- fix some writing issue. - create a internal object adder in CKFileWriter shared by AddObject and Ctor(copy Reader).
297 lines
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297 lines
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#pragma once
#include "../VTAll.hpp"
namespace LibCmo::XContainer {
using XIntArray = XArray<CKINT>;
using XFileObjectsTable = XHashTable<CK2::CK_ID, CKINT>;
namespace LibCmo::CK2 {
class CKBufferParser {
CKBYTE* m_MemBegin;
bool m_NeedManualFree;
CKDWORD m_MemSize;
* @brief Create CKBufferParser from a existed buffer.
* @param ptr The start pointer of buffer. This buffer should be allocated by 'new[]', not 'new' or 'malloc()'.
* @param rsize The size of buffer.
* @param need_manual_free True if provided buffer need freed by CKBufferParser automatically.
CKBufferParser(const void* ptr, CKDWORD rsize, bool need_manual_free) :
m_MemBegin(const_cast<CKBYTE*>(static_cast<const CKBYTE*>(ptr))),
m_MemPos(0u), m_MemSize(rsize),
* @brief Create CKBufferParser from a new created buffer.
* @param newsize The size of new buffer.
CKBufferParser(CKDWORD newsize) :
m_MemBegin(new CKBYTE[newsize]),
m_MemPos(0u), m_MemSize(newsize),
~CKBufferParser() {
if (this->m_NeedManualFree) delete[](this->m_MemBegin);
const void* GetPtr(CKINT extraoff = 0) { return (this->m_MemBegin + m_MemPos + extraoff); }
void* GetMutablePtr(CKINT extraoff = 0) { return (this->m_MemBegin + m_MemPos + extraoff); }
void* GetBase(void) { return this->m_MemBegin; }
CKDWORD GetSize(void) { return this->m_MemSize; }
CKDWORD GetCursor(void) { return this->m_MemPos; }
void MoveCursor(CKINT off) { this->m_MemPos += off; }
void SetCursor(CKDWORD off) { this->m_MemPos = off; }
void Read(void* data, CKDWORD data_size) {
std::memcpy(data, (this->m_MemBegin + m_MemPos), data_size);
this->m_MemPos += data_size;
template<class _Ty>
void Read(_Ty* data) {
Read(data, CKSizeof(_Ty));
void Write(const void* data, CKDWORD data_size) {
std::memcpy((this->m_MemBegin + m_MemPos), data, data_size);
this->m_MemPos += data_size;
template<class _Ty>
void Write(const _Ty* data) {
Write(data, CKSizeof(_Ty));
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
struct CKRawFileInfo {
CKDWORD FileVersion;
CKDWORD FileWriteMode;
CKDWORD Hdr1PackSize;
CKDWORD DataPackSize;
CKDWORD DataUnPackSize;
CKDWORD ManagerCount;
CKDWORD ObjectCount;
CKDWORD ProductVersion;
CKDWORD ProductBuild;
CKDWORD Hdr1UnPackSize;
#pragma pack(pop)
class CKFileInfo {
CKFileInfo() :
ProductVersion(0u), ProductBuild(0x01010000u), FileWriteMode(CK_FILE_WRITEMODE::CKFILE_UNCOMPRESSED),
FileVersion(8u), CKVersion(CKVERSION), FileSize(0u),
ObjectCount(0u), ManagerCount(0u), MaxIDSaved(0u), Crc(0u),
Hdr1PackSize(0u), Hdr1UnPackSize(0u), DataPackSize(0u), DataUnPackSize(0u) {}
~CKFileInfo() {}
CKDWORD ProductVersion; /**< Virtools Version (Dev/Creation). (CK_VIRTOOLS_VERSION) */
CKDWORD ProductBuild; /**< Virtools Build Number. */
CK_FILE_WRITEMODE FileWriteMode; /**< Options used to save this file. (CK_FILE_WRITEMODE) */
CKDWORD FileVersion; /**< Version of file format when file was saved. */
CKDWORD CKVersion; /**< Version of CK when file was saved. */
CKDWORD FileSize; /**< Size of file in bytes. */
CKDWORD ObjectCount; /**< Number of objects stored in the file. */
CKDWORD ManagerCount; /**< Number of managers which saved data in the file. */
CK_ID MaxIDSaved; /**< Maximum Object identifier saved */
CKDWORD Crc; /**< Crc of data */
CKDWORD Hdr1PackSize; /**< The compressed size of Header section. */
CKDWORD Hdr1UnPackSize; /**< The uncompressed size of Header section. */
CKDWORD DataPackSize; /**< The compressed size of Data section. */
CKDWORD DataUnPackSize; /**< The uncompressed size of Data section. */
class CKFileObject {
CKFileObject(const CKFileObject&);
CKFileObject& operator=(const CKFileObject&);
CKFileObject& operator=(CKFileObject&&);
CK_ID ObjectId; /**< ID of the object being load/saved (as it will be/was saved in the file) */
CK_ID CreatedObjectId; /**< ID of the object being created */
CK_CLASSID ObjectCid; /**< Class Identifier of the object */
ObjImpls::CKObject* ObjPtr; /**< A pointer to the object itself (as CreatedObject when loading) */
XContainer::XString Name; /**< Name of the Object */
CKStateChunk* Data; /**< A CKStateChunk that contains object information */
CKDWORD PackSize; /**< The CKStateChunk data size */
//CKINT PostPackSize; /**< When compressed chunk by chunk : size of Data after compression */
//CKINT PrePackSize; /**< When compressed chunk by chunk : size of Data before compression */
CK_FO_OPTIONS Options; /**< When loading an object it may be renamed , use to replace another object */
CKDWORD FileIndex; /**< Position of the object data inside uncompressed file buffer */
CKDWORD SaveFlags; /**< Flags used when this object was saved. */
class CKFileManagerData {
CKFileManagerData(const CKFileManagerData&);
CKFileManagerData& operator=(const CKFileManagerData&);
CKFileManagerData& operator=(CKFileManagerData&&);
CKStateChunk* Data;
CKGUID Manager;
class CKFilePluginDependencies {
CKFilePluginDependencies() :
m_PluginCategory(CK_PLUGIN_TYPE::CKPLUGIN_MANAGER_DLL), m_Guids() {}
~CKFilePluginDependencies() {}
CK_PLUGIN_TYPE m_PluginCategory;
XContainer::XArray<CKGUID> m_Guids;
//XContainer::XBitArray ValidGuids;
class CKFileVisitor {
CKFileVisitor(CKFileReader* reader);
CKFileVisitor(CKFileWriter* writer);
CKFileVisitor(const CKFileVisitor&);
CKFileVisitor& operator=(const CKFileVisitor&);
CKFileVisitor& operator=(CKFileVisitor&&);
const CKFileObject* GetFileObjectByIndex(CKDWORD index);
CKDWORD GetIndexByObjectID(CK_ID objid);
bool AddSavedFile(CKSTRING u8FileName);
bool m_IsReader;
CKFileReader* m_Reader;
CKFileWriter* m_Writer;
CKContext* m_Ctx;
class CKFileReader {
friend class CKFileVisitor;
CKFileReader(CKContext* ctx);
// ========== Loading ==========
CKERROR ShallowLoad(CKSTRING u8_filename);
CKERROR DeepLoad(CKSTRING u8_filename);
// ========== Loading Result ==========
CK_ID GetSaveIdMax();
const XContainer::XArray<CKFileObject>& GetFileObjects();
const XContainer::XArray<CKFileManagerData>& GetManagersData();
const XContainer::XArray<CKFilePluginDependencies>& GetPluginsDep();
const XContainer::XArray<XContainer::XString>& GetIncludedFiles();
const CKFileInfo GetFileInfo();
bool m_Done;
CK_ID m_SaveIDMax; /**< Maximum CK_ID found when saving or loading objects */
XContainer::XArray<CKFileObject> m_FileObjects; /**< List of objects being saved / loaded */
XContainer::XArray<CKFileManagerData> m_ManagersData; /**< Manager Data loaded */
XContainer::XArray<CKFilePluginDependencies> m_PluginsDep; /**< Plugins dependencies for this file */
// XContainer::XClassArray<XContainer::XIntArray> m_IndexByClassId; /**< List of index in the m_FileObjects table sorted by ClassID */
* @brief List of files that should be inserted in the CMO file.
* @remark Each item is just file name, not the full path to file.
XContainer::XArray<XContainer::XString> m_IncludedFiles;
CKFileInfo m_FileInfo; /**< Headers summary */
CKERROR ReadFileHeader(CKBufferParser* ParserPtr);
CKERROR ReadFileData(CKBufferParser* ParserPtr);
CKContext* m_Ctx;
CKFileVisitor m_Visitor;
class CKFileWriter {
friend class CKFileVisitor;
CKFileWriter(CKContext* ctx);
CKFileWriter(CKContext* ctx, CKFileReader* reader, bool is_shallow);
// ========== Saving Preparing ==========
bool AddSavedObject(ObjImpls::CKObject* obj, CKDWORD flags = CK_STATESAVE_ALL);
bool AddSavedObjects(const XContainer::XObjectPointerArray& objarray, CKDWORD flags = CK_STATESAVE_ALL);
bool AddSavedFile(CKSTRING u8FileName);
// ========== Saving ==========
CKERROR Save(CKSTRING u8_filename);
* @brief A helper function to check whether given file can be written.
* @param filename[in] The name of file to be wriiten
* @return CKERROR::CK_OK if can write.
CKERROR PrepareFile(CKSTRING filename);
* @brief Internal used Object Adder.
* This function is used by AddSavedObject() and Copy from reader constructor.
* This function accept a object pointer, and try adding them.
* And set m_IncludedFiles and m_ObjectsHashTable properly.
* @param obj The pointer to added object.
* @param flags The flag used when saving this object.
* @return True if success.
bool InternalObjectAdder(ObjImpls::CKObject* obj, CKDWORD flags = CK_STATESAVE_ALL);
bool m_Done; /**< True if this writer is already written into file. A written CKFileWriter can no be written again. */
* @brief True if this writer is not allowed to add objects.
* @remark
* + This field should be false in default.
* + This field usually be set when importing from reader.
bool m_DisableAddingObject;
* @brief True if this writer is not allowed to add files.
* @remark
* + This field should be false in default.
* + This field usually be set when importing from reader.
bool m_DisableAddingFile;
CK_ID m_SaveIDMax; /**< Maximum CK_ID found when saving or loading objects */
XContainer::XArray<CKFileObject> m_FileObjects; /**< List of objects being saved / loaded */
XContainer::XArray<CKFileManagerData> m_ManagersData; /**< Manager Data loaded */
XContainer::XArray<CKFilePluginDependencies> m_PluginsDep; /**< Plugins dependencies for this file */
* @brief List of files that should be inserted in the CMO file.
* @remark Each item is the full path to file.
XContainer::XArray<XContainer::XString> m_IncludedFiles;
XContainer::XHashTable<CK_ID, CKDWORD> m_ObjectsHashTable; /**< A Object ID to save index hash table. */
XContainer::XBitArray m_AlreadySavedMask; /**< Field recording saved object id. If this object is saved, set m_AlreadySavedMask[id] to true. Also used to check whether object already is in save list. */
CKFileInfo m_FileInfo; /**< Headers summary */
CKContext* m_Ctx;
CKFileVisitor m_Visitor;