSet() { // check argument if (argname.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument("Choice argument name should not be empty."); if (m_Vocabulary.size() < 2u) throw std::invalid_argument("Too less vocabulary for choice. At least 2 items."); std::set vocabulary_set(m_Vocabulary.begin(), m_Vocabulary.end()); if (vocabulary_set.size() != m_Vocabulary.size()) throw std::invalid_argument("Vocabulary of choice should not have duplicated items."); // init conflict set m_ConflictSet.AddArgument(m_ChoiceName); for (const auto& word : m_Vocabulary) { m_ConflictSet.AddLiteral(word); } } Choice::~Choice() {} bool Choice::IsRootNode() { return false; } bool Choice::IsArgument() { return false; } const ConflictSet& Choice::GetConflictSet() { return m_ConflictSet; } std::u8string Choice::GetHelpSymbol() { return YYCC::StringHelper::Printf(u8"[%s]", YYCC::StringHelper::Join(m_Vocabulary.begin(), m_Vocabulary.end(), u8" | ").c_str() ); } bool Choice::BeginConsume(const std::u8string& cur_cmd, ArgumentsMap& am) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Vocabulary.size(); ++i) { if (cur_cmd == m_Vocabulary[i]) { am.Add(m_ChoiceName, i); return true; } } return false; } void Choice::EndConsume(ArgumentsMap& am) { am.Remove(m_ChoiceName); } #pragma endregion #pragma region Abstract Argument AbstractArgument::AbstractArgument(const std::u8string_view& argname) : AbstractNode(), m_ArgumentName(argname), m_ConflictSet() { // check argument if (argname.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument("Argument name should not be empty."); // setup conflict set m_ConflictSet.AddArgument(m_ArgumentName); } AbstractArgument::~AbstractArgument() {} bool AbstractArgument::IsRootNode() { return false; } bool AbstractArgument::IsArgument() { return true; } const ConflictSet& AbstractArgument::GetConflictSet() { return m_ConflictSet; } std::u8string AbstractArgument::GetHelpSymbol() { return YYCC::StringHelper::Printf(u8"<%s>", m_ArgumentName.c_str()); } //bool AbstractArgument::BeginConsume(const std::u8string& cur_cmd, ArgumentsMap& am) { return false; } void AbstractArgument::EndConsume(ArgumentsMap& am) { am.Remove(m_ArgumentName); } #pragma endregion #pragma region Arithmetic Argument // It's a template class // We are forced to implement it in header file. #pragma endregion #pragma region String Argument bool StringArgument::BeginConsume(const std::u8string& cur_cmd, ArgumentsMap& am) { // check constraint if (m_Constraint.IsValid() && !m_Constraint.m_CheckFct(cur_cmd)) return false; // accept am.Add(m_ArgumentName, cur_cmd); return true; } #pragma endregion #pragma region Encoding List Argument bool EncodingListArgument::BeginConsume(const std::u8string& cur_cmd, ArgumentsMap& am) { // split given argument std::vector encs = YYCC::StringHelper::Split(cur_cmd, u8","); // add into map am.Add(m_ArgumentName, encs); return true; } #pragma endregion } #pragma region Command Parser CommandParser::CommandParser() {} CommandParser::~CommandParser() {} bool CommandParser::Parse(const CmdSplitter::Result_t& cmds) { // Create a copy of given command CmdSplitter::Result_t al(cmds); // Create argument map ArgumentsMap am; // Call root node Consume function and return its result. return m_RootNode.Consume(al, am); } HelpDocument CommandParser::Help() { // Create help docuemnt HelpDocument doc; // use node tree to fill help document. m_RootNode.Help(doc); // return result. return doc; } Nodes::RootNode& CommandParser::GetRoot() { return m_RootNode; } #pragma endregion }