#pragma once #include "../VTUtils.hpp" #include <string> #include <vector> #include <cstring> #include <cinttypes> #include <compare> // ========== Basic Types Section ========== namespace LibCmo { // Types. // These types are general types used in every module. // So we declare them in LibCmo, not LibCmo::CK2 to make sure every module can use it. /** * @brief The representation of constant UTF8 string pointer. */ using CKSTRING = const char8_t*; /** * @brief The representation of mutable CKSTRING (UTF8 string pointer). * @see CKSTRING */ using CKMUTSTRING = char8_t*; /** * @brief The representation of single UTF8 code unit (1 byte). * @remarks * \li Only used with string process. * \li For memory representation and operating, use CKBYTE instead. * @see CKSTRING, CKBYTE */ using CKCHAR = char8_t; /** * @brief Platform independent representation of a byte (1 byte, unsigned). * @remarks * \li This type should only be used when representing memory data or position. * \li If you want to represent a character code unit, or a sequence of chars, use CKCHAR instead. * @see CKCHAR */ using CKBYTE = uint8_t; /** * @brief Platform independent representation of a WORD (2 byte, unsigned). */ using CKWORD = uint16_t; /** * @brief Platform independent representation of a DWORD (4 byte, unsigned). * @see CKINT */ using CKDWORD = uint32_t; /** * @brief Platform independent representation of a QWORD (8 byte, unsigned). */ using CKQWORD = uint64_t; /** * @brief Platform independent representation of \c int. * @remarks * \li All \c int type presented in original Virtools SDK should be replaced by this type, CKINT, in this project if needed. * \li This type also can be seen as the equvalent of signed CKDWORD. * @see CKDWORD */ using CKINT = int32_t; /** * @brief Platform independent representation of a float (32 bit floating point type). */ using CKFLOAT = float; /** * @brief Platform independent representation of a double (64 bit floating point type). */ using CKDOUBLE = double; /** * @brief Platform independent representation of a x86 pointer. * @remark * \li This type only should be used when replacing pointer in old Virtools struct / class. * \li Due to Virtools shitty design, in some cases we need read data with x86 memory layout from file. * So we use this type to replace native pointer in struct existed in Virtools SDK * to make sure this program can run perfectly on x64 and more architectures. * \li A example usage can be found in CK2::ObjImpls::CKTexture::Load(). */ using CKPTR = uint32_t; // Format macro for \c std::printf family of functions #define PRI_CKSTRING "s" #define PRI_CKCHAR "c" #define CKBYTE_C(v) UINT8_C(v) #define CKWORD_C(v) UINT16_C(v) #define CKDWORD_C(v) UINT32_C(v) #define CKQWORD_C(v) UINT64_C(v) #define PRIuCKBYTE PRIu8 #define PRIuCKWORD PRIu16 #define PRIuCKDWORD PRIu32 #define PRIuCKQWORD PRIu64 #define PRIxCKBYTE PRIx8 #define PRIxCKWORD PRIx16 #define PRIxCKDWORD PRIx32 #define PRIxCKQWORD PRIx64 #define PRIXCKBYTE PRIX8 #define PRIXCKWORD PRIX16 #define PRIXCKDWORD PRIX32 #define PRIXCKQWORD PRIX64 #define CKINT_C(v) INT32_C(v) #define PRIiCKINT PRIi32 #define PRIfCKFLOAT "f" #define PRIfCKDOUBLE "lf" #define PRIeCKFLOAT "e" #define PRIeCKDOUBLE "le" #define PRIxCKPTR PRIx32 #define PRIXCKPTR PRIX32 /** * @brief The convenient sizeof macro which return \c CKDWORD instead of \c size_t. * @details This macro is frequently used in LibCmo. * Because LibCmo use \c CKDWORD, not \c size_t everywhere. */ #define CKSizeof(_Ty) (static_cast<::LibCmo::CKDWORD>(sizeof(_Ty))) } // ========== CK2 Section ========== /** * @brief The CK2 part of LibCmo. The main part of LibCmo. * @details * This namespace include most implementations of LibCmo, * including important CKContext, CKStateChunk and etc. */ namespace LibCmo::CK2 { /** * @brief Unique identifier for all CK2 objects instantiated in CKContext * @remarks * \li Each instance of ObjImpls::CKObject and derived classes are automatically given a global unique ID at creation time. * This ID can be accessed through the ObjImpls::CKObject::GetID() method. * It is safer, though a bit slower, to reference object through their global ID than through a direct pointer. * In some cases the referenced object may be deleted even though the client has a object ID for it. * The client should verify that the referenced object still exists when used via CKContext::GetObject(). * \li The global ID for an instance remains unique and unchanged through a application session, * but there is no guarateen that this ID will be the same when a level is saved and loaded back again. * @see ObjImpls::CKObject::GetID(), CKContext::GetObject() */ using CK_ID = CKDWORD; /** * @brief The enumeration of all CK2 errors * @details * Some CK2, Vx, XContainer functions will try to return a error code to indicate * whether given operation has been done successfully. */ enum class CKERROR : CKINT { CKERR_OK = 0, /**< Operation successful */ CKERR_INVALIDPARAMETER = -1, /**< One of the parameter passed to the function was invalid */ CKERR_INVALIDPARAMETERTYPE = -2, /**< One of the parameter passed to the function was invalid */ CKERR_INVALIDSIZE = -3, /**< The parameter size was invalid */ CKERR_INVALIDOPERATION = -4, /**< The operation type didn't exist */ CKERR_OPERATIONNOTIMPLEMENTED = -5, /**< The function used to execute the operation is not yet implemented */ CKERR_OUTOFMEMORY = -6, /**< There was not enough memory to perform the action */ CKERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED = -7, /**< The function is not yet implemented */ CKERR_NOTFOUND = -11, /**< There was an attempt to remove something not present */ CKERR_NOLEVEL = -13, /**< There is no level currently created */ CKERR_CANCREATERENDERCONTEXT = -14, /**< */ CKERR_NOTIFICATIONNOTHANDLED = -16, /**< The notification message was not used */ CKERR_ALREADYPRESENT = -17, /**< Attempt to add an item that was already present */ CKERR_INVALIDRENDERCONTEXT = -18, /**< the render context is not valid */ CKERR_RENDERCONTEXTINACTIVE = -19, /**< the render context is not activated for rendering */ CKERR_NOLOADPLUGINS = -20, /**< there was no plugins to load this kind of file */ CKERR_NOSAVEPLUGINS = -21, /**< there was no plugins to save this kind of file */ CKERR_INVALIDFILE = -22, /**< attempt to load an invalid file */ CKERR_INVALIDPLUGIN = -23, /**< attempt to load with an invalid plugin */ CKERR_NOTINITIALIZED = -24, /**< attempt use an object that wasnt initialized */ CKERR_INVALIDMESSAGE = -25, /**< attempt use a message type that wasn't registred */ CKERR_INVALIDPROTOTYPE = -28, /**< attempt use an invalid prototype */ CKERR_NODLLFOUND = -29, /**< No dll file found in the parse directory */ CKERR_ALREADYREGISTREDDLL = -30, /**< this dll has already been registred */ CKERR_INVALIDDLL = -31, /**< this dll does not contain information to create the prototype */ CKERR_INVALIDOBJECT = -34, /**< Invalid Object (attempt to Get an object from an invalid ID) */ CKERR_INVALIDCONDSOLEWINDOW = -35, /**< Invalid window was provided as console window */ CKERR_INVALIDKINEMATICCHAIN = -36, /**< Invalid kinematic chain ( end and start effector may not be part of the same hierarchy ) */ CKERR_NOKEYBOARD = -37, /**< Keyboard not attached or not working properly */ CKERR_NOMOUSE = -38, /**< Mouse not attached or not working properly */ CKERR_NOJOYSTICK = -39, /**< Joystick not attached or not working properly */ CKERR_INCOMPATIBLEPARAMETERS = -40, /**< Try to link imcompatible Parameters */ CKERR_NORENDERENGINE = -44, /**< There is no render engine dll */ CKERR_NOCURRENTLEVEL = -45, /**< There is no current level (use CKSetCurrentLevel ) */ CKERR_SOUNDDISABLED = -46, /**< Sound Management has been disabled */ CKERR_DINPUTDISABLED = -47, /**< DirectInput Management has been disabled */ CKERR_INVALIDGUID = -48, /**< Guid is already in use or invalid */ CKERR_NOTENOUGHDISKPLACE = -49, /**< There was no more free space on disk when trying to save a file */ CKERR_CANTWRITETOFILE = -50, /**< Impossible to write to file (write-protection ?) */ CKERR_BEHAVIORADDDENIEDBYCB = -51, /**< The behavior cannnot be added to this entity */ CKERR_INCOMPATIBLECLASSID = -52, /**< The behavior cannnot be added to this entity */ CKERR_MANAGERALREADYEXISTS = -53, /**< A manager was registered more than once */ CKERR_PAUSED = -54, /**< CKprocess or TimeManager process while CK is paused will fail */ CKERR_PLUGINSMISSING = -55, /**< Some plugins were missing whileloading a file */ CKERR_OBSOLETEVIRTOOLS = -56, /**< Virtools version too old to load this file */ CKERR_FILECRCERROR = -57, /**< CRC Error while loading file */ CKERR_ALREADYFULLSCREEN = -58, /**< A Render context is already in Fullscreen Mode */ CKERR_CANCELLED = -59, /**< Operation was cancelled by user */ CKERR_NOANIMATIONKEY = -121, /**< there were no animation key at the given index */ CKERR_INVALIDINDEX = -122, /**< attemp to acces an animation key with an invalid index */ CKERR_INVALIDANIMATION = -123, /**< the animation is invalid (no entity associated or zero length) */ }; /** * @brief Unique class identifier. * @remarks * \li Each class derived from the ObjImpls::CKObject class has a unique class ID. * \li This ID can be accessed through each instance of these classes, with the ObjImpls::CKObject::GetClassID() method. * \li This class ID is used internally for various matching operations, like matching behaviors on objects, etc.. * \li Identifiers listed in there is CK2 builtin class identifier list. * In original Virtools SDK, user can use plugin mechanism to register more class identifier in runtime. * Virtools only guarateen that identifiers listed in there must correspond with its real meaning. * However, there is no guarateen that IDs not listed in there will be the same when Virtools engine quit and initialized back again. * @see ObjImpls::CKObject::GetClassID(), CKIsChildClassOf() */ enum class CK_CLASSID : CKINT { CKCID_OBJECT = 1, CKCID_PARAMETERIN = 2, CKCID_PARAMETEROPERATION = 4, CKCID_STATE = 5, CKCID_BEHAVIORLINK = 6, CKCID_BEHAVIOR = 8, CKCID_BEHAVIORIO = 9, CKCID_RENDERCONTEXT = 12, CKCID_KINEMATICCHAIN = 13, CKCID_SCENEOBJECT = 11, CKCID_OBJECTANIMATION = 15, CKCID_ANIMATION = 16, CKCID_KEYEDANIMATION = 18, CKCID_BEOBJECT = 19, CKCID_DATAARRAY = 52, CKCID_SCENE = 10, CKCID_LEVEL = 21, CKCID_PLACE = 22, CKCID_GROUP = 23, CKCID_SOUND = 24, CKCID_WAVESOUND = 25, CKCID_MIDISOUND = 26, CKCID_MATERIAL = 30, CKCID_TEXTURE = 31, CKCID_MESH = 32, CKCID_PATCHMESH = 53, CKCID_RENDEROBJECT = 47, CKCID_2DENTITY = 27, CKCID_SPRITE = 28, CKCID_SPRITETEXT = 29, CKCID_3DENTITY = 33, CKCID_GRID = 50, CKCID_CURVEPOINT = 36, CKCID_SPRITE3D = 37, CKCID_CURVE = 43, CKCID_CAMERA = 34, CKCID_TARGETCAMERA = 35, CKCID_LIGHT = 38, CKCID_TARGETLIGHT = 39, CKCID_CHARACTER = 40, CKCID_3DOBJECT = 41, CKCID_BODYPART = 42, CKCID_PARAMETER = 46, CKCID_PARAMETERLOCAL = 45, CKCID_PARAMETEROUT = 3, CKCID_INTERFACEOBJECTMANAGER = 48, CKCID_CRITICALSECTION = 49, CKCID_LAYER = 51, CKCID_PROGRESSIVEMESH = 54, CKCID_SYNCHRO = 20, CKCID_OBJECTARRAY = 80, CKCID_SCENEOBJECTDESC = 81, CKCID_ATTRIBUTEMANAGER = 82, CKCID_MESSAGEMANAGER = 83, CKCID_COLLISIONMANAGER = 84, CKCID_OBJECTMANAGER = 85, CKCID_FLOORMANAGER = 86, CKCID_RENDERMANAGER = 87, CKCID_BEHAVIORMANAGER = 88, CKCID_INPUTMANAGER = 89, CKCID_PARAMETERMANAGER = 90, CKCID_GRIDMANAGER = 91, CKCID_SOUNDMANAGER = 92, CKCID_TIMEMANAGER = 93, CKCID_CUIKBEHDATA = -1, CKCID_MAXCLASSID = 55, CKCID_MAXMAXCLASSID = 128, }; // ========== Type Definition ========== // type define using CKParameterType = CKINT; using CKOperationType = CKINT; using CKMessageType = CKINT; using CKAttributeType = CKINT; using CKAttributeCategory = CKINT; // format constant #define PRIuCKID PRIuCKDWORD #define PRIiCKERROR PRIiCKINT #define PRIiCLASSID PRIiCKINT // ========== Class List ========== // We declare these classes in there to make sure that // following code can refer their pointer type safely. // Objects and derivated classes namespace ObjImpls { class CKObject; class CKInterfaceObjectManager; class CKRenderContext; class CKParameterIn; class CKParameter; class CKParameterOut; class CKParameterLocal; class CKParameterOperation; class CKBehaviorLink; class CKBehaviorIO; class CKRenderContext; class CKSynchroObject; class CKStateObject; class CKCriticalSectionObject; class CKKinematicChain; class CKObjectAnimation; class CKLayer; class CKSceneObject; class CKBehavior; class CKAnimation; class CKKeyedAnimation; class CKBeObject; class CKScene; class CKLevel; class CKPlace; class CKGroup; class CKMaterial; class CKTexture; class CKMesh; class CKPatchMesh; class CKProgressiveMesh; class CKDataArray; class CKSound; class CKMidiSound; class CKWaveSound; class CKRenderObject; class CK2dEntity; class CKSprite; class CKSpriteText; class CK3dEntity; class CKCamera; class CKTargetCamera; class CKCurvePoint; class CKSprite3D; class CKLight; class CKTargetLight; class CKCharacter; class CK3dObject; class CKBodyPart; class CKCurve; class CKGrid; } // Misc class CKBehaviorPrototype; class CKMessage; class CK2dCurvePoint; class CK2dCurve; //class CKStateChunk; //class CKFile; class CKDependencies; class CKDependenciesContext; class CKDebugContext; class CKObjectArray; class CKObjectDeclaration; //class CKContext; class CKBitmapProperties; class CKFileExtension; class CKVertexBuffer; // Managers namespace MgrImpls { class CKBaseManager; class CKObjectManager; class CKSoundManager; class CKTimeManager; class CKRenderManager; class CKBehaviorManager; class CKMessageManager; class CKParameterManager; class CKAttributeManager; class CKPathManager; class CKVariableManager; class CKSceneObjectDesc; class CKPluginManager; } // Data Handlers namespace DataHandlers { class CKBitmapHandler; class CKMovieHandler; class CKSoundHandler; } // Important classes (rewritten hugely) class CKContext; class CKStateChunk; class CKFileReader; class CKFileWriter; class CKFileVisitor; /** * @brief Global unique identifier struture. * @remarks * \li Guids are used to uniquely identify plugins, operation types, parameter types and behavior prototypes. * \li Comparison operators are defined so CKGUID can be compared with ==, != , <, > operators. * \li It's defined as following code * \code * typedef struct CKGUID { * union { * struct { CKDWORD d1,d2; }; * CKDWORD d[2]; * }; * }; * \endcode */ struct CKGUID { CKDWORD d1, d2; constexpr CKGUID(CKDWORD gd1 = 0, CKDWORD gd2 = 0) : d1(gd1), d2(gd2) {} CKGUID(const CKGUID& rhs) : d1(rhs.d1), d2(rhs.d2) {} CKGUID(CKGUID&& rhs) : d1(rhs.d1), d2(rhs.d2) {} CKGUID& operator=(const CKGUID& rhs) { this->d1 = rhs.d1; this->d2 = rhs.d2; return *this; } CKGUID& operator=(CKGUID&& rhs) { this->d1 = rhs.d1; this->d2 = rhs.d2; return *this; } auto operator<=>(const CKGUID& rhs) const { if (auto cmp = this->d1 <=> rhs.d1; cmp != 0) return cmp; return this->d2 <=> rhs.d2; } bool operator==(const CKGUID& rhs) const { return ((this->d1 == rhs.d1) && (this->d2 == rhs.d2)); } }; }