#define STB_DEFINE #include "../stb.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; int hlen, flen, listlen, total_lines = 0; char *header = stb_file("README.header.md", &hlen); // stb_file - read file into malloc()ed buffer char *footer = stb_file("README.footer.md", &flen); // stb_file - read file into malloc()ed buffer char **list = stb_stringfile("README.list", &listlen); // stb_stringfile - read file lines into malloced array of strings FILE *f = fopen("../README.md", "wb"); fprintf(f, "<!--- THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED, DO NOT CHANGE IT BY HAND --->\r\n\r\n"); fwrite(header, 1, hlen, f); for (i=0; i < listlen; ++i) { int num,j; char **tokens = stb_tokens_stripwhite(list[i], "|", &num); // stb_tokens -- tokenize string into malloced array of strings int num_lines; char **lines = stb_stringfile(stb_sprintf("../%s", tokens[0]), &num_lines); char *s1, *s2,*s3; s1 = strchr(lines[0], '-'); if (!s1) stb_fatal("Couldn't find '-' before version number in %s", tokens[0]); // stb_fatal -- print error message & exit s2 = strchr(s1+2, '-'); if (!s2) stb_fatal("Couldn't find '-' after version number in %s", tokens[0]); // stb_fatal -- print error message & exit *s2 = 0; s1 += 1; s1 = stb_trimwhite(s1); // stb_trimwhite -- advance pointer to after whitespace & delete trailing whitespace if (*s1 == 'v') ++s1; s3 = tokens[0]; stb_trimwhite(s3); fprintf(f, "**["); if (strlen(s3) < 21) { fprintf(f, "%s", tokens[0]); } else { char buffer[256]; strncpy(buffer, s3, 18); buffer[18] = 0; strcat(buffer, "..."); fprintf(f, "%s", buffer); } fprintf(f, "](%s)**", tokens[0]); fprintf(f, " | %s", s1); s1 = stb_trimwhite(tokens[1]); // stb_trimwhite -- advance pointer to after whitespace & delete trailing whitespace s2 = stb_dupreplace(s1, " ", " "); // stb_dupreplace -- search & replace string and malloc result fprintf(f, " | %s", s2); free(s2); fprintf(f, " | %d", num_lines); total_lines += num_lines; for (j=2; j < num; ++j) fprintf(f, " | %s", tokens[j]); fprintf(f, "\r\n"); } fprintf(f, "\r\n"); fprintf(f, "Total libraries: %d\r\n", listlen); fprintf(f, "Total lines of C code: %d\r\n\r\n", total_lines); fwrite(footer, 1, flen, f); fclose(f); return 0; }