# Due to the shitty design of Blender I18N tools (I can't specify context for every translation entries and its static analyse is so bad),
# I will specify all context but I can't do anything if Blender throw my translation context away.
# BME module has its own context naming convention which make sure all configuration fields of prototypes are properly translated.
# This module also provide a corresponding function to compute these context string from given BME prototype name and the index of configuration fields.
# For BBP plugin self, there is a list containing multiple priniciples which you should follow when providing translation context.
# - For operator, menu, panel and etc.
# * For themselves, fill `bl_translation_context` to their name, such as `BBP_OT_some_operator`.
# * For properties located inside, add `/property` suffix, such as `BBP_OT_some_operator/property`.
# * For draw function (any function callings requiring translation context inside it), add `/draw` suffix, such as `BBP_OT_some_operator/draw`.
# * For execute function, or any functions mainly called by this execution function, add `/execute` suffix, such as `BBP_OT_some_operator/execute`.
# - For shared class (usually shared by multiple operators).
# * For themselves (usually not used because they don't have `bl_translation_context`), the default context is `BME/<MODULE_NAME>.<CLASS_NAME>`, such as `BBP/some_module.some_class`.
# * For properties located inside, add `/property` suffix, such as `BBP/some_module.some_class/property`.
# * For draw function (any function callings requiring translation context inside it), add `/draw` suffix, such as `BBP/some_module.some_class/draw`.
# - For menu draw function (usually defined in __init__ module).
# * For themselves (any calling inside them), the context is `BME/<MODULE_NAME>.<METHOD_NAME>()`, such as `BBP/some_module.some_method()`.
# Due to the shitty design, I can't find a way to add translation context for descrption field and report function used string.
# So these description may collide with Blender official translation, thus they may not be put in result translation file.