/* stb_resample - v0.50 - public domain image resampling no warranty implied; use at your own risk Do this: #define STB_RESAMPLE_IMPLEMENTATION before you include this file in *one* C or C++ file to create the implementation. #define STBR_ASSERT(x) to avoid using assert.h. #define STBR_MALLOC and STBR_FREE to avoid using stdlib.h malloc. This will apply to all functions except stbr_resize_arbitrary(), which doesn't allocate memory. QUICK NOTES: Written with emphasis on usage and speed. Only the resize operation is currently supported, no rotations or translations. Supports arbitrary resize for separable filters. For a list of supported filters see the stbr_filter enum. To add a new filter, write a filter function and add it to stbr__filter_info_table. Latest revisions: 0.50 (2014-07-29) first released version See end of file for full revision history. TODO: Installable filters Specify wrap and filter modes independently for each axis Resize that respects alpha test coverage (Reference code: FloatImage::alphaTestCoverage and FloatImage::scaleAlphaToCoverage: https://code.google.com/p/nvidia-texture-tools/source/browse/trunk/src/nvimage/FloatImage.cpp ) Initial implementation by Jorge L Rodriguez, @VinoBS */ #ifndef STBR_INCLUDE_STB_RESAMPLE_H #define STBR_INCLUDE_STB_RESAMPLE_H // Basic usage: // result = stbr_resize_uint8_srgb(input_data, input_w, input_h, output_data, output_w, output_h, channels, STBR_FILTER_CATMULLROM, STBR_EDGE_CLAMP); // * input_data is your supplied texels. // * output_data will be the resized texels. It should be of size output_w * output_h * channels // * Returned result is 1 for success or 0 in case of an error. In the case of an error an assert with be triggered, #define STBR_ASSERT() to see it. // * If you're unsure of which filter to use, Catmull-Rom is a good upsampling filter and Mitchell is a good downsampling filter. // // // Data types provided: uint8, uint16, uint32, float. // // // Other function groups are provided, one for each data type, for more advanced functionality: // // stbr_resize_type_premultiply(input_data, input_w, input_h, output_data, output_w, output_h, channels, premultiply_alpha_channel, STBR_FILTER_CATMULLROM, STBR_EDGE_CLAMP, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB) // * premultiply_alpha_channel - if nonzero, the specified channel will be multiplied into all other channels before resampling, then divided back out after. // // stbr_resize_type_subpixel(input_data, input_w, input_h, output_data, output_w, output_h, s0, t0, s1, t1, channels, filter, edge) // * s0, t0, s1, t1 are the top-left and bottom right corner (uv addressing style: [0, 1]x[0, 1]) of a region of the input image to use. // // // All functionality is offered in this function: // // result = stbr_resize_arbitrary(input_data, input_w, input_h, input_stride_in_bytes, // output_data, output_w, output_h, output_stride_in_bytes, // s0, t0, s1, t1, // channels, premultiply_alpha_channel, STBR_TYPE_UINT8, STBR_FILTER_CATMULLROM, STBR_EDGE_CLAMP, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB); // // // Control over memory allocation is offered like so: // // size_t memory_required = stbr_calculate_memory(input_w, input_h, output_w, output_h, s0, t0, s1, t1, channels, STBR_FILTER_CATMULLROM); // void* extra_memory = malloc(memory_required); // Any memory allocation method of your choosing // result = stbr_resize_advanced(input_data, input_w, input_h, input_stride_in_bytes, // output_data, output_w, output_h, output_stride_in_bytes, // s0, t0, s1, t1, // channels, premultiply_alpha_channel, STBR_TYPE_UINT8, STBR_FILTER_CATMULLROM, STBR_EDGE_CLAMP, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB, // extra_memory, memory_required); // free(extra_memory); // // * input_stride_in_bytes and output_stride_in_bytes can be 0. If so they will be automatically calculated as width * channels. // * s0, t0, s1, t1 are the top-left and bottom right corner (uv addressing style: [0, 1]x[0, 1]) of a region of the input image to use. // * premultiply_alpha_channel - if nonzero, the specified channel will be multiplied into all other channels before resampling, then divided back out after. // * Returned result is 1 for success or 0 in case of an error. In the case of an error an assert with be triggered, #define STBR_ASSERT() to see it. // * stbr_resize_advanced() will not allocate any memory, it will use the memory you pass in to do its work. Memory required grows // approximately linearly with input and output size, but with discontinuities at input_w == output_w and input_h == output_height. // stbr_calculate_memory() is deterministic on its inputs. typedef enum { STBR_FILTER_NEAREST = 1, STBR_FILTER_BILINEAR = 2, STBR_FILTER_BICUBIC = 3, // A cubic b spline STBR_FILTER_CATMULLROM = 4, STBR_FILTER_MITCHELL = 5, } stbr_filter; typedef enum { STBR_EDGE_CLAMP = 1, STBR_EDGE_REFLECT = 2, STBR_EDGE_WRAP = 3, } stbr_edge; typedef enum { STBR_COLORSPACE_LINEAR = 1, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB = 2, // If you add here, update STBR_MAX_COLORSPACES } stbr_colorspace; #define STBR_MAX_COLORSPACES 2 typedef enum { STBR_TYPE_UINT8 = 1, STBR_TYPE_UINT16 = 2, STBR_TYPE_UINT32 = 3, STBR_TYPE_FLOAT = 4, // If you add here, update STBR_MAX_TYPES and stbr__type_size } stbr_type; #define STBR_MAX_TYPES 4 typedef unsigned char stbr_uint8; #ifdef _MSC_VER typedef unsigned short stbr_uint16; typedef unsigned int stbr_uint32; #else #include <stdint.h> typedef uint16_t stbr_uint16; typedef uint32_t stbr_uint32; #endif typedef unsigned int stbr_size_t; // to avoid including a header for size_t #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifdef STB_RESAMPLE_STATIC #define STBRDEF static #else #define STBRDEF extern #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PRIMARY API - sRGB type-safe image resizing. // STBRDEF int stbr_resize_uint8_srgb(const stbr_uint8* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint8* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int channels, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge); STBRDEF int stbr_resize_uint16_srgb(const stbr_uint16* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint16* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int channels, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge); STBRDEF int stbr_resize_uint32_srgb(const stbr_uint32* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint32* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int channels, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge); STBRDEF int stbr_resize_float_srgb(const float* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, float* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int channels, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge); STBRDEF int stbr_resize_uint8_premultiply(const stbr_uint8* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint8* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int channels, int premultiply_alpha_channel, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge, stbr_colorspace colorspace); STBRDEF int stbr_resize_uint16_premultiply(const stbr_uint16* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint16* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int channels, int premultiply_alpha_channel, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge, stbr_colorspace colorspace); STBRDEF int stbr_resize_uint32_premultiply(const stbr_uint32* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint32* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int channels, int premultiply_alpha_channel, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge, stbr_colorspace colorspace); STBRDEF int stbr_resize_float_premultiply(const float* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, float* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int channels, int premultiply_alpha_channel, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge, stbr_colorspace colorspace); STBRDEF int stbr_resize_uint8_subpixel(const stbr_uint8* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint8* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, int channels, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge); STBRDEF int stbr_resize_uint16_subpixel(const stbr_uint16* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint16* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, int channels, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge); STBRDEF int stbr_resize_uint32_subpixel(const stbr_uint32* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint32* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, int channels, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge); STBRDEF int stbr_resize_float_subpixel(const float* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, float* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, int channels, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge); STBRDEF int stbr_resize_arbitrary(const void* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, int input_stride_in_bytes, void* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int output_stride_in_bytes, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, int channels, int premultiply_alpha_channel, stbr_type type, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge, stbr_colorspace colorspace); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ADVANCED API // STBRDEF stbr_size_t stbr_calculate_memory(int input_w, int input_h, int output_w, int output_h, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, int channels, stbr_filter filter); STBRDEF int stbr_resize_advanced(const void* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, int input_stride_in_bytes, void* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int output_stride_in_bytes, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, int channels, int premultiply_alpha_channel, stbr_type type, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge, stbr_colorspace colorspace, void* tempmem, stbr_size_t tempmem_size_in_bytes); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // // //// end header file ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // STBR_INCLUDE_STB_RESAMPLE_H #ifdef STB_RESAMPLE_IMPLEMENTATION #ifndef STBR_ASSERT #include <assert.h> #define STBR_ASSERT(x) assert(x) #endif #ifdef STBR_DEBUG #define STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT STBR_ASSERT #else #define STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT #endif // If you hit this it means I haven't done it yet. #define STBR_UNIMPLEMENTED(x) STBR_ASSERT(!(x)) // For memset #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #ifndef STBR_MALLOC #include <stdlib.h> #define STBR_MALLOC(x) malloc(x) #define STBR_FREE(x) free(x) #endif #ifndef _MSC_VER #ifdef __cplusplus #define stbr_inline inline #else #define stbr_inline #endif #else #define stbr_inline __forceinline #endif // should produce compiler error if size is wrong typedef unsigned char stbr__validate_uint32[sizeof(stbr_uint32) == 4 ? 1 : -1]; #ifdef _MSC_VER #define STBR_NOTUSED(v) (void)(v) #else #define STBR_NOTUSED(v) (void)sizeof(v) #endif #define STBR_ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof((a))/sizeof((a)[0])) #define STBR__MAX_UNROLLED_CHANNELS 4 // Kernel function centered at 0 typedef float (stbr__kernel_fn)(float x); typedef struct { stbr__kernel_fn* kernel; float support; } stbr__filter_info; // When upsampling, the contributors are which source texels contribute. // When downsampling, the contributors are which destination texels are contributed to. typedef struct { int n0; // First contributing texel int n1; // Last contributing texel } stbr__contributors; typedef struct { const void* input_data; int input_w; int input_h; int input_stride_bytes; void* output_data; int output_w; int output_h; int output_stride_bytes; float s0, t0, s1, t1; float horizontal_shift; // Units: output texels float vertical_shift; // Units: output texels float horizontal_scale; float vertical_scale; int channels; int premul_alpha_channel; stbr_type type; stbr_filter filter; stbr_edge edge; stbr_colorspace colorspace; stbr__contributors* horizontal_contributors; float* horizontal_coefficients; stbr__contributors vertical_contributors; float* vertical_coefficients; int decode_buffer_texels; float* decode_buffer; float* horizontal_buffer; int ring_buffer_length_bytes; // The length of an individual entry in the ring buffer. The total number of ring buffers is stbr__get_filter_texel_width(filter) int ring_buffer_first_scanline; int ring_buffer_last_scanline; int ring_buffer_begin_index; float* ring_buffer; float* encode_buffer; // A temporary buffer to store floats so we don't lose precision while we do multiply-adds. } stbr__info; static stbr_inline int stbr__min(int a, int b) { return a < b ? a : b; } static stbr_inline int stbr__max(int a, int b) { return a > b ? a : b; } static stbr_inline float stbr__saturate(float x) { if (x < 0) return 0; if (x > 1) return 1; return x; } static float stbr__srgb_uchar_to_linear_float[256] = { 0.000000f, 0.000304f, 0.000607f, 0.000911f, 0.001214f, 0.001518f, 0.001821f, 0.002125f, 0.002428f, 0.002732f, 0.003035f, 0.003347f, 0.003677f, 0.004025f, 0.004391f, 0.004777f, 0.005182f, 0.005605f, 0.006049f, 0.006512f, 0.006995f, 0.007499f, 0.008023f, 0.008568f, 0.009134f, 0.009721f, 0.010330f, 0.010960f, 0.011612f, 0.012286f, 0.012983f, 0.013702f, 0.014444f, 0.015209f, 0.015996f, 0.016807f, 0.017642f, 0.018500f, 0.019382f, 0.020289f, 0.021219f, 0.022174f, 0.023153f, 0.024158f, 0.025187f, 0.026241f, 0.027321f, 0.028426f, 0.029557f, 0.030713f, 0.031896f, 0.033105f, 0.034340f, 0.035601f, 0.036889f, 0.038204f, 0.039546f, 0.040915f, 0.042311f, 0.043735f, 0.045186f, 0.046665f, 0.048172f, 0.049707f, 0.051269f, 0.052861f, 0.054480f, 0.056128f, 0.057805f, 0.059511f, 0.061246f, 0.063010f, 0.064803f, 0.066626f, 0.068478f, 0.070360f, 0.072272f, 0.074214f, 0.076185f, 0.078187f, 0.080220f, 0.082283f, 0.084376f, 0.086500f, 0.088656f, 0.090842f, 0.093059f, 0.095307f, 0.097587f, 0.099899f, 0.102242f, 0.104616f, 0.107023f, 0.109462f, 0.111932f, 0.114435f, 0.116971f, 0.119538f, 0.122139f, 0.124772f, 0.127438f, 0.130136f, 0.132868f, 0.135633f, 0.138432f, 0.141263f, 0.144128f, 0.147027f, 0.149960f, 0.152926f, 0.155926f, 0.158961f, 0.162029f, 0.165132f, 0.168269f, 0.171441f, 0.174647f, 0.177888f, 0.181164f, 0.184475f, 0.187821f, 0.191202f, 0.194618f, 0.198069f, 0.201556f, 0.205079f, 0.208637f, 0.212231f, 0.215861f, 0.219526f, 0.223228f, 0.226966f, 0.230740f, 0.234551f, 0.238398f, 0.242281f, 0.246201f, 0.250158f, 0.254152f, 0.258183f, 0.262251f, 0.266356f, 0.270498f, 0.274677f, 0.278894f, 0.283149f, 0.287441f, 0.291771f, 0.296138f, 0.300544f, 0.304987f, 0.309469f, 0.313989f, 0.318547f, 0.323143f, 0.327778f, 0.332452f, 0.337164f, 0.341914f, 0.346704f, 0.351533f, 0.356400f, 0.361307f, 0.366253f, 0.371238f, 0.376262f, 0.381326f, 0.386430f, 0.391573f, 0.396755f, 0.401978f, 0.407240f, 0.412543f, 0.417885f, 0.423268f, 0.428691f, 0.434154f, 0.439657f, 0.445201f, 0.450786f, 0.456411f, 0.462077f, 0.467784f, 0.473532f, 0.479320f, 0.485150f, 0.491021f, 0.496933f, 0.502887f, 0.508881f, 0.514918f, 0.520996f, 0.527115f, 0.533276f, 0.539480f, 0.545725f, 0.552011f, 0.558340f, 0.564712f, 0.571125f, 0.577581f, 0.584078f, 0.590619f, 0.597202f, 0.603827f, 0.610496f, 0.617207f, 0.623960f, 0.630757f, 0.637597f, 0.644480f, 0.651406f, 0.658375f, 0.665387f, 0.672443f, 0.679543f, 0.686685f, 0.693872f, 0.701102f, 0.708376f, 0.715694f, 0.723055f, 0.730461f, 0.737911f, 0.745404f, 0.752942f, 0.760525f, 0.768151f, 0.775822f, 0.783538f, 0.791298f, 0.799103f, 0.806952f, 0.814847f, 0.822786f, 0.830770f, 0.838799f, 0.846873f, 0.854993f, 0.863157f, 0.871367f, 0.879622f, 0.887923f, 0.896269f, 0.904661f, 0.913099f, 0.921582f, 0.930111f, 0.938686f, 0.947307f, 0.955974f, 0.964686f, 0.973445f, 0.982251f, 0.991102f, 1.0f }; static unsigned char stbr__linear_uchar_to_srgb_uchar[256] = { 0, 12, 21, 28, 33, 38, 42, 46, 49, 52, 55, 58, 61, 63, 66, 68, 70, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86, 88, 89, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 165, 166, 167, 168, 168, 169, 170, 171, 171, 172, 173, 174, 174, 175, 176, 176, 177, 178, 179, 179, 180, 181, 181, 182, 183, 183, 184, 185, 185, 186, 187, 187, 188, 189, 189, 190, 191, 191, 192, 193, 193, 194, 194, 195, 196, 196, 197, 197, 198, 199, 199, 200, 201, 201, 202, 202, 203, 204, 204, 205, 205, 206, 206, 207, 208, 208, 209, 209, 210, 210, 211, 212, 212, 213, 213, 214, 214, 215, 215, 216, 217, 217, 218, 218, 219, 219, 220, 220, 221, 221, 222, 222, 223, 223, 224, 224, 225, 226, 226, 227, 227, 228, 228, 229, 229, 230, 230, 231, 231, 232, 232, 233, 233, 234, 234, 235, 235, 236, 236, 237, 237, 237, 238, 238, 239, 239, 240, 240, 241, 241, 242, 242, 243, 243, 244, 244, 245, 245, 245, 246, 246, 247, 247, 248, 248, 249, 249, 250, 250, 251, 251, 251, 252, 252, 253, 253, 254, 254, 255 }; static unsigned char stbr__type_size[] = { 0, 1, // STBR_TYPE_UINT8 2, // STBR_TYPE_UINT16 4, // STBR_TYPE_UINT32 4, // STBR_TYPE_FLOAT }; float stbr__srgb_to_linear(float f) { if (f <= 0.04045f) return f / 12.92f; else return (float)pow((f + 0.055f) / 1.055f, 2.4f); } float stbr__linear_to_srgb(float f) { if (f <= 0.0031308f) return f * 12.92f; else return 1.055f * (float)pow(f, 1 / 2.4f) - 0.055f; } static float stbr__filter_nearest(float x) { if (x <= -0.5f) return 0; else if (x > 0.5f) return 0; else return 1; } static float stbr__filter_bilinear(float x) { x = (float)fabs(x); if (x <= 1.0f) return 1 - x; else return 0; } static float stbr__filter_bicubic(float x) { x = (float)fabs(x); if (x < 1.0f) return 0.66666666666f + x*x*(0.5f*x - 1); else if (x < 2.0f) return 1.3333333333f + x*(-2 + x*(1 - 0.16666666f * x)); return (0.0f); } static float stbr__filter_catmullrom(float x) { x = (float)fabs(x); if (x < 1.0f) return 1 - x*x*(2.5f - 1.5f*x); else if (x < 2.0f) return 2 - x*(4 + x*(0.5f*x - 2.5f)); return (0.0f); } static float stbr__filter_mitchell(float x) { x = (float)fabs(x); if (x < 1.0f) return 0.8888888888f + x*x*(1.1666666666666f * x - 2.0f); else if (x < 2.0f) return 1.777777777777f + x*(-3.3333333333f + x*(2 - 0.3888888888888f*x)); return (0.0f); } static stbr__filter_info stbr__filter_info_table[] = { { NULL, 0.0f }, { stbr__filter_nearest, 0.5f }, { stbr__filter_bilinear, 1.0f }, { stbr__filter_bicubic, 2.0f }, { stbr__filter_catmullrom, 2.0f }, { stbr__filter_mitchell, 2.0f }, }; stbr_inline static int stbr__use_upsampling(float ratio) { return ratio > 1; } stbr_inline static int stbr__use_width_upsampling(stbr__info* stbr_info) { return stbr__use_upsampling(stbr_info->horizontal_scale); } stbr_inline static int stbr__use_height_upsampling(stbr__info* stbr_info) { return stbr__use_upsampling(stbr_info->vertical_scale); } // This is the maximum number of input samples that can affect an output sample // with the given filter stbr_inline static int stbr__get_filter_texel_width(stbr_filter filter, int input_w, int output_w, float scale) { STBR_ASSERT(filter != 0); STBR_ASSERT(filter < STBR_ARRAY_SIZE(stbr__filter_info_table)); if (stbr__use_upsampling(scale)) return (int)ceil(stbr__filter_info_table[filter].support * 2); else return (int)ceil(stbr__filter_info_table[filter].support * 2 / scale); } stbr_inline static int stbr__get_filter_texel_width_horizontal(stbr__info* stbr_info) { return stbr__get_filter_texel_width(stbr_info->filter, stbr_info->input_w, stbr_info->output_w, stbr_info->horizontal_scale); } stbr_inline static int stbr__get_filter_texel_width_vertical(stbr__info* stbr_info) { return stbr__get_filter_texel_width(stbr_info->filter, stbr_info->input_h, stbr_info->output_h, stbr_info->vertical_scale); } // This is how much to expand buffers to account for filters seeking outside // the image boundaries. stbr_inline static int stbr__get_filter_texel_margin(stbr_filter filter, int input_w, int output_w, float scale) { return stbr__get_filter_texel_width(filter, input_w, output_w, scale) / 2; } stbr_inline static int stbr__get_filter_texel_margin_horizontal(stbr__info* stbr_info) { return stbr__get_filter_texel_width(stbr_info->filter, stbr_info->input_w, stbr_info->output_w, stbr_info->horizontal_scale) / 2; } stbr_inline static int stbr__get_filter_texel_margin_vertical(stbr__info* stbr_info) { return stbr__get_filter_texel_width(stbr_info->filter, stbr_info->input_h, stbr_info->output_h, stbr_info->vertical_scale) / 2; } stbr_inline static int stbr__get_horizontal_contributors_noinfo(stbr_filter filter, int input_w, int output_w, float horizontal_scale) { if (stbr__use_upsampling(horizontal_scale)) return output_w; else return (input_w + stbr__get_filter_texel_margin(filter, input_w, output_w, horizontal_scale) * 2); } stbr_inline static int stbr__get_horizontal_contributors(stbr__info* stbr_info) { return stbr__get_horizontal_contributors_noinfo(stbr_info->filter, stbr_info->input_w, stbr_info->output_w, stbr_info->horizontal_scale); } stbr_inline static int stbr__get_total_coefficients_noinfo(stbr_filter filter, int input_w, int output_w, float horizontal_scale) { return stbr__get_horizontal_contributors_noinfo(filter, input_w, output_w, horizontal_scale) * stbr__get_filter_texel_width(filter, input_w, output_w, horizontal_scale); } stbr_inline static int stbr__get_total_coefficients(stbr__info* stbr_info) { return stbr__get_total_coefficients_noinfo(stbr_info->filter, stbr_info->input_w, stbr_info->output_w, stbr_info->horizontal_scale); } stbr_inline static stbr__contributors* stbr__get_contributor(stbr__info* stbr_info, int n) { STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(n >= 0 && n < stbr__get_horizontal_contributors(stbr_info)); return &stbr_info->horizontal_contributors[n]; } stbr_inline static float* stbr__get_coefficient(stbr__info* stbr_info, int n, int c) { return &stbr_info->horizontal_coefficients[stbr__get_filter_texel_width(stbr_info->filter, stbr_info->input_w, stbr_info->output_w, stbr_info->horizontal_scale)*n + c]; } stbr_inline static int stbr__edge_wrap(stbr_edge edge, int n, int max) { switch (edge) { case STBR_EDGE_CLAMP: if (n < 0) return 0; if (n >= max) return max - 1; return n; case STBR_EDGE_REFLECT: { if (n < 0) { if (n < max) return -n; else return max - 1; } if (n >= max) { int max2 = max * 2; if (n >= max2) return 0; else return max2 - n - 1; } return n; } case STBR_EDGE_WRAP: if (n >= 0) return (n % max); else { int m = (-n) % max; if (m != 0) m = max - m; return (m); } default: STBR_UNIMPLEMENTED("Unimplemented edge type"); return 0; } } // What input texels contribute to this output texel? static void stbr__calculate_sample_range_upsample(int n, float out_filter_radius, float scale_ratio, float out_shift, int* in_first_texel, int* in_last_texel, float* in_center_of_out) { float out_texel_center = (float)n + 0.5f; float out_texel_influence_lowerbound = out_texel_center - out_filter_radius; float out_texel_influence_upperbound = out_texel_center + out_filter_radius; float in_texel_influence_lowerbound = (out_texel_influence_lowerbound + out_shift) / scale_ratio; float in_texel_influence_upperbound = (out_texel_influence_upperbound + out_shift) / scale_ratio; *in_center_of_out = (out_texel_center + out_shift) / scale_ratio; *in_first_texel = (int)(floor(in_texel_influence_lowerbound + 0.5)); *in_last_texel = (int)(floor(in_texel_influence_upperbound - 0.5)); } // What output texels does this input texel contribute to? static void stbr__calculate_sample_range_downsample(int n, float in_pixels_radius, float scale_ratio, float out_shift, int* out_first_texel, int* out_last_texel, float* out_center_of_in) { float in_texel_center = (float)n + 0.5f; float in_texel_influence_lowerbound = in_texel_center - in_pixels_radius; float in_texel_influence_upperbound = in_texel_center + in_pixels_radius; float out_texel_influence_lowerbound = in_texel_influence_lowerbound * scale_ratio - out_shift; float out_texel_influence_upperbound = in_texel_influence_upperbound * scale_ratio - out_shift; *out_center_of_in = in_texel_center * scale_ratio - out_shift; *out_first_texel = (int)(floor(out_texel_influence_lowerbound + 0.5)); *out_last_texel = (int)(floor(out_texel_influence_upperbound - 0.5)); } static void stbr__calculate_coefficients_upsample(stbr__info* stbr_info, int in_first_texel, int in_last_texel, float in_center_of_out, stbr__contributors* contributor, float* coefficient_group) { int i; float total_filter = 0; float filter_scale; stbr_filter filter = stbr_info->filter; STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(in_last_texel - in_first_texel <= stbr__get_filter_texel_width_horizontal(stbr_info)); contributor->n0 = in_first_texel; contributor->n1 = in_last_texel; STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(contributor->n1 >= contributor->n0); for (i = 0; i <= in_last_texel - in_first_texel; i++) { float in_texel_center = (float)(i + in_first_texel) + 0.5f; total_filter += coefficient_group[i] = stbr__filter_info_table[filter].kernel(in_center_of_out - in_texel_center); } STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(total_filter > 0.9); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(total_filter < 1.1f); // Make sure it's not way off. // Make sure the sum of all coefficients is 1. filter_scale = 1 / total_filter; for (i = 0; i <= in_last_texel - in_first_texel; i++) coefficient_group[i] *= filter_scale; } static void stbr__calculate_coefficients_downsample(stbr__info* stbr_info, float scale_ratio, int out_first_texel, int out_last_texel, float out_center_of_in, stbr__contributors* contributor, float* coefficient_group) { int i; stbr_filter filter = stbr_info->filter; STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(out_last_texel - out_first_texel <= stbr__get_filter_texel_width_horizontal(stbr_info)); contributor->n0 = out_first_texel; contributor->n1 = out_last_texel; STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(contributor->n1 >= contributor->n0); for (i = 0; i <= out_last_texel - out_first_texel; i++) { float in_texel_center = (float)(i + out_first_texel) + 0.5f; coefficient_group[i] = stbr__filter_info_table[filter].kernel((out_center_of_in - in_texel_center)/scale_ratio); } } #ifdef STBR_DEBUG static void stbr__check_downsample_coefficients(stbr__info* stbr_info) { int i; for (i = 0; i < stbr_info->output_w; i++) { float total = 0; int j; for (j = 0; j < stbr__get_horizontal_contributors(stbr_info); j++) { if (i >= stbr_info->horizontal_contributors[j].n0 && i <= stbr_info->horizontal_contributors[j].n1) { float coefficient = *stbr__get_coefficient(stbr_info, j, i - stbr_info->horizontal_contributors[j].n0); total += coefficient; } else if (i < stbr_info->horizontal_contributors[j].n0) break; } STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(total > 0.9f); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(total <= 1.0f + 1.0f / (pow(2.0f, 8.0f * stbr__type_size[stbr_info->type]) - 1)); } } #endif // Each scan line uses the same kernel values so we should calculate the kernel // values once and then we can use them for every scan line. static void stbr__calculate_horizontal_filters(stbr__info* stbr_info) { int n; float scale_ratio = stbr_info->horizontal_scale; int total_contributors = stbr__get_horizontal_contributors(stbr_info); if (stbr__use_width_upsampling(stbr_info)) { float out_pixels_radius = stbr__filter_info_table[stbr_info->filter].support * scale_ratio; // Looping through out texels for (n = 0; n < total_contributors; n++) { float in_center_of_out; // Center of the current out texel in the in texel space int in_first_texel, in_last_texel; stbr__calculate_sample_range_upsample(n, out_pixels_radius, scale_ratio, stbr_info->horizontal_shift, &in_first_texel, &in_last_texel, &in_center_of_out); stbr__calculate_coefficients_upsample(stbr_info, in_first_texel, in_last_texel, in_center_of_out, stbr__get_contributor(stbr_info, n), stbr__get_coefficient(stbr_info, n, 0)); } } else { float in_pixels_radius = stbr__filter_info_table[stbr_info->filter].support / scale_ratio; // Looping through in texels for (n = 0; n < total_contributors; n++) { float out_center_of_in; // Center of the current out texel in the in texel space int out_first_texel, out_last_texel; int n_adjusted = n - stbr__get_filter_texel_margin_horizontal(stbr_info); stbr__calculate_sample_range_downsample(n_adjusted, in_pixels_radius, scale_ratio, stbr_info->horizontal_shift, &out_first_texel, &out_last_texel, &out_center_of_in); stbr__calculate_coefficients_downsample(stbr_info, scale_ratio, out_first_texel, out_last_texel, out_center_of_in, stbr__get_contributor(stbr_info, n), stbr__get_coefficient(stbr_info, n, 0)); } #ifdef STBR_DEBUG stbr__check_downsample_coefficients(stbr_info); #endif } } static float* stbr__get_decode_buffer(stbr__info* stbr_info) { // The 0 index of the decode buffer starts after the margin. This makes // it okay to use negative indexes on the decode buffer. return &stbr_info->decode_buffer[stbr__get_filter_texel_margin_horizontal(stbr_info) * stbr_info->channels]; } #define STBR__DECODE(type, colorspace) ((type) * (STBR_MAX_COLORSPACES) + (colorspace)) static void stbr__decode_scanline(stbr__info* stbr_info, int n) { int x, c; int channels = stbr_info->channels; int premul_alpha_channel = stbr_info->premul_alpha_channel; int type = stbr_info->type; int colorspace = stbr_info->colorspace; int input_w = stbr_info->input_w; int input_stride = stbr_info->input_stride_bytes / stbr__type_size[stbr_info->type]; const void* input_data = stbr_info->input_data; float* decode_buffer = stbr__get_decode_buffer(stbr_info); stbr_edge edge = stbr_info->edge; int in_buffer_row_index = stbr__edge_wrap(edge, n, stbr_info->input_h) * input_stride; int max_x = input_w + stbr__get_filter_texel_margin_horizontal(stbr_info); int decode = STBR__DECODE(type, colorspace); for (x = -stbr__get_filter_texel_margin_horizontal(stbr_info); x < max_x; x++) { int decode_texel_index = x * channels; int input_texel_index = in_buffer_row_index + stbr__edge_wrap(edge, x, input_w) * channels; switch (decode) { case STBR__DECODE(STBR_TYPE_UINT8, STBR_COLORSPACE_LINEAR): for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) decode_buffer[decode_texel_index + c] = ((float)((const unsigned char*)input_data)[input_texel_index + c]) / 255; break; case STBR__DECODE(STBR_TYPE_UINT8, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB): for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) decode_buffer[decode_texel_index + c] = stbr__srgb_uchar_to_linear_float[((const unsigned char*)input_data)[input_texel_index + c]]; break; case STBR__DECODE(STBR_TYPE_UINT16, STBR_COLORSPACE_LINEAR): for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) decode_buffer[decode_texel_index + c] = ((float)((const unsigned short*)input_data)[input_texel_index + c]) / 65535; break; case STBR__DECODE(STBR_TYPE_UINT16, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB): for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) decode_buffer[decode_texel_index + c] = stbr__srgb_to_linear(((float)((const unsigned short*)input_data)[input_texel_index + c]) / 65535); break; case STBR__DECODE(STBR_TYPE_UINT32, STBR_COLORSPACE_LINEAR): for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) decode_buffer[decode_texel_index + c] = (float)(((double)((const unsigned int*)input_data)[input_texel_index + c]) / 4294967295); break; case STBR__DECODE(STBR_TYPE_UINT32, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB): for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) decode_buffer[decode_texel_index + c] = stbr__srgb_to_linear((float)(((double)((const unsigned int*)input_data)[input_texel_index + c]) / 4294967295)); break; case STBR__DECODE(STBR_TYPE_FLOAT, STBR_COLORSPACE_LINEAR): for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) decode_buffer[decode_texel_index + c] = ((const float*)input_data)[input_texel_index + c]; break; case STBR__DECODE(STBR_TYPE_FLOAT, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB): for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) decode_buffer[decode_texel_index + c] = stbr__srgb_to_linear(((const float*)input_data)[input_texel_index + c]); break; default: STBR_UNIMPLEMENTED("Unknown type/colorspace/channels combination."); break; } if (premul_alpha_channel) { for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) { if (c == premul_alpha_channel) continue; decode_buffer[decode_texel_index + c] *= decode_buffer[decode_texel_index + premul_alpha_channel]; } } } } static float* stbr__get_ring_buffer_entry(float* ring_buffer, int index, int ring_buffer_length) { return &ring_buffer[index * ring_buffer_length]; } static float* stbr__add_empty_ring_buffer_entry(stbr__info* stbr_info, int n) { int ring_buffer_index; float* ring_buffer; if (stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index < 0) { ring_buffer_index = stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index = 0; stbr_info->ring_buffer_first_scanline = n; } else { ring_buffer_index = (stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index + (stbr_info->ring_buffer_last_scanline - stbr_info->ring_buffer_first_scanline) + 1) % stbr__get_filter_texel_width_vertical(stbr_info); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(ring_buffer_index != stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index); } ring_buffer = stbr__get_ring_buffer_entry(stbr_info->ring_buffer, ring_buffer_index, stbr_info->ring_buffer_length_bytes / sizeof(float)); memset(ring_buffer, 0, stbr_info->ring_buffer_length_bytes); stbr_info->ring_buffer_last_scanline = n; return ring_buffer; } static void stbr__resample_horizontal_upsample(stbr__info* stbr_info, int n, float* output_buffer) { int x, k; int output_w = stbr_info->output_w; int kernel_texel_width = stbr__get_filter_texel_width_horizontal(stbr_info); int channels = stbr_info->channels; float* decode_buffer = stbr__get_decode_buffer(stbr_info); stbr__contributors* horizontal_contributors = stbr_info->horizontal_contributors; float* horizontal_coefficients = stbr_info->horizontal_coefficients; for (x = 0; x < output_w; x++) { int n0 = horizontal_contributors[x].n0; int n1 = horizontal_contributors[x].n1; int out_texel_index = x * channels; int coefficient_group_index = x * kernel_texel_width; int coefficient_counter = 0; STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(n1 >= n0); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(n0 >= -stbr__get_filter_texel_margin_horizontal(stbr_info)); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(n1 >= -stbr__get_filter_texel_margin_horizontal(stbr_info)); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(n0 < stbr_info->input_w + stbr__get_filter_texel_margin_horizontal(stbr_info)); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(n1 < stbr_info->input_w + stbr__get_filter_texel_margin_horizontal(stbr_info)); for (k = n0; k <= n1; k++) { int coefficient_index = coefficient_group_index + (coefficient_counter++); int in_texel_index = k * channels; float coefficient = horizontal_coefficients[coefficient_index]; int c; for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) output_buffer[out_texel_index + c] += decode_buffer[in_texel_index + c] * coefficient; } } } static void stbr__resample_horizontal_downsample(stbr__info* stbr_info, int n, float* output_buffer) { int x, k; int input_w = stbr_info->input_w; int output_w = stbr_info->output_w; int kernel_texel_width = stbr__get_filter_texel_width_horizontal(stbr_info); int channels = stbr_info->channels; float* decode_buffer = stbr__get_decode_buffer(stbr_info); stbr__contributors* horizontal_contributors = stbr_info->horizontal_contributors; float* horizontal_coefficients = stbr_info->horizontal_coefficients; int filter_texel_margin = stbr__get_filter_texel_margin_horizontal(stbr_info); int max_x = input_w + filter_texel_margin * 2; STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!stbr__use_width_upsampling(stbr_info)); for (x = 0; x < max_x; x++) { int n0 = horizontal_contributors[x].n0; int n1 = horizontal_contributors[x].n1; int in_x = x - filter_texel_margin; int in_texel_index = in_x * channels; int max_n = stbr__min(n1, output_w-1); int coefficient_group = x*kernel_texel_width; STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(n1 >= n0); // Using min and max to avoid writing into invalid texels. for (k = stbr__max(n0, 0); k <= max_n; k++) { int coefficient_index = (k - n0) + coefficient_group; int out_texel_index = k * channels; float coefficient = horizontal_coefficients[coefficient_index]; int c; for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) output_buffer[out_texel_index + c] += decode_buffer[in_texel_index + c] * coefficient; } } } static void stbr__decode_and_resample_upsample(stbr__info* stbr_info, int n) { // Decode the nth scanline from the source image into the decode buffer. stbr__decode_scanline(stbr_info, n); // Now resample it into the ring buffer. if (stbr__use_width_upsampling(stbr_info)) stbr__resample_horizontal_upsample(stbr_info, n, stbr__add_empty_ring_buffer_entry(stbr_info, n)); else stbr__resample_horizontal_downsample(stbr_info, n, stbr__add_empty_ring_buffer_entry(stbr_info, n)); // Now it's sitting in the ring buffer ready to be used as source for the vertical sampling. } static void stbr__decode_and_resample_downsample(stbr__info* stbr_info, int n) { // Decode the nth scanline from the source image into the decode buffer. stbr__decode_scanline(stbr_info, n); memset(stbr_info->horizontal_buffer, 0, stbr_info->output_w * stbr_info->channels * sizeof(float)); // Now resample it into the horizontal buffer. if (stbr__use_width_upsampling(stbr_info)) stbr__resample_horizontal_upsample(stbr_info, n, stbr_info->horizontal_buffer); else stbr__resample_horizontal_downsample(stbr_info, n, stbr_info->horizontal_buffer); // Now it's sitting in the horizontal buffer ready to be distributed into the ring buffers. } // Get the specified scan line from the ring buffer. static float* stbr__get_ring_buffer_scanline(int get_scanline, float* ring_buffer, int begin_index, int first_scanline, int ring_buffer_size, int ring_buffer_length) { int ring_buffer_index = (begin_index + (get_scanline - first_scanline)) % ring_buffer_size; return stbr__get_ring_buffer_entry(ring_buffer, ring_buffer_index, ring_buffer_length); } static stbr_inline void stbr__encode_pixel(void* output_buffer, int output_texel_index, float* encode_buffer, int encode_texel_index, int channels, int premul_alpha_channel, int decode) { int n; float divide_alpha = 1; if (premul_alpha_channel) { float alpha = encode_buffer[encode_texel_index + premul_alpha_channel]; float reciprocal_alpha = alpha ? 1.0f / alpha : 0; for (n = 0; n < channels; n++) if (n != premul_alpha_channel) encode_buffer[encode_texel_index + n] *= reciprocal_alpha; } switch (decode) { case STBR__DECODE(STBR_TYPE_UINT8, STBR_COLORSPACE_LINEAR): for (n = 0; n < channels; n++) { ((unsigned char*)output_buffer)[output_texel_index + n] = (unsigned char)(stbr__saturate(encode_buffer[encode_texel_index + n]) * 255); } break; case STBR__DECODE(STBR_TYPE_UINT8, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB): for (n = 0; n < channels; n++) { ((unsigned char*)output_buffer)[output_texel_index + n] = stbr__linear_uchar_to_srgb_uchar[(unsigned char)(stbr__saturate(encode_buffer[encode_texel_index + n]) * 255)]; } break; case STBR__DECODE(STBR_TYPE_UINT16, STBR_COLORSPACE_LINEAR): for (n = 0; n < channels; n++) { ((unsigned short*)output_buffer)[output_texel_index + n] = (unsigned short)(stbr__saturate(encode_buffer[encode_texel_index + n]) * 65535); } break; case STBR__DECODE(STBR_TYPE_UINT16, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB): for (n = 0; n < channels; n++) { ((unsigned short*)output_buffer)[output_texel_index + n] = (unsigned short)(stbr__linear_to_srgb(stbr__saturate(encode_buffer[encode_texel_index + n])) * 65535); } break; case STBR__DECODE(STBR_TYPE_UINT32, STBR_COLORSPACE_LINEAR): for (n = 0; n < channels; n++) { ((unsigned int*)output_buffer)[output_texel_index + n] = (unsigned int)(((double)stbr__saturate(encode_buffer[encode_texel_index + n])) * 4294967295); } break; case STBR__DECODE(STBR_TYPE_UINT32, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB): for (n = 0; n < channels; n++) { ((unsigned int*)output_buffer)[output_texel_index + n] = (unsigned int)(((double)stbr__linear_to_srgb(stbr__saturate(encode_buffer[encode_texel_index + n]))) * 4294967295); } break; case STBR__DECODE(STBR_TYPE_FLOAT, STBR_COLORSPACE_LINEAR): for (n = 0; n < channels; n++) { ((float*)output_buffer)[output_texel_index + n] = stbr__saturate(encode_buffer[encode_texel_index + n]); } break; case STBR__DECODE(STBR_TYPE_FLOAT, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB): for (n = 0; n < channels; n++) { ((float*)output_buffer)[output_texel_index + n] = stbr__linear_to_srgb(stbr__saturate(encode_buffer[encode_texel_index + n])); } break; default: STBR_UNIMPLEMENTED("Unknown type/colorspace/channels combination."); break; } } static void stbr__resample_vertical_upsample(stbr__info* stbr_info, int n, int in_first_scanline, int in_last_scanline, float in_center_of_out) { int x, k; int output_w = stbr_info->output_w; stbr__contributors* vertical_contributors = &stbr_info->vertical_contributors; float* vertical_coefficients = stbr_info->vertical_coefficients; int channels = stbr_info->channels; int premul_alpha_channel = stbr_info->premul_alpha_channel; int type = stbr_info->type; int colorspace = stbr_info->colorspace; int kernel_texel_width = stbr__get_filter_texel_width_vertical(stbr_info); void* output_data = stbr_info->output_data; float* encode_buffer = stbr_info->encode_buffer; int decode = STBR__DECODE(type, colorspace); float* ring_buffer = stbr_info->ring_buffer; int ring_buffer_begin_index = stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index; int ring_buffer_first_scanline = stbr_info->ring_buffer_first_scanline; int ring_buffer_last_scanline = stbr_info->ring_buffer_last_scanline; int ring_buffer_length = stbr_info->ring_buffer_length_bytes/sizeof(float); int n0,n1, output_row_index; stbr__calculate_coefficients_upsample(stbr_info, in_first_scanline, in_last_scanline, in_center_of_out, vertical_contributors, vertical_coefficients); n0 = vertical_contributors->n0; n1 = vertical_contributors->n1; output_row_index = n * stbr_info->output_stride_bytes / stbr__type_size[type]; STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(stbr__use_height_upsampling(stbr_info)); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(n0 >= in_first_scanline); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(n1 <= in_last_scanline); for (x = 0; x < output_w; x++) { int in_texel_index = x * channels; int out_texel_index = output_row_index + x * channels; int coefficient_counter = 0; STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(n1 >= n0); memset(encode_buffer, 0, sizeof(float) * channels); for (k = n0; k <= n1; k++) { int coefficient_index = coefficient_counter++; float* ring_buffer_entry = stbr__get_ring_buffer_scanline(k, ring_buffer, ring_buffer_begin_index, ring_buffer_first_scanline, kernel_texel_width, ring_buffer_length); float coefficient = vertical_coefficients[coefficient_index]; int c; for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) encode_buffer[c] += ring_buffer_entry[in_texel_index + c] * coefficient; } stbr__encode_pixel(output_data, out_texel_index, encode_buffer, 0, channels, premul_alpha_channel, decode); } } static void stbr__resample_vertical_downsample(stbr__info* stbr_info, int n, int in_first_scanline, int in_last_scanline, float in_center_of_out) { int x, k; int output_w = stbr_info->output_w; int output_h = stbr_info->output_h; stbr__contributors* vertical_contributors = &stbr_info->vertical_contributors; float* vertical_coefficients = stbr_info->vertical_coefficients; int channels = stbr_info->channels; int kernel_texel_width = stbr__get_filter_texel_width_vertical(stbr_info); void* output_data = stbr_info->output_data; float* horizontal_buffer = stbr_info->horizontal_buffer; float* ring_buffer = stbr_info->ring_buffer; int ring_buffer_begin_index = stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index; int ring_buffer_first_scanline = stbr_info->ring_buffer_first_scanline; int ring_buffer_last_scanline = stbr_info->ring_buffer_last_scanline; int ring_buffer_length = stbr_info->ring_buffer_length_bytes/sizeof(float); int n0,n1,max_n; stbr__calculate_coefficients_downsample(stbr_info, stbr_info->vertical_scale, in_first_scanline, in_last_scanline, in_center_of_out, vertical_contributors, vertical_coefficients); n0 = vertical_contributors->n0; n1 = vertical_contributors->n1; max_n = stbr__min(n1, output_h - 1); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!stbr__use_height_upsampling(stbr_info)); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(n0 >= in_first_scanline); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(n1 <= in_last_scanline); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(n1 >= n0); // Using min and max to avoid writing into ring buffers that will be thrown out. for (k = stbr__max(n0, 0); k <= max_n; k++) { int coefficient_index = k - n0; float* ring_buffer_entry = stbr__get_ring_buffer_scanline(k, ring_buffer, ring_buffer_begin_index, ring_buffer_first_scanline, kernel_texel_width, ring_buffer_length); float coefficient = vertical_coefficients[coefficient_index]; for (x = 0; x < output_w; x++) { int in_texel_index = x * channels; int c; for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) ring_buffer_entry[in_texel_index + c] += horizontal_buffer[in_texel_index + c] * coefficient; } } } static void stbr__buffer_loop_upsample(stbr__info* stbr_info) { int y; float scale_ratio = stbr_info->vertical_scale; float out_scanlines_radius = stbr__filter_info_table[stbr_info->filter].support * scale_ratio; STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(stbr__use_height_upsampling(stbr_info)); for (y = 0; y < stbr_info->output_h; y++) { float in_center_of_out = 0; // Center of the current out scanline in the in scanline space int in_first_scanline = 0, in_last_scanline = 0; stbr__calculate_sample_range_upsample(y, out_scanlines_radius, scale_ratio, stbr_info->vertical_shift, &in_first_scanline, &in_last_scanline, &in_center_of_out); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(in_last_scanline - in_first_scanline <= stbr__get_filter_texel_width_vertical(stbr_info)); if (stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index >= 0) { // Get rid of whatever we don't need anymore. while (in_first_scanline > stbr_info->ring_buffer_first_scanline) { if (stbr_info->ring_buffer_first_scanline == stbr_info->ring_buffer_last_scanline) { // We just popped the last scanline off the ring buffer. // Reset it to the empty state. stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index = -1; stbr_info->ring_buffer_first_scanline = 0; stbr_info->ring_buffer_last_scanline = 0; break; } else { stbr_info->ring_buffer_first_scanline++; stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index = (stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index + 1) % stbr__get_filter_texel_width_horizontal(stbr_info); } } } // Load in new ones. if (stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index < 0) stbr__decode_and_resample_upsample(stbr_info, in_first_scanline); while (in_last_scanline > stbr_info->ring_buffer_last_scanline) stbr__decode_and_resample_upsample(stbr_info, stbr_info->ring_buffer_last_scanline + 1); // Now all buffers should be ready to write a row of vertical sampling. stbr__resample_vertical_upsample(stbr_info, y, in_first_scanline, in_last_scanline, in_center_of_out); } } static void stbr__empty_ring_buffer(stbr__info* stbr_info, int first_necessary_scanline) { int output_stride = stbr_info->output_stride_bytes / stbr__type_size[stbr_info->type]; int channels = stbr_info->channels; int premul_alpha_channel = stbr_info->premul_alpha_channel; int type = stbr_info->type; int colorspace = stbr_info->colorspace; int output_w = stbr_info->output_w; void* output_data = stbr_info->output_data; int decode = STBR__DECODE(type, colorspace); float* ring_buffer = stbr_info->ring_buffer; int ring_buffer_length = stbr_info->ring_buffer_length_bytes/sizeof(float); if (stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index >= 0) { // Get rid of whatever we don't need anymore. while (first_necessary_scanline > stbr_info->ring_buffer_first_scanline) { if (stbr_info->ring_buffer_first_scanline >= 0 && stbr_info->ring_buffer_first_scanline < stbr_info->output_h) { int x; int output_row = stbr_info->ring_buffer_first_scanline * output_stride; float* ring_buffer_entry = stbr__get_ring_buffer_entry(ring_buffer, stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index, ring_buffer_length); for (x = 0; x < output_w; x++) { int texel_index = x * channels; int ring_texel_index = texel_index; int output_texel_index = output_row + texel_index; stbr__encode_pixel(output_data, output_texel_index, ring_buffer_entry, ring_texel_index, channels, premul_alpha_channel, decode); } } if (stbr_info->ring_buffer_first_scanline == stbr_info->ring_buffer_last_scanline) { // We just popped the last scanline off the ring buffer. // Reset it to the empty state. stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index = -1; stbr_info->ring_buffer_first_scanline = 0; stbr_info->ring_buffer_last_scanline = 0; break; } else { stbr_info->ring_buffer_first_scanline++; stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index = (stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index + 1) % stbr__get_filter_texel_width_vertical(stbr_info); } } } } static void stbr__buffer_loop_downsample(stbr__info* stbr_info) { int y; float scale_ratio = stbr_info->vertical_scale; int output_h = stbr_info->output_h; float in_pixels_radius = stbr__filter_info_table[stbr_info->filter].support / scale_ratio; int max_y = stbr_info->input_h + stbr__get_filter_texel_margin_vertical(stbr_info); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!stbr__use_height_upsampling(stbr_info)); for (y = -stbr__get_filter_texel_margin_vertical(stbr_info); y < max_y; y++) { float out_center_of_in; // Center of the current out scanline in the in scanline space int out_first_scanline, out_last_scanline; stbr__calculate_sample_range_downsample(y, in_pixels_radius, scale_ratio, stbr_info->vertical_shift, &out_first_scanline, &out_last_scanline, &out_center_of_in); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(out_last_scanline - out_first_scanline <= stbr__get_filter_texel_width_vertical(stbr_info)); if (out_last_scanline < 0 || out_first_scanline >= output_h) continue; stbr__empty_ring_buffer(stbr_info, out_first_scanline); stbr__decode_and_resample_downsample(stbr_info, y); // Load in new ones. if (stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index < 0) stbr__add_empty_ring_buffer_entry(stbr_info, out_first_scanline); while (out_last_scanline > stbr_info->ring_buffer_last_scanline) stbr__add_empty_ring_buffer_entry(stbr_info, stbr_info->ring_buffer_last_scanline + 1); // Now the horizontal buffer is ready to write to all ring buffer rows. stbr__resample_vertical_downsample(stbr_info, y, out_first_scanline, out_last_scanline, out_center_of_in); } stbr__empty_ring_buffer(stbr_info, stbr_info->output_h); } STBRDEF int stbr_resize_advanced(const void* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, int input_stride_in_bytes, void* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int output_stride_in_bytes, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, int channels, int premul_alpha_channel, stbr_type type, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge, stbr_colorspace colorspace, void* tempmem, stbr_size_t tempmem_size_in_bytes) { stbr__info* stbr_info = (stbr__info*)tempmem; stbr_size_t memory_required = stbr_calculate_memory(input_w, input_h, output_w, output_h, s0, t0, s1, t1, channels, filter); int width_stride_input = input_stride_in_bytes ? input_stride_in_bytes : channels * input_w * stbr__type_size[type]; int width_stride_output = output_stride_in_bytes ? output_stride_in_bytes : channels * output_w * stbr__type_size[type]; #ifdef STBR_DEBUG_OVERWRITE_TEST #define OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE 8 unsigned char overwrite_output_before_pre[OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE]; unsigned char overwrite_tempmem_before_pre[OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE]; unsigned char overwrite_output_after_pre[OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE]; unsigned char overwrite_tempmem_after_pre[OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE]; stbr_size_t begin_forbidden = width_stride_output * (output_h - 1) + output_w * channels * stbr__type_size[type]; memcpy(overwrite_output_before_pre, &((unsigned char*)output_data)[-OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE], OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE); memcpy(overwrite_output_after_pre, &((unsigned char*)output_data)[begin_forbidden], OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE); memcpy(overwrite_tempmem_before_pre, &((unsigned char*)tempmem)[-OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE], OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE); memcpy(overwrite_tempmem_after_pre, &((unsigned char*)tempmem)[tempmem_size_in_bytes], OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE); #endif STBR_ASSERT(filter != 0); STBR_ASSERT(filter < STBR_ARRAY_SIZE(stbr__filter_info_table)); if (!filter || filter >= STBR_ARRAY_SIZE(stbr__filter_info_table)) return 0; STBR_ASSERT(s1 > s0); STBR_ASSERT(t1 > t0); if (s1 <= s0 || t1 <= t0) return 0; STBR_ASSERT(s1 <= 1 && s0 >= 0 && t1 <= 1 && t0 >= 0); if (s1 > 1 || s0 < 0 || t1 > 1 || t0 < 0) return 0; STBR_ASSERT(premul_alpha_channel >= 0 && premul_alpha_channel < channels); if (premul_alpha_channel < 0 || premul_alpha_channel >= channels) return 0; STBR_ASSERT(tempmem); if (!tempmem) return 0; STBR_ASSERT(tempmem_size_in_bytes >= memory_required); if (tempmem_size_in_bytes < memory_required) return 0; memset(tempmem, 0, tempmem_size_in_bytes); stbr_info->input_data = input_data; stbr_info->input_w = input_w; stbr_info->input_h = input_h; stbr_info->input_stride_bytes = width_stride_input; stbr_info->output_data = output_data; stbr_info->output_w = output_w; stbr_info->output_h = output_h; stbr_info->output_stride_bytes = width_stride_output; stbr_info->s0 = s0; stbr_info->t0 = t0; stbr_info->s1 = s1; stbr_info->t1 = t1; stbr_info->horizontal_scale = ((float)output_w / input_w) / (s1 - s0); stbr_info->vertical_scale = ((float)output_h / input_h) / (t1 - t0); stbr_info->horizontal_shift = s0 * input_w / (s1 - s0); stbr_info->vertical_shift = t0 * input_h / (t1 - t0); stbr_info->channels = channels; stbr_info->premul_alpha_channel = premul_alpha_channel; stbr_info->type = type; stbr_info->filter = filter; stbr_info->edge = edge; stbr_info->colorspace = colorspace; stbr_info->ring_buffer_length_bytes = output_w * channels * sizeof(float); stbr_info->decode_buffer_texels = input_w + stbr__get_filter_texel_margin_horizontal(stbr_info) * 2; #define STBR__NEXT_MEMPTR(current, old, newtype) (newtype*)(((unsigned char*)current) + old) stbr_info->horizontal_contributors = STBR__NEXT_MEMPTR(stbr_info, sizeof(stbr__info), stbr__contributors); stbr_info->horizontal_coefficients = STBR__NEXT_MEMPTR(stbr_info->horizontal_contributors, stbr__get_horizontal_contributors(stbr_info) * sizeof(stbr__contributors), float); stbr_info->vertical_coefficients = STBR__NEXT_MEMPTR(stbr_info->horizontal_coefficients, stbr__get_total_coefficients(stbr_info) * sizeof(float), float); stbr_info->decode_buffer = STBR__NEXT_MEMPTR(stbr_info->vertical_coefficients, stbr__get_filter_texel_width_vertical(stbr_info) * sizeof(float), float); if (stbr__use_height_upsampling(stbr_info)) { stbr_info->horizontal_buffer = NULL; stbr_info->ring_buffer = STBR__NEXT_MEMPTR(stbr_info->decode_buffer, stbr_info->decode_buffer_texels * channels * sizeof(float), float); stbr_info->encode_buffer = STBR__NEXT_MEMPTR(stbr_info->ring_buffer, stbr_info->ring_buffer_length_bytes * stbr__get_filter_texel_width_horizontal(stbr_info), float); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT((size_t)STBR__NEXT_MEMPTR(stbr_info->encode_buffer, stbr_info->channels * sizeof(float), unsigned char) == (size_t)tempmem + tempmem_size_in_bytes); } else { stbr_info->horizontal_buffer = STBR__NEXT_MEMPTR(stbr_info->decode_buffer, stbr_info->decode_buffer_texels * channels * sizeof(float), float); stbr_info->ring_buffer = STBR__NEXT_MEMPTR(stbr_info->horizontal_buffer, output_w * channels * sizeof(float), float); stbr_info->encode_buffer = NULL; STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT((size_t)STBR__NEXT_MEMPTR(stbr_info->ring_buffer, stbr_info->ring_buffer_length_bytes * stbr__get_filter_texel_width_vertical(stbr_info), unsigned char) == (size_t)tempmem + tempmem_size_in_bytes); } #undef STBR__NEXT_MEMPTR // This signals that the ring buffer is empty stbr_info->ring_buffer_begin_index = -1; stbr__calculate_horizontal_filters(stbr_info); if (stbr__use_height_upsampling(stbr_info)) stbr__buffer_loop_upsample(stbr_info); else stbr__buffer_loop_downsample(stbr_info); #ifdef STBR_DEBUG_OVERWRITE_TEST STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(memcmp(overwrite_output_before_pre, &((unsigned char*)output_data)[-OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE], OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE) == 0); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(memcmp(overwrite_output_after_pre, &((unsigned char*)output_data)[begin_forbidden], OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE) == 0); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(memcmp(overwrite_tempmem_before_pre, &((unsigned char*)tempmem)[-OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE], OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE) == 0); STBR_DEBUG_ASSERT(memcmp(overwrite_tempmem_after_pre, &((unsigned char*)tempmem)[tempmem_size_in_bytes], OVERWRITE_ARRAY_SIZE) == 0); #endif return 1; } STBRDEF stbr_size_t stbr_calculate_memory(int input_w, int input_h, int output_w, int output_h, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, int channels, stbr_filter filter) { float horizontal_scale = ((float)output_w / input_w) / (s1 - s0); float vertical_scale = ((float)output_h / input_h) / (t1 - t0); int texel_margin = stbr__get_filter_texel_margin(filter, input_w, output_w, horizontal_scale); int filter_height = stbr__get_filter_texel_width(filter, input_h, output_h, vertical_scale); int info_size = sizeof(stbr__info); int contributors_size = stbr__get_horizontal_contributors_noinfo(filter, input_w, output_w, horizontal_scale) * sizeof(stbr__contributors); int horizontal_coefficients_size = stbr__get_total_coefficients_noinfo(filter, input_w, output_w, horizontal_scale) * sizeof(float); int vertical_coefficients_size = filter_height * sizeof(float); int decode_buffer_size = (input_w + texel_margin*2) * channels * sizeof(float); int horizontal_buffer_size = output_w * channels * sizeof(float); int ring_buffer_size = output_w * channels * filter_height * sizeof(float); int encode_buffer_size = channels * sizeof(float); STBR_ASSERT(filter != 0); STBR_ASSERT(filter < STBR_ARRAY_SIZE(stbr__filter_info_table)); // this now happens too late if (stbr__use_upsampling(horizontal_scale)) // The horizontal buffer is for when we're downsampling the height and we // can't output the result of sampling the decode buffer directly into the // ring buffers. horizontal_buffer_size = 0; else // The encode buffer is to retain precision in the height upsampling method // and isn't used when height downsampling. encode_buffer_size = 0; return info_size + contributors_size + horizontal_coefficients_size + vertical_coefficients_size + decode_buffer_size + horizontal_buffer_size + ring_buffer_size + encode_buffer_size; } STBRDEF stbr_inline int stbr_resize_uint8_srgb(const stbr_uint8* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint8* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int channels, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge) { int result; size_t memory_required = stbr_calculate_memory(input_w, input_h, output_w, output_h, 0, 0, 1, 1, channels, filter); void* extra_memory = STBR_MALLOC(memory_required); if (!extra_memory) return 0; result = stbr_resize_advanced(input_data, input_w, input_h, 0, output_data, output_w, output_h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, channels, 0, STBR_TYPE_UINT8, filter, edge, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB, extra_memory, memory_required); STBR_FREE(extra_memory); return result; } STBRDEF stbr_inline int stbr_resize_uint16_srgb(const stbr_uint16* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint16* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int channels, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge) { int result; size_t memory_required = stbr_calculate_memory(input_w, input_h, output_w, output_h, 0, 0, 1, 1, channels, filter); void* extra_memory = STBR_MALLOC(memory_required); if (!extra_memory) return 0; result = stbr_resize_advanced(input_data, input_w, input_h, 0, output_data, output_w, output_h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, channels, 0, STBR_TYPE_UINT16, filter, edge, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB, extra_memory, memory_required); STBR_FREE(extra_memory); return result; } STBRDEF stbr_inline int stbr_resize_uint32_srgb(const stbr_uint32* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint32* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int channels, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge) { int result; size_t memory_required = stbr_calculate_memory(input_w, input_h, output_w, output_h, 0, 0, 1, 1, channels, filter); void* extra_memory = STBR_MALLOC(memory_required); if (!extra_memory) return 0; result = stbr_resize_advanced(input_data, input_w, input_h, 0, output_data, output_w, output_h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, channels, 0, STBR_TYPE_UINT32, filter, edge, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB, extra_memory, memory_required); STBR_FREE(extra_memory); return result; } STBRDEF stbr_inline int stbr_resize_float_srgb(const float* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, float* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int channels, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge) { int result; size_t memory_required = stbr_calculate_memory(input_w, input_h, output_w, output_h, 0, 0, 1, 1, channels, filter); void* extra_memory = STBR_MALLOC(memory_required); if (!extra_memory) return 0; result = stbr_resize_advanced(input_data, input_w, input_h, 0, output_data, output_w, output_h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, channels, 0, STBR_TYPE_FLOAT, filter, edge, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB, extra_memory, memory_required); STBR_FREE(extra_memory); return result; } STBRDEF stbr_inline int stbr_resize_uint8_premultiply(const stbr_uint8* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint8* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int channels, int premultiply_alpha_channel, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge, stbr_colorspace colorspace) { int result; size_t memory_required = stbr_calculate_memory(input_w, input_h, output_w, output_h, 0, 0, 1, 1, channels, filter); void* extra_memory = STBR_MALLOC(memory_required); if (!extra_memory) return 0; result = stbr_resize_advanced(input_data, input_w, input_h, 0, output_data, output_w, output_h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, channels, premultiply_alpha_channel, STBR_TYPE_UINT8, filter, edge, colorspace, extra_memory, memory_required); STBR_FREE(extra_memory); return result; } STBRDEF stbr_inline int stbr_resize_uint16_premultiply(const stbr_uint16* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint16* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int channels, int premultiply_alpha_channel, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge, stbr_colorspace colorspace) { int result; size_t memory_required = stbr_calculate_memory(input_w, input_h, output_w, output_h, 0, 0, 1, 1, channels, filter); void* extra_memory = STBR_MALLOC(memory_required); if (!extra_memory) return 0; result = stbr_resize_advanced(input_data, input_w, input_h, 0, output_data, output_w, output_h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, channels, premultiply_alpha_channel, STBR_TYPE_UINT16, filter, edge, colorspace, extra_memory, memory_required); STBR_FREE(extra_memory); return result; } STBRDEF stbr_inline int stbr_resize_uint32_premultiply(const stbr_uint32* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint32* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int channels, int premultiply_alpha_channel, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge, stbr_colorspace colorspace) { int result; size_t memory_required = stbr_calculate_memory(input_w, input_h, output_w, output_h, 0, 0, 1, 1, channels, filter); void* extra_memory = STBR_MALLOC(memory_required); if (!extra_memory) return 0; result = stbr_resize_advanced(input_data, input_w, input_h, 0, output_data, output_w, output_h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, channels, premultiply_alpha_channel, STBR_TYPE_UINT32, filter, edge, colorspace, extra_memory, memory_required); STBR_FREE(extra_memory); return result; } STBRDEF stbr_inline int stbr_resize_float_premultiply(const float* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, float* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int channels, int premultiply_alpha_channel, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge, stbr_colorspace colorspace) { int result; size_t memory_required = stbr_calculate_memory(input_w, input_h, output_w, output_h, 0, 0, 1, 1, channels, filter); void* extra_memory = STBR_MALLOC(memory_required); if (!extra_memory) return 0; result = stbr_resize_advanced(input_data, input_w, input_h, 0, output_data, output_w, output_h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, channels, premultiply_alpha_channel, STBR_TYPE_FLOAT, filter, edge, colorspace, extra_memory, memory_required); STBR_FREE(extra_memory); return result; } STBRDEF stbr_inline int stbr_resize_uint8_subpixel(const stbr_uint8* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint8* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, int channels, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge) { int result; size_t memory_required = stbr_calculate_memory(input_w, input_h, output_w, output_h, s0, t0, s1, t1, channels, filter); void* extra_memory = STBR_MALLOC(memory_required); if (!extra_memory) return 0; result = stbr_resize_advanced(input_data, input_w, input_h, 0, output_data, output_w, output_h, 0, s0, t0, s1, t1, channels, 0, STBR_TYPE_UINT8, filter, edge, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB, extra_memory, memory_required); STBR_FREE(extra_memory); return result; } STBRDEF stbr_inline int stbr_resize_uint16_subpixel(const stbr_uint16* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint16* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, int channels, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge) { int result; size_t memory_required = stbr_calculate_memory(input_w, input_h, output_w, output_h, s0, t0, s1, t1, channels, filter); void* extra_memory = STBR_MALLOC(memory_required); if (!extra_memory) return 0; result = stbr_resize_advanced(input_data, input_w, input_h, 0, output_data, output_w, output_h, 0, s0, t0, s1, t1, channels, 0, STBR_TYPE_UINT16, filter, edge, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB, extra_memory, memory_required); STBR_FREE(extra_memory); return result; } STBRDEF stbr_inline int stbr_resize_uint32_subpixel(const stbr_uint32* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, stbr_uint32* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, int channels, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge) { int result; size_t memory_required = stbr_calculate_memory(input_w, input_h, output_w, output_h, s0, t0, s1, t1, channels, filter); void* extra_memory = STBR_MALLOC(memory_required); if (!extra_memory) return 0; result = stbr_resize_advanced(input_data, input_w, input_h, 0, output_data, output_w, output_h, 0, s0, t0, s1, t1, channels, 0, STBR_TYPE_UINT32, filter, edge, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB, extra_memory, memory_required); STBR_FREE(extra_memory); return result; } STBRDEF stbr_inline int stbr_resize_float_subpixel(const float* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, float* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, int channels, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge) { int result; size_t memory_required = stbr_calculate_memory(input_w, input_h, output_w, output_h, s0, t0, s1, t1, channels, filter); void* extra_memory = STBR_MALLOC(memory_required); if (!extra_memory) return 0; result = stbr_resize_advanced(input_data, input_w, input_h, 0, output_data, output_w, output_h, 0, s0, t0, s1, t1, channels, 0, STBR_TYPE_FLOAT, filter, edge, STBR_COLORSPACE_SRGB, extra_memory, memory_required); STBR_FREE(extra_memory); return result; } STBRDEF int stbr_resize_arbitrary(const void* input_data, int input_w, int input_h, int input_stride_in_bytes, void* output_data, int output_w, int output_h, int output_stride_in_bytes, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, int channels, int premultiply_alpha_channel, stbr_type type, stbr_filter filter, stbr_edge edge, stbr_colorspace colorspace) { int result; size_t memory_required = stbr_calculate_memory(input_w, input_h, output_w, output_h, s0, t0, s1, t1, channels, filter); void* extra_memory = STBR_MALLOC(memory_required); if (!extra_memory) return 0; result = stbr_resize_advanced(input_data, input_w, input_h, input_stride_in_bytes, output_data, output_w, output_h, output_stride_in_bytes, s0, t0, s1, t1, channels, premultiply_alpha_channel, type, filter, edge, colorspace, extra_memory, memory_required); STBR_FREE(extra_memory); return result; } #endif // STB_RESAMPLE_IMPLEMENTATION /* revision history: 0.50 (2014-07-29) first released version */