#include #include #include #include #define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 void Assert(bool cond, const char* desc) { if (!cond) { std::cout << desc << std::endl; ExitProcess(0); } } int main() { Assert(LoadLibrary("CK2.dll"), "Error loading CK2.dll"); std::cout << "Press any key to run..." << std::endl; system("pause"); Assert(!CKStartUp(), "CKStartUp Error"); std::string sharedStorage; sharedStorage.resize(BUFFER_SIZE); std::filesystem::path rootPath, rePath, magPath, plgPath, bbPath; GetModuleFileName(NULL, sharedStorage.data(), BUFFER_SIZE); rootPath = sharedStorage; rootPath = rootPath.parent_path(); rePath = rootPath / "RenderEngines"; magPath = rootPath / "Managers"; plgPath = rootPath / "Plugins"; bbPath = rootPath / "BuildingBlocks"; CKPluginManager* pluginManager = CKGetPluginManager(); int k = 0; k += pluginManager->ParsePlugins((char*)rePath.string().c_str()); k += pluginManager->ParsePlugins((char*)magPath.string().c_str()); k += pluginManager->ParsePlugins((char*)plgPath.string().c_str()); k += pluginManager->ParsePlugins((char*)bbPath.string().c_str()); std::cout << "Total loaded modules count: " << k << std::endl; CKContext* ctx = NULL; Assert(!CKCreateContext(&ctx, NULL, 0), "Fail to execute CKCreateContext()"); // call reader CKObjectArray* array = CreateCKObjectArray(); Assert(!ctx->Load("Language.old.nmo", array, CK_LOAD_DEFAULT, NULL), "Fail to load CMO file"); // call saver //CKObjectArray* array = CreateCKObjectArray(); //CKObject* objs = ctx->CreateObject(CKCID_OBJECT, "fuck dassault", CK_OBJECTCREATION_NONAMECHECK, NULL); //array->AddIfNotHere(objs); //CKDependencies* dep = CKGetDefaultClassDependencies(CK_DEPENDENCIES_SAVE); //dep->m_Flags = CK_DEPENDENCIES_FULL; //Assert(!ctx->Save("result.cmo", array, 0xFFFFFFFF, dep, NULL), "Fail to save CMO file"); DeleteCKObjectArray(array); CKCloseContext(ctx); CKShutdown(); return 0; }