2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
import bpy
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
import typing , enum
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
from . import UTIL_virtools_types , UTIL_functions
2023-11-11 13:32:58 +08:00
from . import PROP_virtools_texture
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
#region Enums Annotations
2023-11-11 13:32:58 +08:00
from . UTIL_functions import AnnotationData , BlenderEnumPropEntry_t , generate_vt_enums_for_bl_enumprop
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
g_Annotation_VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE : dict [ int , AnnotationData ] = {
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE . VXTEXTUREBLEND_DECAL . value : AnnotationData ( " Decal " , " Texture replace any material information " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE . VXTEXTUREBLEND_MODULATE . value : AnnotationData ( " Modulate " , " Texture and material are combine. Alpha information of the texture replace material alpha component. " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE . VXTEXTUREBLEND_DECALALPHA . value : AnnotationData ( " Decal Alpha " , " Alpha information in the texture specify how material and texture are combined. Alpha information of the texture replace material alpha component. " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE . VXTEXTUREBLEND_MODULATEALPHA . value : AnnotationData ( " Modulate Alpha " , " Alpha information in the texture specify how material and texture are combined " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE . VXTEXTUREBLEND_DECALMASK . value : AnnotationData ( " Decal Mask " , " " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE . VXTEXTUREBLEND_MODULATEMASK . value : AnnotationData ( " Modulate Mask " , " " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE . VXTEXTUREBLEND_COPY . value : AnnotationData ( " Copy " , " Equivalent to DECAL " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE . VXTEXTUREBLEND_ADD . value : AnnotationData ( " Add " , " " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE . VXTEXTUREBLEND_DOTPRODUCT3 . value : AnnotationData ( " Dot Product 3 " , " Perform a Dot Product 3 between texture (normal map) and a referential vector given in VXRENDERSTATE_TEXTUREFACTOR. " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE . VXTEXTUREBLEND_MAX . value : AnnotationData ( " Max " , " " ) ,
g_Annotation_VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE : dict [ int , AnnotationData ] = {
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE . VXTEXTUREFILTER_NEAREST . value : AnnotationData ( " Nearest " , " No Filter " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE . VXTEXTUREFILTER_LINEAR . value : AnnotationData ( " Linear " , " Bilinear Interpolation " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE . VXTEXTUREFILTER_MIPNEAREST . value : AnnotationData ( " Mip Nearest " , " Mip mapping " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE . VXTEXTUREFILTER_MIPLINEAR . value : AnnotationData ( " Mip Linear " , " Mip Mapping with Bilinear interpolation " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE . VXTEXTUREFILTER_LINEARMIPNEAREST . value : AnnotationData ( " Linear Mip Nearest " , " Mip Mapping with Bilinear interpolation between mipmap levels. " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE . VXTEXTUREFILTER_LINEARMIPLINEAR . value : AnnotationData ( " Linear Mip Linear " , " Trilinear Filtering " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE . VXTEXTUREFILTER_ANISOTROPIC . value : AnnotationData ( " Anisotropic " , " Anisotropic filtering " ) ,
g_Annotation_VXBLEND_MODE : dict [ int , AnnotationData ] = {
UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE . VXBLEND_ZERO . value : AnnotationData ( " Zero " , " Blend factor is (0, 0, 0, 0). " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE . VXBLEND_ONE . value : AnnotationData ( " One " , " Blend factor is (1, 1, 1, 1). " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE . VXBLEND_SRCCOLOR . value : AnnotationData ( " Src Color " , " Blend factor is (Rs, Gs, Bs, As). " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE . VXBLEND_INVSRCCOLOR . value : AnnotationData ( " Inv Src Color " , " Blend factor is (1-Rs, 1-Gs, 1-Bs, 1-As). " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE . VXBLEND_SRCALPHA . value : AnnotationData ( " Src Alpha " , " Blend factor is (As, As, As, As). " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE . VXBLEND_INVSRCALPHA . value : AnnotationData ( " Inv Src Alpha " , " Blend factor is (1-As, 1-As, 1-As, 1-As). " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE . VXBLEND_DESTALPHA . value : AnnotationData ( " Dest Alpha " , " Blend factor is (Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad). " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE . VXBLEND_INVDESTALPHA . value : AnnotationData ( " Inv Dest Alpha " , " Blend factor is (1-Ad, 1-Ad, 1-Ad, 1-Ad). " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE . VXBLEND_DESTCOLOR . value : AnnotationData ( " Dest Color " , " Blend factor is (Rd, Gd, Bd, Ad). " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE . VXBLEND_INVDESTCOLOR . value : AnnotationData ( " Inv Dest Color " , " Blend factor is (1-Rd, 1-Gd, 1-Bd, 1-Ad). " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE . VXBLEND_SRCALPHASAT . value : AnnotationData ( " Src Alpha Sat " , " Blend factor is (f, f, f, 1); f = min(As, 1-Ad). " ) ,
#UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE.VXBLEND_BOTHSRCALPHA.value: AnnotationData("Both Src Alpha", "Source blend factor is (As, As, As, As) and destination blend factor is (1-As, 1-As, 1-As, 1-As) "),
#UTIL_virtools_types.VXBLEND_MODE.VXBLEND_BOTHINVSRCALPHA.value: AnnotationData("Both Inv Src Alpha", "Source blend factor is (1-As, 1-As, 1-As, 1-As) and destination blend factor is (As, As, As, As) "),
g_Annotation_VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE : dict [ int , AnnotationData ] = {
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSWRAP . value : AnnotationData ( " Wrap " , " Default mesh wrap mode is used (see CKMesh::SetWrapMode) " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMIRROR . value : AnnotationData ( " Mirror " , " Texture coordinates outside the range [0..1] are flipped evenly. " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSCLAMP . value : AnnotationData ( " Clamp " , " Texture coordinates greater than 1.0 are set to 1.0, and values less than 0.0 are set to 0.0. " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSBORDER . value : AnnotationData ( " Border " , " When texture coordinates are greater than 1.0 or less than 0.0 texture is set to a color defined in CKMaterial::SetTextureBorderColor. " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMIRRORONCE . value : AnnotationData ( " Mirror Once " , " " ) ,
g_Annotation_VXFILL_MODE : dict [ int , AnnotationData ] = {
UTIL_virtools_types . VXFILL_MODE . VXFILL_POINT . value : AnnotationData ( " Point " , " Vertices rendering " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXFILL_MODE . VXFILL_WIREFRAME . value : AnnotationData ( " Wireframe " , " Edges rendering " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXFILL_MODE . VXFILL_SOLID . value : AnnotationData ( " Solid " , " Face rendering " ) ,
g_Annotation_VXSHADE_MODE : dict [ int , AnnotationData ] = {
UTIL_virtools_types . VXSHADE_MODE . VXSHADE_FLAT . value : AnnotationData ( " Flat " , " Flat Shading " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXSHADE_MODE . VXSHADE_GOURAUD . value : AnnotationData ( " Gouraud " , " Gouraud Shading " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXSHADE_MODE . VXSHADE_PHONG . value : AnnotationData ( " Phong " , " Phong Shading (Not yet supported by most implementation) " ) ,
g_Annotation_VXCMPFUNC : dict [ int , AnnotationData ] = {
UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC . VXCMP_NEVER . value : AnnotationData ( " Never " , " Always fail the test. " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC . VXCMP_LESS . value : AnnotationData ( " Less " , " Accept if value if less than current value. " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC . VXCMP_EQUAL . value : AnnotationData ( " Equal " , " Accept if value if equal than current value. " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC . VXCMP_LESSEQUAL . value : AnnotationData ( " Less Equal " , " Accept if value if less or equal than current value. " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC . VXCMP_GREATER . value : AnnotationData ( " Greater " , " Accept if value if greater than current value. " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC . VXCMP_NOTEQUAL . value : AnnotationData ( " Not Equal " , " Accept if value if different than current value. " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC . VXCMP_GREATEREQUAL . value : AnnotationData ( " Greater Equal " , " Accept if value if greater or equal current value. " ) ,
UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC . VXCMP_ALWAYS . value : AnnotationData ( " Always " , " Always accept the test. " ) ,
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
class RawVirtoolsMaterial ( ) :
# Instance Member Declarations
mDiffuse : UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor
mAmbient : UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor
mSpecular : UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor
mEmissive : UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor
mSpecularPower : float
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
mTexture : bpy . types . Image | None
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
mTextureBorderColor : UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor
mTextureBlendMode : UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE
mTextureMinMode : UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE
mTextureMagMode : UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE
mTextureAddressMode : UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE
mSourceBlend : UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE
mDestBlend : UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE
mFillMode : UTIL_virtools_types . VXFILL_MODE
mShadeMode : UTIL_virtools_types . VXSHADE_MODE
mEnableAlphaTest : bool
mEnableAlphaBlend : bool
mEnablePerspectiveCorrection : bool
mEnableZWrite : bool
mEnableTwoSided : bool
mAlphaRef : int
mAlphaFunc : UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC
mZFunc : UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC
# Default Value Declarations
cDefaultDiffuse : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ] = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 0.7 , 0.7 , 0.7 , 1.0 )
cDefaultAmbient : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ] = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 0.3 , 0.3 , 0.3 , 1.0 )
cDefaultSpecular : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ] = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 , 1.0 )
cDefaultEmissive : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ] = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 )
cDefaultSpecularPower : typing . ClassVar [ float ] = 0.0
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
cDefaultTexture : typing . ClassVar [ bpy . types . Image | None ] = None
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
cDefaultTextureBorderColor : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ] = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 )
cDefaultTextureBlendMode : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE ] = UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE . VXTEXTUREBLEND_MODULATEALPHA
cDefaultTextureMinMode : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE ] = UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE . VXTEXTUREFILTER_LINEAR
cDefaultTextureMagMode : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE ] = UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE . VXTEXTUREFILTER_LINEAR
cDefaultTextureAddressMode : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE ] = UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSWRAP
cDefaultSourceBlend : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE ] = UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE . VXBLEND_ONE
cDefaultDestBlend : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE ] = UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE . VXBLEND_ZERO
cDefaultFillMode : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_virtools_types . VXFILL_MODE ] = UTIL_virtools_types . VXFILL_MODE . VXFILL_SOLID
cDefaultShadeMode : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_virtools_types . VXSHADE_MODE ] = UTIL_virtools_types . VXSHADE_MODE . VXSHADE_GOURAUD
cDefaultEnableAlphaTest : typing . ClassVar [ bool ] = False
cDefaultEnableAlphaBlend : typing . ClassVar [ bool ] = False
cDefaultEnablePerspectiveCorrection : typing . ClassVar [ bool ] = True
cDefaultEnableZWrite : typing . ClassVar [ bool ] = True
cDefaultEnableTwoSided : typing . ClassVar [ bool ] = False
cDefaultAlphaRef : typing . ClassVar [ int ] = 0
cDefaultAlphaFunc : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC ] = UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC . VXCMP_ALWAYS
cDefaultZFunc : typing . ClassVar [ UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC ] = UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC . VXCMP_LESSEQUAL
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
def __init__ ( self , * * kwargs ) :
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
# assign default value for each component
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
self . mDiffuse = kwargs . get ( ' mDiffuse ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultDiffuse ) . clone ( )
self . mAmbient = kwargs . get ( ' mAmbient ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultAmbient ) . clone ( )
self . mSpecular = kwargs . get ( ' mSpecular ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultSpecular ) . clone ( )
self . mSpecularPower = kwargs . get ( ' mSpecularPower ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultSpecularPower )
self . mEmissive = kwargs . get ( ' mEmissive ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultEmissive ) . clone ( )
self . mEnableTwoSided = kwargs . get ( ' mEnableTwoSided ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultEnableTwoSided )
self . mTexture = kwargs . get ( ' mTexture ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultTexture )
self . mTextureMinMode = kwargs . get ( ' mTextureMinMode ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultTextureMinMode )
self . mTextureMagMode = kwargs . get ( ' mTextureMagMode ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultTextureMagMode )
self . mSourceBlend = kwargs . get ( ' mSourceBlend ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultSourceBlend )
self . mDestBlend = kwargs . get ( ' mDestBlend ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultDestBlend )
self . mEnableAlphaBlend = kwargs . get ( ' mEnableAlphaBlend ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultEnableAlphaBlend )
self . mShadeMode = kwargs . get ( ' mShadeMode ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultShadeMode )
self . mFillMode = kwargs . get ( ' mFillMode ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultFillMode )
self . mEnableAlphaTest = kwargs . get ( ' mEnableAlphaTest ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultEnableAlphaTest )
self . mEnableZWrite = kwargs . get ( ' mEnableZWrite ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultEnableZWrite )
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
self . mEnablePerspectiveCorrection = kwargs . get ( ' mEnablePerspectiveCorrection ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultEnablePerspectiveCorrection )
self . mTextureBlendMode = kwargs . get ( ' mTextureBlendMode ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultTextureBlendMode )
self . mTextureAddressMode = kwargs . get ( ' mTextureAddressMode ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultTextureAddressMode )
self . mZFunc = kwargs . get ( ' mZFunc ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultZFunc )
self . mAlphaFunc = kwargs . get ( ' mAlphaFunc ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultAlphaFunc )
self . mTextureBorderColor = kwargs . get ( ' mTextureBorderColor ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultTextureBorderColor ) . clone ( )
self . mAlphaRef = kwargs . get ( ' mAlphaRef ' , RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultAlphaRef )
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
def regulate ( self ) :
# regulate colors
self . mDiffuse . regulate ( )
self . mAmbient . regulate ( )
self . mSpecular . regulate ( )
self . mEmissive . regulate ( )
self . mTextureBorderColor . regulate ( )
# only diffuse and texture border color can have alpha component
self . mAmbient . a = 1.0
self . mSpecular . a = 1.0
self . mEmissive . a = 1.0
# alpha ref limit
self . mAlphaRef = UTIL_functions . clamp_int ( self . mAlphaRef , 0 , 255 )
# specular power
self . mSpecularPower = UTIL_functions . clamp_float ( self . mSpecularPower , 0.0 , 100.0 )
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
class BBP_PG_virtools_material ( bpy . types . PropertyGroup ) :
ambient : bpy . props . FloatVectorProperty (
name = " Ambient " ,
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
description = " Ambient color of the material " ,
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
subtype = ' COLOR ' ,
min = 0.0 ,
max = 1.0 ,
size = 3 ,
2023-11-09 17:20:57 +08:00
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultAmbient . to_const_rgb ( )
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
diffuse : bpy . props . FloatVectorProperty (
name = " Diffuse " ,
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
description = " Diffuse color of the material " ,
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
subtype = ' COLOR_GAMMA ' ,
min = 0.0 ,
max = 1.0 ,
size = 4 ,
2023-11-09 17:20:57 +08:00
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultDiffuse . to_const_rgba ( )
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
specular : bpy . props . FloatVectorProperty (
name = " Specular " ,
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
description = " Specular color of the material " ,
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
subtype = ' COLOR ' ,
min = 0.0 ,
max = 1.0 ,
size = 3 ,
2023-11-09 17:20:57 +08:00
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultSpecular . to_const_rgb ( )
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
emissive : bpy . props . FloatVectorProperty (
name = " Emissive " ,
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
description = " Emissive color of the material " ,
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
subtype = ' COLOR ' ,
min = 0.0 ,
max = 1.0 ,
size = 3 ,
2023-11-09 17:20:57 +08:00
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultEmissive . to_const_rgb ( )
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
specular_power : bpy . props . FloatProperty (
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
name = " Power " ,
description = " Specular highlight power " ,
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
min = 0.0 ,
max = 100.0 ,
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultSpecularPower
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
texture : bpy . props . PointerProperty (
type = bpy . types . Image ,
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
name = " Texture " ,
description = " Texture of the material "
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
texture_border_color : bpy . props . FloatVectorProperty (
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
name = " Border Color " ,
description = " The border color is used when the texture address mode is VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSBORDER. " ,
subtype = ' COLOR_GAMMA ' ,
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
min = 0.0 ,
max = 1.0 ,
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
size = 4 ,
2023-11-09 17:20:57 +08:00
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultTextureBorderColor . to_const_rgba ( )
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
texture_blend_mode : bpy . props . EnumProperty (
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
name = " Texture Blend " ,
description = " Texture blend mode " ,
2023-11-11 13:32:58 +08:00
items = generate_vt_enums_for_bl_enumprop (
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
) ,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultTextureBlendMode . value
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
texture_min_mode : bpy . props . EnumProperty (
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
name = " Filter Min " ,
description = " Texture filter mode when the texture is minified " ,
2023-11-11 13:32:58 +08:00
items = generate_vt_enums_for_bl_enumprop (
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
) ,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultTextureMinMode . value
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
texture_mag_mode : bpy . props . EnumProperty (
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
name = " Filter Mag " ,
description = " Texture filter mode when the texture is magnified " ,
2023-11-11 13:32:58 +08:00
items = generate_vt_enums_for_bl_enumprop (
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
) ,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultTextureMagMode . value
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
texture_address_mode : bpy . props . EnumProperty (
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
name = " Address Mode " ,
description = " The address mode controls how the texture coordinates outside the range 0..1 " ,
2023-11-11 13:32:58 +08:00
items = generate_vt_enums_for_bl_enumprop (
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
) ,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultTextureAddressMode . value
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
source_blend : bpy . props . EnumProperty (
name = " Source Blend " ,
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
description = " Source blend factor " ,
2023-11-11 13:32:58 +08:00
items = generate_vt_enums_for_bl_enumprop (
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE ,
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
) ,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultSourceBlend . value
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
dest_blend : bpy . props . EnumProperty (
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
name = " Destination Blend " ,
description = " Destination blend factor " ,
2023-11-11 13:32:58 +08:00
items = generate_vt_enums_for_bl_enumprop (
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE ,
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
) ,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultDestBlend . value
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
fill_mode : bpy . props . EnumProperty (
name = " Fill Mode " ,
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
description = " Fill mode " ,
2023-11-11 13:32:58 +08:00
items = generate_vt_enums_for_bl_enumprop (
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
UTIL_virtools_types . VXFILL_MODE ,
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
) ,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultFillMode . value
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
shade_mode : bpy . props . EnumProperty (
name = " Shade Mode " ,
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
description = " Shade mode " ,
2023-11-11 13:32:58 +08:00
items = generate_vt_enums_for_bl_enumprop (
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
UTIL_virtools_types . VXSHADE_MODE ,
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
) ,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultShadeMode . value
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
enable_alpha_test : bpy . props . BoolProperty (
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
name = " Alpha Test " ,
description = " Whether the alpha test is enabled " ,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultEnableAlphaTest
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
enable_alpha_blend : bpy . props . BoolProperty (
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
name = " Blend " ,
description = " Whether alpha blending is enabled or not. " ,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultEnableAlphaBlend
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
enable_perspective_correction : bpy . props . BoolProperty (
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
name = " Perspective Correction " ,
description = " Whether texture perspective correction is enabled " ,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultEnablePerspectiveCorrection
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
enable_z_write : bpy . props . BoolProperty (
name = " Z-Buffer Write " ,
description = " Whether writing in ZBuffer is enabled. " ,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultEnableZWrite
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
enable_two_sided : bpy . props . BoolProperty (
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
name = " Both Sided " ,
description = " Whether the material is both sided or not " ,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultEnableTwoSided
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
alpha_ref : bpy . props . IntProperty (
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
name = " Alpha Ref Value " ,
description = " Alpha referential value " ,
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
min = 0 ,
max = 255 ,
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultAlphaRef
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
alpha_func : bpy . props . EnumProperty (
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
name = " Alpha Test Function " ,
description = " Alpha comparision function " ,
2023-11-11 13:32:58 +08:00
items = generate_vt_enums_for_bl_enumprop (
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC ,
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
) ,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultAlphaFunc . value
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
z_func : bpy . props . EnumProperty (
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
name = " Z Compare Function " ,
description = " Z Comparison function " ,
2023-11-11 13:32:58 +08:00
items = generate_vt_enums_for_bl_enumprop (
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC ,
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
) ,
default = RawVirtoolsMaterial . cDefaultZFunc . value
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
#region Getter Setter
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
def get_virtools_material ( mtl : bpy . types . Material ) - > BBP_PG_virtools_material :
return mtl . virtools_material
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
def get_raw_virtools_material ( mtl : bpy . types . Material ) - > RawVirtoolsMaterial :
props : BBP_PG_virtools_material = get_virtools_material ( mtl )
rawdata : RawVirtoolsMaterial = RawVirtoolsMaterial ( )
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-11-10 12:26:04 +08:00
rawdata . mDiffuse . from_const_rgba ( props . diffuse )
rawdata . mAmbient . from_const_rgb ( props . ambient )
rawdata . mSpecular . from_const_rgb ( props . specular )
rawdata . mEmissive . from_const_rgb ( props . emissive )
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
rawdata . mSpecularPower = props . specular_power
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
rawdata . mTexture = props . texture
2023-11-10 12:26:04 +08:00
rawdata . mTextureBorderColor . from_const_rgba ( props . texture_border_color )
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
rawdata . mTextureBlendMode = UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_BLENDMODE ( int ( props . texture_blend_mode ) )
rawdata . mTextureMinMode = UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE ( int ( props . texture_min_mode ) )
rawdata . mTextureMagMode = UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_FILTERMODE ( int ( props . texture_mag_mode ) )
rawdata . mTextureAddressMode = UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE ( int ( props . texture_address_mode ) )
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
rawdata . mSourceBlend = UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE ( int ( props . source_blend ) )
rawdata . mDestBlend = UTIL_virtools_types . VXBLEND_MODE ( int ( props . dest_blend ) )
rawdata . mFillMode = UTIL_virtools_types . VXFILL_MODE ( int ( props . fill_mode ) )
rawdata . mShadeMode = UTIL_virtools_types . VXSHADE_MODE ( int ( props . shade_mode ) )
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
rawdata . mEnableAlphaTest = props . enable_alpha_test
rawdata . mEnableAlphaBlend = props . enable_alpha_blend
rawdata . mEnablePerspectiveCorrection = props . enable_perspective_correction
rawdata . mEnableZWrite = props . enable_z_write
rawdata . mEnableTwoSided = props . enable_two_sided
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
rawdata . mAlphaRef = props . alpha_ref
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
rawdata . mAlphaFunc = UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC ( int ( props . alpha_func ) )
rawdata . mZFunc = UTIL_virtools_types . VXCMPFUNC ( int ( props . z_func ) )
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
rawdata . regulate ( )
return rawdata
def set_raw_virtools_material ( mtl : bpy . types . Material , rawdata : RawVirtoolsMaterial ) - > None :
props : BBP_PG_virtools_material = get_virtools_material ( mtl )
2023-11-09 17:20:57 +08:00
props . diffuse = rawdata . mDiffuse . to_const_rgba ( )
props . ambient = rawdata . mAmbient . to_const_rgb ( )
props . specular = rawdata . mSpecular . to_const_rgb ( )
props . emissive = rawdata . mEmissive . to_const_rgb ( )
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
props . specular_power = rawdata . mSpecularPower
props . texture = rawdata . mTexture
2023-11-09 17:20:57 +08:00
props . texture_border_color = rawdata . mTextureBorderColor . to_const_rgba ( )
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
props . texture_blend_mode = str ( rawdata . mTextureBlendMode . value )
props . texture_min_mode = str ( rawdata . mTextureMinMode . value )
props . texture_mag_mode = str ( rawdata . mTextureMagMode . value )
props . texture_address_mode = str ( rawdata . mTextureAddressMode . value )
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
props . source_blend = str ( rawdata . mSourceBlend . value )
props . dest_blend = str ( rawdata . mDestBlend . value )
props . fill_mode = str ( rawdata . mFillMode . value )
props . shade_mode = str ( rawdata . mShadeMode . value )
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
props . enable_alpha_test = rawdata . mEnableAlphaTest
props . enable_alpha_blend = rawdata . mEnableAlphaBlend
props . enable_perspective_correction = rawdata . mEnablePerspectiveCorrection
props . enable_z_write = rawdata . mEnableZWrite
props . enable_two_sided = rawdata . mEnableTwoSided
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
props . alpha_ref = rawdata . mAlphaRef
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
props . alpha_func = str ( rawdata . mAlphaFunc . value )
props . z_func = str ( rawdata . mZFunc . value )
def apply_to_blender_material ( mtl : bpy . types . Material ) :
# get raw material data
rawdata : RawVirtoolsMaterial = get_raw_virtools_material ( mtl )
# enable nodes mode
mtl . use_nodes = True
# delete all existed nodes
for node in mtl . node_tree . nodes :
mtl . node_tree . nodes . remove ( node )
# create ballance-style blender material
2023-11-14 21:24:09 +08:00
# for sockets name, see `bpy_extras.node_shader_utils` for more infos
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
bnode : bpy . types . ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled = mtl . node_tree . nodes . new ( type = " ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled " )
mnode : bpy . types . ShaderNodeOutputMaterial = mtl . node_tree . nodes . new ( type = " ShaderNodeOutputMaterial " )
2023-11-14 21:24:09 +08:00
mtl . node_tree . links . new ( bnode . outputs [ " BSDF " ] , mnode . inputs [ " Surface " ] )
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
# set basic colors
2023-11-14 21:24:09 +08:00
metallic_value = sum ( rawdata . mAmbient . to_const_rgb ( ) ) / 3
mtl . metallic = metallic_value
bnode . inputs [ " Metallic " ] . default_value = metallic_value
diffuse_value = rawdata . mDiffuse . to_const_rgba ( )
mtl . diffuse_color = diffuse_value
bnode . inputs [ " Base Color " ] . default_value = diffuse_value
2023-11-09 17:20:57 +08:00
mtl . specular_color = rawdata . mSpecular . to_const_rgb ( )
2023-11-14 21:24:09 +08:00
bnode . inputs [ " Emission " ] . default_value = rawdata . mEmissive . to_const_rgba ( )
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
mtl . specular_intensity = rawdata . mSpecularPower
2023-11-14 21:24:09 +08:00
bnode . inputs [ " Specular " ] . default_value = UTIL_functions . clamp_float (
rawdata . mSpecularPower , 0.0 , 1.0
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
# set some alpha data
mtl . use_backface_culling = not rawdata . mEnableTwoSided
mtl . blend_method = ' BLEND ' if rawdata . mEnableAlphaBlend else ' OPAQUE '
# set texture
if rawdata . mTexture is not None :
# basic texture setter
inode : bpy . types . ShaderNodeTexImage = mtl . node_tree . nodes . new ( type = " ShaderNodeTexImage " )
inode . image = rawdata . mTexture
2023-11-14 21:24:09 +08:00
mtl . node_tree . links . new ( inode . outputs [ " Color " ] , bnode . inputs [ " Base Color " ] )
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
# todo: sync texture mapping config here
# link alpha if necessary
if rawdata . mEnableAlphaBlend :
2023-11-14 21:24:09 +08:00
mtl . node_tree . links . new ( inode . outputs [ " Alpha " ] , bnode . inputs [ " Alpha " ] )
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
#region Preset Paramters
class MaterialPresetType ( enum . IntEnum ) :
FloorSide = enum . auto ( )
FloorTop = enum . auto ( )
TrafoPaper = enum . auto ( )
TraforWoodStone = enum . auto ( )
Rail = enum . auto ( )
WoodPath = enum . auto ( )
WoodChip = enum . auto ( )
class MaterialPresetData ( ) :
mDisplayName : str
mData : RawVirtoolsMaterial
def __init__ ( self , display_name : str , data : RawVirtoolsMaterial ) :
self . mDisplayName = display_name
self . mData = data
g_MaterialPresets : dict [ int , MaterialPresetData ] = {
MaterialPresetType . FloorSide . value : MaterialPresetData (
" Floor Side " ,
RawVirtoolsMaterial (
mAmbient = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ,
mDiffuse = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 122 / 255.0 , 122 / 255.0 , 122 / 255.0 ) ,
mSpecular = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ,
mEmissive = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 104 / 255.0 , 104 / 255.0 , 104 / 255.0 ) ,
mSpecularPower = 0.0
) ,
MaterialPresetType . FloorTop . value : MaterialPresetData (
" Floor Top " ,
RawVirtoolsMaterial (
mAmbient = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ,
mDiffuse = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ) ,
mSpecular = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 80 / 255.0 , 80 / 255.0 , 80 / 255.0 ) ,
mEmissive = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ,
mSpecularPower = 100.0
) ,
MaterialPresetType . TrafoPaper . value : MaterialPresetData (
" Transform Paper " ,
RawVirtoolsMaterial (
mAmbient = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 25 / 255.0 , 25 / 255.0 , 25 / 255.0 ) ,
mDiffuse = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ) ,
mSpecular = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ,
mEmissive = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 100 / 255.0 , 100 / 255.0 , 100 / 255.0 ) ,
mSpecularPower = 0.0
) ,
MaterialPresetType . TraforWoodStone . value : MaterialPresetData (
" Transform Stone & Wood " ,
RawVirtoolsMaterial (
mAmbient = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 25 / 255.0 , 25 / 255.0 , 25 / 255.0 ) ,
mDiffuse = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ) ,
mSpecular = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 229 / 255.0 , 229 / 255.0 , 229 / 255.0 ) ,
mEmissive = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 60 / 255.0 , 60 / 255.0 , 60 / 255.0 ) ,
mSpecularPower = 0.0
) ,
MaterialPresetType . Rail . value : MaterialPresetData (
" Rail " ,
RawVirtoolsMaterial (
mAmbient = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ,
mDiffuse = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 100 / 255.0 , 118 / 255.0 , 133 / 255.0 ) ,
mSpecular = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 210 / 255.0 , 210 / 255.0 , 210 / 255.0 ) ,
mEmissive = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 124 / 255.0 , 134 / 255.0 , 150 / 255.0 ) ,
mSpecularPower = 10.0
) ,
MaterialPresetType . WoodPath . value : MaterialPresetData (
" Wood Path " ,
RawVirtoolsMaterial (
mAmbient = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 2 / 255.0 , 2 / 255.0 , 2 / 255.0 ) ,
mDiffuse = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ) ,
mSpecular = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 59 / 255.0 , 59 / 255.0 , 59 / 255.0 ) ,
mEmissive = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 30 / 255.0 , 30 / 255.0 , 30 / 255.0 ) ,
mSpecularPower = 25.0
) ,
MaterialPresetType . WoodChip . value : MaterialPresetData (
" Wood Chip " ,
RawVirtoolsMaterial (
mAmbient = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 25 / 255.0 , 25 / 255.0 , 25 / 255.0 ) ,
mDiffuse = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ) ,
mSpecular = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 100 / 255.0 , 100 / 255.0 , 100 / 255.0 ) ,
mEmissive = UTIL_virtools_types . VxColor ( 50 / 255.0 , 50 / 255.0 , 50 / 255.0 ) ,
mSpecularPower = 50.0
) ,
2023-10-15 21:13:56 +08:00
def preset_virtools_material ( mtl : bpy . types . Material , preset_type : MaterialPresetType ) - > None :
preset_data : MaterialPresetData = g_MaterialPresets [ preset_type . value ]
set_raw_virtools_material ( mtl , preset_data . mData )
2023-10-27 11:51:12 +08:00
def _generate_mtl_presets_for_bl_enumprop ( ) - > tuple [ BlenderEnumPropEntry_t , . . . ] :
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
# define 2 assist functions
def get_display_name ( v : int ) :
entry : MaterialPresetData | None = g_MaterialPresets . get ( v , None )
if entry : return entry . mDisplayName
else : return " "
# token, display name, descriptions, icon, index
return tuple (
( str ( member . value ) , get_display_name ( member . value ) , " " , " " , member . value ) for member in MaterialPresetType
#region Operators
class BBP_OT_apply_virtools_material ( bpy . types . Operator ) :
""" Apply Virtools Material to Blender Material. """
bl_idname = " bbp.apply_virtools_material "
bl_label = " Apply to Blender Material "
bl_options = { ' UNDO ' }
def poll ( cls , context ) :
return context . material is not None
def execute ( self , context ) :
mtl : bpy . types . Material = context . material
apply_to_blender_material ( mtl )
return { ' FINISHED ' }
class BBP_OT_preset_virtools_material ( bpy . types . Operator ) :
""" Preset Virtools Material with Original Ballance Data. """
bl_idname = " bbp.preset_virtools_material "
bl_label = " Preset Virtools Material "
bl_options = { ' UNDO ' }
preset_type : bpy . props . EnumProperty (
name = " Preset " ,
description = " The preset which you want to apply. " ,
2023-10-27 11:51:12 +08:00
items = _generate_mtl_presets_for_bl_enumprop ( ) ,
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
def poll ( cls , context ) :
return context . material is not None
def invoke ( self , context , event ) :
wm = context . window_manager
return wm . invoke_props_dialog ( self )
def draw ( self , context ) :
self . layout . prop ( self , " preset_type " )
def execute ( self , context ) :
2023-10-15 21:13:56 +08:00
# get essential value
mtl : bpy . types . Material = context . material
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
expected_preset : MaterialPresetType = MaterialPresetType ( int ( self . preset_type ) )
# apply preset to material
2023-10-15 21:13:56 +08:00
preset_virtools_material ( mtl , expected_preset )
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
return { ' FINISHED ' }
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
class BBP_PT_virtools_material ( bpy . types . Panel ) :
""" Show Virtools Material Properties. """
bl_label = " Virtools Material "
bl_idname = " BBP_PT_virtools_material "
bl_space_type = ' PROPERTIES '
bl_region_type = ' WINDOW '
bl_context = " material "
def poll ( cls , context ) :
return context . material is not None
2023-10-11 10:55:45 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
def draw ( self , context ) :
# get layout and target
layout = self . layout
props : BBP_PG_virtools_material = get_virtools_material ( context . material )
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
# draw operator
layout . operator ( BBP_OT_preset_virtools_material . bl_idname , icon = " PRESET " )
layout . operator ( BBP_OT_apply_virtools_material . bl_idname , icon = " NODETREE " )
# draw data
layout . label ( text = " Color Parameters " )
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
layout . prop ( props , ' ambient ' )
layout . prop ( props , ' diffuse ' )
layout . prop ( props , ' specular ' )
layout . prop ( props , ' emissive ' )
layout . prop ( props , ' specular_power ' )
layout . separator ( )
layout . label ( text = " Mode Parameters " )
layout . prop ( props , ' enable_two_sided ' )
layout . prop ( props , ' fill_mode ' )
layout . prop ( props , ' shade_mode ' )
layout . separator ( )
layout . label ( text = " Texture Parameters " )
layout . prop ( props , ' texture ' , emboss = True )
2023-11-11 13:32:58 +08:00
if props . texture is not None :
2023-11-14 21:24:09 +08:00
# have texture, show texture settings and enclosed by a border.
boxlayout = layout . box ( )
boxlayout . label ( text = " Virtools Texture Settings " )
PROP_virtools_texture . draw_virtools_texture ( props . texture , boxlayout )
2023-11-11 13:32:58 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
layout . prop ( props , ' texture_blend_mode ' )
layout . prop ( props , ' texture_min_mode ' )
layout . prop ( props , ' texture_mag_mode ' )
layout . prop ( props , ' texture_address_mode ' )
layout . prop ( props , ' enable_perspective_correction ' )
if ( int ( props . texture_address_mode ) == UTIL_virtools_types . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSMODE . VXTEXTURE_ADDRESSBORDER . value ) :
layout . prop ( props , ' texture_border_color ' )
layout . separator ( )
layout . label ( text = " Alpha Test Parameters " )
layout . prop ( props , ' enable_alpha_test ' )
if props . enable_alpha_test :
layout . prop ( props , ' alpha_func ' )
layout . prop ( props , ' alpha_ref ' )
layout . separator ( )
layout . label ( text = " Alpha Blend Parameters " )
layout . prop ( props , ' enable_alpha_blend ' )
if props . enable_alpha_blend :
layout . prop ( props , ' source_blend ' )
layout . prop ( props , ' dest_blend ' )
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
layout . separator ( )
layout . label ( text = " Z Write Parameters " )
layout . prop ( props , ' enable_z_write ' )
if props . enable_z_write :
layout . prop ( props , ' z_func ' )
2023-10-12 22:15:21 +08:00
2023-10-14 11:48:41 +08:00
def register ( ) :
2023-10-27 11:51:12 +08:00
bpy . utils . register_class ( BBP_PG_virtools_material )
bpy . utils . register_class ( BBP_OT_apply_virtools_material )
bpy . utils . register_class ( BBP_OT_preset_virtools_material )
bpy . utils . register_class ( BBP_PT_virtools_material )
2023-10-14 11:48:41 +08:00
# add into material metadata
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
bpy . types . Material . virtools_material = bpy . props . PointerProperty ( type = BBP_PG_virtools_material )
2023-10-14 11:48:41 +08:00
def unregister ( ) :
# del from material metadata
2023-10-11 22:24:22 +08:00
del bpy . types . Material . virtools_material
2023-10-14 11:48:41 +08:00
2023-10-27 11:51:12 +08:00
bpy . utils . unregister_class ( BBP_PT_virtools_material )
bpy . utils . unregister_class ( BBP_OT_preset_virtools_material )
bpy . utils . unregister_class ( BBP_OT_apply_virtools_material )
bpy . utils . unregister_class ( BBP_PG_virtools_material )