#include "CKCamera.hpp" #include "../CKStateChunk.hpp" namespace LibCmo::CK2::ObjImpls { // Convenient macro to mark this object is not UPTODATE. #define REMOVE_UPTODATE_FLAG { \ CK_OBJECT_FLAGS obj_flags = GetObjectFlags(); \ YYCC::EnumHelper::Remove(obj_flags, CK_OBJECT_FLAGS::CK_OBJECT_UPTODATE); \ SetObjectFlags(obj_flags); \ } CKCamera::CKCamera(CKContext* ctx, CK_ID ckid, CKSTRING name) : CK3dEntity(ctx, ckid, name), m_ProjectType(CK_CAMERA_PROJECTION::CK_PERSPECTIVEPROJECTION), m_Fov(0.5f), m_OrthographicZoom(1.0f), m_Width(4), m_Height(3), m_FrontPlane(1.0f), m_BackPlane(4000.0f) { REMOVE_UPTODATE_FLAG; } CKCamera::~CKCamera() {} bool CKCamera::Save(CKStateChunk* chunk, CKFileVisitor* file, CKDWORD flags) { bool suc = CK3dEntity::Save(chunk, file, flags); if (!suc) return false; // Save main data { chunk->WriteIdentifier(CK_STATESAVEFLAGS_CAMERA::CK_STATESAVE_CAMERAONLY); chunk->WriteStruct(m_ProjectType); chunk->WriteStruct(m_Fov); chunk->WriteStruct(m_OrthographicZoom); // Build width and height compound. CKDWORD widht_and_height = m_Width & 0x0000FFFFu; widht_and_height |= (m_Height << 16) & 0xFFFF0000u; chunk->WriteStruct(widht_and_height); chunk->WriteStruct(m_FrontPlane); chunk->WriteStruct(m_BackPlane); } chunk->SetClassId(CK_CLASSID::CKCID_CAMERA); return true; } bool CKCamera::Load(CKStateChunk* chunk, CKFileVisitor* file) { bool suc = CK3dEntity::Load(chunk, file); if (!suc) return false; // MARK: Drop the support for very old file format. if (chunk->GetDataVersion() < CK_STATECHUNK_DATAVERSION::CHUNK_MAJORCHANGE_VERSION) { return false; } // Read main data if (chunk->SeekIdentifier(CK_STATESAVEFLAGS_CAMERA::CK_STATESAVE_CAMERAONLY)) { chunk->ReadStruct(m_ProjectType); chunk->ReadStruct(m_Fov); chunk->ReadStruct(m_OrthographicZoom); // Width and Height is stored in one DWORD // Higher WORD is height and lower WORD is width. // HIGH >>> height (2 bytes), width (2 bytes) <<< LOW CKDWORD widht_and_height; chunk->ReadStruct(widht_and_height); m_Width = widht_and_height & 0x0000FFFFu; m_Height = (widht_and_height & 0xFFFF0000u) >> 16; chunk->ReadStruct(m_FrontPlane); chunk->ReadStruct(m_BackPlane); } REMOVE_UPTODATE_FLAG; return true; } #pragma region Class Operations CK_CAMERA_PROJECTION CKCamera::GetProjectionType() const { return m_ProjectType; } void CKCamera::SetProjectionType(CK_CAMERA_PROJECTION proj) { m_ProjectType = proj; REMOVE_UPTODATE_FLAG; } CKFLOAT CKCamera::GetOrthographicZoom() const { return m_OrthographicZoom; } void CKCamera::SetOrthographicZoom(CKFLOAT zoom) { m_OrthographicZoom = zoom; REMOVE_UPTODATE_FLAG; } CKFLOAT CKCamera::GetFrontPlane() const { return m_FrontPlane; } CKFLOAT CKCamera::GetBackPlane() const { return m_BackPlane; } CKFLOAT CKCamera::GetFov() const { return m_Fov; } void CKCamera::SetFrontPlane(CKFLOAT front) { m_FrontPlane = front; REMOVE_UPTODATE_FLAG; } void CKCamera::SetBackPlane(CKFLOAT back) { m_BackPlane = back; REMOVE_UPTODATE_FLAG; } void CKCamera::SetFov(CKFLOAT fov) { m_Fov = fov; REMOVE_UPTODATE_FLAG; } void CKCamera::GetAspectRatio(CKDWORD& width, CKDWORD& height) const { width = m_Width; height = m_Height; } void CKCamera::SetAspectRatio(CKDWORD width, CKDWORD height) { m_Width = width; m_Height = height; REMOVE_UPTODATE_FLAG; } void CKCamera::ComputeProjectionMatrix(VxMath::VxMatrix& mat) const { CKFLOAT aspect = m_Width / m_Height; if (m_ProjectType == CK_CAMERA_PROJECTION::CK_PERSPECTIVEPROJECTION) { mat.Perspective(m_Fov, aspect, m_FrontPlane, m_BackPlane); } else { mat.Orthographic(m_OrthographicZoom, aspect, m_FrontPlane, m_BackPlane); } } //void CKCamera::ResetRoll() {} //void CKCamera::Roll(CKFLOAT angle) {} CK3dEntity* CKCamera::GetTarget() const { // Not supported, return nullptr anyway. return nullptr; } void CKCamera::SetTarget(CK3dEntity* target) { // Do nothing because no support. } #pragma endregion // Undef convenient macro #undef REMOVE_UPTODATE_FLAG }