yocto stuff
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ audio | [aw_ima.h](https://github.com/afterwise/aw-ima/blob/master/
audio |**[dr_flac](https://github.com/mackron/dr_libs)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| FLAC audio decoder
compression |**[miniz.c](https://github.com/richgel999/miniz)** |**public domain**|C/C++|**1**| compression,decompression, zip file, png writing
compression | [lz4](https://github.com/Cyan4973/lz4) | BSD |C/C++| 2 | fast but larger LZ compression
compression | [fastlz](https://code.google.com/archive/p/fastlz/source/default/source) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | fast but larger LZ compression
compression | [fastlz](https://code.google.com/archive/p/fastlz/source/default/source) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | fast but larger LZ compression
compression | [pithy](https://github.com/johnezang/pithy) | BSD |C/C++| 2 | fast but larger LZ compression
crypto | [TweetNaCl](http://tweetnacl.cr.yp.to/software.html) | **public domain** | C | 2 | high-quality tiny cryptography library
data structures|[klib](http://attractivechaos.github.io/klib/) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | many 2-file libs: hash, sort, b-tree, etc
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ files & filenames | [TinyDir](https://github.com/cxong/tinydir)
geometry file | [tk_objfile](https://github.com/joeld42/tk_objfile) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| OBJ file loader
geometry file | [tinyply](https://github.com/ddiakopoulos/tinyply) | **public domain** | C++ | 2 | PLY mesh file loader
geometry file | [tinyobjloader](https://github.com/syoyo/tinyobjloader) | BSD | C++ |**1**| wavefront OBJ file loader
geometry file | [yocto_obj.h](https://github.com/xelatihy/yocto-gl) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| wavefront OBJ file loader
geometry math |**[nv_voronoi.h](http://www.icculus.org/~mordred/nvlib/)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| find voronoi regions on lattice w/ integer inputs
geometry math |**[sobol.h](https://github.com/Marc-B-Reynolds/Stand-alone-junk/)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| sobol & stratified sampling sequences
geometry math | [sdf.h](https://github.com/memononen/SDF) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| compute signed-distance field from antialiased image
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@ geometry math | [Tomas Akenine-Moller snippets](http://tinyurl.com/ht79ndj)
geometry math | [Clipper](http://www.angusj.com/delphi/clipper.php) | Boost | C++ | 2 | line & polygon clipping & offsetting
geometry math | [PolyPartition](https://github.com/ivanfratric/polypartition) | MIT | C++ | 2 | polygon triangulation, partitioning
geometry math | [Voxelizer](https://github.com/karimnaaji/voxelizer) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| convert triangle mesh to voxel triangle mesh
geometry math | [yocto_bvh.h](https://github.com/xelatihy/yocto-gl) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| ray-casting of bounding-volume hierarchy
geometry math | [yocto_shape.h](https://github.com/xelatihy/yocto-gl) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| shape generation, tesselation, normals, etc.
geometry math | [yocto_trace.h](https://github.com/xelatihy/yocto-gl) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| physically-based unidirectional path tracer w/ MIS for direct lights
graphics (2d) | [blendish](https://bitbucket.org/duangle/oui-blendish/src) | MIT |C/C++|**1**| blender-style widget rendering
graphics (2d) | [tigr](https://bitbucket.org/rmitton/tigr/src) | **public domain** |C/C++| 2 | quick-n-dirty window text/graphics for Windows
graphics (2d) | [noc_turtle](https://github.com/guillaumechereau/noc) | MIT |C/C++| 2 | procedural graphics generator
@ -76,7 +80,7 @@ hardware |**[EasyTab](https://github.com/ApoorvaJ/EasyTab)**
images | [jo_gif.cpp](http://www.jonolick.com/home/gif-writer) | **public domain** | C++ |**1**| animated GIF writer (CPP file can also be used as H file)
images |**[gif.h](https://github.com/ginsweater/gif-h)** | **public domain** | C |**1**| animated GIF writer (can only include once)
images |**[tiny_jpeg.h](https://github.com/serge-rgb/TinyJPEG/)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| JPEG encoder
images | [miniexr](https://github.com/aras-p/miniexr) | **public domain** | C++ | 2 | OpenEXR writer, needs header file
images | [miniexr](https://github.com/aras-p/miniexr) | **public domain** | C++ | 2 | OpenEXR writer, needs header file
images | [tinyexr](https://github.com/syoyo/tinyexr) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| EXR image read/write, uses miniz internally
images | [lodepng](http://lodev.org/lodepng/) | zlib |C/C++| 2 | PNG encoder/decoder
images | [nanoSVG](https://github.com/memononen/nanosvg) | zlib |C/C++|**1**| 1-file SVG parser; 1-file SVG rasterizer
@ -87,8 +91,8 @@ images |**[cro_mipmap.h](https://github.com/thebeast33/cro_lib)**
math | [mm_vec.h](https://github.com/vurtun/mmx) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| SIMD vector math
math | [ShaderFastLibs](https://github.com/michaldrobot/ShaderFastLibs) | MIT | C++ |**1**| (also HLSL) approximate transcendental functions optimized for shaders (esp. GCN)
math | [TinyExpr](https://github.com/codeplea/tinyexpr) | zlib | C | 2 | evaluation of math expressions from strings
math | [linalg.h](https://github.com/sgorsten/linalg) | **unlicense** | C++ |**1**| vector/matrix/quaternion math
math | [PoissonGenerator.h](https://github.com/corporateshark/poisson-disk-generator) | MIT | C++ |**1**| Poisson disk points generator (disk or rect)
math | [linalg.h](https://github.com/sgorsten/linalg) | **unlicense** | C++ |**1**| vector/matrix/quaternion math
math | [PoissonGenerator.h](https://github.com/corporateshark/poisson-disk-generator) | MIT | C++ |**1**| Poisson disk points generator (disk or rect)
multithreading | [mm_sched.h](https://github.com/vurtun/mmx) | zlib |C/C++|**1**| cross-platform multithreaded task scheduler
network |**[zed_net](https://github.com/ZedZull/zed_net)** | **public domain** |C/C++|**1**| cross-platform socket wrapper
network | [mm_web.h](https://github.com/vurtun/mmx) | BSD |C/C++|**1**| lightweight webserver, fork of webby
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