- fix build issue in Unvirt and LibCmo - due to we use UTF8 string. the accessible value generator in EnumsMigration need to be changed at the same time. - remove string helper in Unvirt because we no longer need it.
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179 lines
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#pragma once
#include "../VTInternal.hpp"
#include <map>
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
namespace LibCmo::CK2 {
@brief Main Interface Object
+ The CKContext object is the heart of all Virtools based applications, It is the first object that should be created in order to
use Virtools SDK. A CKContext can be simply created by calling its constructor.
+ The CKContext object act as the central interface to create/destroy objects,to access managers, to load/save files.
+ Several CKContext can be created inside a same process (in multiple threads for example) but objects created
by a specific CKContext must not be used in other contextes.
@see CKContext::CreateObject, CKContext::GetObject, CKContext::DestroyObject
class CKContext {
// ========== Engine runtime ==========
* @brief Simply clear all CKContext to restore its status.
void ClearAll();
// ========== Objects Management / Access ==========
// These functions is a simply redirect to CKObjectManager
ObjImpls::CKObject* CreateObject(CK_CLASSID cls, CKSTRING name,
CK_CREATIONMODE* res = nullptr);
ObjImpls::CKObject* GetObject(CK_ID ObjID);
CKDWORD GetObjectCount();
void DestroyObject(ObjImpls::CKObject *obj);
void DestroyObject(CK_ID id);
void DestroyObjects(CK_ID* obj_ids, CKDWORD Count);
ObjImpls::CKObject* GetObjectByName(CKSTRING name, ObjImpls::CKObject *previous = nullptr);
ObjImpls::CKObject* GetObjectByNameAndClass(CKSTRING name, CK_CLASSID cid, ObjImpls::CKObject *previous = nullptr);
ObjImpls::CKObject* GetObjectByNameAndParentClass(CKSTRING name, CK_CLASSID pcid, ObjImpls::CKObject* previous = nullptr);
const XContainer::XObjectPointerArray GetObjectListByType(CK_CLASSID cid, bool derived);
CKDWORD GetObjectsCountByClassID(CK_CLASSID cid);
CK_ID* GetObjectsListByClassID(CK_CLASSID cid);
XContainer::XObjectPointerArray m_ObjectPointerCache;
XContainer::XObjectArray m_ObjectCache;
// ========== Common Managers ==========
MgrImpls::CKObjectManager* GetObjectManager();
MgrImpls::CKPathManager* GetPathManager();
CKDWORD GetManagerCount();
MgrImpls::CKBaseManager* GetManager(CKDWORD index);
void ExecuteManagersOnPreClearAll();
void ExecuteManagersOnPostClearAll();
void ExecuteManagersOnSequenceToBeDeleted(const CK_ID* objids, CKDWORD count);
void ExecuteManagersOnSequenceDeleted(const CK_ID* objids, CKDWORD count);
void ExecuteManagersGeneral(std::function<void(MgrImpls::CKBaseManager*)> fct);
XContainer::XArray<MgrImpls::CKBaseManager*> m_ManagerList;
MgrImpls::CKObjectManager* m_ObjectManager;
MgrImpls::CKPathManager* m_PathManager;
// ========== File Save/Load Options ==========
void SetCompressionLevel(CKINT level);
CKINT GetCompressionLevel();
void SetFileWriteMode(CK_FILE_WRITEMODE mode);
CK_TEXTURE_SAVEOPTIONS GetGlobalImagesSaveOptions();
void SetGlobalImagesSaveOptions(CK_TEXTURE_SAVEOPTIONS Options);
const CKBitmapProperties& GetGlobalImagesSaveFormat();
void SetGlobalImagesSaveFormat(const CKBitmapProperties& Format);
CK_SOUND_SAVEOPTIONS GetGlobalSoundsSaveOptions();
void SetGlobalSoundsSaveOptions(CK_SOUND_SAVEOPTIONS Options);
CKINT m_CompressionLevel;
CK_TEXTURE_SAVEOPTIONS m_GlobalImagesSaveOptions;
CK_SOUND_SAVEOPTIONS m_GlobalSoundsSaveOptions;
CKBitmapProperties m_GlobalImagesSaveFormat;
// ========== Encoding utilities ==========
* @brief Convert given ordinary string to UTF8 string.
* @param[in] native_name The input ordinary string.
* @param[out] u8_name The output UTF8 string.
* @exception RuntimeException Raised when perform this operation with a blank encoding sequence.
* @remarks
* The encoding of ordinary is specified by encoding sequence.
* If we fail to do convertion, the result will leave to blank and output a message to CKContext.
* However, if you use this function with blank encoding sequence, it will raise exception.
* So becore using this function, please make sure that you have checked by calling IsValidEncoding().
void GetUTF8String(const std::string& native_name, XContainer::XString& u8_name);
* @brief Convert given UTF8 string to ordinary string.
* @param[in] u8_name The input UTF8 string.
* @param[out] native_name The output ordinary string.
* @exception RuntimeException Raised when perform this operation with a blank encoding sequence.
* @remarks
* The encoding of ordinary is specified by encoding sequence.
* If we fail to do convertion, the result will leave to blank and output a message to CKContext.
* However, if you use this function with blank encoding sequence, it will raise exception.
* So becore using this function, please make sure that you have checked by calling IsValidEncoding().
void GetOrdinaryString(const XContainer::XString& u8_name, std::string& native_name);
* @brief Set the encoding sequence.
* @param[in] encoding_series The encoding name in this sequence.
* @remarks
* \li The order in encoding sequence is important. The encoding name with lower index will be used for convertion first.
* \li Encoding sequence will be used for performing GetUTF8String() and GetOrdinaryString().
* We will try using it to do convertion from top to bottom (if one failed we will continue trying to use next one to do convertion).
void SetEncoding(const XContainer::XArray<XContainer::XString>& encoding_series);
* @brief Clear specified encoding sequence.
void ClearEncoding();
* @brief Check whether current encoding sequence at least has one valid encoding for convertion.
* @return True if it is, otherwise false.
bool IsValidEncoding();
XContainer::XArray<EncodingHelper::EncodingToken> m_NameEncoding;
// ========== Print utilities ==========
* @brief The callback prototype.
* @details It accept a CKSTRING representing the string need to be printed.
* The passed CKSTRING is guaranteen that it can not be nullptr.
using OutputCallback = void(*)(CKSTRING);
* @brief Output plain message.
* @param[in] str Plain message. nullptr is allowed but not suggested.
void OutputToConsole(CKSTRING str);
* @brief Output message with given format.
* @param[in] fmt The format string. nullptr is allowed but not suggested.
* @param[in] ... The arguments of format string.
void OutputToConsoleEx(CKSTRING fmt, ...);
* @brief Set the callback for message printing.
* @param[in] cb The function pointer to callback. nullptr to remove callback.
void SetOutputCallback(OutputCallback cb);
OutputCallback m_OutputCallback;