def GetTmplDecl(svars: tuple[str]) -> str: return f'CKFLOAT {", ".join(svars)};' def GetTmplCtor1(sname: str, svars: tuple[str]) -> str: return f'{sname}() : {", ".join(map(lambda x: f"{x}(0.0f)", svars))} {{}}' def GetTmplCtor2(sname: str, svars: tuple[str]) -> str: return f'{sname}({", ".join(map(lambda x: f"CKFLOAT _{x}", svars))}) : {", ".join(map(lambda x: f"{x}(_{x})", svars))} {{}}' def GetTmplCopyCtor(sname: str, svars: tuple[str]) -> str: return f'{sname}(const {sname}& rhs) : {", ".join(map(lambda x: f"{x}(rhs.{x})", svars))} {{}}' def GetTmplMoveCtor(sname: str, svars: tuple[str]) -> str: return f'{sname}({sname}&& rhs) : {", ".join(map(lambda x: f"{x}(rhs.{x})", svars))} {{}}' def GetTmplOperAssignCopy(sname: str, svars: tuple[str]) -> str: sp: str = '\n\t\t' return f"""\t{sname}& operator=(const {sname}& rhs) {{ \t\t{sp.join(map(lambda x: f'{x} = rhs.{x};', svars))} \t\treturn *this; \t}}""" def GetTmplOperAssignMove(sname: str, svars: tuple[str]) -> str: sp: str = '\n\t\t' return f"""\t{sname}& operator=({sname}&& rhs) {{ \t\t{sp.join(map(lambda x: f'{x} = rhs.{x};', svars))} \t\treturn *this; \t}}""" def GetTmplOperOffset(sname: str, svars: tuple[str]) -> str: sp: str = '\n\t\t\t' return f"""\tCKFLOAT& operator[](size_t i) {{ \t\tswitch (i) {{ \t\t\t{sp.join(map(lambda x: f'case {x}: return {svars[x]};', range(len(svars))))} \t\t\tdefault: return {svars[0]}; \t\t}} \t}}""" def GetTmplOperAddMinus(sname: str, svars: tuple[str], oper: str) -> str: sp: str = '\n\t\t' return f"""\t{sname}& operator{oper}=(const {sname}& rhs) {{ \t\t{sp.join(map(lambda x: f'{x} {oper}= rhs.{x};', svars))} \t\treturn *this; \t}} \tfriend {sname} operator{oper}(const {sname}& lhs, const {sname}& rhs) {{ \t\treturn {sname}({', '.join(map(lambda x: f'lhs.{x} {oper} rhs.{x}', svars))}); \t}}""" def GetTmplOperMul(sname: str, svars: tuple[str]) -> str: sp: str = '\n\t\t' return f"""\t{sname}& operator*=(CKFLOAT rhs) {{ \t\t{sp.join(map(lambda x: f'{x} *= rhs;', svars))} \t\treturn *this; \t}} \tfriend {sname} operator*(const {sname}& lhs, CKFLOAT rhs) {{ \t\treturn {sname}({', '.join(map(lambda x: f'lhs.{x} * rhs', svars))}); \t}} \tfriend {sname} operator*(CKFLOAT lhs, const {sname}& rhs) {{ \t\treturn {sname}({', '.join(map(lambda x: f'lhs * rhs.{x}', svars))}); \t}}""" def GetTmplOperDiv(sname: str, svars: tuple[str]) -> str: sp: str = '\n\t\t' return f"""\t{sname}& operator/=(CKFLOAT rhs) {{ \t\tif (rhs == 0.0f) return *this; \t\t{sp.join(map(lambda x: f'{x} /= rhs;', svars))} \t\treturn *this; \t}} \tfriend {sname} operator/(const {sname}& lhs, CKFLOAT rhs) {{ \t\tif (rhs == 0.0f) return {sname}({', '.join(map(lambda x: '0.0f', range(len(svars))))}); \t\treturn {sname}({', '.join(map(lambda x: f'lhs.{x} / rhs', svars))}); \t}}""" def GetTmplOperEqual(sname: str, svars: tuple[str]) -> str: sp: str = '\n\t\t' return f"""\tbool operator==(const {sname}& rhs) const {{ \t\treturn ({' && '.join(map(lambda x: f'{x} == rhs.{x}', svars))}); \t}} \tbool operator!=(const {sname}& rhs) const {{ \t\treturn !(*this == rhs); \t}}""" def GetTmplVector(sname: str, svars: tuple[str]) -> str: return f""" struct {sname} {{ \t{GetTmplDecl(svars)} \t{GetTmplCtor1(sname, svars)} \t{GetTmplCtor2(sname, svars)} \tLIBCMO_DEFAULT_COPY_MOVE({sname}); {GetTmplOperOffset(sname, svars)} {GetTmplOperAddMinus(sname, svars, '+')} {GetTmplOperAddMinus(sname, svars, '-')} {GetTmplOperMul(sname, svars)} {GetTmplOperDiv(sname, svars)} {GetTmplOperEqual(sname, svars)} }}; """ def GetTmplOthers(sname: str, svars: tuple[str]) -> str: return f""" struct {sname} {{ \t{GetTmplDecl(svars)} \t{GetTmplCtor1(sname, svars)} // set your custom init. \t{GetTmplCtor2(sname, svars)} \tLIBCMO_DEFAULT_COPY_MOVE({sname}); {GetTmplOperOffset(sname, svars)} {GetTmplOperEqual(sname, svars)} }}; """ # use LIBCMO_DEFAULT_COPY_MOVE instead of these outputs. #\t{GetTmplCopyCtor(sname, svars)} #\t{GetTmplMoveCtor(sname, svars)} #{GetTmplOperAssignCopy(sname, svars)} #{GetTmplOperAssignMove(sname, svars)} if __name__ == '__main__': with open('VxTypes.hpp', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fs: fs.write(GetTmplVector('VxVector2', ('x', 'y', ))) fs.write(GetTmplVector('VxVector3', ('x', 'y', 'z', ))) fs.write(GetTmplVector('VxVector4', ('x', 'y', 'z', 'w', ))) fs.write(GetTmplOthers('VxQuaternion', ('x', 'y', 'z', 'w', ))) fs.write(GetTmplOthers('VxColor', ('r', 'g', 'b', 'a', )))