import; public class IndentHelper { public IndentHelper(OutputStreamWriter writer) { mIndent = 0; mWriter = writer; } private int mIndent; private OutputStreamWriter mWriter; public void inc() { ++mIndent; } public void dec() { --mIndent; } public void indent() throws Exception { mWriter.write("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < mIndent; ++i) { mWriter.write("\t"); } } public void puts(String data) throws Exception { indent(); mWriter.write(data); } public void printf(String fmt, Object... args) throws Exception { indent(); mWriter.write(String.format(fmt, args)); } /** * Write standard Doxygen document comment. *

* Usually be called before writing content. * @param comment * @throws Exception */ public void briefComment(String comment) throws Exception { if (comment == null) return; puts("/**"); puts(comment); puts(" */"); } /** * Write suffix style Doxygen document comment. *

* Usually be called after writing content. * @param comment * @throws Exception */ public void afterMemberComment(String comment) throws Exception { if (comment == null) return; mWriter.write(String.format("\t/**< %s */", CommonHelper.removeEol(comment))); } }